コード例 #1
ファイル: notifier.go プロジェクト: robinjha/clair
func findTask(datastore database.Datastore, renotifyInterval time.Duration, whoAmI string, stopper *utils.Stopper) *database.VulnerabilityNotification {
	for {
		// Find a notification to send.
		notification, err := datastore.GetAvailableNotification(renotifyInterval)
		if err != nil {
			// There is no notification or an error occurred.
			if err != cerrors.ErrNotFound {
				log.Warningf("could not get notification to send: %s", err)

			// Wait.
			if !stopper.Sleep(checkInterval) {
				return nil


		// Lock the notification.
		if hasLock, _ := datastore.Lock(notification.Name, whoAmI, lockDuration, false); hasLock {
			log.Infof("found and locked a notification: %s", notification.Name)
			return &notification
コード例 #2
ファイル: debian.go プロジェクト: fatalbanana/clair
// FetchUpdate fetches vulnerability updates from the Debian Security Tracker.
func (fetcher *DebianFetcher) FetchUpdate(datastore database.Datastore) (resp updater.FetcherResponse, err error) {
	log.Info("fetching Debian vulnerabilities")

	// Download JSON.
	r, err := http.Get(url)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("could not download Debian's update: %s", err)
		io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r.Body)
		return resp, cerrors.ErrCouldNotDownload
	defer r.Body.Close()
	r.Close = true

	// Get the SHA-1 of the latest update's JSON data
	latestHash, err := datastore.GetKeyValue(updaterFlag)
	if err != nil {
		return resp, err

	// Parse the JSON.
	resp, err = buildResponse(r.Body, latestHash)
	if err != nil {
		return resp, err

	return resp, nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: layer_test.go プロジェクト: robinjha/clair
func testInsertLayerInvalid(t *testing.T, datastore database.Datastore) {
	invalidLayers := []database.Layer{
		{Name: "layer0", Parent: &database.Layer{}},
		{Name: "layer0", Parent: &database.Layer{Name: "UnknownLayer"}},

	for _, invalidLayer := range invalidLayers {
		err := datastore.InsertLayer(invalidLayer)
		assert.Error(t, err)
コード例 #4
ファイル: layer_test.go プロジェクト: robinjha/clair
func testInsertLayerDelete(t *testing.T, datastore database.Datastore) {
	err := datastore.DeleteLayer("TestInsertLayerX")
	assert.Equal(t, cerrors.ErrNotFound, err)

	err = datastore.DeleteLayer("TestInsertLayer3")
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	_, err = datastore.FindLayer("TestInsertLayer3", false, false)
	assert.Equal(t, cerrors.ErrNotFound, err)

	_, err = datastore.FindLayer("TestInsertLayer4a", false, false)
	assert.Equal(t, cerrors.ErrNotFound, err)

	_, err = datastore.FindLayer("TestInsertLayer4b", true, false)
	assert.Equal(t, cerrors.ErrNotFound, err)
コード例 #5
ファイル: alpine.go プロジェクト: coreos/clair
func (f *fetcher) FetchUpdate(db database.Datastore) (resp updater.FetcherResponse, err error) {
	log.Info("fetching Alpine vulnerabilities")

	// Pull the master branch.
	var commit string
	commit, err = f.pullRepository()
	if err != nil {

	// Ask the database for the latest commit we successfully applied.
	var dbCommit string
	dbCommit, err = db.GetKeyValue(updaterFlag)
	if err != nil {

	// Set the updaterFlag to equal the commit processed.
	resp.FlagName = updaterFlag
	resp.FlagValue = commit

	// Short-circuit if there have been no updates.
	if commit == dbCommit {
		log.Debug("no alpine update")

	var namespaces []string
	namespaces, err = detectNamespaces(f.repositoryLocalPath)
	// Append any changed vulnerabilities to the response.
	for _, namespace := range namespaces {
		var vulns []database.Vulnerability
		var note string
		vulns, note, err = parseVulnsFromNamespace(f.repositoryLocalPath, namespace)
		if err != nil {
		if note != "" {
			resp.Notes = append(resp.Notes, note)
		resp.Vulnerabilities = append(resp.Vulnerabilities, vulns...)

コード例 #6
ファイル: updater.go プロジェクト: robinjha/clair
func getLastUpdate(datastore database.Datastore) (time.Time, bool, error) {
	lastUpdateTSS, err := datastore.GetKeyValue(flagName)
	if err != nil {
		return time.Time{}, false, err

	if lastUpdateTSS == "" {
		// This is the first update.
		return time.Time{}, true, nil

	lastUpdateTS, err := strconv.ParseInt(lastUpdateTSS, 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return time.Time{}, false, err

	return time.Unix(lastUpdateTS, 0).UTC(), false, nil
コード例 #7
ファイル: updater.go プロジェクト: robinjha/clair
// Update fetches all the vulnerabilities from the registered fetchers, upserts
// them into the database and then sends notifications.
func Update(datastore database.Datastore, firstUpdate bool) {
	defer setUpdaterDuration(time.Now())

	log.Info("updating vulnerabilities")

	// Fetch updates.
	status, vulnerabilities, flags, notes := fetch(datastore)

	// Insert vulnerabilities.
	log.Tracef("inserting %d vulnerabilities for update", len(vulnerabilities))
	err := datastore.InsertVulnerabilities(vulnerabilities, !firstUpdate)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("an error occured when inserting vulnerabilities for update: %s", err)
	vulnerabilities = nil

	// Update flags.
	for flagName, flagValue := range flags {
		datastore.InsertKeyValue(flagName, flagValue)

	// Log notes.
	for _, note := range notes {
		log.Warningf("fetcher note: %s", note)

	// Update last successful update if every fetchers worked properly.
	if status {
		datastore.InsertKeyValue(flagName, strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UTC().Unix(), 10))

	log.Info("update finished")
コード例 #8
ファイル: worker.go プロジェクト: fatalbanana/clair
// Process detects the Namespace of a layer, the features it adds/removes, and
// then stores everything in the database.
// TODO(Quentin-M): We could have a goroutine that looks for layers that have been analyzed with an
// older engine version and that processes them.
func Process(datastore database.Datastore, imageFormat, name, parentName, path string, headers map[string]string) error {
	// Verify parameters.
	if name == "" {
		return cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not process a layer which does not have a name")

	if path == "" {
		return cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not process a layer which does not have a path")

	if imageFormat == "" {
		return cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not process a layer which does not have a format")

	log.Debugf("layer %s: processing (Location: %s, Engine version: %d, Parent: %s, Format: %s)",
		name, utils.CleanURL(path), Version, parentName, imageFormat)

	// Check to see if the layer is already in the database.
	layer, err := datastore.FindLayer(name, false, false)
	if err != nil && err != cerrors.ErrNotFound {
		return err

	if err == cerrors.ErrNotFound {
		// New layer case.
		layer = database.Layer{Name: name, EngineVersion: Version}

		// Retrieve the parent if it has one.
		// We need to get it with its Features in order to diff them.
		if parentName != "" {
			parent, err := datastore.FindLayer(parentName, true, false)
			if err != nil && err != cerrors.ErrNotFound {
				return err
			if err == cerrors.ErrNotFound {
				log.Warningf("layer %s: the parent layer (%s) is unknown. it must be processed first", name,
				return ErrParentUnknown
			layer.Parent = &parent
	} else {
		// The layer is already in the database, check if we need to update it.
		if layer.EngineVersion >= Version {
			log.Debugf(`layer %s: layer content has already been processed in the past with engine %d.
        Current engine is %d. skipping analysis`, name, layer.EngineVersion, Version)
			return nil

		log.Debugf(`layer %s: layer content has been analyzed in the past with engine %d. Current
      engine is %d. analyzing again`, name, layer.EngineVersion, Version)

	// Analyze the content.
	layer.Namespace, layer.Features, err = detectContent(imageFormat, name, path, headers, layer.Parent)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return datastore.InsertLayer(layer)
コード例 #9
ファイル: rhel.go プロジェクト: robinjha/clair
// FetchUpdate gets vulnerability updates from the Red Hat OVAL definitions.
func (f *RHELFetcher) FetchUpdate(datastore database.Datastore) (resp updater.FetcherResponse, err error) {
	log.Info("fetching Red Hat vulnerabilities")

	// Get the first RHSA we have to manage.
	flagValue, err := datastore.GetKeyValue(updaterFlag)
	if err != nil {
		return resp, err
	firstRHSA, err := strconv.Atoi(flagValue)
	if firstRHSA == 0 || err != nil {
		firstRHSA = firstRHEL5RHSA

	// Fetch the update list.
	r, err := http.Get(ovalURI)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("could not download RHEL's update list: %s", err)
		return resp, cerrors.ErrCouldNotDownload

	// Get the list of RHSAs that we have to process.
	var rhsaList []int
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r.Body)
	for scanner.Scan() {
		line := scanner.Text()
		r := rhsaRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line)
		if len(r) == 2 {
			rhsaNo, _ := strconv.Atoi(r[1])
			if rhsaNo > firstRHSA {
				rhsaList = append(rhsaList, rhsaNo)

	for _, rhsa := range rhsaList {
		// Download the RHSA's XML file.
		r, err := http.Get(ovalURI + rhsaFilePrefix + strconv.Itoa(rhsa) + ".xml")
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("could not download RHEL's update file: %s", err)
			return resp, cerrors.ErrCouldNotDownload

		// Parse the XML.
		vs, err := parseRHSA(r.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return resp, err

		// Collect vulnerabilities.
		for _, v := range vs {
			resp.Vulnerabilities = append(resp.Vulnerabilities, v)

	// Set the flag if we found anything.
	if len(rhsaList) > 0 {
		resp.FlagName = updaterFlag
		resp.FlagValue = strconv.Itoa(rhsaList[len(rhsaList)-1])
	} else {
		log.Debug("no Red Hat update.")

	return resp, nil
コード例 #10
ファイル: ubuntu.go プロジェクト: Quentin-M/clair
// FetchUpdate gets vulnerability updates from the Ubuntu CVE Tracker.
func (fetcher *UbuntuFetcher) FetchUpdate(datastore database.Datastore) (resp updater.FetcherResponse, err error) {
	log.Info("fetching Ubuntu vulnerabilities")

	// Check to see if the repository does not already exist.
	if _, pathExists := os.Stat(fetcher.repositoryLocalPath); fetcher.repositoryLocalPath == "" || os.IsNotExist(pathExists) {
		// Create a temporary folder and download the repository.
		p, err := ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "ubuntu-cve-tracker")
		if err != nil {
			return resp, ErrFilesystem

		// bzr wants an empty target directory.
		fetcher.repositoryLocalPath = p + "/repository"

		// Create the new repository.
		err = createRepository(fetcher.repositoryLocalPath)
		if err != nil {
			return resp, err
	} else {
		// Update the repository that's already on disk.
		err = updateRepository(fetcher.repositoryLocalPath)
		if err != nil {
			return resp, err

	// Get revision number.
	revisionNumber, err := getRevisionNumber(fetcher.repositoryLocalPath)
	if err != nil {
		return resp, err

	// Get the latest revision number we successfully applied in the database.
	dbRevisionNumber, err := datastore.GetKeyValue("ubuntuUpdater")
	if err != nil {
		return resp, err

	// Get the list of vulnerabilities that we have to update.
	modifiedCVE, err := collectModifiedVulnerabilities(revisionNumber, dbRevisionNumber, fetcher.repositoryLocalPath)
	if err != nil {
		return resp, err

	notes := make(map[string]struct{})
	for cvePath := range modifiedCVE {
		// Open the CVE file.
		file, err := os.Open(fetcher.repositoryLocalPath + "/" + cvePath)
		if err != nil {
			// This can happen when a file is modified and then moved in another
			// commit.

		// Parse the vulnerability.
		v, unknownReleases, err := parseUbuntuCVE(file)
		if err != nil {
			return resp, err

		// Add the vulnerability to the response.
		resp.Vulnerabilities = append(resp.Vulnerabilities, v)

		// Store any unknown releases as notes.
		for k := range unknownReleases {
			note := fmt.Sprintf("Ubuntu %s is not mapped to any version number (eg. trusty->14.04). Please update me.", k)
			notes[note] = struct{}{}

			// If we encountered unknown Ubuntu release, we don't want the revision
			// number to be considered as managed.
			dbRevisionNumberInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(dbRevisionNumber)
			revisionNumber = dbRevisionNumberInt

		// Close the file manually.
		// We do that instead of using defer because defer works on a function-level scope.
		// We would open many files and close them all at once at the end of the function,
		// which could lead to exceed fs.file-max.

	// Add flag and notes.
	resp.FlagName = updaterFlag
	resp.FlagValue = strconv.Itoa(revisionNumber)
	for note := range notes {
		resp.Notes = append(resp.Notes, note)

コード例 #11
ファイル: notifier.go プロジェクト: robinjha/clair
// Run starts the Notifier service.
func Run(config *config.NotifierConfig, datastore database.Datastore, stopper *utils.Stopper) {
	defer stopper.End()

	// Configure registered notifiers.
	for notifierName, notifier := range notifiers {
		if configured, err := notifier.Configure(config); configured {
			log.Infof("notifier '%s' configured\n", notifierName)
		} else {
			delete(notifiers, notifierName)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("could not configure notifier '%s': %s", notifierName, err)

	// Do not run the updater if there is no notifier enabled.
	if len(notifiers) == 0 {
		log.Infof("notifier service is disabled")

	whoAmI := uuid.New()
	log.Infof("notifier service started. lock identifier: %s\n", whoAmI)

	for running := true; running; {
		// Find task.
		notification := findTask(datastore, config.RenotifyInterval, whoAmI, stopper)
		if notification == nil {
			// Interrupted while finding a task, Clair is stopping.

		// Handle task.
		done := make(chan bool, 1)
		go func() {
			success, interrupted := handleTask(*notification, stopper, config.Attempts)
			if success {
				utils.PrometheusObserveTimeMilliseconds(promNotifierLatencyMilliseconds, notification.Created)
			if interrupted {
				running = false
			datastore.Unlock(notification.Name, whoAmI)
			done <- true

		// Refresh task lock until done.
		for {
			select {
			case <-done:
				break outer
			case <-time.After(refreshLockDuration):
				datastore.Lock(notification.Name, whoAmI, lockDuration, true)

	log.Info("notifier service stopped")
コード例 #12
ファイル: layer_test.go プロジェクト: robinjha/clair
func testInsertLayerUpdate(t *testing.T, datastore database.Datastore) {
	f7 := database.FeatureVersion{
		Feature: database.Feature{
			Namespace: database.Namespace{Name: "TestInsertLayerNamespace3"},
			Name:      "TestInsertLayerFeature7",
		Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("0.01"),

	l3, _ := datastore.FindLayer("TestInsertLayer3", true, false)
	l3u := database.Layer{
		Name:      l3.Name,
		Parent:    l3.Parent,
		Namespace: &database.Namespace{Name: "TestInsertLayerNamespaceUpdated1"},
		Features:  []database.FeatureVersion{f7},

	l4u := database.Layer{
		Name:          "TestInsertLayer4",
		Parent:        &database.Layer{Name: "TestInsertLayer3"},
		Features:      []database.FeatureVersion{f7},
		EngineVersion: 2,

	// Try to re-insert without increasing the EngineVersion.
	err := datastore.InsertLayer(l3u)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	l3uf, err := datastore.FindLayer(l3u.Name, true, false)
	if assert.Nil(t, err) {
		assert.Equal(t, l3.Namespace.Name, l3uf.Namespace.Name)
		assert.Equal(t, l3.EngineVersion, l3uf.EngineVersion)
		assert.Len(t, l3uf.Features, len(l3.Features))

	// Update layer l3.
	// Verify that the Namespace, EngineVersion and FeatureVersions got updated.
	l3u.EngineVersion = 2
	err = datastore.InsertLayer(l3u)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	l3uf, err = datastore.FindLayer(l3u.Name, true, false)
	if assert.Nil(t, err) {
		assert.Equal(t, l3u.Namespace.Name, l3uf.Namespace.Name)
		assert.Equal(t, l3u.EngineVersion, l3uf.EngineVersion)
		if assert.Len(t, l3uf.Features, 1) {
			assert.True(t, cmpFV(l3uf.Features[0], f7), "Updated layer should have %#v but actually have %#v", f7, l3uf.Features[0])

	// Update layer l4.
	// Verify that the Namespace got updated from its new Parent's, and also verify the
	// EnginVersion and FeatureVersions.
	l4u.Parent = &l3uf
	err = datastore.InsertLayer(l4u)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	l4uf, err := datastore.FindLayer(l3u.Name, true, false)
	if assert.Nil(t, err) {
		assert.Equal(t, l3u.Namespace.Name, l4uf.Namespace.Name)
		assert.Equal(t, l4u.EngineVersion, l4uf.EngineVersion)
		if assert.Len(t, l4uf.Features, 1) {
			assert.True(t, cmpFV(l3uf.Features[0], f7), "Updated layer should have %#v but actually have %#v", f7, l4uf.Features[0])
コード例 #13
ファイル: layer_test.go プロジェクト: robinjha/clair
func testInsertLayerTree(t *testing.T, datastore database.Datastore) {
	f1 := database.FeatureVersion{
		Feature: database.Feature{
			Namespace: database.Namespace{Name: "TestInsertLayerNamespace2"},
			Name:      "TestInsertLayerFeature1",
		Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("1.0"),
	f2 := database.FeatureVersion{
		Feature: database.Feature{
			Namespace: database.Namespace{Name: "TestInsertLayerNamespace2"},
			Name:      "TestInsertLayerFeature2",
		Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("0.34"),
	f3 := database.FeatureVersion{
		Feature: database.Feature{
			Namespace: database.Namespace{Name: "TestInsertLayerNamespace2"},
			Name:      "TestInsertLayerFeature3",
		Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("0.56"),
	f4 := database.FeatureVersion{
		Feature: database.Feature{
			Namespace: database.Namespace{Name: "TestInsertLayerNamespace3"},
			Name:      "TestInsertLayerFeature2",
		Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("0.34"),
	f5 := database.FeatureVersion{
		Feature: database.Feature{
			Namespace: database.Namespace{Name: "TestInsertLayerNamespace3"},
			Name:      "TestInsertLayerFeature3",
		Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("0.56"),
	f6 := database.FeatureVersion{
		Feature: database.Feature{
			Namespace: database.Namespace{Name: "TestInsertLayerNamespace3"},
			Name:      "TestInsertLayerFeature4",
		Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("0.666"),

	layers := []database.Layer{
			Name: "TestInsertLayer1",
			Name:      "TestInsertLayer2",
			Parent:    &database.Layer{Name: "TestInsertLayer1"},
			Namespace: &database.Namespace{Name: "TestInsertLayerNamespace1"},
		// This layer changes the namespace and adds Features.
			Name:      "TestInsertLayer3",
			Parent:    &database.Layer{Name: "TestInsertLayer2"},
			Namespace: &database.Namespace{Name: "TestInsertLayerNamespace2"},
			Features:  []database.FeatureVersion{f1, f2, f3},
		// This layer covers the case where the last layer doesn't provide any new Feature.
			Name:     "TestInsertLayer4a",
			Parent:   &database.Layer{Name: "TestInsertLayer3"},
			Features: []database.FeatureVersion{f1, f2, f3},
		// This layer covers the case where the last layer provides Features.
		// It also modifies the Namespace ("upgrade") but keeps some Features not upgraded, their
		// Namespaces should then remain unchanged.
			Name:      "TestInsertLayer4b",
			Parent:    &database.Layer{Name: "TestInsertLayer3"},
			Namespace: &database.Namespace{Name: "TestInsertLayerNamespace3"},
			Features: []database.FeatureVersion{
				// Deletes TestInsertLayerFeature1.
				// Keep TestInsertLayerFeature2 (old Namespace should be kept):
				// Upgrades TestInsertLayerFeature3 (with new Namespace):
				// Adds TestInsertLayerFeature4:

	var err error
	retrievedLayers := make(map[string]database.Layer)
	for _, layer := range layers {
		if layer.Parent != nil {
			// Retrieve from database its parent and assign.
			parent := retrievedLayers[layer.Parent.Name]
			layer.Parent = &parent

		err = datastore.InsertLayer(layer)
		assert.Nil(t, err)

		retrievedLayers[layer.Name], err = datastore.FindLayer(layer.Name, true, false)
		assert.Nil(t, err)

	l4a := retrievedLayers["TestInsertLayer4a"]
	if assert.NotNil(t, l4a.Namespace) {
		assert.Equal(t, "TestInsertLayerNamespace2", l4a.Namespace.Name)
	assert.Len(t, l4a.Features, 3)
	for _, featureVersion := range l4a.Features {
		if cmpFV(featureVersion, f1) && cmpFV(featureVersion, f2) && cmpFV(featureVersion, f3) {
			assert.Error(t, fmt.Errorf("TestInsertLayer4a contains an unexpected package: %#v. Should contain %#v and %#v and %#v.", featureVersion, f1, f2, f3))

	l4b := retrievedLayers["TestInsertLayer4b"]
	if assert.NotNil(t, l4b.Namespace) {
		assert.Equal(t, "TestInsertLayerNamespace3", l4b.Namespace.Name)
	assert.Len(t, l4b.Features, 3)
	for _, featureVersion := range l4b.Features {
		if cmpFV(featureVersion, f2) && cmpFV(featureVersion, f5) && cmpFV(featureVersion, f6) {
			assert.Error(t, fmt.Errorf("TestInsertLayer4a contains an unexpected package: %#v. Should contain %#v and %#v and %#v.", featureVersion, f2, f4, f6))
コード例 #14
ファイル: updater.go プロジェクト: robinjha/clair
// Run updates the vulnerability database at regular intervals.
func Run(config *config.UpdaterConfig, datastore database.Datastore, st *utils.Stopper) {
	defer st.End()

	// Do not run the updater if there is no config or if the interval is 0.
	if config == nil || config.Interval == 0 {
		log.Infof("updater service is disabled.")

	whoAmI := uuid.New()
	log.Infof("updater service started. lock identifier: %s", whoAmI)

	for {
		var stop bool

		// Determine if this is the first update and define the next update time.
		// The next update time is (last update time + interval) or now if this is the first update.
		nextUpdate := time.Now().UTC()
		lastUpdate, firstUpdate, err := getLastUpdate(datastore)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("an error occured while getting the last update time")
			nextUpdate = nextUpdate.Add(config.Interval)
		} else if firstUpdate == false {
			nextUpdate = lastUpdate.Add(config.Interval)

		// If the next update timer is in the past, then try to update.
		if nextUpdate.Before(time.Now().UTC()) {
			// Attempt to get a lock on the the update.
			log.Debug("attempting to obtain update lock")
			hasLock, hasLockUntil := datastore.Lock(lockName, whoAmI, lockDuration, false)
			if hasLock {
				// Launch update in a new go routine.
				doneC := make(chan bool, 1)
				go func() {
					Update(datastore, firstUpdate)
					doneC <- true

				for done := false; !done && !stop; {
					select {
					case <-doneC:
						done = true
					case <-time.After(refreshLockDuration):
						// Refresh the lock until the update is done.
						datastore.Lock(lockName, whoAmI, lockDuration, true)
					case <-st.Chan():
						stop = true

				// Unlock the update.
				datastore.Unlock(lockName, whoAmI)

				if stop {
			} else {
				lockOwner, lockExpiration, err := datastore.FindLock(lockName)
				if err != nil {
					log.Debug("update lock is already taken")
					nextUpdate = hasLockUntil
				} else {
					log.Debugf("update lock is already taken by %s until %v", lockOwner, lockExpiration)
					nextUpdate = lockExpiration

		// Sleep, but remain stoppable until approximately the next update time.
		now := time.Now().UTC()
		waitUntil := nextUpdate.Add(time.Duration(rand.ExpFloat64()/0.5) * time.Second)
		log.Debugf("next update attempt scheduled for %v.", waitUntil)
		if !waitUntil.Before(now) {
			if !st.Sleep(waitUntil.Sub(time.Now())) {

	// Clean resources.
	for _, metadataFetcher := range metadataFetchers {
	for _, fetcher := range fetchers {

	log.Info("updater service stopped")
コード例 #15
ファイル: ubuntu.go プロジェクト: robinjha/clair
// FetchUpdate gets vulnerability updates from the Ubuntu CVE Tracker.
func (fetcher *UbuntuFetcher) FetchUpdate(datastore database.Datastore) (resp updater.FetcherResponse, err error) {
	log.Info("fetching Ubuntu vulnerabilities")

	// Pull the bzr repository.
	if err = fetcher.pullRepository(); err != nil {
		return resp, err

	// Get revision number.
	revisionNumber, err := getRevisionNumber(fetcher.repositoryLocalPath)
	if err != nil {
		return resp, err

	// Get the latest revision number we successfully applied in the database.
	dbRevisionNumber, err := datastore.GetKeyValue("ubuntuUpdater")
	if err != nil {
		return resp, err

	// Get the list of vulnerabilities that we have to update.
	modifiedCVE, err := collectModifiedVulnerabilities(revisionNumber, dbRevisionNumber, fetcher.repositoryLocalPath)
	if err != nil {
		return resp, err

	notes := make(map[string]struct{})
	for cvePath := range modifiedCVE {
		// Open the CVE file.
		file, err := os.Open(fetcher.repositoryLocalPath + "/" + cvePath)
		if err != nil {
			// This can happen when a file is modified and then moved in another
			// commit.

		// Parse the vulnerability.
		v, unknownReleases, err := parseUbuntuCVE(file)
		if err != nil {
			return resp, err

		// Add the vulnerability to the response.
		resp.Vulnerabilities = append(resp.Vulnerabilities, v)

		// Store any unknown releases as notes.
		for k := range unknownReleases {
			note := fmt.Sprintf("Ubuntu %s is not mapped to any version number (eg. trusty->14.04). Please update me.", k)
			notes[note] = struct{}{}

			// If we encountered unknown Ubuntu release, we don't want the revision
			// number to be considered as managed.
			dbRevisionNumberInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(dbRevisionNumber)
			revisionNumber = dbRevisionNumberInt

		// Close the file manually.
		// We do that instead of using defer because defer works on a function-level scope.
		// We would open many files and close them all at once at the end of the function,
		// which could lead to exceed fs.file-max.

	// Add flag and notes.
	resp.FlagName = updaterFlag
	resp.FlagValue = strconv.Itoa(revisionNumber)
	for note := range notes {
		resp.Notes = append(resp.Notes, note)
