//获取评论列表 func (c *Comment) GetCommentList(search string, Page int64, Perpage int64) (comment_arr []*Comment, html template.HTML, where map[string]interface{}) { comment_list := []*Comment{} //查询条件 var WhereStr string = " 1 AND " if len(search) > 0 { //解码 where = utils.DecodeSegment(search) revel.WARN.Println(where) if where["start_time"] != "" { WhereStr += " `regdate` >='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["start_time"]) + " 00:00:00' AND " } } WhereStr += " 1 " //查询总数 comment := new(Comment) Total, err := DB_Read.Table("comment").Where(WhereStr).Count(comment) if err != nil { revel.WARN.Printf("错误: %v", err) } //分页 Pager := new(utils.Page) if len(search) > 0 { Pager.SubPage_link = "/Comment/" + search + "/" } else { Pager.SubPage_link = "/Comment/" } Pager.Nums = Total Pager.Perpage = Perpage Pager.Current_page = Page Pager.SubPage_type = 2 pages := Pager.Show() DB_Read.Table("comment").Where(WhereStr).Limit(int(Perpage), int((Page-1)*Pager.Perpage)).Desc("id").Find(&comment_list) if len(comment_list) > 0 { user := new(User) for i, v := range comment_list { comment_list[i].User = user.GetById(v.Uid) } } return comment_list, pages, where }
//获取焦点图列表 func (c *Focus) GetByAll(search string, Page int64, Perpage int64) (focus_arr []*Focus, html template.HTML, where map[string]interface{}) { focus_list := []*Focus{} //查询条件 var WhereStr string = " 1 AND " if len(search) > 0 { //解码 where = utils.DecodeSegment(search) revel.WARN.Println(where) if where["cid"] != "" { WhereStr += " `cid`='" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", where["cid"]) + "' AND " } if where["keyword"] != "" { //关键字 keyword := fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) WhereStr += " `title` like '%" + keyword + "%' AND " } } WhereStr += " 1 " //查询总数 focus := new(Focus) Total, err := DB_Read.Where(WhereStr).Count(focus) if err != nil { revel.WARN.Printf("错误: %v", err) } //分页 Pager := new(utils.Page) Pager.SubPage_link = "/Focus/" Pager.Nums = Total Pager.Perpage = Perpage Pager.Current_page = Page Pager.SubPage_type = 2 pages := Pager.Show() //查询数据 DB_Read.Where(WhereStr).Limit(int(Perpage), int((Page-1)*Pager.Perpage)).Desc("id").Find(&focus_list) if len(focus_list) > 0 { admin := new(Admin) focuscate := new(FocusCate) for i, v := range focus_list { focus_list[i].Admin = admin.GetById(v.Aid) //所属栏目 focus_list[i].Focuscate = focuscate.GetById(v.Cid) if v.Img != "" { //判断是否是系统的分隔符 separator := "/" if os.IsPathSeparator('\\') { separator = "\\" } else { separator = "/" } config_file := (revel.BasePath + "/conf/config.conf") config_file = strings.Replace(config_file, "/", separator, -1) config_conf, _ := config.ReadDefault(config_file) //前台网站地址 sitedomain, _ := config_conf.String("website", "website.sitedomain") v.Img = sitedomain + v.Img } } } return focus_list, pages, where }
//获取日志列表 func (L *Logs) GetByAll(search string, Page int64, Perpage int64) (logs_arr []*Logs, html template.HTML, where map[string]interface{}) { logs_list := []*Logs{} //查询条件 var WhereStr string = " 1 AND " if len(search) > 0 { //解码 where = utils.DecodeSegment(search) revel.WARN.Println(where) if where["module"] != "" { WhereStr += " `module`='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["module"]) + "' AND " } if where["username"] != "" { admin := new(Admin) AdminInfo := admin.GetByName(fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["username"])) WhereStr += " `uid`=" + strconv.Itoa(int(AdminInfo.Id)) + " AND " } if where["realname"] != "" { admin := new(Admin) AdminInfo := admin.GetByRealName(fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["realname"])) WhereStr += " `uid`='" + strconv.Itoa(int(AdminInfo.Id)) + "' AND " } if where["start_time"] != "" { WhereStr += " `createtime` >='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["start_time"]) + " 00:00:00' AND " } if where["end_time"] != "" { WhereStr += " `createtime` <='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["end_time"]) + " 23:59:59' AND " } } WhereStr += " 1 " //查询总数 logs := new(Logs) Total, err := DB_Read.Where(WhereStr).Count(logs) if err != nil { revel.WARN.Printf("错误: %v", err) } //分页 Pager := new(utils.Page) if len(search) > 0 { Pager.SubPage_link = "/Logs/" + search + "/" } else { Pager.SubPage_link = "/Logs/" } Pager.Nums = Total Pager.Perpage = Perpage Pager.Current_page = Page Pager.SubPage_type = 2 pages := Pager.Show() //查询数据 DB_Read.Where(WhereStr).Limit(int(Perpage), int((Page-1)*Pager.Perpage)).Desc("id").Find(&logs_list) if len(logs_list) > 0 { admin := new(Admin) for i, v := range logs_list { logs_list[i].Admin = admin.GetById(v.Uid) logs_list[i].IpAddress = utils.GetIpAddress(v.Ip) } } return logs_list, pages, where }
//获取内容列表 func (a *Article) GetByList(Cid int64, Search string, Page int64, Perpage int64) (article_arr []*Article, html template.HTML, where map[string]interface{}) { article_list := []*Article{} //查询条件 var WhereStr string = " 1 AND " if len(Search) > 0 { //解码 where = utils.DecodeSegment(Search) revel.WARN.Println(where) if where["cid"] != "0" { WhereStr += " `cid`='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["cid"]) + "' AND " } if where["field"] != "" && where["keyword"] != "" { if where["field"] == "title" { //标题 WhereStr += " `title` like %'" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + "'% AND " } else if where["field"] == "keywords" { //关键词 WhereStr += " `keywords` like %'" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + "'% AND " } else if where["field"] == "description" { //描述 WhereStr += " `description` like %'" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + "'% AND " } else if where["field"] == "id" { //ID WhereStr += " `id`='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + "' AND " } } } WhereStr += " 1 " //查询总数 article := new(Article) Total, err := DB_Read.Where(WhereStr).Count(article) if err != nil { revel.WARN.Printf("错误: %v", err) } //分页 Pager := new(utils.Page) Pager.SubPage_link = "/Content/relationlist/" + strconv.FormatInt(Cid, 10) + "/" Pager.Nums = Total Pager.Perpage = Perpage Pager.Current_page = Page Pager.SubPage_type = 2 pages := Pager.Show() //查询数据 DB_Read.Where(WhereStr).Limit(int(Perpage), int((Page-1)*Pager.Perpage)).Desc("id").Find(&article_list) if len(article_list) > 0 { admin := new(Admin) category := new(Category) for i, v := range article_list { article_list[i].Admin = admin.GetById(v.Aid) //所属栏目 article_list[i].Category = category.GetById(v.Cid) } } return article_list, pages, where }
//获取内容列表 func (a *Article) GetByAll(search string, Cid int64, Page int64, Perpage int64) (article_arr []*Article, html template.HTML, where map[string]interface{}) { article_list := []*Article{} //查询条件 var WhereStr string = " 1 AND `cid`=" + strconv.FormatInt(Cid, 10) + " AND " if len(search) > 0 { //解码 where = utils.DecodeSegment(search) revel.WARN.Println(where) if where["start_time"] != "" { WhereStr += " `createtime`='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["start_time"]) + "' AND " } if where["start_time"] != "" { WhereStr += " `createtime`='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["end_time"]) + "' AND " } if where["istop"] != "" { WhereStr += " `istop`='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["istop"]) + "' AND " } if where["searchtype"] != "" && where["keyword"] != "" { if where["searchtype"] == "1" { //标题 WhereStr += " `title` like '%" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + "%' AND " } else if where["searchtype"] == "2" { //简介 WhereStr += " `description` like '%" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + "%' AND " } else if where["searchtype"] == "3" { //用户名 keyword := fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) Keyword, err := strconv.Atoi(keyword) revel.WARN.Println(Keyword) if err != nil { admin := new(Admin) admin_info := admin.GetByRealName(keyword) if admin_info.Id > 0 { WhereStr += " `aid`='" + strconv.FormatInt(admin_info.Id, 10) + "' AND " } } else { revel.WARN.Println(keyword) WhereStr += " `aid`='" + keyword + "' AND " } } else { //ID WhereStr += " `id`='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + "' AND " } } } WhereStr += " 1 " //查询总数 article := new(Article) Total, err := DB_Read.Where(WhereStr).Count(article) if err != nil { revel.WARN.Printf("错误: %v", err) } //分页 Pager := new(utils.Page) Pager.SubPage_link = "/Content/list/" + strconv.FormatInt(Cid, 10) + "/" Pager.Nums = Total Pager.Perpage = Perpage Pager.Current_page = Page Pager.SubPage_type = 2 pages := Pager.Show() //查询数据 DB_Read.Where(WhereStr).Limit(int(Perpage), int((Page-1)*Pager.Perpage)).Desc("id").Find(&article_list) if len(article_list) > 0 { admin := new(Admin) category := new(Category) for i, v := range article_list { article_list[i].Admin = admin.GetById(v.Aid) //所属栏目 article_list[i].Category = category.GetById(v.Cid) } } return article_list, pages, where }
//获取会员列表 func (u *User) GetUserList(search string, Page int64, Perpage int64) (user_arr []*User, html template.HTML, where map[string]interface{}) { //初始化菜单 user_list := []*User{} //查询条件 var WhereStr string = " 1 AND " if len(search) > 0 { //解码 where = utils.DecodeSegment(search) revel.WARN.Println(where) if where["start_time"] != "" { WhereStr += " `regdate` >='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["start_time"]) + " 00:00:00' AND " } if where["end_time"] != "" { WhereStr += " `regdate` <='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["end_time"]) + " 23:59:59' AND " } if where["islock"] != "" && where["islock"] != "0" { WhereStr += " `islock` =" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["islock"]) } if where["type"] != "" && where["keyword"] != "" { if where["type"] == "1" { //用户名 WhereStr += " `username` ='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + "' AND " } else if where["type"] == "2" { //用户ID WhereStr += " `id` =" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + " AND " } else if where["type"] == "3" { //邮箱 WhereStr += " `email` ='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + "' AND " } else if where["type"] == "4" { //注册ip WhereStr += " `regip` ='" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + "' AND " } else if where["type"] == "5" { //昵称 WhereStr += " `nickname` like '%" + fmt.Sprintf("%s", where["keyword"]) + "%' AND " } } } WhereStr += " 1 " //查询总数 user := new(User) Total, err := DB_Read.Table("user").Where(WhereStr).Count(user) if err != nil { revel.WARN.Printf("错误: %v", err) } //分页 Pager := new(utils.Page) if len(search) > 0 { Pager.SubPage_link = "/User/" + search + "/" } else { Pager.SubPage_link = "/User/" } Pager.Nums = Total Pager.Perpage = Perpage Pager.Current_page = Page Pager.SubPage_type = 2 pages := Pager.Show() DB_Read.Table("user").Where(WhereStr).Limit(int(Perpage), int((Page-1)*Pager.Perpage)).Desc("id").Find(&user_list) if len(user_list) > 0 { user_group := new(User_Group) for i, v := range user_list { user_list[i].UserGroup = user_group.GetById(v.Groupid) } } return user_list, pages, where }