コード例 #1
ファイル: shape.go プロジェクト: justjake/j3
// extract the top-left and bottom-right points of an xrect as a 4-tuple:  x, y, x2, y2
func coords(rect xrect.Rect) (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y int) {
	min_x = rect.X()
	max_x = min_x + rect.Width()

	min_y = rect.Y()
	max_y = min_y + rect.Height()
コード例 #2
ファイル: tree.go プロジェクト: flying99999/wingo
func (t *tree) place(geom xrect.Rect) bool {
	if t.child == nil || geom == nil {
		return false

	x, y, w, h := geom.X(), geom.Y(), geom.Width(), geom.Height()
	if !t.child.ValidDims(w, h, 1, 1, w, h) {
		return false
	t.child.MoveResize(x, y, w, h)
	return true
コード例 #3
ファイル: resize.go プロジェクト: justjake/j3
// return the coordinate part for an edge of a rectangle
// for the top edge, this is just rect.Y(), but for the right edge, it's
// rect.X() + rect.Width() to get the x-offset of the right edge
func EdgePos(rect xrect.Rect, dir wm.Direction) int {
	switch dir {
	case wm.Top:
		return rect.Y()
	case wm.Right:
		return rect.X() + rect.Width()
	case wm.Bottom:
		return rect.Y() + rect.Height()
	case wm.Left:
		return rect.X()
	log.Panic("Bad direction in EdgePosition")
	return 0
コード例 #4
ファイル: misc.go プロジェクト: jsteele31/wingo
// parseDim takes a string and parses a width or height dimension from it.
// The magic here is that while a string could just be a simple integer,
// it could also be a float greater than 0 but <= 1 in terms of the current
// head's geometry.
func parseDim(geom xrect.Rect, gribbleDim gribble.Any, hght bool) (int, bool) {
	switch dim := gribbleDim.(type) {
	case int:
		return dim, true
	case float64:
		if dim <= 0 || dim > 1 {
			logger.Warning.Printf("'%s' not in the valid range (0, 1].", dim)
			return 0, false

		if hght {
			return int(float64(geom.Height()) * dim), true
		} else {
			return int(float64(geom.Width()) * dim), true
コード例 #5
ファイル: misc.go プロジェクト: jsteele31/wingo
// parsePos takes a string and parses an x or y position from it.
// The magic here is that while a string could just be a simple integer,
// it could also be a float greater than 0 but <= 1 in terms of the current
// head's geometry.
func parsePos(geom xrect.Rect, gribblePos gribble.Any, y bool) (int, bool) {
	switch pos := gribblePos.(type) {
	case int:
		return pos, true
	case float64:
		if pos <= 0 || pos > 1 {
			logger.Warning.Printf("'%s' not in the valid range (0, 1].", pos)
			return 0, false

		if y {
			return geom.Y() + int(float64(geom.Height())*pos), true
		} else {
			return geom.X() + int(float64(geom.Width())*pos), true
コード例 #6
ファイル: resize.go プロジェクト: justjake/j3
func SideOfRectangle(geom xrect.Rect, x, y int) wm.Direction {
	// construct algebraic functions to delinate the rectangle into sections
	// around the center point like this: [X]
	// these are a little confusing because x11 addresses coordinates from the top-left,
	// where traditional euclidean graphs address from the bottom-left
	w, h := geom.Width(), geom.Height()
	slope := float64(h) / float64(w)
	bl_to_tr_y := int(-1.0*slope*float64(x)) + h
	tl_to_br_y := int(slope * float64(x))

	var dir wm.Direction

	if x < w/2 {
		// left half of the rectangle
		switch {
		// we must be above both lines and on the left side of the midpoint
		case y <= tl_to_br_y:
			dir = wm.Top

		// we must be below both lines and on the left side of the midpoint
		case y >= bl_to_tr_y:
			dir = wm.Bottom

		// we are between the two lines and on the left side
			dir = wm.Left
	} else {
		// right half of the rectangle
		if y <= bl_to_tr_y {
			// we must be above both lines and on the left side of the midpoint
			dir = wm.Top
		} else if y >= tl_to_br_y {
			// we must be below both lines and on the left side of the midpoint
			dir = wm.Bottom
		} else {
			// we are between the two lines and on the left side
			dir = wm.Right

	return dir
コード例 #7
ファイル: input.go プロジェクト: Pursuit92/wingo
func (inp *Input) Show(workarea xrect.Rect, label string,
	do func(inp *Input, text string), canceled func(inp *Input)) bool {

	if inp.showing {
		return false


	text.DrawText(inp.label, inp.theme.Font, inp.theme.FontSize,
		inp.theme.FontColor, inp.theme.BgColor, label)

	pad, bs := inp.theme.Padding, inp.theme.BorderSize
	width := (pad * 2) + (bs * 2) +
		inp.label.Geom.Width() + inp.theme.InputWidth
	height := (pad * 2) + (bs * 2) + inp.label.Geom.Height()

	// position the damn window based on its width/height (i.e., center it)
	posx := workarea.X() + workarea.Width()/2 - width/2
	posy := workarea.Y() + workarea.Height()/2 - height/2

	inp.win.MoveResize(posx, posy, width, height)
	inp.label.Move(bs+pad, pad+bs)
	inp.bInp.MoveResize(pad+inp.label.Geom.X()+inp.label.Geom.Width(), 0,
		bs, height)
	inp.bTop.Resize(width, bs)
	inp.bBot.MoveResize(0, height-bs, width, bs)
	inp.bLft.Resize(bs, height)
	inp.bRht.MoveResize(width-bs, 0, bs, height)
	inp.input.Move(inp.bInp.Geom.X()+inp.bInp.Geom.Width(), bs)

	inp.showing = true
	inp.do = do
	inp.canceled = canceled
	inp.historyIndex = len(inp.history)

	return true
コード例 #8
ファイル: select.go プロジェクト: cshapeshifter/wingo
func (slct *Select) Show(workarea xrect.Rect, tabCompleteType int,
	groups []*SelectShowGroup, data interface{}) bool {

	if slct.showing {
		return false

	// if there aren't any groups, we obviously don't need to show anything.
	if len(groups) == 0 {
		return false

	// So maybe there are groups, but there aren't any items...
	foundItem := false
	for _, group := range groups {
		if len(group.items) > 0 {
			foundItem = true
	if !foundItem {
		return false

	slct.groups = groups
	slct.tabComplete = tabCompleteType


	// Position the initial list of items with no filter.

	// Create some short aliases and start computing the geometry of the
	// prompt window.
	bs := slct.theme.BorderSize
	pad := slct.theme.Padding

	inpHeight := slct.input.Geom.Height()
	height := 2*(bs+pad) + inpHeight + bs
	maxFontWidth := 0
	didGroupSpacing := false
	for _, group := range slct.groups {
		if len(group.items) > 0 && group.hasGroup() {
			maxFontWidth = misc.Max(maxFontWidth, group.win.Geom.Width())
			height += group.win.Geom.Height() + slct.theme.GroupSpacing
			didGroupSpacing = true
		for _, item := range group.items {
			maxFontWidth = misc.Max(maxFontWidth, item.regular.Geom.Width())
			height += item.regular.Geom.Height() + itemTopSpace + itemBotSpace

	if didGroupSpacing {
		height -= slct.theme.GroupSpacing
	maxWidth := int(float64(workarea.Width()) * 0.8)
	width := misc.Min(maxWidth, maxFontWidth+2*(bs+pad))

	// position the damn window based on its width/height (i.e., center it)
	posx := workarea.X() + workarea.Width()/2 - width/2
	posy := workarea.Y() + workarea.Height()/2 - height/2

	// Issue the configure requests. We also need to adjust the borders.
	slct.win.MoveResize(posx, posy, width, height)
	slct.bInp.MoveResize(0, bs+inpHeight, width, bs)
	slct.bTop.Resize(width, bs)
	slct.bBot.MoveResize(0, height-bs, width, bs)
	slct.bLft.Resize(bs, height)
	slct.bRht.MoveResize(width-bs, 0, bs, height)

	slct.showing = true
	slct.data = data
	slct.selected = -1

	return true
コード例 #9
ファイル: cycle.go プロジェクト: mkrull/wingo
// Show will map and show the slice of items provided.
// 'workarea' is the rectangle to position the prompt window in. (i.e.,
// typically the rectangle of the monitor to place it on.)
// 'keyStr' is an optional parameter. If this prompt is shown in
// response to a keybinding, then keyStr should be the keybinding used.
// If there are modifiers used in the keyStr, the prompt will automatically
// close if all of the modifiers are released. (This is the "alt-tab"
// functionality.)
// Note that if you don't want this auto-closing feature, simply leave keyStr
// blank, even if the prompt is shown in response to a key binding.
// Show returns false if the prompt cannot be shown for some reason.
func (cycle *Cycle) Show(workarea xrect.Rect,
	keyStr string, items []*CycleItem) bool {

	if cycle.showing {
		return false

	// If there are no items, obviously quit.
	if len(items) == 0 {
		return false

	// Note that SmartGrab is smart and avoids races. Check it out
	// in xgbutil/keybind.go if you're interested.
	// This makes it impossible to press and release alt-tab too quickly
	// to have it not register.
	if cycle.config.Grab {
		if err := keybind.SmartGrab(cycle.X, cycle.X.Dummy()); err != nil {
				"Could not grab keyboard for prompt cycle: %s", err)
			return false

	// Save the list of cycle items (this how we know when to cycle between
	// them). Namely, cycle.selected is an index to this list.
	cycle.items = items

	// Save the modifiers used, if any.
	cycle.grabMods, _, _ = keybind.ParseString(cycle.X, keyStr)

	// Put the prompt window on top of the window stack.

	// Create some short aliases and start computing the geometry of the
	// cycle window.
	bs := cycle.theme.BorderSize
	cbs := cycle.theme.IconBorderSize
	is := cycle.theme.IconSize
	pad := cycle.theme.Padding

	maxWidth := int(float64(workarea.Width()) * 0.8)
	x, y := bs+pad, bs+pad+cbs+cycle.fontHeight
	width := 2 * (bs + pad)
	height := (2 * (bs + pad + cbs)) + is + cbs + cycle.fontHeight
	maxFontWidth := 0

	widthStatic := false // when true, we stop increasing width
	for _, item := range items {
		maxFontWidth = misc.Max(maxFontWidth, item.text.Geom.Width())

		// Check if we should move on to the next row.
		if x+(is+(2*cbs))+pad+bs > maxWidth {
			x = bs + pad
			y += is + (2 * cbs)
			height += is + (2 * cbs)
			widthStatic = true

		// Position the icon window and map its active version or its
		// inactive version if it's iconified.
		item.show(x, y)

		// Only increase the width if we're still adding icons to the first row.
		if !widthStatic {
			width += is + (2 * cbs)
		x += is + (2 * cbs)

	// If the computed width is less than the max font width, then increase
	// the width of the prompt to fit the longest window title.
	// Forcefully cap it as the maxWidth, though.
	if maxFontWidth+2*(pad+bs) > width {
		width = misc.Min(maxWidth, maxFontWidth+2*(pad+bs))

	// position the damn window based on its width/height (i.e., center it)
	posx := workarea.X() + workarea.Width()/2 - width/2
	posy := workarea.Y() + workarea.Height()/2 - height/2

	// Issue the configure requests. We also need to adjust the borders.
	cycle.win.MoveResize(posx, posy, width, height)
	cycle.bTop.Resize(width, bs)
	cycle.bBot.MoveResize(0, height-bs, width, bs)
	cycle.bLft.Resize(bs, height)
	cycle.bRht.MoveResize(width-bs, 0, bs, height)

	cycle.showing = true
	cycle.selected = -1

	return true
コード例 #10
ファイル: message.go プロジェクト: flying99999/wingo
func (msg *Message) Show(workarea xrect.Rect, message string,
	duration time.Duration, hidden func(msg *Message)) bool {

	if msg.showing {
		return false


	pad, bs := msg.theme.Padding, msg.theme.BorderSize
	height := pad + bs
	width := 0
	for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(message), "\n") {
		textWin := xwindow.Must(xwindow.Create(msg.X, msg.win.Id))
		msg.textWins = append(msg.textWins, textWin)
		if len(line) == 0 {
			line = " "

		textWin.Move(bs+pad, height)
		text.DrawText(textWin, msg.theme.Font, msg.theme.FontSize,
			msg.theme.FontColor, msg.theme.BgColor, line)
		height += textWin.Geom.Height()
		if w := textWin.Geom.Width(); w > width {
			width = w
	height += pad + bs
	width += pad*2 + bs*2

	// position the damn window based on its width/height (i.e., center it)
	posx := workarea.X() + workarea.Width()/2 - width/2
	posy := workarea.Y() + workarea.Height()/2 - height/2

	msg.win.MoveResize(posx, posy, width, height)
	msg.bTop.Resize(width, bs)
	msg.bBot.MoveResize(0, height-bs, width, bs)
	msg.bLft.Resize(bs, height)
	msg.bRht.MoveResize(width-bs, 0, bs, height)

	msg.showing = true
	msg.duration = duration
	msg.hidden = hidden
	msg.lastShow = time.Now()

	// If the duration is non-zero, then wait for that amount of time and
	// automatically hide the popup. Otherwise, focus the window and wait
	// for user interaction.
	if duration == 0 {
	} else {
		go func() {
			// If `Hide` is called before the timeout expires, we'll
			// cancel the timeout.
			select {
			case <-time.After(duration):
			case <-msg.cancelTimeout:

	return true
コード例 #11
ファイル: vertical.go プロジェクト: dlintw/wingo
func (v *Vertical) Place(geom xrect.Rect) {
	if geom == nil {

	msize, ssize := len(v.store.masters), len(v.store.slaves)
	mx, mw := geom.X(), int(float64(geom.Width())*v.proportion)
	sx, sw := mx+mw, geom.Width()-mw

	// If there are zero widths or they are too big, don't do anything.
	if mw <= 0 || mw > geom.Width() || sw <= 0 || sw > geom.Width() {

	if msize > 0 {
		mh := geom.Height() / msize
		if ssize == 0 {
			mw = geom.Width()
		for i, item := range v.store.masters {
			item.client.MoveResize(false, mx, geom.Y()+i*mh, mw, mh)
	if ssize > 0 {
		if msize == 0 {
			sx, sw = geom.X(), geom.Width()
		sy := geom.Y()
		for _, item := range v.store.slaves {
			sh := int(float64(geom.Height()) * item.proportion)
			item.client.MoveResize(false, sx, sy, sw, sh)
			sy += sh