func (s *compiledPackageApplier) downloadAndInstall(pkg models.Package, pkgBundle bc.Bundle) error { tmpDir, err := s.fs.TempDir("bosh-agent-applier-packages-CompiledPackageApplier-Apply") if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Getting temp dir") } defer func() { if err = s.fs.RemoveAll(tmpDir); err != nil { s.logger.Warn(logTag, "Failed to clean up tmpDir: %s", err.Error()) } }() file, err := s.blobstore.Get(pkg.Source.BlobstoreID, pkg.Source.Sha1) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Fetching package blob") } defer func() { if err = s.blobstore.CleanUp(file); err != nil { s.logger.Warn(logTag, "Failed to clean up blobstore blog: %s", err.Error()) } }() err = s.compressor.DecompressFileToDir(file, tmpDir, boshcmd.CompressorOptions{}) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Decompressing package files") } _, _, err = pkgBundle.Install(tmpDir) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Installling package directory") } return nil }
func (s *renderedJobApplier) downloadAndInstall(job models.Job, jobBundle boshbc.Bundle) error { tmpDir, err := s.fs.TempDir("bosh-agent-applier-jobs-RenderedJobApplier-Apply") if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Getting temp dir") } defer func() { if err = s.fs.RemoveAll(tmpDir); err != nil { s.logger.Warn(logTag, "Failed to clean up temp directory: %s", err.Error()) } }() digest, err := boshcrypto.ParseDigestString(job.Source.Sha1) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Parsing job blob digest") } file, err := s.blobstore.Get(job.Source.BlobstoreID, digest) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Getting job source from blobstore") } defer func() { if err = s.blobstore.CleanUp(file); err != nil { s.logger.Warn(logTag, "Failed to clean up blobstore blob: %s", err.Error()) } }() err = s.compressor.DecompressFileToDir(file, tmpDir, boshcmd.CompressorOptions{}) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Decompressing files to temp dir") } binPath := path.Join(tmpDir, job.Source.PathInArchive, "bin") + "/" err = s.fs.Walk(path.Join(tmpDir, job.Source.PathInArchive), func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } else if info.IsDir() || strings.HasPrefix(path, binPath) { return s.fs.Chmod(path, os.FileMode(0755)) } else { return s.fs.Chmod(path, os.FileMode(0644)) } }) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Correcting file permissions") } _, _, err = jobBundle.Install(path.Join(tmpDir, job.Source.PathInArchive)) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Installing job bundle") } return nil }
func (s *renderedJobApplier) downloadAndInstall(job models.Job, jobBundle boshbc.Bundle) error { tmpDir, err := s.fs.TempDir("bosh-agent-applier-jobapplier-RenderedJobApplier-Apply") if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Getting temp dir") } defer s.fs.RemoveAll(tmpDir) file, err := s.blobstore.Get(job.Source.BlobstoreID, job.Source.Sha1) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Getting job source from blobstore") } defer s.blobstore.CleanUp(file) err = s.compressor.DecompressFileToDir(file, tmpDir) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Decompressing files to temp dir") } files, err := s.fs.Glob(filepath.Join(tmpDir, job.Source.PathInArchive, "bin", "*")) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Finding job binary files") } for _, f := range files { err = s.fs.Chmod(f, os.FileMode(0755)) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Making %s executable", f) } } _, _, err = jobBundle.Install(filepath.Join(tmpDir, job.Source.PathInArchive)) if err != nil { return bosherr.WrapError(err, "Installing job bundle") } return nil }