func (suite *TestSuiteTemplate) TestGet(c *C) { // Write something url := "zk://" + strings.Join(Hosts(), ",") zk, err := namespace.Dial(context.Background(), url) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log(zk) defer zk.Close() k := fmt.Sprintf("/unit-test/registry/template/%d/test", time.Now().Unix()) p := namespace.NewPath(k) v := []byte("test") _, err = zk.Put(p, v, false) c.Assert(err, IsNil) suite.template = "The value is {{get \"zk://" + k + "\"}}!" // Generate the auth token required by the server. token := auth.NewToken(1*time.Hour).Add("secure", 1) header := http.Header{} token.SetHeader(header, testutil.PrivateKeyFunc) ctx := resource.ContextPutHttpHeader(context.Background(), header) applied, err := template.Execute(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/secure", suite.port)) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log(string(applied)) c.Assert(string(applied), Equals, "The value is test!") }
func (suite *TestSuiteTemplate) TestTemplateExecuteWithVarBlock(c *C) { // Generate the auth token required by the server. token := auth.NewToken(1*time.Hour).Add("secure", 1) header := http.Header{} token.SetHeader(header, testutil.PrivateKeyFunc) // This is the content to be served by the test server. // Using the Execute will add additional functions that can be included in the var blocks. suite.template = ` {{define "comments"}} # The variable define blocks allow the definition of variables that are reused throughout the # main body of the template. The variables are referenced as '<blockname>.<fieldname>'. {{end}} {{define "app"}} # blockname is 'app' version: 1.2 image: repo build: 1234 dir: {{sh "pwd"}} # Invoke shell and use that as the value. user: "******"USER"}}" # Getting the environment variable and use that as value. {{end}} {{define "host"}} label: appserver name: myhost port: {{.port}} # Here we allow the application to pass in a context that's refereceable. {{end}} { "image" : "repo/myapp:` + "{{my `app.version`}}-{{my ``}}" + `", "host" : "` + "{{my ``}}" + `",{{/* use this for comment in JSON :) */}} "dir" : "` + "{{my `app.dir`}}" + `", "user" : "` + "{{my `app.user`}}" + `", "port" : "` + "{{my `host.port`}}" + `" }` // The url is a template too. url := "http://localhost:{{.port}}/secure" data := map[string]interface{}{ "Name": "test", "Age": 20, "port": suite.port, } ctx := ContextPutTemplateData(resource.ContextPutHttpHeader(context.Background(), header), data) text, err := Execute(ctx, url) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log(string(text)) obj := make(map[string]string) err = json.Unmarshal(text, &obj) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(obj["image"], Equals, "repo/myapp:1.2-1234") c.Assert(obj["user"], Equals, os.Getenv("USER")) c.Assert(obj["host"], Equals, "myhost") c.Assert(obj["port"], Equals, fmt.Sprintf("%d", suite.port)) c.Assert(obj["dir"], Equals, os.Getenv("PWD")) }
// Tests overlaying one config on top of another via multiple flags func (suite *TestSuiteConf) TestConfOverlay(c *C) { suite.template1 = ` string: this is a literal string int: 25 addr: addr1: 1234 post addr2: sf, ca 94019 ` suite.template2 = ` string: this is a override literal string int: 50 template: '{{ format "hello/{{.Domain}}/{{.Service}}" }}' # { is special char in yaml, must quote the string with ' bar: 27 ` test := new(testCommand) test.OnDoneExecuteLayer = func(cf *Conf, url string, result []byte, err error) { c.Log("Processed:", url, ".... result=", string(result)) } test.OnDoneUnmarshalLayer = func(cf *Conf, url string, err error) { c.Log("Processed:", url, ".... model=", cf.Model()) } test.OnDoneUnmarshal = func(cf *Conf, obj interface{}) { c.Log("Got unmarshaled object = ", cf.model, "===object=>", obj) } fs := flag.GetFlagSet("test", test) err := fs.Parse(args("-conf.url=http://localhost:7997/template1 -conf.url=http://localhost:7997/template2")) header := http.Header{} token := auth.NewToken(1*time.Hour).Add("secure", 1) token.SetHeader(header, testutil.PrivateKeyFunc) ctx := resource.ContextPutHttpHeader(context.Background(), header) ctx = ContextPutConfigDataType(ctx, encoding.ContentTypeYAML) fm := NewFuncMap().Bind("format").To(escapeFunc("format")).Build() c.Assert(fm["format"], Not(IsNil)) err = Configure(ctx, test.Conf, test, fm) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log("test=", test) c.Assert(test.Urls, DeepEquals, []string{"http://localhost:7997/template1", "http://localhost:7997/template2"}) c.Assert(test.String, Equals, "this is a override literal string") c.Assert(test.Int, Equals, 50) c.Assert(test.Addr.Addr1, Equals, "1234 post") c.Assert(test.Addr.Addr2, Equals, "sf, ca 94019") c.Assert(test.Template, Equals, "{{format \"hello/{{.Domain}}/{{.Service}}\"}}") }
func (suite *TestSuiteTemplate) TestList(c *C) { // Write something url := "zk://" + strings.Join(Hosts(), ",") zk, err := namespace.Dial(context.Background(), url) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log(zk) defer zk.Close() k := "/unit-test/registry/template/test" p := namespace.NewPath(k) err = zk.Delete(p) // Write new data v := []byte("test") _, err = zk.Put(p, v, false) c.Assert(err, IsNil) // write children for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { cp := p.Sub(fmt.Sprintf("child-%d", i)) cv := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("value-%d", i)) _, err = zk.Put(cp, cv, false) c.Assert(err, IsNil) } suite.template = "{{range list \"zk://" + k + "\"}}\n{{.}}{{end}}" // Generate the auth token required by the server. token := auth.NewToken(1*time.Hour).Add("secure", 1) header := http.Header{} token.SetHeader(header, testutil.PrivateKeyFunc) ctx := resource.ContextPutHttpHeader(context.Background(), header) applied, err := template.Execute(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/secure", suite.port)) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log(string(applied)) l := strings.Split(string(applied), "\n")[1:] c.Assert(l, DeepEquals, []string{ url + "/unit-test/registry/template/test/child-4", url + "/unit-test/registry/template/test/child-3", url + "/unit-test/registry/template/test/child-2", url + "/unit-test/registry/template/test/child-1", url + "/unit-test/registry/template/test/child-0", }) }
func (suite *TestSuiteFuncs) TestContentInline(c *C) { token := auth.NewToken(1*time.Hour).Add("secure", 1) header := http.Header{} token.SetHeader(header, testutil.PrivateKeyFunc) ctx := resource.ContextPutHttpHeader(context.Background(), header) // set up the content suite.content = "this is a test" f := ContentInline(ctx) inline, ok := f.(func(string) (string, error)) c.Assert(ok, Equals, true) out, err := inline(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/secure", suite.port)) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log("out=", out) c.Assert(out, Equals, suite.content) }
// This test here shows how to implement two stages of configuring an object. // First a field in the struct gets the source of the config url from the command line flags. // Second, the config is fetched and unmarshalled to the object. // Finally, we parse again so that additional flag values are overlaid onto the struct. func (suite *TestSuiteCommand) TestCommandReparseFlag(c *C) { Register("person", func() (Module, ErrorHandling) { return new(person), PanicOnError }) // Generate the auth token required by the server. token := auth.NewToken(1*time.Hour).Add("secure", 1) header := http.Header{} token.SetHeader(header, testutil.PrivateKeyFunc) ctx := resource.ContextPutHttpHeader(context.Background(), header) suite.template = ` name: joe age: 21 employee: false not-a-field: hello ` p := &person{ Age: 18, Employee: true, } RunModule("person", p, strings.Split("--config_url=http://localhost:7986/secure --age=35", " "), nil) c.Assert(p.ConfigUrl, Equals, "http://localhost:7986/secure") c.Assert(p.Employee, Equals, true) data, err := resource.Fetch(ctx, p.ConfigUrl) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log(string(data)) err = encoding.Unmarshal(encoding.ContentTypeYAML, bytes.NewBuffer(data), p) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(p.Age, Equals, 21) c.Assert(p.Name, Equals, "joe") c.Assert(p.Employee, Equals, true) // we don't expect the yaml to change the field. ReparseFlags(p) c.Assert(p.Age, Equals, 35) // This is overwritten by the flag value c.Assert(p.Name, Equals, "joe") c.Assert(p.Employee, Equals, true) }
func (suite *TestSuiteFuncs) TestContentToFileWithAuthToken(c *C) { token := auth.NewToken(1*time.Hour).Add("secure", 1) header := http.Header{} token.SetHeader(header, testutil.PrivateKeyFunc) ctx := resource.ContextPutHttpHeader(context.Background(), header) // set up the content suite.content = "this is a test" f := ContentToFile(ctx) tofile, ok := f.(func(string, ...interface{}) (string, error)) c.Assert(ok, Equals, true) path, err := tofile(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/secure", suite.port)) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log("path=", path) bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(string(bytes), Equals, suite.content) }
func (suite *TestSuiteTemplate) TestTemplateExecute(c *C) { // Generate the auth token required by the server. token := auth.NewToken(1*time.Hour).Add("secure", 1) header := http.Header{} token.SetHeader(header, testutil.PrivateKeyFunc) // This is the content to be served by the test server. suite.template = "My name is {{.Name}} and I am {{.Age}} years old." // The url is a template too. url := "http://localhost:{{.port}}/secure" data := map[string]interface{}{ "Name": "test", "Age": 20, "port": suite.port, } ctx := ContextPutTemplateData(resource.ContextPutHttpHeader(context.Background(), header), data) text, err := Execute(ctx, url) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log(string(text)) c.Assert(string(text), Equals, "My name is test and I am 20 years old.") }
func (suite *TestSuiteTemplate) TestTemplateExecuteWithVarBlock(c *C) { // Write something url := "zk://" + strings.Join(Hosts(), ",") zk, err := namespace.Dial(context.Background(), url) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log(zk) k := "/unit-test/registry/template/test-template-execute-vars/PG_PASS" p := namespace.NewPath(k) err = zk.Delete(p) // Write new data v := []byte("password") _, err = zk.Put(p, v, false) c.Assert(err, IsNil) zk.Close() // Now use the value in zk in the template // Generate the auth token required by the server. token := auth.NewToken(1*time.Hour).Add("secure", 1) header := http.Header{} token.SetHeader(header, testutil.PrivateKeyFunc) // This is the content to be served by the test server. // Using the Execute will add additional functions that can be included in the var blocks. suite.template = ` {{define "comments"}} # The variable define blocks allow the definition of variables that are reused throughout the # main body of the template. The variables are referenced as '<blockname>.<fieldname>'. {{end}} {{define "app"}} # blockname is 'app' version: 1.2 image: repo build: 1234 user: "******"USER"}}" # Getting the environment variable and use that as value. password: "******"zk:///unit-test/registry/template/test-template-execute-vars/PG_PASS" }}" {{end}} {{define "host"}} label: appserver name: myhost port: {{.port}} # Here we allow the application to pass in a context that's refereceable. {{end}} { "image" : "repo/myapp:` + "{{my `app.version`}}-{{my ``}}" + `", "host" : "` + "{{my ``}}" + `",{{/* use this for comment in JSON :) */}} "user" : "` + "{{my `app.user`}}" + `", "password" : "` + "{{my `app.password`}}" + `", "port" : "` + "{{my `host.port`}}" + `" }` // The url is a template too. url = "http://localhost:{{.port}}/secure" data := map[string]interface{}{ "Name": "test", "Age": 20, "port": suite.port, } ctx := template.ContextPutTemplateData(resource.ContextPutHttpHeader(context.Background(), header), data) text, err := template.Execute(ctx, url) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Log(string(text)) obj := make(map[string]string) err = json.Unmarshal(text, &obj) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(obj["image"], Equals, "repo/myapp:1.2-1234") c.Assert(obj["user"], Equals, os.Getenv("USER")) c.Assert(obj["host"], Equals, "myhost") c.Assert(obj["port"], Equals, fmt.Sprintf("%d", suite.port)) c.Assert(obj["password"], Equals, string(v)) }