コード例 #1
func (self *NsqdCoordinator) putMessagesOnSlave(coord *TopicCoordinator, logData CommitLogData, msgs []*nsqd.Message) *CoordErr {
	if len(msgs) == 0 {
		return ErrPubArgError
	if logData.LogID != int64(msgs[0].ID) {
		return ErrPubArgError
	var logMgr *TopicCommitLogMgr
	// this last log id should be used on slave to avoid the slave switch
	// override the leader's prev mpub message id.
	// While slave is chosen as leader, the next id should be larger than the last logid.
	// Because the mpub maybe already committed after the leader is down, the new leader should begin
	// with the last message id + 1 for next message.
	lastMsgLogID := int64(msgs[len(msgs)-1].ID)
	if logData.LastMsgLogID != lastMsgLogID {
		return ErrPubArgError

	var queueEnd nsqd.BackendQueueEnd
	var topic *nsqd.Topic
	checkDupOnSlave := func(tc *coordData) bool {
		if coordLog.Level() >= levellogger.LOG_DETAIL {
			topicName := tc.topicInfo.Name
			coordLog.Debugf("pub on slave : %v, msg count: %v", topicName, len(msgs))
		logMgr = tc.logMgr
		if logMgr.IsCommitted(logData.LogID) {
			coordLog.Infof("put the already committed log id : %v", logData.LogID)
			return true
		return false

	doLocalWriteOnSlave := func(tc *coordData) *CoordErr {
		var localErr error
		var start time.Time
		checkCost := coordLog.Level() >= levellogger.LOG_DEBUG
		if self.enableBenchCost {
			checkCost = true
		if checkCost {
			start = time.Now()
		topicName := tc.topicInfo.Name
		partition := tc.topicInfo.Partition
		topic, localErr = self.localNsqd.GetExistingTopic(topicName, partition)
		if localErr != nil {
			coordLog.Infof("pub on slave missing topic : %v", topicName)
			// leave the isr and try re-sync with leader
			return &CoordErr{localErr.Error(), RpcErrTopicNotExist, CoordSlaveErr}

		var cost time.Duration
		if checkCost {
			cost = time.Now().Sub(start)
			if cost > time.Millisecond {
				coordLog.Infof("prepare write on slave local cost :%v", cost)

		queueEnd, localErr = topic.PutMessagesOnReplica(msgs, nsqd.BackendOffset(logData.MsgOffset))
		if checkCost {
			cost2 := time.Now().Sub(start)
			if cost2 > time.Millisecond {
				coordLog.Infof("write local on slave cost :%v, %v", cost, cost2)

		if localErr != nil {
			logIndex, lastLogOffset, lastLog, _ := logMgr.GetLastCommitLogOffsetV2()
			coordLog.Errorf("put messages on slave failed: %v, slave last logid: %v, data: %v:%v, %v",
				localErr, logMgr.GetLastCommitLogID(), logIndex, lastLogOffset, lastLog)
			return &CoordErr{localErr.Error(), RpcCommonErr, CoordSlaveErr}
		return nil

	doLocalCommit := func() error {
		localErr := logMgr.AppendCommitLog(&logData, true)
		if localErr != nil {
			coordLog.Errorf("write commit log on slave failed: %v", localErr)
			return localErr
		return nil

	doLocalExit := func(err *CoordErr) {
		if err != nil {
			coordLog.Warningf("failed to batch put messages on slave: %v", err)
	return self.doWriteOpOnSlave(coord, checkDupOnSlave, doLocalWriteOnSlave, doLocalCommit,