コード例 #1
ファイル: dynamo_store.go プロジェクト: willhite/noms-old
func (s *DynamoStore) UpdateRoot(current, last hash.Hash) bool {

	putArgs := dynamodb.PutItemInput{
		TableName: aws.String(s.table),
		Item: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
			refAttr:   {B: s.rootKey},
			chunkAttr: {B: current.DigestSlice()},
			compAttr:  {S: aws.String(noneValue)},

	if last.IsEmpty() {
		putArgs.ConditionExpression = aws.String(valueNotExistsExpression)
	} else {
		putArgs.ConditionExpression = aws.String(valueEqualsExpression)
		putArgs.ExpressionAttributeValues = map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
			":prev": {B: last.DigestSlice()},

	_, err := s.ddbsvc.PutItem(&putArgs)
	if err != nil {
		if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
			if awsErr.Code() == "ConditionalCheckFailedException" {
				return false
		} else {

	return true
コード例 #2
ファイル: dynamo_store.go プロジェクト: willhite/noms-old
func (s *DynamoStore) makeNamespacedKey(h hash.Hash) []byte {
	// This is semantically `return append(s.namespace, r.DigestSlice()...)`, but it seemed like we'd be doing this a LOT, and we know how much space we're going to need anyway. So, pre-allocate a slice and then copy into it.
	hashSlice := h.DigestSlice()
	key := make([]byte, s.namespaceLen+len(hashSlice))
	copy(key, s.namespace)
	copy(key[s.namespaceLen:], hashSlice)
	return key
コード例 #3
ファイル: put_cache.go プロジェクト: Richardphp/noms
// toDbKey takes a refHeight and a hash and returns a binary key suitable for use with LevelDB. The default sort order used by LevelDB ensures that these keys (and their associated values) will be iterated in ref-height order.
func toDbKey(refHeight uint64, hash hash.Hash) []byte {
	digest := hash.DigestSlice()
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, uint64Size+binary.Size(digest)))
	err := binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, refHeight)
	err = binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, digest)
	return buf.Bytes()
コード例 #4
ファイル: leveldb_store.go プロジェクト: willhite/noms-old
func (l *LevelDBStore) toChunkKey(r hash.Hash) []byte {
	digest := r.DigestSlice()
	out := make([]byte, len(l.chunkPrefix), len(l.chunkPrefix)+len(digest))
	copy(out, l.chunkPrefix)
	return append(out, digest...)