func TestConcurrentScans_MultipleIndexes(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestConcurrentScans_MultipleIndexes()") var wg sync.WaitGroup prodfile = filepath.Join(proddir, "") // secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) log.Printf("Generating JSON docs") kvdocs = GenerateJsons(100000, seed, prodfile, bagdir) seed++ log.Printf("Setting initial JSON docs in KV") kv.SetKeyValues(kvdocs, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) var index1 = "index_company" var index2 = "index_age" var index3 = "index_firstname" var bucketName = "default" log.Printf("Creating multiple indexes") err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index1, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"company"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) err = secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index2, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"age"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) err = secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index3, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"`first-name`"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) wg.Add(3) go RangeScanForDuration_ltr("Thread 1: ", &wg, 120, t, index1, bucketName, indexScanAddress) go RangeScanForDuration_num("Thread 2: ", &wg, 120, t, index2, bucketName, indexScanAddress) go RangeScanForDuration_ltr("Thread 3: ", &wg, 120, t, index3, bucketName, indexScanAddress) wg.Wait() }
func TestCreate2Drop1Scan2(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestCreate2Drop1Scan2()") var index1 = "index_i1" var index2 = "index_i2" var bucketName = "default" err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index1, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"company"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) err = secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index2, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"age"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, "company", "FI", "SR", 1) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Range(index1, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"FI"}, []interface{}{"SR"}, 1, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 1", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "age", 30, 50, 1) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(index2, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{30}, []interface{}{50}, 1, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 2", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) err = secondaryindex.DropSecondaryIndex(index1, bucketName, indexManagementAddress) docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "age", 0, 60, 1) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(index2, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{0}, []interface{}{60}, 1, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 2", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) }
func TestIndexNameValidation(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestIndexNameValidation()") var bucketName = "default" var validIndexName = "#primary-Index_test" var invalidIndexName = "ÌñÐÉx&(abc_%" var field = "balance" docsToCreate := generateDocs(1000, "") UpdateKVDocs(docsToCreate, docs) seed++ log.Printf("Setting JSON docs in KV") kvutility.SetKeyValues(docsToCreate, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(invalidIndexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{field}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) errMsg := "Expected index name validation error for index " + invalidIndexName FailTestIfNoError(err, errMsg, t) log.Printf("Creation of index with invalid name %v failed as expected", invalidIndexName) err = secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(validIndexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{field}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, field, "$4", "$7", 3) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Range(validIndexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"$4"}, []interface{}{"$7"}, 3, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) }
// Test with large number of mutations func TestLargeMutations(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestLargeMutations()") var index1 = "indexmut_1" var index2 = "indexmut_2" var bucketName = "default" var field1 = "company" var field2 = "gender" e := secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes", t) docsToCreate := generateDocs(20000, "") UpdateKVDocs(docsToCreate, docs) kv.SetKeyValues(docsToCreate, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index1, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{field1}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanAllResponse(docs, field1) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.ScanAll(index1, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) log.Printf("Len of expected and actual scan results are : %d and %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults)) for i := 0; i <= 10; i++ { log.Printf("ITERATION %v\n", i) docsToCreate = generateDocs(10000, "") UpdateKVDocs(docsToCreate, docs) kv.SetKeyValues(docsToCreate, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index2, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{field2}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanAllResponse(docs, field1) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.ScanAll(index1, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) log.Printf("Len of expected and actual scan results are : %d and %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults)) docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanAllResponse(docs, field2) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.ScanAll(index2, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) log.Printf("Len of expected and actual scan results are : %d and %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults)) err = secondaryindex.DropSecondaryIndex(index2, bucketName, indexManagementAddress) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in drop index", t) } }
func TestCreateDuplicateIndex(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestCreateDuplicateIndex()") var index1 = "index_di1" var bucketName = "default" err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index1, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"age"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) err = secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index1, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"age"}, false, nil, false, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Error excpected creating dupliate index but create didnt fail \n") } else { log.Printf("Create failed as expected with error: %v\n", err) } }
func TestCreateDropCreate(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestCreateDropCreate()") var indexName = "index_cdc" var bucketName = "default" // Create an index err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"company"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) // Scan after index create docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, "company", "FI", "SR", 2) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"FI"}, []interface{}{"SR"}, 2, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 1: ", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 1 result validation: ", t) // Drop the created index err = secondaryindex.DropSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress) // Scan after dropping the index. Error expected docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, "company", "BIOSPAN", "ZILLANET", 0) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"BIOSPAN"}, []interface{}{"ZILLANET"}, 0, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Scan 2: Error excpected when scanning for dropped index but scan didnt fail \n") } else { log.Printf("Scan 2 failed as expected with error: %v\n", err) } // Create the same index again err = secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"company"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) // Scan the created index with inclusion 1 docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, "company", "FI", "SR", 1) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"FI"}, []interface{}{"SR"}, 1, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 3: ", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 3 result validation: ", t) log.Printf("(Inclusion 1) Lengths of expected and actual scan results are %d and %d. Num of docs in bucket = %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults), len(docs)) // Scan the created index with inclusion 3 docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, "company", "FI", "SR", 3) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"FI"}, []interface{}{"SR"}, 3, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 4: ", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 4 result validation: ", t) log.Printf("(Inclusion 3) Lengths of expected and actual scan results are %d and %d. Num of docs in bucket = %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults), len(docs)) }
// Test with mutations delay wait of 15s func TestUpdateDocsMutation(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestUpdateDocsMutation()") var indexName = "index_age" var bucketName = "default" err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"age"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "age", 20, 40, 2) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{20}, []interface{}{40}, 2, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) log.Printf("Len of expected and actual scan results are : %d and %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults)) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) //Update docs mutations: Update docs in KV UpdateDocs(100) docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "age", 20, 40, 2) start := time.Now() scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{20}, []interface{}{40}, 2, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) elapsed := time.Since(start) log.Printf("Index Scan after mutations took %s\n", elapsed) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) log.Printf("Len of expected and actual scan results are : %d and %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults)) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) }
func SkipTestPerfRangeWithoutMutations_1M(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestPerfQueryWithoutMutations_1M()") e := secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes", t) prodfile := "../../../../../prataprc/monster/prods/" bagdir := "../../../../../prataprc/monster/bags/" log.Printf("Generating JSON docs") count := 1000000 keyValues := GenerateJsons(count, 1, prodfile, bagdir) log.Printf("Setting JSON docs in KV") kv.SetKeyValues(keyValues, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) var indexName = "index_company" var bucketName = "default" log.Printf("Creating a 2i") err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"company"}, false, nil, true, 1500, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) start := time.Now() scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"E"}, []interface{}{"N"}, 3, true, defaultlimit, c.AnyConsistency, nil) elapsed := time.Since(start) log.Printf("RangeScan:: Len of scanResults is: %d", len(scanResults)) log.Printf("Range Scan of %d user documents took %s\n", count, elapsed) }
func SkipTestPerfPrimaryIndexBuild_SimpleJson(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestPerfInitialIndexBuild()") e := secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes", t) prodfile = filepath.Join(proddir, "") log.Printf("Generating JSON docs") count := 100000000 keyValues := GenerateJsons(count, 1, prodfile, bagdir) log.Printf("Setting JSON docs in KV") kv.SetKeyValues(keyValues, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) var indexName = "index_primary" var bucketName = "default" log.Printf("Creating a 2i") start := time.Now() err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", nil, true, nil, true, 1500, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) elapsed := time.Since(start) log.Printf("Index build of %d user documents took %s\n", count, elapsed) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.ScanAll(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) if len(scanResults) != len(keyValues) { log.Printf("Len of scanResults is incorrect. Expected and Actual are: %d and %d", len(keyValues), len(scanResults)) err = errors.New("Len of scanResults is incorrect.") } FailTestIfError(err, "Len of scanResults is incorrect", t) }
func SkipTestPerfRangeWithConcurrentKVMuts(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestPerfRangeWithConcurrentKVMuts()") var wg sync.WaitGroup prodfile = "../../../../../prataprc/monster/prods/" bagdir = "../../../../../prataprc/monster/bags/" e := secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes", t) log.Printf("Generating JSON docs") kvdocs = GenerateJsons(1000, seed, prodfile, bagdir) seed++ log.Printf("Setting initial JSON docs in KV") kv.SetKeyValues(kvdocs, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) var indexName = "index_company" var bucketName = "default" log.Printf("Creating a 2i") err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"company"}, false, nil, true, 1500, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) wg.Add(2) go CreateDeleteDocsForDuration(&wg, 60) go RangeScanForDuration_ltr("Range Thread: ", &wg, 60, t, indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress) wg.Wait() }
func TestMixedDatatypesRange_Float(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestMixedDatatypesRange_Float()") field := "mixed_field" indexName := "index_mixeddt" bucketName := "default" e := secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes", t) docsToCreate := generateJSONSMixedDatatype(1000, field) seed++ log.Printf("Setting mixed datatypes JSON docs in KV") kvutility.SetKeyValues(docsToCreate, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{field}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, field, 100, 1000, 3) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{100}, []interface{}{1000}, 3, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) log.Printf("Lengths of expected and actual scan results are: %d and %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults)) docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, field, 1, 100, 2) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{1}, []interface{}{100}, 2, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) log.Printf("Lengths of expected and actual scan results are: %d and %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults)) log.Printf("Length of kv docs is %d", len(docs)) }
func TestMixedDatatypesScanAll(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestMixedDatatypesScanAll()") log.Printf("Before test begin: Length of kv docs is %d", len(docs)) field := "md_street" indexName := "index_mixeddt" bucketName := "default" e := secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes", t) docsToCreate := generateJSONSMixedDatatype(1000, "md_street") log.Printf("After generate docs: Length of kv docs is %d", len(docs)) seed++ log.Printf("Setting mixed datatypes JSON docs in KV") kvutility.SetKeyValues(docsToCreate, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{field}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanAllResponse(docs, field) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.ScanAll(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) log.Printf("Lengths of expected and actual scan results are: %d and %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults)) log.Printf("End: Length of kv docs is %d", len(docs)) }
func TestUpdateMutations_AddField(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestUpdateMutations_AddField()") var bucketName = "default" var indexName = "index_newField" var field = "newField" docsToCreate := generateDocs(1000, "") UpdateKVDocs(docsToCreate, docs) seed++ log.Printf("Setting JSON docs in KV") kvutility.SetKeyValues(docsToCreate, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{field}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanAllResponse(docs, field) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.ScanAll(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) log.Printf("Count of scan results before add field mutations: %d", len(scanResults)) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) // Create mutations with add fields AddFieldMutations(300, field) // Update documents by adding the indexed field docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanAllResponse(docs, field) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.ScanAll(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) log.Printf("Count of scan results after add field mutations: %d", len(scanResults)) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) }
// Test case for testing primary key values with longest length possible func TestLargePrimaryKeyLength(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestLargePrimaryKeyLength()") indexName := "index_LongPrimaryField" bucketName := "default" e := secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes", t) largePrimaryKeyDocs := generateLargePrimaryKeyDocs(1000, "docid") seed++ log.Printf("Setting JSON docs in KV") kvutility.SetKeyValues(largePrimaryKeyDocs, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) // Create a primary index err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", nil, true, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.ScanAll(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) if len(scanResults) != len(docs) { log.Printf("Len of scanResults is incorrect. Expected and Actual are: %d and %d", len(docs), len(scanResults)) err = errors.New("Len of scanResults is incorrect.") FailTestIfError(err, "Len of scanResults is incorrect", t) } log.Printf("Lengths of num of docs and scanResults are: %d and %d", len(docs), len(scanResults)) log.Printf("End: Length of kv docs is %d", len(docs)) }
// Test case for testing secondary key field values as very huge func TestLargeSecondaryKeyLength(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestLargeSecondaryKeyLength()") field := "LongSecField" indexName := "index_LongSecField" bucketName := "default" e := secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes", t) largeKeyDocs := generateLargeSecondayKeyDocs(1000, field) seed++ log.Printf("Setting JSON docs in KV") kvutility.SetKeyValues(largeKeyDocs, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{field}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanAllResponse(docs, field) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.ScanAll(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) log.Printf("ScanAll: Lengths of expected and actual scan results are: %d and %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults)) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, field, "A", "zzzz", 3) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"A"}, []interface{}{"zzzz"}, 3, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) log.Printf("Range: Lengths of expected and actual scan results are: %d and %d", len(docScanResults), len(scanResults)) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) log.Printf("End: Length of kv docs is %d", len(docs)) }
func TestLookupJsonObject(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestLookupJsonObject()") var indexName = "index_streetaddress" var bucketName = "default" addDocIfNotPresentInKV("User3bf51f08-0bac-4c03-bcec-5c255cbdde2c") addDocIfNotPresentInKV("Userbb48952f-f8d1-4e04-a0e1-96b9019706fb") time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"address.streetaddress"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) value := map[string]interface{}{ "doornumber": "12B", "floor": 5.0, "buildingname": "Sterling Heights", "streetname": "Hill Street"} docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedLookupResponse_json(docs, "address.streetaddress", value) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Lookup(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{value}, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) tc.PrintScanResults(docScanResults, "docScanResults") tc.PrintScanResults(scanResults, "scanResults") FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) }
func TestLargeDocumentSize(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestLargeDocumentSize()") u, _ := user.Current() datapath := filepath.Join(u.HomeDir, "testdata/TwitterFeed1.txt.gz") tc.DownloadDataFile(tc.IndexTypesTwitterFeed1JSONDataS3, datapath, true) largeDocs := datautility.LoadJSONFromCompressedFile(datapath, "id_str") UpdateKVDocs(largeDocs, docs) log.Printf("Length of docs and largeDocs = %d and %d", len(docs), len(largeDocs)) bucketName := "default" index1 := "index_userscreenname" kvutility.SetKeyValues(largeDocs, bucketName, "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index1, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"`user`.screen_name"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanAllResponse(docs, "user.screen_name") scanResults, err := secondaryindex.ScanAll(index1, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 1: ", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 1: result validation", t) }
func TestFieldsWithSpecialCharacters(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestFieldsWithSpecialCharacters()") var bucketName = "default" var indexName = "index_specialchar" var field = "splfield" docsToCreate := generateDocsWithSpecialCharacters(1000, "", field) UpdateKVDocs(docsToCreate, docs) var valueToLookup string for _, v := range docsToCreate { json := v.(map[string]interface{}) valueToLookup = json[field].(string) break } kvutility.SetKeyValues(docsToCreate, bucketName, "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{field}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) log.Printf("Looking up for value %v", valueToLookup) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, field, valueToLookup, valueToLookup, 3) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Lookup(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{valueToLookup}, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) }
func TestSameFieldNameAtDifferentLevels(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestSameFieldNameAtDifferentLevels()") var bucketName = "default" var indexName = "cityindex" var field = "city" docsToCreate := generateDocs(1000, "") UpdateKVDocs(docsToCreate, docs) docsToUpload := make(tc.KeyValues) for k, v := range docsToCreate { json := v.(map[string]interface{}) address := json["address"].(map[string]interface{}) city := address["city"].(string) json[field] = city address["city"] = "ThisIsNestedCity " + city docsToUpload[k] = json } seed++ log.Printf("Setting JSON docs in KV") kvutility.SetKeyValues(docsToUpload, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{field}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, field, "A", "K", 3) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"A"}, []interface{}{"K"}, 3, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) }
func TestCompositeIndex_NumAndString(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestCompositeIndex()") var bucketName = "default" var indexName = "index_composite1" err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"age", "company"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.ScanAll(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) if len(scanResults) != len(docs) { log.Printf("ScanAll of composite index is wrong. Expected and actual num of results: %d and %d", len(docs), len(scanResults)) e := errors.New("ScanAll of composite index is wrong") FailTestIfError(e, "Error in TestCompositeIndex", t) } scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{25, "F"}, []interface{}{30, "M"}, 3, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) // todo: validate the results addDocIfNotPresentInKV("User22a44f1c-3f15-4ada-9cf5-6c24a7690a37") docScanResults := make(tc.ScanResponse) docScanResults["User22a44f1c-3f15-4ada-9cf5-6c24a7690a37"] = []interface{}{25.0, "ZIGGLES"} scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Lookup(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{25, "ZIGGLES"}, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) }
func TestMutationsWithMultipleIndexBuilds(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestMutationsWithMultipleIndexBuilds()") prodfile = filepath.Join(proddir, "") secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) log.Printf("Generating JSON docs") kvdocs = GenerateJsons(100000, seed, prodfile, bagdir) seed++ log.Printf("Setting initial JSON docs in KV") kv.SetKeyValues(kvdocs, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) var index_p = "index_primary" var bucketName = "default" indexes := []string{"index_company", "index_age", "index_firstname", "index_lastname"} fields := []string{"company", "age", "`first-name`", "`last-name`"} // Create a primary index err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index_p, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", nil, true, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) log.Printf("Creating multiple indexes in deferred mode") for i := range indexes { e := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndexAsync(indexes[i], bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{fields[i]}, false, []byte("{\"defer_build\": true}"), true, nil) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in creating the index", t) } log.Printf("Build Indexes and wait for indexes to become active: %v", indexes) err = secondaryindex.BuildIndexes(indexes, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, 2000) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in deferred index build", t) }
func TestRangeWithConcurrentDelMuts(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestRangeWithConcurrentDelMuts()") var wg sync.WaitGroup prodfile = filepath.Join(proddir, "") // secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) log.Printf("Generating JSON docs") kvdocs = GenerateJsons(30000, seed, prodfile, bagdir) seed++ log.Printf("Setting initial JSON docs in KV") kv.SetKeyValues(kvdocs, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) var indexName = "index_company" var bucketName = "default" log.Printf("Creating a 2i") err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"company"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) wg.Add(2) go DeleteDocsForDuration(&wg, 120) go RangeScanForDuration_ltr("Thread 1: ", &wg, 120, t, indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress) wg.Wait() }
func TestCountLookup(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestCountLookup()") var indexName = "index_age" var bucketName = "default" err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"age"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "age", 25, 25, 3) rangeCount, err := secondaryindex.CountLookup(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{25}, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in CountRange: ", t) log.Printf("Count of expected and actual Range are: %d and %d", len(docScanResults), rangeCount) if int64(len(docScanResults)) != rangeCount { e := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Expected Range count %d does not match actual Range count %d: ", len(docScanResults), rangeCount)) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in CountRange: ", t) } docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "age", 75, 75, 3) rangeCount, err = secondaryindex.CountLookup(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{75}, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in CountRange: ", t) log.Printf("Count of expected and actual Range are: %d and %d", len(docScanResults), rangeCount) if int64(len(docScanResults)) != rangeCount { e := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Expected Range count %d does not match actual Range count %d: ", len(docScanResults), rangeCount)) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in CountRange: ", t) } }
func TestScanLimitParameter(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestScanLimitParameter()") var indexName = "index_age" var bucketName = "default" err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"age"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) limit := 500 scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{35}, []interface{}{40}, 1, true, int64(limit), c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) if len(scanResults) != limit { e := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Expected %d number of results but got %d results", limit, len(scanResults))) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in scan limit: ", t) } limit = 1000 scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{35}, []interface{}{40}, 1, true, int64(limit), c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) if len(scanResults) != limit { e := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Expected %d number of results but got %d results", limit, len(scanResults))) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in scan limit: ", t) } // Todo: Verify the results in scanresults }
func TestBasicArrayDataType_Lookup(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestBasicArrayDataType_Lookup()") var indexName = "index_tags" var bucketName = "default" addDocIfNotPresentInKV("Usere46cea01-38f6-4e7b-92e5-69d64668ae75") time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"tags"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) // Document has array: "reprehenderit", "tempor", "officia", "exercitation", "labore", "sunt", "tempor" arrayValue := []string{"reprehenderit", "tempor", "officia", "exercitation", "labore", "sunt", "tempor"} scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Lookup(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{arrayValue}, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) tc.PrintScanResults(scanResults, "scanResults") FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) if len(scanResults) != 1 { e := errors.New("Lookup should return exactly one result") FailTestIfError(e, "Error in array Lookup: ", t) } for k := range scanResults { if k != "Usere46cea01-38f6-4e7b-92e5-69d64668ae75" { e := errors.New("Lookup returned a wrong key") FailTestIfError(e, "Error in array Lookup: ", t) } } }
func TestThreeIndexCreates(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestThreeIndexCreates()") var i1 = "index_balance" var i2 = "index_email" var i3 = "index_pin" var bucketName = "default" e := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(i1, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"balance"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in creating the index", t) //Create docs mutations: Add new docs to KV log.Printf("Create docs mutations") CreateDocs(100) docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, "balance", "$1", "$2", 2) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Range(i1, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"$1"}, []interface{}{"$2"}, 2, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) err = secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(i2, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"email"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) //Create docs mutations: Add new docs to KV log.Printf("Create docs mutations") CreateDocs(100) docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, "email", "p", "w", 1) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(i2, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"p"}, []interface{}{"w"}, 1, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) err = secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(i3, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{""}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) //Delete docs mutations: Delete docs from KV log.Printf("Delete docs mutations") DeleteDocs(150) docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "", 2222, 5555, 3) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(i3, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{2222}, []interface{}{5555}, 3, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) }
func TestRangeStatistics(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestRangeCount()") var indexName = "index_age" var bucketName = "default" err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"age"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) }
func TestSameIndexNameInTwoBuckets(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestSameIndexNameInTwoBuckets()") e := secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) FailTestIfError(e, "Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes", t) numOfBuckets := 2 indexName := "b_idx" indexFields := [...]string{"age", ""} bucketNames := [...]string{"default", "buck2"} proxyPorts := [...]string{"11212", "11213"} var bucketDocs [2]tc.KeyValues // Update default bucket ram to 256 // Create two more buckets with ram 256 each // Add different docs to all 3 buckets // Create index on each of them // Query the indexes kvutility.FlushBucket(bucketNames[0], "", clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress) kvutility.EditBucket(bucketNames[0], "", clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress, "256") for i := 1; i < numOfBuckets; i++ { kvutility.CreateBucket(bucketNames[i], "sasl", "", clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress, "256", proxyPorts[i]) } time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) log.Printf("Generating docs and Populating all the buckets") for i := 0; i < numOfBuckets; i++ { bucketDocs[i] = generateDocs(1000, "") kvutility.SetKeyValues(bucketDocs[i], bucketNames[i], "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketNames[i], indexManagementAddress, "", []string{indexFields[i]}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) } time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) // Scan index of first bucket docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(bucketDocs[0], indexFields[0], 30, 50, 1) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketNames[0], indexScanAddress, []interface{}{30}, []interface{}{50}, 1, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 1", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) // Scan index of second bucket docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(bucketDocs[1], indexFields[1], "F", "Q", 2) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketNames[1], indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"F"}, []interface{}{"Q"}, 2, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 2", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) kvutility.EditBucket(bucketNames[0], "", clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress, "512") kvutility.DeleteBucket(bucketNames[1], "", clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress) time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) // Sleep after bucket create or delete tc.ClearMap(docs) UpdateKVDocs(bucketDocs[0], docs) }
func SkipTestCompactionDiskMinSize(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestCompactionDiskMinSize()") secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress) log.Printf("Emptying the default bucket") kv.EnableBucketFlush("default", "", clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress) kv.FlushBucket("default", "", clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress) tc.ClearMap(docs) time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) log.Printf("Generating JSON docs") docs = GenerateJsons(10000, seed, filepath.Join(proddir, ""), bagdir) seed++ log.Printf("Setting initial JSON docs in KV") kv.SetKeyValues(docs, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) indexName := "index_compactiontest1" bucketName := "default" indexField := "company" min_sizeValue := float64(320000000) err := secondaryindex.ChangeIndexerSettings("indexer.settings.compaction.min_size", min_sizeValue, clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in ChangeIndexerSettings", t) log.Printf("Creating a 2i") err = secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{indexField}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) stats1 := getCompactionStats(indexName, bucketName) log.Printf("Current Compaction Stats: Fragmentation=%v, Num_Compactions=%v, Disk_Size=%v\n", stats1.frag_percent, stats1.num_compactions, stats1.disk_size) prev_compactionnumber := stats1.num_compactions for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { log.Printf("ITERATION %v", i) updateDocsFieldForFragmentation(indexField) kv.SetKeyValues(docs, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress) stats2 := getCompactionStats(indexName, bucketName) log.Printf("Current Compaction Stats: Fragmentation=%v, Num_Compactions=%v, Disk_Size=%0.0f\n", stats2.frag_percent, stats2.num_compactions, stats2.disk_size) if stats2.num_compactions > prev_compactionnumber { time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) stats3 := getCompactionStats(indexName, bucketName) if stats3.disk_size < min_sizeValue { errstr := fmt.Sprintf("Index compaction occurred before disk size %0.0f reached the set min_size %0.0f", stats3.disk_size, min_sizeValue) log.Printf(errstr) err := errors.New(errstr) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in TestCompactionDiskMinSize", t) } } prev_compactionnumber = stats2.num_compactions } err = secondaryindex.ChangeIndexerSettings("indexer.settings.compaction.min_size", float64(1048576), clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in ChangeIndexerSettings", t) }
func TestRangeFloatInclVariations(t *testing.T) { log.Printf("In TestRangeFloatInclVariations()") var indexName = "index_latitude" var bucketName = "default" err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"latitude"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t) // Scan 1. Value close to -67.373265, Inclusion 0 log.Printf("Scan 1") docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "latitude", -67.373365, -67.373165, 0) scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{-67.373365}, []interface{}{-67.373165}, 0, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) // Scan 2. Value close to -67.373265, Inclusion 1 ( >= low && < high) (val < low && val < high : Expected 0 result) log.Printf("Scan 2") docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "latitude", -67.3732649999, -67.373264, 1) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{-67.3732649999}, []interface{}{-67.373264}, 1, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) // Scan 3. Value close to -67.373265, Inclusion 2 ( > low && <= high) (val > low && val > high: Expect 0 result) log.Printf("Scan 3") docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "latitude", -67.373265999, -67.37326500001, 2) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{-67.373265999}, []interface{}{-67.37326500001}, 2, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) // Scan 4. Value close to -67.373265, Inclusion 2 ( > low && <= high) ( val > low && val < high: Expect 1 result) log.Printf("Scan 4") docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "latitude", -67.37326500001, -67.3732649999, 2) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{-67.37326500001}, []interface{}{-67.3732649999}, 2, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) // Scan 5. Value close to -67.373265, Inclusion 3 ( val == low && val < high : Expect 1 result) log.Printf("Scan 5") docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "latitude", -67.373265, -67.3732649999, 3) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{-67.373265}, []interface{}{-67.3732649999}, 3, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) // Scan 6. Value close to -67.373265, Inclusion 3 ( val == low && val > high : Expect 0 results) log.Printf("Scan 6") docScanResults = datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_float64(docs, "latitude", -67.373265, -67.37326500001, 3) scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Range(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{-67.373265}, []interface{}{-67.37326500001}, 3, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t) err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults) FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t) }