コード例 #1
ファイル: admin_test.go プロジェクト: veteranlu/cockroach
// TestAdminDebugRedirect verifies that the /debug/ endpoint is redirected to on
// incorrect /debug/ paths.
func TestAdminDebugRedirect(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	s, _, _ := serverutils.StartServer(t, base.TestServerArgs{})
	defer s.Stopper().Stop()

	expURL := debugURL(s)
	origURL := expURL + "incorrect"

	// There are no particular permissions on admin endpoints, TestUser is fine.
	client, err := testutils.NewTestBaseContext(TestUser).GetHTTPClient()
	if err != nil {

	// Don't follow redirects automatically.
	redirectAttemptedError := errors.New("redirect")
	client.CheckRedirect = func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
		return redirectAttemptedError

	resp, err := client.Get(origURL)
	if urlError, ok := err.(*url.Error); ok && urlError.Err == redirectAttemptedError {
		// Ignore the redirectAttemptedError.
		err = nil
	if err != nil {
	} else {
		if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusMovedPermanently {
			t.Errorf("expected status code %d; got %d", http.StatusMovedPermanently, resp.StatusCode)
		if redirectURL, err := resp.Location(); err != nil {
		} else if foundURL := redirectURL.String(); foundURL != expURL {
			t.Errorf("expected location %s; got %s", expURL, foundURL)
コード例 #2
ファイル: authentication_test.go プロジェクト: knz/cockroach
// Verify client certificate enforcement and user whitelisting.
func TestSSLEnforcement(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	s, _, _ := serverutils.StartServer(t, base.TestServerArgs{})
	defer s.Stopper().Stop()

	// HTTPS with client certs for security.RootUser.
	rootCertsContext := testutils.NewTestBaseContext(security.RootUser)
	// HTTPS with client certs for security.NodeUser.
	nodeCertsContext := testutils.NewNodeTestBaseContext()
	// HTTPS with client certs for TestUser.
	testCertsContext := testutils.NewTestBaseContext(TestUser)
	// HTTPS without client certs. The user does not matter.
	noCertsContext := insecureCtx{}
	// Plain http.
	insecureContext := testutils.NewTestBaseContext(TestUser)
	insecureContext.Insecure = true

	kvGet := &roachpb.GetRequest{}
	kvGet.Key = roachpb.Key("/")

	testCases := []struct {
		method, path string
		body         proto.Message
		ctx          ctxI
		success      bool // request sent successfully (may be non-200)
		code         int  // http response code
		// /ui/: basic file server: no auth.
		{"GET", "/index.html", nil, rootCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", "/index.html", nil, nodeCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", "/index.html", nil, testCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", "/index.html", nil, noCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", "/index.html", nil, insecureContext, true, http.StatusPermanentRedirect},

		// /_admin/: server.adminServer: no auth.
		{"GET", adminPrefix + "health", nil, rootCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", adminPrefix + "health", nil, nodeCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", adminPrefix + "health", nil, testCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", adminPrefix + "health", nil, noCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", adminPrefix + "health", nil, insecureContext, true, http.StatusPermanentRedirect},

		// /debug/: server.adminServer: no auth.
		{"GET", debugEndpoint + "vars", nil, rootCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", debugEndpoint + "vars", nil, nodeCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", debugEndpoint + "vars", nil, testCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", debugEndpoint + "vars", nil, noCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", debugEndpoint + "vars", nil, insecureContext, true, http.StatusPermanentRedirect},

		// /_status/nodes: server.statusServer: no auth.
		{"GET", statusPrefix + "nodes", nil, rootCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", statusPrefix + "nodes", nil, nodeCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", statusPrefix + "nodes", nil, testCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", statusPrefix + "nodes", nil, noCertsContext, true, http.StatusOK},
		{"GET", statusPrefix + "nodes", nil, insecureContext, true, http.StatusPermanentRedirect},

		// /ts/: ts.Server: no auth.
		{"GET", ts.URLPrefix, nil, rootCertsContext, true, http.StatusNotFound},
		{"GET", ts.URLPrefix, nil, nodeCertsContext, true, http.StatusNotFound},
		{"GET", ts.URLPrefix, nil, testCertsContext, true, http.StatusNotFound},
		{"GET", ts.URLPrefix, nil, noCertsContext, true, http.StatusNotFound},
		{"GET", ts.URLPrefix, nil, insecureContext, true, http.StatusPermanentRedirect},

	for tcNum, tc := range testCases {
		client, err := tc.ctx.GetHTTPClient()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("[%d]: failed to get http client: %v", tcNum, err)
		url := fmt.Sprintf(
			"%s://%s%s", tc.ctx.HTTPRequestScheme(),
			s.(*TestServer).Cfg.HTTPAddr, tc.path)
		resp, err := doHTTPReq(t, client, tc.method, url, tc.body)
		if (err == nil) != tc.success {
			t.Errorf("[%d]: expected success=%t, got err=%v", tcNum, tc.success, err)
		if err != nil {

		defer resp.Body.Close()
		if resp.StatusCode != tc.code {
			t.Errorf("[%d]: expected status code %d, got %d", tcNum, tc.code, resp.StatusCode)