コード例 #1
// UnSubscribeGatewayTX unsubscribes the backend from the gateway TXPacket
// topic.
func (b *Backend) UnSubscribeGatewayTX(mac lorawan.EUI64) error {
	defer b.mutex.Unlock()

	topic := fmt.Sprintf("gateway/%s/tx", mac.String())
	log.WithField("topic", topic).Info("backend/mqttpubsub: unsubscribing from topic")
	if token := b.conn.Unsubscribe(topic); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
		return token.Error()
	delete(b.gateways, mac)
	return nil
コード例 #2
// SubscribeGatewayTX subscribes the backend to the gateway TXPacket
// topic (packets the gateway needs to transmit).
func (b *Backend) SubscribeGatewayTX(mac lorawan.EUI64) error {
	defer b.mutex.Unlock()

	topic := fmt.Sprintf("gateway/%s/tx", mac.String())
	log.WithField("topic", topic).Info("backend/mqttpubsub: subscribing to topic")
	if token := b.conn.Subscribe(topic, 0, b.txPacketHandler); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
		return token.Error()
	b.gateways[mac] = struct{}{}
	return nil
コード例 #3
// PublishGatewayStats publishes a GatewayStatsPacket to the MQTT broker.
func (b *Backend) PublishGatewayStats(mac lorawan.EUI64, stats models.GatewayStatsPacket) error {
	topic := fmt.Sprintf("gateway/%s/stats", mac.String())
	return b.publish(topic, stats)
コード例 #4
// PublishGatewayRX publishes a RX packet to the MQTT broker.
func (b *Backend) PublishGatewayRX(mac lorawan.EUI64, rxPacket models.RXPacket) error {
	topic := fmt.Sprintf("gateway/%s/rx", mac.String())
	return b.publish(topic, rxPacket)