// FetchAccessToken could be used to fetch access token for wechat qy dev. func FetchAccessToken(corpID, corpSecret string) (string, float64, error) { requestLine := strings.Join([]string{accessTokenFetchURL, "?corpid=", corpID, "&corpsecret=", corpSecret}, "") return pb.FetchAccessToken(requestLine) }
// FetchAccessToken could be used to fetch access token for wechat qy dev. func FetchAccessToken(appID, appSecret string) (string, float64, error) { requestLine := strings.Join([]string{accessTokenFetchURL, "?grant_type=client_credential&appid=", appID, "&secret=", appSecret}, "") return pb.FetchAccessToken(requestLine) }
func TestSecretInvalid(t *testing.T) { myCorpID := "wxfd4448417439fd3x" mySecret := "p_VQovLdSPNXP0caBalViFvAG_mIpR4bECn-fD1F9JRBut471AcJYXK14SOG1Zle" myURL := accessTokenFetchURL + "?corpid=" + myCorpID + "&corpsecret=" + mySecret _, _, err := pb.FetchAccessToken(myURL) errStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s", err) if errStr != "invalid corpSecret" { t.Errorf("Errmsg: want[%s], but actually[%s]", "invalid corpSecret", errStr) } }
func TestFetchAccessTokenOk(t *testing.T) { myCorpID := "wxfd4448417439fd3x" mySecret := "p_VQovLdSPNXP0caBalViFvAG_mIpR4bECn-fD1F9JRBut471AcJYXK14SOG1Zld" myURL := accessTokenFetchURL + "?corpid=" + myCorpID + "&corpsecret=" + mySecret token, expiresIn, err := pb.FetchAccessToken(myURL) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Fetch accesstoken error:", err) } if token != accessToken { t.Errorf("Token: want[%s], but actually[%s]", accessToken, token) } if expiresIn != float64(7200) { t.Errorf("ExpiresIn: want[%s], but actually[%s]", accessToken, token) } }