コード例 #1
func newTaskResponse(task *api.Task, containerMap map[string]*api.DockerContainer) *TaskResponse {
	containers := []ContainerResponse{}
	for containerName, container := range containerMap {
		if container.Container.IsInternal {
		containers = append(containers, ContainerResponse{container.DockerId, container.DockerName, containerName})

	knownStatus := task.GetKnownStatus()
	knownBackendStatus := knownStatus.BackendStatus()
	desiredStatusInAgent := task.GetDesiredStatus()
	desiredStatus := desiredStatusInAgent.BackendStatus()

	if (knownBackendStatus == "STOPPED" && desiredStatus != "STOPPED") || (knownBackendStatus == "RUNNING" && desiredStatus == "PENDING") {
		desiredStatus = ""

	return &TaskResponse{
		Arn:           task.Arn,
		DesiredStatus: desiredStatus,
		KnownStatus:   knownBackendStatus,
		Family:        task.Family,
		Version:       task.Version,
		Containers:    containers,
コード例 #2
func (engine *DockerTaskEngine) pullContainer(task *api.Task, container *api.Container) DockerContainerMetadata {
	log.Info("Pulling container", "task", task, "container", container)
	seelog.Debugf("Attempting to obtain ImagePullDeleteLock to pull image - %s", container.Image)

	seelog.Debugf("Obtained ImagePullDeleteLock to pull image - %s", container.Image)
	defer seelog.Debugf("Released ImagePullDeleteLock after pulling image - %s", container.Image)
	defer ImagePullDeleteLock.Unlock()

	// If a task is blocked here for some time, and before it starts pulling image,
	// the task's desired status is set to stopped, then don't pull the image
	if task.GetDesiredStatus() == api.TaskStopped {
		seelog.Infof("Task desired status is stopped, skip pull container: %v, task %v", container, task)
		return DockerContainerMetadata{Error: TaskStoppedBeforePullBeginError{task.Arn}}

	metadata := engine.client.PullImage(container.Image, container.RegistryAuthentication)
	err := engine.imageManager.AddContainerReferenceToImageState(container)
	if err != nil {
		seelog.Errorf("Error adding container reference to image state: %v", err)
	imageState := engine.imageManager.GetImageStateFromImageName(container.Image)
	return metadata
コード例 #3
// updateTask determines if a new transition needs to be applied to the
// referenced task, and if needed applies it. It should not be called anywhere
// but from 'AddTask' and is protected by the processTasks lock there.
func (engine *DockerTaskEngine) updateTask(task *api.Task, update *api.Task) {
	managedTask, ok := engine.managedTasks[task.Arn]
	if !ok {
		log.Crit("ACS message for a task we thought we managed, but don't!", "arn", task.Arn)
		// Is this the right thing to do?
		// Calling startTask should overwrite our bad 'state' data with the new
		// task which we do manage.. but this is still scary and shouldn't have happened
	// Keep the lock because sequence numbers cannot be correct unless they are
	// also read in the order addtask was called
	// This does block the engine's ability to ingest any new events (including
	// stops for past tasks, ack!), but this is necessary for correctness
	updateDesiredStatus := update.GetDesiredStatus()
	log.Debug("Putting update on the acs channel", "task", task.Arn, "status", updateDesiredStatus, "seqnum", update.StopSequenceNumber)
	transition := acsTransition{desiredStatus: updateDesiredStatus}
	transition.seqnum = update.StopSequenceNumber
	managedTask.acsMessages <- transition
	log.Debug("Update was taken off the acs channel", "task", task.Arn, "status", updateDesiredStatus)