func setup() { var err error if err = configuration.Setup(""); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to setup the configuration: %s", err.Error())) } oauth := &oauth2.Config{ ClientID: configuration.GetKeycloakClientID(), ClientSecret: configuration.GetKeycloakSecret(), Scopes: []string{"user:email"}, Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{ AuthURL: "", TokenURL: "", }, } privateKey, err := token.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(configuration.GetTokenPrivateKey())) if err != nil { panic(err) } tokenManager := token.NewManagerWithPrivateKey(privateKey) userRepository := account.NewUserRepository(nil) identityRepository := account.NewIdentityRepository(nil) loginService = &KeycloakOAuthProvider{ config: oauth, Identities: identityRepository, Users: userRepository, TokenManager: tokenManager, } }
func createManager(t *testing.T) token.Manager { privateKey, err := token.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(token.RSAPrivateKey)) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Could not parse private key") } return token.NewManagerWithPrivateKey(privateKey) }
func (s *CommentsSuite) securedControllers(identity account.Identity) (*goa.Service, *WorkitemController, *WorkItemCommentsController, *CommentsController) { priv, _ := almtoken.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(almtoken.RSAPrivateKey)) svc := testsupport.ServiceAsUser("Comment-Service", almtoken.NewManagerWithPrivateKey(priv), identity) workitemCtrl := NewWorkitemController(svc, s.db) workitemCommentsCtrl := NewWorkItemCommentsController(svc, s.db) commentsCtrl := NewCommentsController(svc, s.db) return svc, workitemCtrl, workitemCommentsCtrl, commentsCtrl }
// The SetupSuite method will run before the tests in the suite are run. // It sets up a database connection for all the tests in this suite without polluting global space. func (s *workItemLinkSuite) SetupSuite() { var err error if err = configuration.Setup(""); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to setup the configuration: %s", err.Error())) } s.db, err = gorm.Open("postgres", configuration.GetPostgresConfigString()) if err != nil { panic("Failed to connect database: " + err.Error()) } // Make sure the database is populated with the correct types (e.g. bug etc.) if err := models.Transactional(DB, func(tx *gorm.DB) error { return migration.PopulateCommonTypes(context.Background(), tx, workitem.NewWorkItemTypeRepository(tx)) }); err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } require.Nil(s.T(), err) priv, err := almtoken.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(almtoken.RSAPrivateKey)) require.Nil(s.T(), err) svc := goa.New("TestWorkItemLinkType-Service") require.NotNil(s.T(), svc) s.workItemLinkTypeCtrl = NewWorkItemLinkTypeController(svc, gormapplication.NewGormDB(DB)) require.NotNil(s.T(), s.workItemLinkTypeCtrl) svc = goa.New("TestWorkItemLinkCategory-Service") require.NotNil(s.T(), svc) s.workItemLinkCategoryCtrl = NewWorkItemLinkCategoryController(svc, gormapplication.NewGormDB(DB)) require.NotNil(s.T(), s.workItemLinkCategoryCtrl) svc = goa.New("TestWorkItemLink-Service") require.NotNil(s.T(), svc) s.workItemLinkCtrl = NewWorkItemLinkController(svc, gormapplication.NewGormDB(DB)) require.NotNil(s.T(), s.workItemLinkCtrl) svc = goa.New("TestWorkItemRelationshipsLinks-Service") require.NotNil(s.T(), svc) s.workItemRelsLinksCtrl = NewWorkItemRelationshipsLinksController(svc, gormapplication.NewGormDB(DB)) require.NotNil(s.T(), s.workItemRelsLinksCtrl) s.workItemSvc = testsupport.ServiceAsUser("TestWorkItem-Service", almtoken.NewManagerWithPrivateKey(priv), testsupport.TestIdentity) require.NotNil(s.T(), s.workItemSvc) s.workItemCtrl = NewWorkitemController(svc, gormapplication.NewGormDB(DB)) require.NotNil(s.T(), s.workItemCtrl) }
func TestExtractWithInvalidToken(t *testing.T) { // This tests generates invalid Token // by setting expired date, empty UUID, not setting UUID // all above cases are invalid // hence manager.Extract should fail in all above cases manager := createManager(t) privateKey, err := token.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(token.RSAPrivateKey)) tok := jwt.New(jwt.SigningMethodRS256) // add already expired time to "exp" claim" claims := jwt.MapClaims{"sub": "some_uuid", "exp": float64(time.Now().Unix() - 100)} tok.Claims = claims tokenStr, err := tok.SignedString(privateKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } idn, err := manager.Extract(tokenStr) if err == nil { t.Error("Expired token should not be parsed. Error must not be nil", idn, err) } // now set correct EXP but do not set uuid claims = jwt.MapClaims{"exp": float64(time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 1).Unix())} tok.Claims = claims tokenStr, err = tok.SignedString(privateKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } idn, err = manager.Extract(tokenStr) if err == nil { t.Error("Invalid token should not be parsed. Error must not be nil", idn, err) } // now set UUID to empty String claims = jwt.MapClaims{"sub": ""} tok.Claims = claims tokenStr, err = tok.SignedString(privateKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } idn, err = manager.Extract(tokenStr) if err == nil { t.Error("Invalid token should not be parsed. Error must not be nil", idn, err) } }
func TestMain(m *testing.M) { if _, c := os.LookupEnv(resource.Database); c != false { var err error if err = configuration.Setup(""); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to setup the configuration: %s", err.Error())) } db, err = gorm.Open("postgres", configuration.GetPostgresConfigString()) if err != nil { panic("Failed to connect database: " + err.Error()) } defer db.Close() // Migrate the schema err = migration.Migrate(db.DB()) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } } oauth := &oauth2.Config{ ClientID: configuration.GetKeycloakClientID(), ClientSecret: configuration.GetKeycloakSecret(), Scopes: []string{"user:email"}, Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{ AuthURL: "", TokenURL: "", }, } privateKey, err := token.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(token.RSAPrivateKey)) if err != nil { panic(err) } tokenManager := token.NewManagerWithPrivateKey(privateKey) userRepository := account.NewUserRepository(db) identityRepository := account.NewIdentityRepository(db) app := gormapplication.NewGormDB(db) loginService = NewKeycloakOAuthProvider(oauth, identityRepository, userRepository, tokenManager, app) os.Exit(m.Run()) }
func getServiceAsUser() *goa.Service { priv, _ := almtoken.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(almtoken.RSAPrivateKey)) service := testsupport.ServiceAsUser("TestSearch-Service", almtoken.NewManagerWithPrivateKey(priv), testsupport.TestIdentity) return service }
func (rest *TestSpaceIterationREST) SecuredController() (*goa.Service, *SpaceIterationsController) { priv, _ := almtoken.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(almtoken.RSAPrivateKey)) svc := testsupport.ServiceAsUser("Iteration-Service", almtoken.NewManagerWithPrivateKey(priv), testsupport.TestIdentity) return svc, NewSpaceIterationsController(svc, rest.db) }
func newUserController(identity *account.Identity, user *account.User) *UserController { priv, _ := almtoken.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(almtoken.RSAPrivateKey)) return NewUserController(goa.New("alm-test"), newGormTestBase(identity, user), almtoken.NewManagerWithPrivateKey(priv)) }
func (rest *TestCommentREST) SecuredController() (*goa.Service, *WorkItemCommentsController) { priv, _ := almtoken.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(almtoken.RSAPrivateKey)) svc := testsupport.ServiceAsUser("WorkItemComment-Service", almtoken.NewManagerWithPrivateKey(priv), testsupport.TestIdentity) return svc, NewWorkItemCommentsController(svc, rest.db) }