コード例 #1
ファイル: damage.go プロジェクト: BurntSushi/xgb
// NotifyEventNew constructs a NotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.
func NotifyEventNew(buf []byte) xgb.Event {
	v := NotifyEvent{}
	b := 1 // don't read event number

	v.Level = buf[b]
	b += 1

	v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
	b += 2

	v.Drawable = xproto.Drawable(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
	b += 4

	v.Damage = Damage(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
	b += 4

	v.Timestamp = xproto.Timestamp(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
	b += 4

	v.Area = xproto.Rectangle{}
	b += xproto.RectangleRead(buf[b:], &v.Area)

	v.Geometry = xproto.Rectangle{}
	b += xproto.RectangleRead(buf[b:], &v.Geometry)

	return v
コード例 #2
// NotifyEventNew constructs a NotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.
func NotifyEventNew(buf []byte) xgb.Event {
	v := NotifyEvent{}
	b := 1 // don't read event number

	v.State = buf[b]
	b += 1

	v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
	b += 2

	v.Time = xproto.Timestamp(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
	b += 4

	v.Root = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
	b += 4

	v.Window = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
	b += 4

	v.Kind = buf[b]
	b += 1

	if buf[b] == 1 {
		v.Forced = true
	} else {
		v.Forced = false
	b += 1

	b += 14 // padding

	return v
コード例 #3
ファイル: property.go プロジェクト: mkrull/wingo
func (c *Client) handleProperty(name string) {
	switch name {
	case "_NET_WM_NAME":
	case "WM_NAME":
	case "_NET_WM_ICON":
	case "WM_HINTS":
		if hints, err := icccm.WmHintsGet(wm.X, c.Id()); err == nil {
			c.hints = hints
		if nhints, err := icccm.WmNormalHintsGet(wm.X, c.Id()); err == nil {
			c.nhints = nhints
		if trans, err := icccm.WmTransientForGet(wm.X, c.Id()); err == nil {
			if transCli := wm.FindManagedClient(trans); transCli != nil {
				c.transientFor = transCli.(*Client)
	case "_NET_WM_USER_TIME":
		if newTime, err := ewmh.WmUserTimeGet(wm.X, c.Id()); err == nil {
			c.time = xproto.Timestamp(newTime)
	case "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS":
		// This is a bit messed up. If a client is floating, we don't
		// really care what the decorations are, so we oblige blindly.
		// However, if we're tiling, then we don't want to mess with
		// the frames---but we also want to make sure that any states
		// the client might revert to have the proper frames.
		decor := c.shouldDecor()
		if _, ok := c.Layout().(layout.Floater); ok {
			if decor {
			} else {
		} else {
			for k := range c.states {
				s := c.states[k]
				if decor {
					s.frame = c.frames.full
				} else {
					s.frame = c.frames.nada
				c.states[k] = s
コード例 #4
ファイル: traymanager.go プロジェクト: felixonmars/dde-daemon
func (m *TrayManager) tryOwner() bool {
	// Make a check, the tray application MUST be 1.
	reply, err := m.getSelectionOwner()
	if err != nil {
		return false
	if reply.Owner != 0 {
		logger.Warning("Another System tray application is running")
		return false

	timeStamp, _ := ewmh.WmUserTimeGet(TrayXU, m.owner)
	err = xproto.SetSelectionOwnerChecked(
	if err != nil {
		logger.Warning("Set Selection Owner failed: ", err)
		return false

	//owner the _NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_Sn
	logger.Info("Required _NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S0 successful")


	reply, err = m.getSelectionOwner()
	if err != nil {
		return false
	return reply.Owner != 0
コード例 #5
ファイル: client_event.go プロジェクト: dlintw/wingo
func (c *client) cbPropertyNotify() xevent.PropertyNotifyFun {
	// helper function to log property vals
	showVals := func(o, n interface{}) {
		logger.Lots.Printf("\tOld value: '%s', new value: '%s'", o, n)
	f := func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, ev xevent.PropertyNotifyEvent) {
		name, err := xprop.AtomName(c.X, ev.Atom)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Warning.Printf("Could not get property atom name for '%s' "+
				"because: %s.", ev, err)

		logger.Lots.Printf("Updating property %s with state %v on window %s",
			name, ev.State, c)
		switch name {
		case "_NET_WM_NAME":
		case "WM_NAME":
		case "_NET_WM_ICON":
		case "WM_HINTS":
			if hints, err := icccm.WmHintsGet(X, c.Id()); err == nil {
				c.hints = hints
			if nhints, err := icccm.WmNormalHintsGet(X, c.Id()); err == nil {
				c.nhints = nhints
			if trans, err := icccm.WmTransientForGet(X, c.Id()); err == nil {
				if transCli := wingo.findManagedClient(trans); transCli != nil {
					c.transientFor = transCli
		case "_NET_WM_USER_TIME":
			if newTime, err := ewmh.WmUserTimeGet(X, c.Id()); err == nil {
				showVals(c.time, newTime)
				c.time = xproto.Timestamp(newTime)

	return xevent.PropertyNotifyFun(f)
コード例 #6
ファイル: shape.go プロジェクト: tejohnso/xgb
// NotifyEventNew constructs a NotifyEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.
func NotifyEventNew(buf []byte) xgb.Event {
	v := NotifyEvent{}
	b := 1 // don't read event number

	v.ShapeKind = Kind(buf[b])
	b += 1

	v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
	b += 2

	v.AffectedWindow = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
	b += 4

	v.ExtentsX = int16(xgb.Get16(buf[b:]))
	b += 2

	v.ExtentsY = int16(xgb.Get16(buf[b:]))
	b += 2

	v.ExtentsWidth = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
	b += 2

	v.ExtentsHeight = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
	b += 2

	v.ServerTime = xproto.Timestamp(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
	b += 4

	if buf[b] == 1 {
		v.Shaped = true
	} else {
		v.Shaped = false
	b += 1

	b += 11 // padding

	return v
コード例 #7
ファイル: icccm.go プロジェクト: droundy/xgbutil
// WMTakeFocus will do all the necessary setup to support the WM_TAKE_FOCUS
// protocol using the "LocallyActive" input model described in Section 4.1.7
// of the ICCCM. Namely, listening to ClientMessage events and running the
// callback function provided when a WM_TAKE_FOCUS ClientMessage has been
// received.
// Typically, the callback function should include a call to SetInputFocus
// with the "Parent" InputFocus type, the sub-window id of the window that
// should have focus, and the 'tstamp' timestamp.
func (w *Window) WMTakeFocus(cb func(w *Window, tstamp xproto.Timestamp)) {
	// Make sure the Input flag is set to true in WM_HINTS. We first
	// must retrieve the current WM_HINTS, so we don't overwrite the flags.
	curFlags := 0
	if hints, err := icccm.WmHintsGet(w.X, w.Id); err == nil {
		curFlags = hints.Flags
	icccm.WmHintsSet(w.X, w.Id, &icccm.Hints{
		Flags: curFlags | icccm.HintInput,
		Input: 1,

	// Get the current protocols so we don't overwrite anything.
	prots, _ := icccm.WmProtocolsGet(w.X, w.Id)

	// If WM_TAKE_FOCUS isn't here, add it. Otherwise, move on.
	wmfocus := false
	for _, prot := range prots {
		if prot == "WM_TAKE_FOCUS" {
			wmfocus = true
	if !wmfocus {
		icccm.WmProtocolsSet(w.X, w.Id, append(prots, "WM_TAKE_FOCUS"))

	// Attach a ClientMessage event handler. It will determine whether the
	// ClientMessage is a 'focus' request, and if so, run the callback 'cb'
	// provided.
		func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, ev xevent.ClientMessageEvent) {
			if icccm.IsFocusProtocol(X, ev) {
				cb(w, xproto.Timestamp(ev.Data.Data32[1]))
		}).Connect(w.X, w.Id)
コード例 #8
ファイル: traymanager.go プロジェクト: felixonmars/dde-daemon
func (m *TrayManager) Unmanage() bool {
	reply, err := m.getSelectionOwner()
	if err != nil {
		logger.Warning("get selection owner failed:", err)
		return false
	if reply.Owner != m.owner {
		logger.Warning("not selection owner")
		return false

	trayicons := m.TrayIcons
	for _, icon := range trayicons {
	timeStamp, _ := ewmh.WmUserTimeGet(TrayXU, m.owner)
	return xproto.SetSelectionOwnerChecked(
	).Check() == nil
コード例 #9
ファイル: screen.go プロジェクト: jmptrader/exp
func (s *screenImpl) run() {
	for {
		ev, err := s.xc.WaitForEvent()
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("x11driver: xproto.WaitForEvent: %v", err)

		noWindowFound := false
		switch ev := ev.(type) {
		case xproto.DestroyNotifyEvent:
			delete(s.windows, ev.Window)

		case shm.CompletionEvent:
			s.completionKeys = append(s.completionKeys, ev.Sequence)

		case xproto.ClientMessageEvent:
			if ev.Type != s.atomWMProtocols || ev.Format != 32 {
			switch xproto.Atom(ev.Data.Data32[0]) {
			case s.atomWMDeleteWindow:
				// TODO.
			case s.atomWMTakeFocus:
				xproto.SetInputFocus(s.xc, xproto.InputFocusParent, ev.Window, xproto.Timestamp(ev.Data.Data32[1]))

		case xproto.ConfigureNotifyEvent:
			if w := s.findWindow(ev.Window); w != nil {
			} else {
				noWindowFound = true

		case xproto.ExposeEvent:
			if w := s.findWindow(ev.Window); w != nil {
				// A non-zero Count means that there are more expose events
				// coming. For example, a non-rectangular exposure (e.g. from a
				// partially overlapped window) will result in multiple expose
				// events whose dirty rectangles combine to define the dirty
				// region. Go's paint events do not provide dirty regions, so
				// we only pass on the final X11 expose event.
				if ev.Count == 0 {
			} else {
				noWindowFound = true

		case xproto.FocusInEvent:
			// TODO: xw = ev.Event
		case xproto.FocusOutEvent:
			// TODO: xw = ev.Event

		case xproto.KeyPressEvent:
			if w := s.findWindow(ev.Event); w != nil {
				w.handleKey(ev.Detail, ev.State, key.DirPress)
			} else {
				noWindowFound = true

		case xproto.KeyReleaseEvent:
			if w := s.findWindow(ev.Event); w != nil {
				w.handleKey(ev.Detail, ev.State, key.DirRelease)
			} else {
				noWindowFound = true

		case xproto.ButtonPressEvent:
			if w := s.findWindow(ev.Event); w != nil {
				w.handleMouse(ev.EventX, ev.EventY, ev.Detail, ev.State, mouse.DirPress)
			} else {
				noWindowFound = true

		case xproto.ButtonReleaseEvent:
			if w := s.findWindow(ev.Event); w != nil {
				w.handleMouse(ev.EventX, ev.EventY, ev.Detail, ev.State, mouse.DirRelease)
			} else {
				noWindowFound = true

		case xproto.MotionNotifyEvent:
			if w := s.findWindow(ev.Event); w != nil {
				w.handleMouse(ev.EventX, ev.EventY, 0, ev.State, mouse.DirNone)
			} else {
				noWindowFound = true

		if noWindowFound {
			log.Printf("x11driver: no window found for event %T", ev)
コード例 #10
ファイル: screen.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/exp
func (s *screenImpl) run() {
	for {
		ev, err := s.xc.WaitForEvent()
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("x11driver: xproto.WaitForEvent: %v", err)

		noWindowFound := false
		switch ev := ev.(type) {
		case xproto.DestroyNotifyEvent:
			delete(s.windows, ev.Window)

		case shm.CompletionEvent:

		case xproto.ClientMessageEvent:
			if ev.Type != s.atomWMProtocols || ev.Format != 32 {
			switch xproto.Atom(ev.Data.Data32[0]) {
			case s.atomWMDeleteWindow:
				// TODO.
			case s.atomWMTakeFocus:
				xproto.SetInputFocus(s.xc, xproto.InputFocusParent, ev.Window, xproto.Timestamp(ev.Data.Data32[1]))

		case xproto.ConfigureNotifyEvent:
			if w := s.findWindow(ev.Window); w != nil {
			} else {
				noWindowFound = true

		case xproto.ExposeEvent:
			// TODO: xw = ev.Window
		case xproto.FocusInEvent:
			// TODO: xw = ev.Event
		case xproto.FocusOutEvent:
			// TODO: xw = ev.Event
		case xproto.KeyPressEvent:
			// TODO: xw = ev.Event
		case xproto.KeyReleaseEvent:
			// TODO: xw = ev.Event

		case xproto.ButtonPressEvent:
			if w := s.findWindow(ev.Event); w != nil {
				w.handleMouse(ev.EventX, ev.EventY, ev.Detail, ev.State, mouse.DirPress)
			} else {
				noWindowFound = true

		case xproto.ButtonReleaseEvent:
			if w := s.findWindow(ev.Event); w != nil {
				w.handleMouse(ev.EventX, ev.EventY, ev.Detail, ev.State, mouse.DirRelease)
			} else {
				noWindowFound = true

		case xproto.MotionNotifyEvent:
			if w := s.findWindow(ev.Event); w != nil {
				w.handleMouse(ev.EventX, ev.EventY, 0, ev.State, mouse.DirNone)
			} else {
				noWindowFound = true

		if noWindowFound {
			log.Printf("x11driver: no window found for event %T", ev)
コード例 #11
// NewConnXgb use the specific xgb.Conn to create a new XUtil.
//  NewConn, NewConnDisplay are wrapper of this function.
func NewConnXgb(c *xgb.Conn) (*XUtil, error) {
	setup := xproto.Setup(c)
	screen := setup.DefaultScreen(c)

	// Initialize our central struct that stores everything.
	xu := &XUtil{
		conn:             c,
		Quit:             false,
		Evqueue:          make([]EventOrError, 0, 1000),
		EvqueueLck:       &sync.RWMutex{},
		setup:            setup,
		screen:           screen,
		root:             screen.Root,
		eventTime:        xproto.Timestamp(0), // last event time
		Atoms:            make(map[string]xproto.Atom, 50),
		AtomsLck:         &sync.RWMutex{},
		AtomNames:        make(map[xproto.Atom]string, 50),
		AtomNamesLck:     &sync.RWMutex{},
		Callbacks:        make(map[int]map[xproto.Window][]Callback, 33),
		CallbacksLck:     &sync.RWMutex{},
		Hooks:            make([]CallbackHook, 0),
		HooksLck:         &sync.RWMutex{},
		Keymap:           nil, // we don't have anything yet
		Modmap:           nil,
		KeyRedirect:      0,
		Keybinds:         make(map[KeyKey][]CallbackKey, 10),
		KeybindsLck:      &sync.RWMutex{},
		Keygrabs:         make(map[KeyKey]int, 10),
		Keystrings:       make([]KeyString, 0, 10),
		Mousebinds:       make(map[MouseKey][]CallbackMouse, 10),
		MousebindsLck:    &sync.RWMutex{},
		Mousegrabs:       make(map[MouseKey]int, 10),
		InMouseDrag:      false,
		MouseDragStepFun: nil,
		MouseDragEndFun:  nil,
		ErrorHandler:     func(err xgb.Error) { Logger.Println(err) },

	var err error = nil
	// Create a general purpose graphics context
	xu.gc, err = xproto.NewGcontextId(xu.conn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	xproto.CreateGC(xu.conn, xu.gc, xproto.Drawable(xu.root),
		xproto.GcForeground, []uint32{xu.screen.WhitePixel})

	// Create a dummy window
	xu.dummy, err = xproto.NewWindowId(xu.conn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	xproto.CreateWindow(xu.conn, xu.Screen().RootDepth, xu.dummy, xu.RootWin(),
		-1000, -1000, 1, 1, 0,
		xproto.WindowClassInputOutput, xu.Screen().RootVisual,
		[]uint32{1, xproto.EventMaskPropertyChange})
	xproto.MapWindow(xu.conn, xu.dummy)

	// Register the Xinerama extension... because it doesn't cost much.
	err = xinerama.Init(xu.conn)

	// If we can't register Xinerama, that's okay. Output something
	// and move on.
	if err != nil {
		Logger.Printf("WARNING: %s\n", err)
		Logger.Printf("MESSAGE: The 'xinerama' package cannot be used " +
			"because the XINERAMA extension could not be loaded.")

	return xu, nil