func TestExcept(t *testing.T) { relationOne := nodes.Relation("table_one") relationTwo := nodes.Relation("table_two") relationThree := nodes.Relation("table_three") one := nodes.SelectStatement(relationOne) two := nodes.SelectStatement(relationTwo) three := nodes.SelectStatement(relationThree) one.Combinator = nodes.Except(one, two) two.Combinator = nodes.Except(two, three) expected := `(SELECT FROM "table_one" EXCEPT (SELECT FROM "table_two" EXCEPT SELECT FROM "table_three"))` if got, _ := sql.Accept(one); expected != got { t.Errorf("TestUnion was expected to return %s, got %s", expected, got) } }
func TestSelectManager(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") mgr := managers.Selection(relation) // The following struct members should exist. _ = mgr.Tree _ = mgr.Context // The following receiver methods should exist. _ = mgr.Project(1) _ = mgr.Where(1) _ = mgr.Offset(1) _ = mgr.Limit(1) _ = mgr.InnerJoin(1) _ = mgr.OuterJoin(1) _ = mgr.On(1) _ = mgr.Order(1) _ = mgr.Group(1) _ = mgr.Having(1) _ = mgr.Union(managers.Selection(relation)) _ = mgr.Intersect(managers.Selection(relation)) _ = mgr.Except(managers.Selection(relation)) _ = mgr.SetAdapter(1) _, _ = mgr.ToSql() }
func TestUnaliasedRelation(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") expected := `"table"` if got, _ := sql.Accept(relation); expected != got { t.Errorf("TestUnaliasedRelation was expected to return %s, got %s", expected, got) } }
func TestDeleteStatement(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") stmt := nodes.DeleteStatement(relation) expected := `DELETE FROM "table" ` if got, _ := sql.Accept(stmt); expected != got { t.Errorf("TestDeleteStatement was expected to return %s, got %s", expected, got) } }
func TestInsertStatement(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") stmt := nodes.InsertStatement(relation) expected := `INSERT INTO "table" ` if got, _ := sql.Accept(stmt); expected != got { t.Errorf("TestInsertStatement was expected to return %s, got %s", expected, got) } }
func TestSelectCore(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") core := nodes.SelectCore(relation) expected := `SELECT FROM "table"` if got, _ := sql.Accept(core); expected != got { t.Errorf("TestSelectCore was expected to return %s, got %s", expected, got) } }
func TestJoinSource(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") source := nodes.JoinSource(relation) expected := `"table"` if got, _ := sql.Accept(source); expected != got { t.Errorf("TestJoinSource was expected to return %s, got %s", expected, got) } }
func TestVisitForeignKey(t *testing.T) { fkey := nodes.ForeignKey([]interface{}{nodes.UnqualifiedColumn("column")}) fkey.Options = append(fkey.Options, nodes.Relation("table")) expected := `ADD FOREIGN KEY("column") REFERENCES "table"` if got, _ := sql.Accept(fkey); expected != got { t.Errorf("TestVisitForeignKey was expected to return %s, got %s", expected, got) } }
func TestExtensiveJoinSource(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") source := nodes.JoinSource(relation) source.Right = append(source.Right, []interface{}{1, 2, 3}...) expected := `"table" 1 2 3` if got, _ := sql.Accept(source); expected != got { t.Errorf("TestExtensiveJoinSource was expected to return %s, got %s", expected, got) } }
func TestUnaliasedAttribute(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") column := nodes.Column("column") attribute := nodes.Attribute(column, relation) expected := `"table"."column"` if got, _ := sql.Accept(attribute); expected != got { t.Errorf("TestUnaliasedAttribute was expected to return %s, got %s", expected, got) } }
// Table returns an Accessor from the managers package for // generating SQL to interact with existing tables. func Table(name string) managers.Accessor { relation := nodes.Relation(name) return func(name interface{}) *nodes.AttributeNode { if _, ok := name.(string); ok { return nodes.Attribute(nodes.Column(name), relation) } return nodes.Attribute(name, relation) } }
func TestSelectCoreExtensive(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") core := nodes.SelectCore(relation) core.Projections = append(core.Projections, 1, 2) core.Wheres = append(core.Wheres, 3, 4) core.Source.Right = append(core.Source.Right, nodes.InnerJoin(5, nil)) expected := `SELECT 1, 2 FROM "table" INNER JOIN 5 WHERE 3 AND 4` if got, _ := sql.Accept(core); expected != got { t.Errorf("TestSelectCoreExtensive was expected to return %s, got %s", expected, got) } }
func TestDeleteManager(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") mgr := managers.Deletion(relation) // The following struct members should exist. _ = mgr.Tree // The following receiver methods should exist. _ = mgr.Delete(1) _ = mgr.SetAdapter(1) _, _ = mgr.ToSql() }
func TestAlterManager(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") mgr := managers.Alteration(relation) // The following struct members should exist. _ = mgr.Tree // The following receiver methods should exist. _ = mgr.AddColumn(1, sql.String) _ = mgr.AddConstraint([]interface{}{1}, sql.Unique, 1, 2, 3) _ = mgr.SetAdapter(1) _, _ = mgr.ToSql() }
func TestInsertManager(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") mgr := managers.Insertion(relation) // The following struct members should exist. _ = mgr.Tree // The following receiver methods should exist. _ = mgr.Insert(1) _ = mgr.Into(1) _ = mgr.Returning(1) _ = mgr.SetAdapter(1) _, _ = mgr.ToSql() }
func (self *ToSqlVisitor) VisitForeignKey(o *nodes.ForeignKeyNode, visitor VisitorInterface) string { if 0 >= len(o.Options) { panic("Missing column REFERENCE name for FOREIGN KEY constraint.") } str := "ADD " // For FOREIGN KEY, index name is optional, REFERENCES is not. // // No index name ex. // // CreateTable("orders"). // AddColumn("user_id"). // AddConstraint("user_id", FOREIGN_KEY, "users") // // With option index name ex. // // CreateTable("orders"). // AddColumn("user_id"). // AddConstraint("user_id", FOREIGN_KEY, "users_fkey", "users") if 1 < len(o.Options) { expr := o.Options[0] if _, ok := expr.(string); ok { expr = nodes.IndexName(expr) } // Remove this item from the array, avoiding any potential memory leak. // length := len(o.Options) - 1 copy(o.Options[0:], o.Options[1:]) o.Options[length] = nil o.Options = o.Options[:length] str = fmt.Sprintf("%vCONSTRAINT %v%v", str, visitor.Visit(expr, visitor), SPACE) } str = fmt.Sprintf("%vFOREIGN KEY(%v)", str, visitor.FormatConstraintColumns(o.Columns, visitor)) // If option is not here, user didn't do it right, but don't dereference and panic. if 0 < len(o.Options) { relation := o.Options[0] if _, ok := relation.(string); ok { relation = nodes.Relation(relation.(string)) } str = fmt.Sprintf("%v%vREFERENCES %v", str, SPACE, visitor.Visit(relation, visitor)) } return str }
func TestUpdateManager(t *testing.T) { relation := nodes.Relation("table") mgr := managers.Modification(relation) // The following struct members should exist. _ = mgr.Tree // The following receiver methods should exist. _ = mgr.Set(1) _ = mgr.To(1) _ = mgr.Where(1) _ = mgr.Limit(1) _ = mgr.SetAdapter(1) _, _ = mgr.ToSql() }
func TestAttribute(t *testing.T) { attr := nodes.Attribute("column", nodes.Relation("table")) // The following struct members should exist. _ = attr.Name _ = attr.Relation // The following receiver methods should exist. _ = attr.And(1) _ = attr.Or(1) _ = attr.Eq(1) _ = attr.Neq(1) _ = attr.Gt(1) _ = attr.Gte(1) _ = attr.Lt(1) _ = attr.Lte(1) _ = attr.Like(1) _ = attr.Unlike(1) _ = attr.Asc() _ = attr.Desc() }
// CreateTable returns an AlterManager from the managers package // for generating SQL to create new tables. func CreateTable(name string) *managers.CreateManager { relation := nodes.Relation(name) return managers.Creation(relation) }
// CreateTable returns an AlterManager from the managers package // for generating SQL to alter existing tables. func AlterTable(name string) *managers.AlterManager { relation := nodes.Relation(name) return managers.Alteration(relation) }