コード例 #1
				BeforeEach(func() {
					store.BumpDesiredFreshness(time.Unix(0, 0))
					store.BumpActualFreshness(time.Unix(0, 0))

				Context("when the app query parameters do not correspond to an existing app", func() {
					It("should respond with an empty hash", func() {
						response := makeRequest(`{"droplet":"elephant","version":"pink-flamingo"}`)

				Context("when the app query parameters correspond to an existing app", func() {
					It("should return the actual instances and crashes of the app", func() {
						response := makeRequest(validRequestPayload)

				Context("when something else goes wrong with the store", func() {
					BeforeEach(func() {
						storeAdapter.GetErrInjector = fakestoreadapter.NewFakeStoreAdapterErrorInjector("desired", fmt.Errorf("No desired state for you!"))

					It("should return an empty hash", func() {
						response := makeRequest(validRequestPayload)