// runTest initializes the environment for the tests and allows for // the proper return code if the test fails or succeeds. func runTest(m *testing.M) int { // Initialize the configuration and logging systems. Plus anything // else the web app layer needs. tests.Init("XENIA") // Initialize MongoDB using the `tests.TestSession` as the name of the // master session. if err := db.RegMasterSession(tests.Context, tests.TestSession, cfg.MustURL("MONGO_URI").String(), 0); err != nil { fmt.Println("Can't register master session: " + err.Error()) return 1 } db, err := db.NewMGO(tests.Context, tests.TestSession) if err != nil { fmt.Println("MongoDB is not configured") return 1 } defer db.CloseMGO(tests.Context) if err := loadTestData(tests.Context, db); err != nil { fmt.Println("test data is not loaded: " + err.Error()) return 1 } defer unloadTestData(tests.Context, db) return m.Run() }
// runTest initializes the environment for the tests and allows for // the proper return code if the test fails or succeeds. func runTest(m *testing.M) int { // Initialize the configuration and logging systems. Plus anything // else the web app layer needs. tests.Init("ASK") // Initialize MongoDB using the `tests.TestSession` as the name of the // master session. if err := db.RegMasterSession(tests.Context, tests.TestSession, cfg.MustURL("MONGO_URI").String(), 0); err != nil { fmt.Println("Can't register master session: " + err.Error()) return 1 } db, err := db.NewMGO(tests.Context, tests.TestSession) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Should be able to get a Mongo session : %v", err) } defer db.CloseMGO(tests.Context) // We need the database indexes setup before we can call anything, so do this // first. This is fairly important, so we want to fail the entire test suite // if we can't setup the indexes. if err := submission.EnsureIndexes(tests.Context, db); err != nil { log.Fatal("Can't ensure the database indexes") } return m.Run() }
// runTest initializes the environment for the tests and allows for // the proper return code if the test fails or succeeds. func runTest(m *testing.M) int { // Initialize the configuration and logging systems. Plus anything // else the web app layer needs. tests.Init("XENIA") // Initialize MongoDB using the `tests.TestSession` as the name of the // master session. if err := db.RegMasterSession(tests.Context, tests.TestSession, cfg.MustURL("MONGO_URI").String(), 0); err != nil { fmt.Println("Can't register master session: " + err.Error()) return 1 } return m.Run() }
func init() { os.Setenv("KIT_LOGGING_LEVEL", "1") cfg := mongo.Config{ Host: "ds027155.mongolab.com:27155", AuthDB: "kit", DB: "kit", User: "******", Password: "******", } tests.Init("KIT") tests.InitMongo(cfg) ensureIndexes() }
func init() { tests.Init("KIT") }
func init() { // Initialize the configuration and logging systems. Plus anything // else the web app layer needs. tests.Init("XENIA") }