コード例 #1
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *WorkItemLinkTypeController) Create(ctx *app.CreateWorkItemLinkTypeContext) error {
	// WorkItemLinkTypeController_Create: start_implement
	// Convert payload from app to model representation
	model := link.WorkItemLinkType{}
	in := app.WorkItemLinkTypeSingle{
		Data: ctx.Payload.Data,
	err := link.ConvertLinkTypeToModel(in, &model)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(err.Error()))
		return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		linkType, err := appl.WorkItemLinkTypes().Create(ctx.Context, model.Name, model.Description, model.SourceTypeName, model.TargetTypeName, model.ForwardName, model.ReverseName, model.Topology, model.LinkCategoryID)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
			return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)
		// Enrich
		linkCtx := newWorkItemLinkContext(ctx.Context, appl, c.db, ctx.RequestData, ctx.ResponseData, app.WorkItemLinkTypeHref)
		err = enrichLinkTypeSingle(linkCtx, linkType)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal("Failed to enrich link type: %s", err.Error()))
			return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", app.WorkItemLinkTypeHref(linkType.Data.ID))
		return ctx.Created(linkType)
	// WorkItemLinkTypeController_Create: end_implement
コード例 #2
// TestShowWorkItemLinkTypeOK tests if we can fetch the "system" work item link type
func (s *workItemLinkTypeSuite) TestShowWorkItemLinkTypeOK() {
	// Create the work item link type first and try to read it back in
	createPayload := s.createDemoLinkType("test-bug-blocker")
	_, workItemLinkType := test.CreateWorkItemLinkTypeCreated(s.T(), nil, nil, s.linkTypeCtrl, createPayload)
	require.NotNil(s.T(), workItemLinkType)
	_, readIn := test.ShowWorkItemLinkTypeOK(s.T(), nil, nil, s.linkTypeCtrl, *workItemLinkType.Data.ID)
	require.NotNil(s.T(), readIn)
	// Convert to model space and use equal function
	expected := link.WorkItemLinkType{}
	actual := link.WorkItemLinkType{}
	require.Nil(s.T(), link.ConvertLinkTypeToModel(*workItemLinkType, &expected))
	require.Nil(s.T(), link.ConvertLinkTypeToModel(*readIn, &actual))
	require.True(s.T(), expected.Equal(actual))
	// Check that the link category is included in the response in the "included" array
	require.Len(s.T(), readIn.Included, 1, "The work item link type should include it's work item link category.")
	categoryData, ok := readIn.Included[0].(*app.WorkItemLinkCategoryData)
	require.True(s.T(), ok)
	require.Equal(s.T(), "test-user", *categoryData.Attributes.Name, "The work item link type's category should have the name 'test-user'.")
	require.NotNil(s.T(), readIn.Data.Links, "The link type MUST include a self link")
	require.NotEmpty(s.T(), readIn.Data.Links.Self, "The link type MUST include a self link that's not empty")