コード例 #1
// pollIndefinitelyAsNeeded is a terrible hack which is necessary because the Azure
// Storage API (and perhaps others) can have response times way beyond the default
// retry timeouts, with no apparent upper bound. This effectively causes the client
// to continue polling when it reaches the configured timeout. My investigations
// suggest that this is neccesary when deleting and recreating a storage account with
// the same name in a short (though undetermined) time period.
// It is possible that this will give Terraform the appearance of being slow in
// future: I have attempted to mitigate this by logging whenever this happens. We
// may want to revisit this with configurable timeouts in the future as clearly
// unbounded wait loops is not ideal. It does seem preferable to the current situation
// where our polling loop will time out _with an operation in progress_, but no ID
// for the resource - so the state will not know about it, and conflicts will occur
// on the next run.
func pollIndefinitelyAsNeeded(client autorest.Client, response *http.Response, acceptableCodes ...int) (*http.Response, error) {
	var resp *http.Response
	var err error

	for {
		resp, err = client.PollAsNeeded(response, acceptableCodes...)
		if err != nil {
			if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusAccepted {
				log.Printf("[DEBUG] Starting new polling loop for %q", response.Request.URL.Path)

			return resp, err

		return resp, nil