func main() { router := cli.NewRouter() router.Register("import", &actImportTemplateVM{}, "Import template VM used for cloning.") router.Register("get/template", &actDownloadTemplateVM{}, "Get template VM used for cloning.") router.Register("list", &actListVMs{}, "List available VMs.") router.Register("vm/info", &vmBase{Action: "info"}, "Show information on the given VM.") router.Register("vm/config/mem", &actConfigMemVM{}, "Configure the VM to have given amount of memory.") router.Register("vm/config/cpu", &actConfigCPUsVM{}, "Configure the VM to have given amount of CPUs.") router.Register("vm/config/boot", &actConfigBootOrderVM{}, "Configure the boot order of the VM.") router.Register("vm/config/nic", &actConfigNetworkIFacesVM{}, "Configure the according NIC of the VM.") router.Register("vm/share", &actShareFolder{}, "Share a folder with the given VM.") router.Register("vm/unshare", &actUnshareFolder{}, "Unshare a folder with the given VM.") router.Register("clone", &actCloneVM{}, "Clone a new VM from a template VM.") router.Register("delete", &vmBase{Action: "delete"}, "Delete the VM with the given name.") router.Register("start", &actStartVM{}, "Start the VM with the given name.") router.Register("save", &vmBase{Action: "save"}, "Stop the VM with the given name (saving the current state).") router.Register("stop", &vmBase{Action: "stop"}, "Stop the VM with the given name (unplug the VM).") router.Register("shutdown", &vmBase{Action: "shutdown"}, "Send the VM the ACPI shutdown signal.") router.Register("vm/props", &vmBase{Action: "props"}, "List properties of given VM.") router.Register("ssh/into", &sshInto{}, "Connect to the VM using SSH.") if e := router.RunWithArgs(); e != nil { log.Fatal(e) } }
func router() *cli.Router { router := cli.NewRouter() router.Register("init", &initProject{}, "Initialize a basic urknall project.") router.Register("templates/add", &templatesAdd{}, "Add templates to project.") router.Register("templates/list", &templatesList{}, "List all available templates.") return router }
func router() *cli.Router { router := cli.NewRouter() router.Register("image/current", ¤tImage{}, "get the current image") router.Register("env/current", ¤tEnv{}, "get the current env") return router }
func main() { router := cli.NewRouter() router.Register("prices", &ec2.Prices{Region: os.Getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION")}, "List ec2 prices") e := router.Run(append([]string{"prices"}, os.Args[1:]...)...) if e != nil { log.Fatal(e.Error()) } }
func router() *cli.Router { r := cli.NewRouter() r.Register("test", &testNotification{}, "test the hipchat notification mechanism") r.Register("notify", &sendNotification{}, "send notification if given command failed") return r }
func router() *cli.Router { r := cli.NewRouter() r.Register("snapshots/list", &list{}, "list all RDS snapshots") r.Register("snapshots/backup", &backup{}, "backup latest RDS snapshot") return r }
func main() { router := cli.NewRouter() router.Register("hosts/list", &hostsList{}, "List Hosts") switch err := router.RunWithArgs(); err { case nil, cli.ErrorHelpRequested, cli.ErrorNoRoute: // ignore return default: logger.Fatal(err) } }
func main() { router := cli.NewRouter() router.Register("entities/show", &ShowEntity{w: "foog"}, "an example action") router.Register("entities/list", &ShowEntity{w: "foog"}, "an example action") router.Register("entit/list", &ShowEntity{w: "foog", Option: "barz"}, "an example action") router.RegisterFunc("version", func() error { log.Printf("x.y"); return nil }, "show the apps version") if e := router.RunWithArgs(); e != nil { log.Fatal(e) } }
func main() { router := cli.NewRouter() router.Register("images/list", &imagesList{}, "List Images") router.Register("regions/list", ®ionsList{}, "List Regions") router.Register("keys/list", &keysList{}, "List Keys") router.Register("droplets/delete", &dropletDelete{}, "Delete Droplet") router.Register("droplets/list", &dropletsList{}, "List Droplets") router.Register("droplets/show", &dropletShow{}, "Show Droplet") router.Register("droplets/create", &dropletCreate{}, "Create Droplet") switch e := router.RunWithArgs(); e { case nil, cli.ErrorHelpRequested, cli.ErrorNoRoute: // ignore return default: logger.Fatal(e) } }
func router() *cli.Router { router := cli.NewRouter() router.Register("browse", &Browse{}, "Browse github repository") router.Register("commits", &Commits{}, "List github commits") router.Register("gists/browse", &BrowseGists{}, "Browse Gists") router.Register("gists/create", &CreateGist{}, "Create a new") router.Register("gists/delete", &DeleteGist{}, "Create a new") router.Register("gists/list", &ListGists{}, "List Gists") router.Register("gists/open", &OpenGist{}, "Open a Gist") router.Register("issues/list", &issuesList{}, "List github issues") router.Register("issues/browse", &issuesBrowse{}, "List github issues") router.Register("issues/create", &issuesCreate{}, "List github issues") router.Register("issues/open", &issueOpen{}, "Open github issues") router.Register("issues/label", &issueLabel{}, "Label issue") router.Register("issues/close", &issueClose{}, "Close github issues") router.Register("issues/assign", &issueAssign{}, "Assign gitbub issue") router.Register("notifications", &GithubNotifications{}, "Browse github notifications") router.Register("pulls", &GithubPulls{}, "List github pull requests") return router }
func main() { router := cli.NewRouter() router.Register("aliases/create", &aliasCreate{}, "Create alias") router.Register("aliases/ls", &esAliases{}, "List Aliases") router.Register("aliases/rm", &aliasDelete{}, "Delete alias") router.Register("aliases/swap", &swapIndex{}, "Swap Alias") router.Register("index/dump", &dump{}, "Dump an index") router.Register("index/ls", &esIndexes{}, "List es indexes") router.Register("index/rm", &indexDelete{}, "Delete index") router.Register("nodes/ls", &nodesLS{}, "Nodes List") router.Register("spy", &spy{}, "Spy on es requests") switch e := router.RunWithArgs(); e { case nil, cli.ErrorHelpRequested, cli.ErrorNoRoute: // ignore return default: logger.Fatal(e) } }
"os" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var router = cli.NewRouter() func init() { ec2.Register(router) cloudformation.Register(router) elb.Register(router) digitalocean.Register(router) hetzner.Register(router) jiffybox.Register(router) route53.Register(router) iam.Register(router) cloudwatch.Register(router) profitbricks.Register(router) } func init() {