コード例 #1
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: PaddySchmidt/gofem
func main() {

	// catch errors
	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			if mpi.Rank() == 0 {
				chk.Verbose = true
				for i := 8; i > 3; i-- {
				io.PfRed("ERROR: %v\n", err)

	// default input parameters

	// read input parameters
	fnamepath, _ := io.ArgToFilename(0, "", ".sim", true)
	verbose := io.ArgToBool(1, true)
	erasePrev := io.ArgToBool(2, true)
	saveSummary := io.ArgToBool(3, true)
	allowParallel := io.ArgToBool(4, true)
	alias := io.ArgToString(5, "")

	// message
	if mpi.Rank() == 0 && verbose {
		io.PfWhite("\nGofem v3 -- Go Finite Element Method\n\n")
		io.Pf("Copyright 2015 Dorival Pedroso and Raul Durand. All rights reserved.\n")
		io.Pf("Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style\n")
		io.Pf("license that can be found in the LICENSE file.\n\n")

		io.Pf("\n%v\n", io.ArgsTable(
			"filename path", "fnamepath", fnamepath,
			"show messages", "verbose", verbose,
			"erase previous results", "erasePrev", erasePrev,
			"save summary", "saveSummary", saveSummary,
			"allow parallel run", "allowParallel", allowParallel,
			"word to add to results", "alias", alias,

	// profiling?
	defer utl.DoProf(false)()

	// analysis data
	readSummary := false
	analysis := fem.NewFEM(fnamepath, alias, erasePrev, saveSummary, readSummary, allowParallel, verbose, 0)

	// run simulation
	err := analysis.Run()
	if err != nil {
		chk.Panic("Run failed:\n%v", err)
コード例 #2
ファイル: NurbsDraw.go プロジェクト: yunpeng1/gosl
func main() {

	// input data
	fn, fnk := io.ArgToFilename(0, "nurbs01", ".msh", true)
	ctrl := io.ArgToBool(1, true)
	ids := io.ArgToBool(2, true)
	useminmax := io.ArgToBool(3, false)
	axisequal := io.ArgToBool(4, true)
	xmin := io.ArgToFloat(5, 0)
	xmax := io.ArgToFloat(6, 0)
	ymin := io.ArgToFloat(7, 0)
	ymax := io.ArgToFloat(8, 0)
	eps := io.ArgToBool(9, false)
	npts := io.ArgToInt(10, 41)

	// print input table
	io.Pf("\n%s\n", io.ArgsTable("INPUT ARGUMENTS",
		"mesh filename", "fn", fn,
		"show control points", "ctrl", ctrl,
		"show ids", "ids", ids,
		"use xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax", "useminmax", useminmax,
		"enforce axis.equal", "axisequal", axisequal,
		"min(x)", "xmin", xmin,
		"max(x)", "xmax", xmax,
		"min(y)", "ymin", ymin,
		"max(y)", "ymax", ymax,
		"generate eps instead of png", "eps", eps,
		"number of divisions", "npts", npts,

	// load nurbss
	B := gm.ReadMsh(fnk)

	// plot
	if eps {
		plt.SetForEps(0.75, 500)
	} else {
		plt.SetForPng(0.75, 500, 150)
	for _, b := range B {
		if ctrl {
			b.DrawCtrl2d(ids, "", "")
		b.DrawElems2d(npts, ids, "", "")
	if axisequal {
	if useminmax {
		plt.AxisRange(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
	ext := ".png"
	if eps {
		ext = ".eps"
	plt.Save(fnk + ext)
コード例 #3
ファイル: ConvertGofemMat.go プロジェクト: PaddySchmidt/gofem
func main() {

	// catch errors
	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			io.PfRed("ERROR: %v\n", err)

	// input data
	matOld := io.ArgToString(0, "matOld.mat")
	matNew := io.ArgToString(1, "matNew.mat")
	convSymb := io.ArgToBool(2, true)
	io.Pf("\n%s\n", io.ArgsTable(
		"old material filename", "matOld", matOld,
		"new material filenamen", "matNew", matNew,
		"do convert symbols", "convSymb", convSymb,

	// convert old => new
	inp.MatfileOld2New("", matNew, matOld, convSymb)
	io.Pf("conversion successful\n")
	io.Pfblue2("file <matNew.mat> created\n")
コード例 #4
ファイル: GenVtu.go プロジェクト: PaddySchmidt/gofem
func main() {

	// catch errors
	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			io.PfRed("ERROR: %v\n", err)

	// input data
	simfn, _ := io.ArgToFilename(0, "data/twoqua4", ".sim", true)
	exnwl := io.ArgToBool(1, false)
	stgidx := io.ArgToInt(2, 0)
	io.Pf("\n%s\n", io.ArgsTable(
		"simulation filename", "simfn", simfn,
		"extrapolate nwl", "exnwl", exnwl,
		"stage index", "stgidx", stgidx,

	// start analysis process
	out.Start(simfn, stgidx, 0)

	// global variables
	ndim = out.Dom.Msh.Ndim
	verts = out.Dom.Msh.Verts
	cells = out.Dom.Msh.Cells
	nodes = out.Dom.Nodes
	elems = out.Dom.Elems
	dirout = out.Dom.Sim.DirOut
	fnkey = out.Dom.Sim.Key
	steady = out.Dom.Sim.Data.Steady

	// flags
	has_u := out.Dom.YandC["ux"]
	has_pl := out.Dom.YandC["pl"]
	has_pg := out.Dom.YandC["pg"]
	has_sig := out.Ipkeys["sx"]
	has_nwl := out.Ipkeys["nwlx"]
	has_p := has_pl || has_pg
	lbb := has_u && has_p
	if out.Dom.Sim.Data.NoLBB {
		lbb = false

	// buffers
	pvd := make(map[string]*bytes.Buffer)
	geo := make(map[string]*bytes.Buffer)
	vtu := make(map[string]*bytes.Buffer)
	if _, ok := out.Dom.YandC["ux"]; ok {
		pvd["u"] = new(bytes.Buffer)
		geo["u"] = new(bytes.Buffer)
		vtu["u"] = new(bytes.Buffer)
	for ykey, _ := range out.Dom.Dof2Tnum {
		if ykey == "ux" || ykey == "uy" || ykey == "uz" {
		pvd[ykey] = new(bytes.Buffer)
		geo[ykey] = new(bytes.Buffer)
		vtu[ykey] = new(bytes.Buffer)
		label2keys[ykey] = []string{ykey}
	if len(out.Ipkeys) > 0 {
		pvd["ips"] = new(bytes.Buffer)
		geo["ips"] = new(bytes.Buffer)
		vtu["ips"] = new(bytes.Buffer)
	if exnwl {
		pvd["ex_nwl"] = new(bytes.Buffer)
		geo["ex_nwl"] = new(bytes.Buffer)
		vtu["ex_nwl"] = new(bytes.Buffer)

	// extrapolated values keys
	extrap_keys := []string{"nwlx", "nwly"}
	if ndim == 3 {
		extrap_keys = []string{"nwlx", "nwly", "nwlz"}

	// headers
	for _, b := range pvd {

	// process results
	for tidx, t := range out.Sum.OutTimes {

		// input results into domain
		err := out.Dom.Read(out.Sum, tidx, 0, true)
		if err != nil {
			chk.Panic("cannot load results into domain\n%v", err)

		// message
		io.PfWhite("time     = %g\r", t)

		// generate topology
		if tidx == 0 {
			for label, b := range geo {
				topology(b, label == "ips", lbb)

			// allocate integration points values
			ipvals = make([]map[string]float64, len(out.Ipoints))
			for i, _ := range out.Ipoints {
				ipvals[i] = make(map[string]float64)

		// get integration points values @ time t
		for i, p := range out.Ipoints {
			vals := p.Calc(out.Dom.Sol)
			for key, val := range vals {
				ipvals[i][key] = val

		// compute extrapolated values
		if exnwl {

		// for each data buffer
		for label, b := range vtu {

			// reset buffer

			// points data
			if label == "ips" {
				if has_sig {
					pdata_write(b, "sig", skeys, true)
				if has_nwl {
					pdata_write(b, "nwl", nwlkeys, true)
				for key, _ := range out.Ipkeys {
					if !is_sig[key] && !is_nwl[key] {
						pdata_write(b, key, []string{key}, true)
			} else {
				pdata_write(b, label, label2keys[label], false)

			// cells data
			cdata_write(b, label == "ips")

			// write vtu file
			vtu_write(geo[label], b, tidx, label)

		// pvd
		for label, b := range pvd {
			pvd_line(b, tidx, t, label)

	// write pvd files
	for label, b := range pvd {
		pvd_write(b, label)