コード例 #1
func (engine *DockerTaskEngine) createContainer(task *api.Task, container *api.Container) DockerContainerMetadata {
	log.Info("Creating container", "task", task, "container", container)
	client := engine.client
	if container.DockerConfig.Version != nil {
		client = client.WithVersion(dockerclient.DockerVersion(*container.DockerConfig.Version))

	// Resolve HostConfig
	// we have to do this in create, not start, because docker no longer handles
	// merging create config with start hostconfig the same; e.g. memory limits
	// get lost
	containerMap, ok := engine.state.ContainerMapByArn(task.Arn)
	if !ok {
		containerMap = make(map[string]*api.DockerContainer)

	hostConfig, hcerr := task.DockerHostConfig(container, containerMap)
	hostConfig.NetworkMode = "host"

	if hcerr != nil {
		return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: api.NamedError(hcerr)}

	config, err := task.DockerConfig(container)
	if err != nil {
		return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: api.NamedError(err)}

	name := ""
	for i := 0; i < len(container.Name); i++ {
		c := container.Name[i]
		if !((c <= '9' && c >= '0') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c == '-')) {
		name += string(c)

	containerName := "ecs-" + task.Family + "-" + task.Version + "-" + name + "-" + utils.RandHex()

	// Pre-add the container in case we stop before the next, more useful,
	// AddContainer call. This ensures we have a way to get the container if
	// we die before 'createContainer' returns because we can inspect by
	// name
	engine.state.AddContainer(&api.DockerContainer{DockerName: containerName, Container: container}, task)

	metadata := client.CreateContainer(config, hostConfig, containerName)
	if metadata.Error != nil {
		return metadata
	engine.state.AddContainer(&api.DockerContainer{DockerId: metadata.DockerId, DockerName: containerName, Container: container}, task)
	hostConfig.NetworkMode = "host"

	log.Info("Created container successfully", "task", task, "container", container)
	return metadata
コード例 #2
func metadataFromContainer(dockerContainer *docker.Container) DockerContainerMetadata {
	var bindings []api.PortBinding
	var err api.NamedError
	if dockerContainer.NetworkSettings != nil {
		// Convert port bindings into the format our container expects
		bindings, err = api.PortBindingFromDockerPortBinding(dockerContainer.NetworkSettings.Ports)
		if err != nil {
			log.Crit("Docker had network bindings we couldn't understand", "err", err)
			return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: api.NamedError(err)}
	metadata := DockerContainerMetadata{
		DockerId:     dockerContainer.ID,
		PortBindings: bindings,
		Volumes:      dockerContainer.Volumes,
	if !dockerContainer.State.Running && !dockerContainer.State.FinishedAt.IsZero() {
		// Only record an exitcode if it has exited
		metadata.ExitCode = &dockerContainer.State.ExitCode
	if dockerContainer.State.Error != "" {
		metadata.Error = NewDockerStateError(dockerContainer.State.Error)
	if dockerContainer.State.OOMKilled {
		metadata.Error = OutOfMemoryError{}

	return metadata
コード例 #3
func (engine *DockerTaskEngine) createContainer(task *api.Task, container *api.Container) DockerContainerMetadata {
	log.Info("Creating container", "task", task, "container", container)
	client := engine.client
	if container.DockerConfig.Version != nil {
		client = client.WithVersion(dockerclient.DockerVersion(*container.DockerConfig.Version))

	// Resolve HostConfig
	// we have to do this in create, not start, because docker no longer handles
	// merging create config with start hostconfig the same; e.g. memory limits
	// get lost
	containerMap, ok := engine.state.ContainerMapByArn(task.Arn)
	if !ok {
		containerMap = make(map[string]*api.DockerContainer)

	hostConfig, hcerr := task.DockerHostConfig(container, containerMap)
	if hcerr != nil {
		return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: api.NamedError(hcerr)}

	config, err := task.DockerConfig(container)
	if err != nil {
		return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: api.NamedError(err)}

	// Augment labels with some metadata from the agent. Explicitly do this last
	// such that it will always override duplicates in the provided raw config
	// data.
	config.Labels[labelPrefix+"task-arn"] = task.Arn
	config.Labels[labelPrefix+"container-name"] = container.Name
	config.Labels[labelPrefix+"task-definition-family"] = task.Family
	config.Labels[labelPrefix+"task-definition-version"] = task.Version
	config.Labels[labelPrefix+"cluster"] = engine.cfg.Cluster

	name := ""
	for i := 0; i < len(container.Name); i++ {
		c := container.Name[i]
		if !((c <= '9' && c >= '0') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c == '-')) {
		name += string(c)

	containerName := "ecs-" + task.Family + "-" + task.Version + "-" + name + "-" + utils.RandHex()

	// Pre-add the container in case we stop before the next, more useful,
	// AddContainer call. This ensures we have a way to get the container if
	// we die before 'createContainer' returns because we can inspect by
	// name
	engine.state.AddContainer(&api.DockerContainer{DockerName: containerName, Container: container}, task)
	seelog.Infof("Created container name mapping for task %s - %s -> %s", task, container, containerName)

	metadata := client.CreateContainer(config, hostConfig, containerName)
	if metadata.DockerId != "" {
		engine.state.AddContainer(&api.DockerContainer{DockerId: metadata.DockerId, DockerName: containerName, Container: container}, task)
	seelog.Infof("Created docker container for task %s: %s -> %s", task, container, metadata.DockerId)
	return metadata