コード例 #1
ファイル: couchbase.go プロジェクト: amarantha-k/query
func (b *keyspace) Fetch(keys []string) ([]datastore.AnnotatedPair, errors.Error) {

	if len(keys) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.NewCbNoKeysFetchError(nil, ":(")

	bulkResponse, err := b.cbbucket.GetBulk(keys)
	if err != nil {
		// Ignore "Not found" keys
		if !isNotFoundError(err) {
			return nil, errors.NewCbBulkGetError(err, "")

	i := 0
	rv := make([]datastore.AnnotatedPair, len(bulkResponse))
	for k, v := range bulkResponse {

		var doc datastore.AnnotatedPair
		doc.Key = k

		Value := value.NewAnnotatedValue(value.NewValue(v.Body))

		meta_flags := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(v.Extras[0:4])
		meta_type := "json"
		if Value.Type() == value.BINARY {
			meta_type = "base64"
		Value.SetAttachment("meta", map[string]interface{}{
			"id":    k,
			"cas":   float64(v.Cas),
			"type":  meta_type,
			"flags": float64(meta_flags),

		logging.Debugf("CAS Value for key %v is %v", k, float64(v.Cas))

		doc.Value = Value
		rv[i] = doc


	logging.Debugf("Fetched %d keys ", i)

	return rv, nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: view_index.go プロジェクト: amarantha-k/query
func (vi *viewIndex) Scan(span *datastore.Span, distinct bool, limit int64,
	cons datastore.ScanConsistency, vector timestamp.Vector, conn *datastore.IndexConnection) {
	defer close(conn.EntryChannel())
	// For primary indexes, bounds must always be strings, so we
	// can just enforce that directly

	viewOptions := map[string]interface{}{}
	viewOptions = generateViewOptions(cons, span) /*span.Range.Low, span.Range.High, span.Range.Inclusion) */
	viewRowChannel := make(chan cb.ViewRow)
	viewErrChannel := make(chan errors.Error)
	go WalkViewInBatches(viewRowChannel, viewErrChannel, vi.keyspace.cbbucket, vi.DDocName(), vi.ViewName(), viewOptions, 1000, limit)

	var viewRow cb.ViewRow
	var err errors.Error
	sentRows := false
	ok := true
	numRows := 0
	for ok {
		select {
		case viewRow, ok = <-viewRowChannel:
			if ok {
				entry := datastore.IndexEntry{PrimaryKey: viewRow.ID}

				// try to add the view row key as the entry key (unless this is _all_docs)
				if vi.DDocName() != "" /* FIXME && vi.IsPrimary() == false */ {
					lookupValue, err := convertCouchbaseViewKeyToLookupValue(viewRow.Key)
					if err == nil {
						entry.EntryKey = lookupValue
					} else {
						logging.Debugf("unable to convert index key to lookup value err:%v key %v", err, viewRow.Key)

				conn.EntryChannel() <- &entry
				sentRows = true
		case err, ok = <-viewErrChannel:
			if err != nil {
				logging.Errorf("%v", err)
				// check to possibly detect a bucket that was already deleted
				if !sentRows {
					logging.Infof("Checking bucket URI: %v", vi.keyspace.cbbucket.URI)
					_, err := http.Get(vi.keyspace.cbbucket.URI)
					if err != nil {
						logging.Errorf("%v", err)

						// remove this specific bucket from the pool cache
						delete(vi.keyspace.namespace.keyspaceCache, vi.keyspace.Name())
						// close this bucket
						// ask the pool to refresh
						// bucket doesnt exist any more
						conn.Error(errors.NewCbViewsAccessError(nil, "keyspace "+vi.keyspace.Name()))



	logging.Infof("Number of entries fetched from the index %d", numRows)
