コード例 #1
ファイル: txstore.go プロジェクト: conseweb/lnd
// GetDoubleSpends takes a transaction and compares it with
// all transactions in the db.  It returns a slice of all txids in the db
// which are double spent by the received tx.
func CheckDoubleSpends(
	argTx *wire.MsgTx, txs []*wire.MsgTx) ([]*wire.ShaHash, error) {

	var dubs []*wire.ShaHash // slice of all double-spent txs
	argTxid := argTx.TxSha()

	for _, compTx := range txs {
		compTxid := compTx.TxSha()
		// check if entire tx is dup
		if argTxid.IsEqual(&compTxid) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("tx %s is dup", argTxid.String())
		// not dup, iterate through inputs of argTx
		for _, argIn := range argTx.TxIn {
			// iterate through inputs of compTx
			for _, compIn := range compTx.TxIn {
				if OutPointsEqual(
					argIn.PreviousOutPoint, compIn.PreviousOutPoint) {
					// found double spend
					dubs = append(dubs, &compTxid)
					break // back to argIn loop
	return dubs, nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: txstore.go プロジェクト: PaulCapestany/lnd
// AbsorbTx absorbs money into wallet from a tx
func (t *TxStore) AbsorbTx(tx *wire.MsgTx) error {
	if tx == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Tried to add nil tx")
	var hits uint32
	var acq int64
	// check if any of the tx's outputs match my adrs
	for i, out := range tx.TxOut { // in each output of tx
		for _, a := range t.Adrs { // compare to each adr we have
			// more correct would be to check for full script
			// contains could have false positive? (p2sh/p2pkh same hash ..?)
			if bytes.Contains(out.PkScript, a.ScriptAddress()) { // hit
				acq += out.Value
				var newu Utxo
				newu.KeyIdx = a.KeyIdx
				newu.Txo = *out

				var newop wire.OutPoint
				newop.Hash = tx.TxSha()
				newop.Index = uint32(i)
				newu.Op = newop

				t.Utxos = append(t.Utxos, newu)
	log.Printf("%d hits, acquired %d", hits, acq)
	t.Sum += acq
	return nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: txstore.go プロジェクト: conseweb/lnd
// TxToString prints out some info about a transaction. for testing / debugging
func TxToString(tx *wire.MsgTx) string {
	str := fmt.Sprintf("\t - Tx %s\n", tx.TxSha().String())
	for i, in := range tx.TxIn {
		str += fmt.Sprintf("Input %d: %s\n", i, in.PreviousOutPoint.String())
		str += fmt.Sprintf("SigScript for input %d: %x\n", i, in.SignatureScript)
	for i, out := range tx.TxOut {
		if out != nil {
			str += fmt.Sprintf("\toutput %d script: %x amt: %d\n",
				i, out.PkScript, out.Value)
		} else {
			str += fmt.Sprintf("output %d nil (WARNING)\n", i)
	return str
コード例 #4
ファイル: record_details.go プロジェクト: pombredanne/pbtc
func NewDetailsRecord(msg *wire.MsgTx) *DetailsRecord {
	record := &DetailsRecord{
		hash: msg.TxSha(),
		ins:  make([]*InputRecord, len(msg.TxIn)),
		outs: make([]*OutputRecord, len(msg.TxOut)),

	for i, txin := range msg.TxIn {
		record.ins[i] = NewInputRecord(txin)

	for i, txout := range msg.TxOut {
		record.outs[i] = NewOutputRecord(txout)

	return record
コード例 #5
ファイル: sortsignsend.go プロジェクト: conseweb/lnd
func (s *SPVCon) NewOutgoingTx(tx *wire.MsgTx) error {
	txid := tx.TxSha()
	// assign height of zero for txs we create
	err := s.TS.AddTxid(&txid, 0)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = s.TS.Ingest(tx, 0) // our own tx; don't keep track of false positives
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// make an inv message instead of a tx message to be polite
	iv1 := wire.NewInvVect(wire.InvTypeTx, &txid)
	invMsg := wire.NewMsgInv()
	err = invMsg.AddInvVect(iv1)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.outMsgQueue <- invMsg
	return nil
コード例 #6
ファイル: txstore.go プロジェクト: PaulCapestany/lnd
// IngestTx ingests a tx into wallet, dealing with both gains and losses
func (t *TxStore) IngestTx(tx *wire.MsgTx) error {
	var match bool
	inTxid := tx.TxSha()
	for _, ktxid := range t.KnownTxids {
		if inTxid.IsEqual(ktxid) {
			match = true
			break // found tx match,
	if !match {
		return fmt.Errorf("we don't care about tx %s", inTxid.String())

	err := t.AbsorbTx(tx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = t.ExpellTx(tx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	//	fmt.Printf("ingested tx %s total amt %d\n", inTxid.String(), t.Sum)
	return nil
コード例 #7
ファイル: msghandler.go プロジェクト: conseweb/lnd
// TxHandler takes in transaction messages that come in from either a request
// after an inv message or after a merkle block message.
func (s *SPVCon) TxHandler(m *wire.MsgTx) {
	height, ok := s.TS.OKTxids[m.TxSha()]
	if !ok {
		log.Printf("Tx %s unknown, will not ingest\n")

	// check for double spends
	allTxs, err := s.TS.GetAllTxs()
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Can't get txs from db: %s", err.Error())
	dubs, err := CheckDoubleSpends(m, allTxs)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("CheckDoubleSpends error: %s", err.Error())
	if len(dubs) > 0 {
		for i, dub := range dubs {
			fmt.Printf("dub %d known tx %s and new tx %s are exclusive!!!\n",
				i, dub.String(), m.TxSha().String())
	hits, err := s.TS.Ingest(m, height)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Incoming Tx error: %s\n", err.Error())
	if hits == 0 && !s.HardMode {
		log.Printf("tx %s had no hits, filter false positive.",
		s.fPositives <- 1 // add one false positive to chan
	log.Printf("tx %s ingested and matches %d utxo/adrs.",
		m.TxSha().String(), hits)
コード例 #8
ファイル: common_test.go プロジェクト: jimmysong/btcd
// loadTxStore returns a transaction store loaded from a file.
func loadTxStore(filename string) (blockchain.TxStore, error) {
	// The txstore file format is:
	// <num tx data entries> <tx length> <serialized tx> <blk height>
	// <num spent bits> <spent bits>
	// All num and length fields are little-endian uint32s.  The spent bits
	// field is padded to a byte boundary.

	filename = filepath.Join("testdata/", filename)
	fi, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Choose read based on whether the file is compressed or not.
	var r io.Reader
	if strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".bz2") {
		r = bzip2.NewReader(fi)
	} else {
		r = fi
	defer fi.Close()

	// Num of transaction store objects.
	var numItems uint32
	if err := binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &numItems); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	txStore := make(blockchain.TxStore)
	var uintBuf uint32
	for height := uint32(0); height < numItems; height++ {
		txD := blockchain.TxData{}

		// Serialized transaction length.
		err = binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &uintBuf)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		serializedTxLen := uintBuf
		if serializedTxLen > wire.MaxBlockPayload {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Read serialized transaction "+
				"length of %d is larger max allowed %d",
				serializedTxLen, wire.MaxBlockPayload)

		// Transaction.
		var msgTx wire.MsgTx
		err = msgTx.Deserialize(r)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		txD.Tx = btcutil.NewTx(&msgTx)

		// Transaction hash.
		txHash, err := msgTx.TxSha()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		txD.Hash = &txHash

		// Block height the transaction came from.
		err = binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &uintBuf)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		txD.BlockHeight = int64(uintBuf)

		// Num spent bits.
		err = binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &uintBuf)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		numSpentBits := uintBuf
		numSpentBytes := numSpentBits / 8
		if numSpentBits%8 != 0 {

		// Packed spent bytes.
		spentBytes := make([]byte, numSpentBytes)
		_, err = io.ReadFull(r, spentBytes)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Populate spent data based on spent bits.
		txD.Spent = make([]bool, numSpentBits)
		for byteNum, spentByte := range spentBytes {
			for bit := 0; bit < 8; bit++ {
				if uint32((byteNum*8)+bit) < numSpentBits {
					if spentByte&(1<<uint(bit)) != 0 {
						txD.Spent[(byteNum*8)+bit] = true

		txStore[*txD.Hash] = &txD

	return txStore, nil
コード例 #9
ファイル: txsort_test.go プロジェクト: CrowBits/btcutil
// TestSort ensures the transaction sorting works according to the BIP.
func TestSort(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name         string
		hexFile      string
		isSorted     bool
		unsortedHash string
		sortedHash   string
			name:         "first test case from BIPLI01 - sorts inputs only, based on hash",
			hexFile:      "li01-1.hex",
			isSorted:     false,
			unsortedHash: "0a6a357e2f7796444e02638749d9611c008b253fb55f5dc88b739b230ed0c4c3",
			sortedHash:   "839503cb611a3e3734bd521c608f881be2293ff77b7384057ab994c794fce623",
			name:         "second test case from BIPLI01 - already sorted",
			hexFile:      "li01-2.hex",
			isSorted:     true,
			unsortedHash: "28204cad1d7fc1d199e8ef4fa22f182de6258a3eaafe1bbe56ebdcacd3069a5f",
			sortedHash:   "28204cad1d7fc1d199e8ef4fa22f182de6258a3eaafe1bbe56ebdcacd3069a5f",
			name:         "block 100001 tx[1] - sorts outputs only, based on amount",
			hexFile:      "li01-3.hex",
			isSorted:     false,
			unsortedHash: "fbde5d03b027d2b9ba4cf5d4fecab9a99864df2637b25ea4cbcb1796ff6550ca",
			sortedHash:   "0a8c246c55f6b82f094d211f4f57167bf2ea4898741d218b09bdb2536fd8d13f",
			name:         "block 100001 tx[2] - sorts both inputs and outputs",
			hexFile:      "li01-4.hex",
			isSorted:     false,
			unsortedHash: "8131ffb0a2c945ecaf9b9063e59558784f9c3a74741ce6ae2a18d0571dac15bb",
			sortedHash:   "a3196553b928b0b6154b002fa9a1ce875adabc486fedaaaf4c17430fd4486329",
			name:         "block 100998 tx[6] - sorts outputs only, based on output script",
			hexFile:      "li01-5.hex",
			isSorted:     false,
			unsortedHash: "ff85e8fc92e71bbc217e3ea9a3bacb86b435e52b6df0b089d67302c293a2b81d",
			sortedHash:   "9a6c24746de024f77cac9b2138694f11101d1c66289261224ca52a25155a7c94",

	for _, test := range tests {
		// Load and deserialize the test transaction.
		filePath := filepath.Join("testdata", test.hexFile)
		txHexBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("ReadFile (%s): failed to read test file: %v",
				test.name, err)
		txBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(string(txHexBytes))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("DecodeString (%s): failed to decode tx: %v",
				test.name, err)
		var tx wire.MsgTx
		err = tx.Deserialize(bytes.NewReader(txBytes))
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Deserialize (%s): unexpected error %v",
				test.name, err)

		// Ensure the sort order of the original transaction matches the
		// expected value.
		if got := txsort.IsSorted(&tx); got != test.isSorted {
			t.Errorf("IsSorted (%s): sort does not match "+
				"expected - got %v, want %v", test.name, got,

		// Sort the transaction and ensure the resulting hash is the
		// expected value.
		sortedTx := txsort.Sort(&tx)
		if got := sortedTx.TxSha().String(); got != test.sortedHash {
			t.Errorf("Sort (%s): sorted hash does not match "+
				"expected - got %v, want %v", test.name, got,

		// Ensure the original transaction is not modified.
		if got := tx.TxSha().String(); got != test.unsortedHash {
			t.Errorf("Sort (%s): unsorted hash does not match "+
				"expected - got %v, want %v", test.name, got,

		// Now sort the transaction using the mutable version and ensure
		// the resulting hash is the expected value.
		if got := tx.TxSha().String(); got != test.sortedHash {
			t.Errorf("SortMutate (%s): sorted hash does not match "+
				"expected - got %v, want %v", test.name, got,
コード例 #10
ファイル: utxodb.go プロジェクト: conseweb/lnd
// Ingest puts a tx into the DB atomically.  This can result in a
// gain, a loss, or no result.  Gain or loss in satoshis is returned.
func (ts *TxStore) Ingest(tx *wire.MsgTx, height int32) (uint32, error) {
	var hits uint32
	var err error
	var spentOPs [][]byte
	var nUtxoBytes [][]byte

	// tx has been OK'd by SPV; check tx sanity
	utilTx := btcutil.NewTx(tx) // convert for validation
	// checks basic stuff like there are inputs and ouputs
	err = blockchain.CheckTransactionSanity(utilTx)
	if err != nil {
		return hits, err
	// note that you can't check signatures; this is SPV.
	// 0 conf SPV means pretty much nothing.  Anyone can say anything.

	// before entering into db, serialize all inputs of the ingested tx
	for _, txin := range tx.TxIn {
		nOP, err := outPointToBytes(&txin.PreviousOutPoint)
		if err != nil {
			return hits, err
		spentOPs = append(spentOPs, nOP)
	// also generate PKscripts for all addresses (maybe keep storing these?)
	for _, adr := range ts.Adrs {
		// iterate through all our addresses
		aPKscript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(adr.PkhAdr)
		if err != nil {
			return hits, err
		// iterate through all outputs of this tx
		for i, out := range tx.TxOut {
			if bytes.Equal(out.PkScript, aPKscript) { // new utxo for us
				var newu Utxo
				newu.AtHeight = height
				newu.KeyIdx = adr.KeyIdx
				newu.Value = out.Value
				var newop wire.OutPoint
				newop.Hash = tx.TxSha()
				newop.Index = uint32(i)
				newu.Op = newop
				b, err := newu.ToBytes()
				if err != nil {
					return hits, err
				nUtxoBytes = append(nUtxoBytes, b)
				break // only one match

	err = ts.StateDB.Update(func(btx *bolt.Tx) error {
		// get all 4 buckets
		duf := btx.Bucket(BKTUtxos)
		//		sta := btx.Bucket(BKTState)
		old := btx.Bucket(BKTStxos)
		txns := btx.Bucket(BKTTxns)
		if duf == nil || old == nil || txns == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: db not initialized")

		// first see if we lose utxos
		// iterate through duffel bag and look for matches
		// this makes us lose money, which is regrettable, but we need to know.
		for _, nOP := range spentOPs {
			duf.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
				if bytes.Equal(k, nOP) { // matched, we lost utxo
					// do all this just to figure out value we lost
					x := make([]byte, len(k)+len(v))
					copy(x, k)
					copy(x[len(k):], v)
					lostTxo, err := UtxoFromBytes(x)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					// then delete the utxo from duf, save to old
					err = duf.Delete(k)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					// after deletion, save stxo to old bucket
					var st Stxo               // generate spent txo
					st.Utxo = lostTxo         // assign outpoint
					st.SpendHeight = height   // spent at height
					st.SpendTxid = tx.TxSha() // spent by txid
					stxb, err := st.ToBytes() // serialize
					if err != nil {
						return err
					err = old.Put(k, stxb) // write k:v outpoint:stxo bytes
					if err != nil {
						return err
					// store this relevant tx
					sha := tx.TxSha()
					var buf bytes.Buffer
					err = txns.Put(sha.Bytes(), buf.Bytes())
					if err != nil {
						return err

					return nil // matched utxo k, won't match another
				return nil // no match
		} // done losing utxos, next gain utxos
		// next add all new utxos to db, this is quick as the work is above
		for _, ub := range nUtxoBytes {
			err = duf.Put(ub[:36], ub[36:])
			if err != nil {
				return err
		return nil
	return hits, err