コード例 #1
// TestIngestStoreWorkItems checks to see if Pharos WorkItems
// were updated correctly.
func TestIngestStoreWorkItems(t *testing.T) {
	if !apt_testutil.ShouldRunIntegrationTests() {
		t.Skip("Skipping integration test. Set ENV var RUN_EXCHANGE_INTEGRATION=true if you want to run them.")
	_, workItems, err := dpn_testutil.GetDPNWorkItems()
	require.Nil(t, err)
	for _, item := range workItems {
		assert.Equal(t, constants.StageRecord, item.Stage)
		assert.Equal(t, constants.StatusPending, item.Status)
		assert.Equal(t, "Bag copied to long-term storage", item.Note)
		assert.Equal(t, "", item.Node)
		assert.Equal(t, 0, item.Pid)
		assert.True(t, item.Retry)
コード例 #2
// TestIngestRecordWorkItems checks to see if Pharos WorkItems
// were updated correctly.
func TestIngestRecordWorkItems(t *testing.T) {
	if !apt_testutil.ShouldRunIntegrationTests() {
		t.Skip("Skipping integration test. Set ENV var RUN_EXCHANGE_INTEGRATION=true if you want to run them.")
	_, workItems, err := dpn_testutil.GetDPNWorkItems()
	require.Nil(t, err)
	for _, item := range workItems {
		assert.Equal(t, constants.StageResolve, item.Stage)
		assert.Equal(t, constants.StatusSuccess, item.Status)
		assert.Equal(t, "DPN ingest complete", item.Note)
		assert.Equal(t, "", item.Node)
		assert.Equal(t, 0, item.Pid)
		assert.True(t, item.Retry)
コード例 #3
// TestIngestRecordWorkItemState checks to see if Pharos WorkItemState
// records were updated correctly.
func TestIngestRecordWorkItemState(t *testing.T) {
	if !apt_testutil.ShouldRunIntegrationTests() {
		t.Skip("Skipping integration test. Set ENV var RUN_EXCHANGE_INTEGRATION=true if you want to run them.")
	// This actually retrieves DPN related WorkItems, not DPNWorkItems. Hmm...
	_context, workItems, err := dpn_testutil.GetDPNWorkItems()
	require.Nil(t, err)
	for _, item := range workItems {
		require.NotNil(t, item.WorkItemStateId)
		resp := _context.PharosClient.WorkItemStateGet(*item.WorkItemStateId)
		require.Nil(t, resp.Error)
		workItemState := resp.WorkItemState()
		require.NotNil(t, workItemState)
		assert.Equal(t, constants.ActionDPN, workItemState.Action)
		assert.False(t, workItemState.CreatedAt.IsZero())
		assert.False(t, workItemState.UpdatedAt.IsZero())
		detail := fmt.Sprintf("%s from Pharos", item.ObjectIdentifier)
		testIngestRecordWorkItemState(t, _context, workItemState.State, detail)