コード例 #1
ファイル: license.go プロジェクト: xushiwei/ephenation-server
// #258 update user last seen
func (lp *License) SaveLogonTime_Bl() {
	start := time.Now()
	db := ephenationdb.New()
	if db == nil {
		log.Println("license.SaveLogonTime: Failed to save logon time")

	defer ephenationdb.Release(db) // Defer database close when we are sure that the db is open

	// Update last seen online --> Moved from Save() due to issue #87: LastSeen not updated in database
	now := time.Now()
	nowstring := fmt.Sprintf("%4v-%02v-%02v", now.Year(), int(now.Month()), now.Day())

	query := "UPDATE users SET lastseen='" + nowstring + "' WHERE email='" + lp.mail + "'"
	if *verboseFlag > 0 {
	err := db.Query(query)

	if err != nil {

	elapsed := time.Now().Sub(start)
	// if elapsed > UPPER_TIME_LIMIT && *verboseFlag > 0 {
	log.Printf("license.SaveLogonTime %d ms\n", elapsed/1e6)
	// }
コード例 #2
ファイル: chunkdb.go プロジェクト: xushiwei/ephenation-server
// Save the allocated chunks for the specified avatar
func SaveAvatar_Bl(avatar uint32, chunks []CC) bool {
	if *disableSave {
		// Ignore the save, pretend everything is fine
		return true
	db = ephenationdb.New()
	if db == nil {
		return false
	defer ephenationdb.Release(db)
	// First delete the current allocation, and replace with the new
	query := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM chunkdata WHERE avatarID=%d", avatar)
	err := db.Query(query)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	if len(chunks) == 0 {
		return true
	query = "INSERT INTO chunkdata (x,y,z,avatarID) VALUES "
	comma := ""
	for _, ch := range chunks {
		query += fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d,%d,%d,%d)", comma, ch.X, ch.Y, ch.Z, avatar)
		comma = ","
	err = db.Query(query)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	return true
コード例 #3
ファイル: doTest.go プロジェクト: fanflash/ephenation-server
// Some rudimentary tests to get SQL connections
func DoTestSQL() bool {
	db := ephenationdb.New()
	DoTestCheck("DoTestSQL Got connection", db != nil)
	if db == nil {
		// Cancel the other tests
		return false
	db2 := ephenationdb.New()
	DoTestCheck("DoTestSQL Got same (cached) connection again", db2 == db)
	db3 := ephenationdb.New()
	DoTestCheck("DoTestSQL Got new connection", db3 != db2 && db3 != nil)
	return true
コード例 #4
ファイル: score.go プロジェクト: xushiwei/ephenation-server
// Iterate over the copy of all scores, and save to SQL DB where needed.
func update(list []*territoryScore) {
	if *disableSQL {
	db := ephenationdb.New()
	if db == nil {
		return // Give it up for this time
	defer ephenationdb.Release(db)
	now := time.Now()
	for _, ts := range list {
		if !ts.initialized {
			log.Println("score.update initialize from DB for", ts.uid)
			loadFromSQL(db, ts)

		if !ts.modified {

		oldScore := ts.Score
		oldBalance := ts.ScoreBalance

		if ts.initialized {
			// Normally, it is initialized, but stay on the safe side if there was a problem.
			saveToSQL(db, ts)
			log.Printf("score.update %s to %.1f (diff %f), Balance %.1f (diff %f)\n", ts.name, ts.Score, ts.Score-oldScore, ts.ScoreBalance, ts.ScoreBalance-oldBalance)
コード例 #5
ファイル: chunkdb.go プロジェクト: xushiwei/ephenation-server
// Find the list of all chunks allocated for an avatar
// Return false in case of failure
func ReadAvatar_Bl(avatarID uint32) ([]CC, bool) {
	db = ephenationdb.New()
	if db == nil {
		log.Println("chunkdb.ReadAvatar_Bl failed")
		return nil, false
	defer ephenationdb.Release(db)
	// Build a query for the given chunk coordinate as an argument
	query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM chunkdata WHERE avatarID=%d", avatarID)
	err := db.Query(query)
	if err != nil {
		// Fatal error

	// Store the result
	result, err := db.StoreResult()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false

	// Fetch all rows
	rows := result.FetchRows()
	numRows := result.RowCount()
	FieldNames := result.FetchFields()

	// fmt.Printf("chunkdb.ReadAvatar rows: %v. numRows: %v\n", rows, numRows)
	if rows == nil || numRows == 0 {
		return nil, true

	ret := make([]CC, numRows)

	for r, row := range rows {
		cnt := int(result.FieldCount())
		for i := 0; i < cnt; i++ {
			switch FieldNames[i].Name {
			case "x":
				ret[r].X = int32(row[i].(int64))
			case "y":
				ret[r].Y = int32(row[i].(int64))
			case "z":
				ret[r].Z = int32(row[i].(int64))


	// fmt.Printf("chunkdb.ReadAvatar: Avatar %d (%d,%d,%d)\n", avatarID, x, y, z)
	return ret, true
コード例 #6
ファイル: license.go プロジェクト: xushiwei/ephenation-server
func (lp *License) Save_Bl() bool {
	start := time.Now()
	db := ephenationdb.New()
	if db == nil {
		return false

	defer ephenationdb.Release(db) // Defer database close when we are sure that the db is open

	// Check if the user exists
	query := "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='" + lp.mail + "'"
	err := db.Query(query)
	if err != nil {
		return false

	// Store the result
	result, err := db.StoreResult()
	if err != nil {
		return false

	if result.RowCount() == 0 {

		query = "INSERT INTO users SET email='" + lp.mail + "', password='******', isvalidated=1, "
		query = query + "licensekey='" + lp.License + "'"

		err = db.Query(query)
	} else {

		// Update password
		// TODO: check if password has changed? Add parameter in struct to know if changed or not?
		query = "UPDATE users SET password='******' WHERE email='" + lp.mail + "'"
		err = db.Query(query)
		if err != nil {
			return false

	elapsed := time.Now().Sub(start)
	// if elapsed > UPPER_TIME_LIMIT && *verboseFlag > 0 {
	log.Printf("license.Save %d ms\n", elapsed/1e6)
	// }
	return true
コード例 #7
ファイル: license.go プロジェクト: xushiwei/ephenation-server
// Load a license. Return nil if error.
func Load_Bl(mail string) *License {
	var license License

	start := time.Now()
	db := ephenationdb.New()
	if db == nil {
		return nil

	// Build a query for the user email sent as an argument
	query := "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='" + mail + "'"
	if *verboseFlag > 0 {
	err := db.Query(query)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	defer ephenationdb.Release(db) // Defer database release when we are sure that the db is open

	// Store the result
	result, err := db.UseResult()
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	// Fetch row
	row := result.FetchRow()
	if row == nil {
		if *verboseFlag > 0 {
			log.Printf("No result for %v\n", mail)
		return nil

	// Assign mail as license.mail
	license.mail = mail
	idnumfields := 0

	const (
		ID_MAIL  = 1 << iota
		ID_LIC   = 1 << iota
		ID_PASSW = 1 << iota
		ID_LAST  = 1 << iota

	// TODO: Read more information: license type, valid until (if license terminates during connection)
	for x := 0; x < int(result.FieldCount()); x++ {
		FieldName := result.FetchField().Name
		switch FieldName {
		case "email":
			license.mail = fmt.Sprint(row[x])
			idnumfields |= ID_MAIL
		case "licensekey":
			license.License = fmt.Sprint(row[x])
			idnumfields |= ID_LIC
		case "password":
			license.Password = fmt.Sprint(row[x])
			idnumfields |= ID_PASSW
		case "lastseen":
			license.LastSeen = fmt.Sprintf("%s", row[x])
			idnumfields |= ID_LAST

	db.FreeResult() // Required to get back in sync

	// If all fields have been identified, continue, otherwise return failure
	if idnumfields != ID_MAIL|ID_LIC|ID_PASSW|ID_LAST {
		if *verboseFlag > 0 {
			log.Printf("Not proper content: %v\n", idnumfields)
		return nil // return fail

	// Read avatar names
	query = "SELECT name FROM avatars WHERE owner='" + license.mail + "'"
	if *verboseFlag > 0 {
	err = db.Query(query)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	// Store the result
	result, err = db.StoreResult()
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	rowcount := result.RowCount()
	temps := make([]string, rowcount)

	for x := 0; x < int(rowcount); x++ {
		// Fetch row
		row = result.FetchRow()
		if row == nil {
			// TODO: Error handling
		temps[x] = fmt.Sprint(row[0])


	license.Names = temps

	if *verboseFlag > 0 {
		log.Printf("license.Load done: %v\n", license)
		elapsed := time.Now().Sub(start)
		if elapsed > UPPER_TIME_LIMIT {
			log.Printf("license.Load %d ms\n", elapsed/1e6)

	return &license
コード例 #8
func DumpSQL() {
	db := ephenationdb.New()
	if db == nil {
	defer ephenationdb.Release(db)

	// Build a query for the avatar name sent as an argument
	// TODO: Assert that the avatar name is unique and on this server for the current user?
	query := "SELECT name,jsonstring,id,PositionX,PositionY,PositionZ,isFlying,isClimbing,isDead,DirHor,DirVert,AdminLevel,Level,Experience,HitPoints,Mana,Kills,HomeX,HomeY,HomeZ,ReviveX,ReviveY,ReviveZ,maxchunks,BlocksAdded,BlocksRemoved,TimeOnline,HeadType,BodyType,inventory,TScoreTotal,TScoreBalance,TScoreTime,TargetX,TargetY,TargetZ FROM avatars"
	stmt, err := db.Prepare(query)
	if err != nil {

	// Execute statement
	err = stmt.Execute()
	if err != nil {

	// Some helper variables
	var packedline string
	var uid uint32
	var packedInv []byte
	var terrScore, terrScoreBalance float64
	var terrScoreTimestamp uint32
	// Booleans doesn't work
	var flying, climbing, dead int
	var pl player
	stmt.BindResult(&pl.name, &packedline, &uid, &pl.coord.X, &pl.coord.Y, &pl.coord.Z, &flying, &climbing, &dead, &pl.dirHor, &pl.dirVert, &pl.adminLevel, &pl.level,
		&pl.exp, &pl.hitPoints, &pl.mana, &pl.numKill, &pl.homeSP.X, &pl.homeSP.Y, &pl.homeSP.Z, &pl.reviveSP.X, &pl.reviveSP.Y, &pl.reviveSP.Z, &pl.maxchunks,
		&pl.blockAdd, &pl.blockRem, &pl.timeOnline, &pl.head, &pl.body, &packedInv, &terrScore, &terrScoreBalance, &terrScoreTimestamp,
		&pl.targetCoor.X, &pl.targetCoor.Y, &pl.targetCoor.Z)

	for {
		eof, err := stmt.Fetch()
		if err != nil {
		if eof {
		// Some post processing
		if flying == 1 {
			pl.flying = true
		if climbing == 1 {
			pl.climbing = true
		if dead == 1 {
			pl.dead = true

		if pl.maxchunks == -1 {
			// This parameter was not initialized.
			pl.maxchunks = CnfgMaxOwnChunk
		DumpSQLPlayer(&pl, packedline, packedInv)
コード例 #9
ファイル: player.go プロジェクト: xushiwei/ephenation-server
// Return true if ok, and the uid of the player.
// TODO: Improve error handlng
func (pl *player) Load_WLwBlWLc(name string) (uint32, bool) {
	// Connect to database
	db := ephenationdb.New()
	if db == nil {
		return 0, false
	defer ephenationdb.Release(db)

	// Build a query for the avatar name sent as an argument
	// TODO: Assert that the avatar name is unique and on this server for the current user?
	query := "SELECT jsonstring,id,PositionX,PositionY,PositionZ,isFlying,isClimbing,isDead,DirHor,DirVert,AdminLevel,Level,Experience,HitPoints,Mana,Kills,HomeX,HomeY,HomeZ,ReviveX,ReviveY,ReviveZ,maxchunks,BlocksAdded,BlocksRemoved,TimeOnline,HeadType,BodyType,inventory,TScoreTotal,TScoreBalance,TScoreTime,TargetX,TargetY,TargetZ FROM avatars WHERE name='" + name + "'"
	stmt, err := db.Prepare(query)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, false

	// Execute statement
	err = stmt.Execute()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, false

	// Some helper variables
	var packedline string
	var uid uint32
	var packedInv []byte
	var terrScore, terrScoreBalance float64
	var terrScoreTimestamp uint32
	// Booleans doesn't work
	var flying, climbing, dead int
	stmt.BindResult(&packedline, &uid, &pl.coord.X, &pl.coord.Y, &pl.coord.Z, &flying, &climbing, &dead, &pl.dirHor, &pl.dirVert, &pl.adminLevel, &pl.level,
		&pl.exp, &pl.hitPoints, &pl.mana, &pl.numKill, &pl.homeSP.X, &pl.homeSP.Y, &pl.homeSP.Z, &pl.reviveSP.X, &pl.reviveSP.Y, &pl.reviveSP.Z, &pl.maxchunks,
		&pl.blockAdd, &pl.blockRem, &pl.timeOnline, &pl.head, &pl.body, &packedInv, &terrScore, &terrScoreBalance, &terrScoreTimestamp,
		&pl.targetCoor.X, &pl.targetCoor.Y, &pl.targetCoor.Z)

	for {
		eof, err := stmt.Fetch()
		if err != nil {
			return 0, false
		if eof {

	// log.Println(pl.targetCoor)

	// Some post processing
	pl.name = name
	if flying == 1 {
		pl.flying = true
	if climbing == 1 {
		pl.climbing = true
	if dead == 1 {
		pl.dead = true

	if pl.maxchunks == -1 {
		// This parameter was not initialized.
		pl.maxchunks = CnfgMaxOwnChunk

	pl.logonTimer = time.Now()

	if err = json.Unmarshal([]uint8(packedline), pl); err != nil {
		log.Printf("Unmarshal player %s: %v (%v)\n", name, err, packedline)
		// TODO: This covers errors when updating the jsonstring, should be handled in a more approperiate way
		//return 0, false

	// If there was data in the inventory "blob", unpack it.
	if len(packedInv) > 0 {
		err = pl.inventory.Unpack([]byte(packedInv))
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Failed to unpack", err, packedInv)
		// Save what can be saved, and remove unknown objects.
	if *verboseFlag > 1 {
		log.Println("Inventory unpacked", pl.inventory)

	//fmt.Printf("Coord: (%v,%v,%v)\n", pl.coord.X, pl.coord.Y, pl.coord.Z )

	if pl.reviveSP.X == 0 && pl.reviveSP.Y == 0 && pl.reviveSP.Z == 0 {
		// Check if there is any spawn point defined.
		pl.reviveSP = pl.coord
		pl.homeSP = pl.coord

	// Load the allocated territories. This is loaded every time a player logs in, but not at logout or player save.
	// It will however be updated immediately when the player changes his allocation.
	terr, ok := chunkdb.ReadAvatar_Bl(uint32(uid))
	if !ok {
		return 0, false
	pl.territory = terr
	score.Initialize(uid, terrScore, terrScoreBalance, terrScoreTimestamp, name, len(terr))
	// fmt.Printf("User: %#v\n", pl)
	return uint32(uid), true
コード例 #10
ファイル: player.go プロジェクト: xushiwei/ephenation-server
// TODO: Improve error handling
// Return true if the save succeeded.
func (pl *player) Save_Bl() bool {
	// Connect to database
	start := time.Now()
	db := ephenationdb.New()
	if db == nil {
		return false

	// Do some preprocessing
	b, err := json.Marshal(pl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Marshal %s returned %v\n", pl.name, err)

	inventory, err := pl.inventory.Serialize()

	// Update last seen online
	now := time.Now()
	nowstring := fmt.Sprintf("%4v-%02v-%02v", now.Year(), int(now.Month()), now.Day())

	// Update total time online, in seconds
	TempTimer := time.Now()
	pl.timeOnline += uint32(TempTimer.Sub(pl.logonTimer) / time.Second)
	//fmt.Printf("User has been online %v seconds\n", TempTimer - pl.logonTimer)
	pl.logonTimer = TempTimer // Use the stored value to avoid mismatch

	// Write data on alternative format
	// This section makes the following assumptions:
	// - Avatar name cannot be changed from the server
	// - Avatar looks (head/body) cannot be changed from the server TODO: THIS WILL EVENTUALLY NOT BE TRUE!
	// Booleans doesn't work, transform them to numbers
	query := "UPDATE avatars SET jsonstring=?,PositionX=?,PositionY=?,PositionZ=?,isFlying=?,isClimbing=?,isDead=?,DirHor=?,DirVert=?,AdminLevel=?" +
		",Level=?,Experience=?,HitPoints=?,Mana=?,Kills=?,HomeX=?,HomeY=?,HomeZ=?,ReviveX=?,ReviveY=?,ReviveZ=?" +
		",maxchunks=?,BlocksAdded=?,BlocksRemoved=?,TimeOnline=?,HeadType=?,BodyType=?,lastseen=?,inventory=?,TargetX=?,TargetY=?,TargetZ=?" +
		" WHERE name='" + pl.name + "'"

	stmt, err := db.Prepare(query)
	if err != nil {
		return false

	stmt.BindParams(b, pl.coord.X, pl.coord.Y, pl.coord.Z, Q(pl.flying), Q(pl.climbing), Q(pl.dead), pl.dirHor, pl.dirVert, pl.adminLevel, pl.level,
		pl.exp, pl.hitPoints, pl.mana, pl.numKill, pl.homeSP.X, pl.homeSP.Y, pl.homeSP.Z, pl.reviveSP.X, pl.reviveSP.Y, pl.reviveSP.Z, pl.maxchunks,
		pl.blockAdd, pl.blockRem, pl.timeOnline, pl.head, pl.body, nowstring, inventory, pl.targetCoor.X, pl.targetCoor.Y, pl.targetCoor.Z)

	err = stmt.Execute()
	if err != nil {
		return false

	if *verboseFlag > 1 {
		log.Printf("up.Save_Bl saved %v\n", pl.name)
	elapsed := time.Now().Sub(start)
	if *verboseFlag > 0 {
		log.Printf("up.Save_Bl elapsed %d ms\n", elapsed/1e6)
	return true