コード例 #1
ファイル: packages.go プロジェクト: pinterb/distributive
// pacmanIgnore checks to see whether a given package is in /etc/pacman.conf's
// IgnorePkg setting
func pacmanIgnore(parameters []string) (exitCode int, exitMessage string) {
	pkg := parameters[0]
	path := "/etc/pacman.conf"
	data := wrkutils.FileToString(path)
	re := regexp.MustCompile(`[^#]IgnorePkg\s+=\s+.+`)
	find := re.FindString(data)
	var packages []string
	if find != "" {
		spl := strings.Split(find, " ")
		wrkutils.IndexError("Not enough lines in "+path, 2, spl)
		packages = spl[2:] // first two are "IgnorePkg" and "="
		if tabular.StrIn(pkg, packages) {
			return 0, ""
	msg := "Couldn't find package in IgnorePkg"
	return wrkutils.GenericError(msg, pkg, packages)
コード例 #2
// getGroups returns a list of Group structs, as parsed from /etc/group
func getGroups() (groups []Group) {
	path := "/etc/group"
	data := wrkutils.FileToString(path)
	rowSep := regexp.MustCompile(`\n`)
	colSep := regexp.MustCompile(`:`)
	lines := tabular.SeparateString(rowSep, colSep, data)
	commaRegexp := regexp.MustCompile(`,`)
	for _, line := range lines {
		if len(line) > 3 { // only lines that have all fields (non-empty)
			gid, err := strconv.ParseInt(line[2], 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
					"group": line[0],
					"path":  path,
				}).Fatal("Could not parse ID for group")
			userSlice := commaRegexp.Split(line[3], -1)
			group := Group{Name: line[0], ID: int(gid), Users: userSlice}
			groups = append(groups, group)
	return groups
コード例 #3
ファイル: packages.go プロジェクト: pinterb/distributive
// getAptrepos constructs repos from the sources.list file at path. Gives
// non-zero URLs
func getAptRepos() (repos []repo) {
	// getAptSources returns all the urls of all apt sources (including source
	// code repositories
	getAptSources := func() (urls []string) {
		otherLists := wrkutils.GetFilesWithExtension("/etc/apt/sources.list.d", ".list")
		sourceLists := append([]string{"/etc/apt/sources.list"}, otherLists...)
		for _, f := range sourceLists {
			split := tabular.ProbabalisticSplit(wrkutils.FileToString(f))
			// filter out comments
			commentRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*#`)
			for _, line := range split {
				if len(line) > 1 && !(commentRegex.MatchString(line[0])) {
					urls = append(urls, line[1])
		return urls
	for _, src := range getAptSources() {
		repos = append(repos, repo{URL: src})
	return repos
コード例 #4
ファイル: network.go プロジェクト: orimarti/distributive
// port parses /proc/net/tcp to determine if a given port is in an open state
// and returns an error if it is not.
func port(parameters []string) (exitCode int, exitMessage string) {
	// getHexPorts gets all open ports as hex strings from /proc/net/tcp
	getHexPorts := func() (ports []string) {
		paths := [2]string{"/proc/net/tcp", "/proc/net/udp"}
		for _, path := range paths {
			data := wrkutils.FileToString(path)
			table := tabular.ProbabalisticSplit(data)
			// TODO by header isn't working
			//localAddresses := tabular.GetColumnByHeader("local_address", table)
			localAddresses := tabular.GetAllNoHeader(table)
			portRe := regexp.MustCompile(`([0-9A-F]{8}):([0-9A-F]{4})`)
			for _, address := range localAddresses {
				port := portRe.FindString(address)
				if port != "" {
					if len(port) < 10 {
							"port":   port,
							"length": len(port),
						}).Fatal("Couldn't parse port number in " + path)
					portString := string(port[9:])
					ports = append(ports, portString)
		return ports

	// strHexToDecimal converts from string containing hex number to int
	strHexToDecimal := func(hex string) int {
		portInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(hex, 16, 64)
		if err != nil {
				"number": hex,
				"error":  err.Error(),
			}).Fatal("Couldn't parse hex number")
		return int(portInt)

	// getOpenPorts gets a list of open/listening ports as integers
	getOpenPorts := func() (ports []int) {
		for _, port := range getHexPorts() {
			ports = append(ports, strHexToDecimal(port))
		return ports

	// TODO check if it is in a valid range
	port := wrkutils.ParseMyInt(parameters[0])
	open := getOpenPorts()
	for _, p := range open {
		if p == port {
			return 0, ""
	// convert ports to string to send to wrkutils.GenericError
	var strPorts []string
	for _, port := range open {
		strPorts = append(strPorts, fmt.Sprint(port))
	return wrkutils.GenericError("Port not open", fmt.Sprint(port), strPorts)