コード例 #1
ファイル: thrift_test.go プロジェクト: avldya/packetbeat
func TestThrift_GapInStream_response(t *testing.T) {

	if testing.Verbose() {
		logp.LogInit(logp.LOG_DEBUG, "", false, true, []string{"thrift", "thriftdetailed"})

	var thrift Thrift
	thrift.Init(true, nil)
	thrift.Idl = thriftIdlForTesting(t, `
		exception InvalidOperation {
		  1: i32 what,
		  2: string why
		service Test {
		   i32 calculate(1:i32 logid, 2:Work w) throws (1:InvalidOperation ouch),

	thrift.PublishQueue = make(chan *ThriftTransaction, 10)

	tcptuple := testTcpTuple()

	req := createTestPacket(t, "800100010000000963616c63756c6174650000000008000"+
	// missing last few bytes
	repl := createTestPacket(t, "800100020000000963616c63756c617465000000000c00"+

	private := protos.ProtocolData(new(thriftPrivateData))
	private = thrift.Parse(req, tcptuple, 0, private)
	private = thrift.Parse(repl, tcptuple, 1, private)
	private, drop := thrift.GapInStream(tcptuple, 1, 5, private)

	if drop == false {
		t.Error("GapInStream returned drop=false")

	trans := expectThriftTransaction(t, thrift)
	// The exception is not captured, but otherwise the values from the request
	// are correct
	if trans.Request.Method != "calculate" ||
		trans.Request.Params != "(logid: 1, w: (1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 4))" ||
		trans.Reply.ReturnValue != "" ||
		trans.Reply.Exceptions != `` ||
		trans.Reply.HasException ||
		trans.Request.Service != "Test" ||
		trans.Reply.Notes[0] != "Packet loss while capturing the response" {

		t.Error("trans.Reply.Exceptions", trans.Reply.Exceptions)
		t.Error("trans.Reply.HasException", trans.Reply.HasException)
コード例 #2
// Test that loss of data during the response (but not at the beginning)
// don't cause the whole transaction to be dropped.
func Test_gap_in_response(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Verbose() {
		logp.LogInit(logp.LOG_DEBUG, "", false, true, []string{"mysql", "mysqldetailed"})

	mysql := MysqlModForTests()

	// request and response from tests/pcaps/mysql_result_long.pcap
	// select * from test
	req_data, err := hex.DecodeString(
		"130000000373656c656374202a20" +
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	resp_data, err := hex.DecodeString(
		"0100000103240000020364656604" +
			"74657374047465737404746573740161" +
			"01610c3f000b00000003000000000024" +
			"00000303646566047465737404746573" +
			"740474657374016201620c3f000b0000" +
			"00030000000000240000040364656604" +
			"74657374047465737404746573740163" +
			"01630c2100fd020000fd000000000005" +
			"000005fe000022000a00000601310131" +
			"0548656c6c6f0a000007013201320548" +
			"656c6c6f0601000801330133fcff004c" +
			"6f72656d20497073756d206973207369" +
			"6d706c792064756d6d79207465787420" +
			"6f6620746865207072696e74696e6720" +
			"616e64207479706573657474696e6720" +
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	tcptuple := testTcpTuple()
	req := protos.Packet{Payload: req_data}
	resp := protos.Packet{Payload: resp_data}

	private := protos.ProtocolData(new(mysqlPrivateData))

	private = mysql.Parse(&req, tcptuple, 0, private)
	private = mysql.Parse(&resp, tcptuple, 1, private)

	logp.Debug("mysql", "Now sending gap..")

	private, drop := mysql.GapInStream(tcptuple, 1, 10, private)
	assert.Equal(t, true, drop)

	trans := expectTransaction(t, mysql)
	assert.NotNil(t, trans)
	assert.Equal(t, trans["notes"], []string{"Packet loss while capturing the response"})
コード例 #3
ファイル: pgsql_test.go プロジェクト: navenel/packetbeat
// Test that loss of data during the response (but not at the beginning)
// don't cause the whole transaction to be dropped.
func Test_gap_in_response(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Verbose() {
		logp.LogInit(logp.LOG_DEBUG, "", false, true, []string{"pgsql", "pgsqldetailed"})

	pgsql := PgsqlModForTests()

	// request and response from tests/pcaps/pgsql_request_response.pcap
	// select * from test
	req_data, err := hex.DecodeString(
		"510000001873656c656374202a20" +
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	// response is incomplete
	resp_data, err := hex.DecodeString(
		"5400000042000361000000410900" +
			"0100000413ffffffffffff0000620000" +
			"004009000200000413ffffffffffff00" +
			"00630000004009000300000413ffffff" +
			"ffffff0000440000001b000300000003" +
			"6d6561000000036d6562000000036d65" +
			"63440000001e0003000000046d656131" +
			"000000046d656231000000046d656331" +
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	tcptuple := testTcpTuple()
	req := protos.Packet{Payload: req_data}
	resp := protos.Packet{Payload: resp_data}

	private := protos.ProtocolData(new(pgsqlPrivateData))

	private = pgsql.Parse(&req, tcptuple, 0, private)
	private = pgsql.Parse(&resp, tcptuple, 1, private)

	logp.Debug("pgsql", "Now sending gap..")

	private, drop := pgsql.GapInStream(tcptuple, 1, 10, private)
	assert.Equal(t, true, drop)

	trans := expectTransaction(t, pgsql)
	assert.NotNil(t, trans)
	assert.Equal(t, trans["notes"], []string{"Packet loss while capturing the response"})
コード例 #4
ファイル: thrift_test.go プロジェクト: avldya/packetbeat
func TestThrift_GapInStream_request(t *testing.T) {

	if testing.Verbose() {
		logp.LogInit(logp.LOG_DEBUG, "", false, true, []string{"thrift", "thriftdetailed"})

	var thrift Thrift
	thrift.Init(true, nil)
	thrift.Idl = thriftIdlForTesting(t, `
		exception InvalidOperation {
		  1: i32 what,
		  2: string why
		service Test {
		   i32 calculate(1:i32 logid, 2:Work w) throws (1:InvalidOperation ouch),

	thrift.PublishQueue = make(chan *ThriftTransaction, 10)

	tcptuple := testTcpTuple()

	// missing bytes from the request
	req := createTestPacket(t, "800100010000000963616c63756c6174")
	repl := createTestPacket(t, "800100020000000963616c63756c617465000000000c00"+

	private := protos.ProtocolData(new(thriftPrivateData))
	private = thrift.Parse(req, tcptuple, 0, private)
	private, drop := thrift.GapInStream(tcptuple, 0, 5, private)

	private = thrift.Parse(repl, tcptuple, 1, private)

	if drop == false {
		t.Error("GapInStream returned drop=false")

	// packet loss in requests should result in no transaction
	select {
	case trans := <-thrift.PublishQueue:
		t.Error("Expected no transaction but got one:", trans)
		// ok
コード例 #5
ファイル: http_test.go プロジェクト: avldya/packetbeat
func Test_gap_in_body_http1dot0_fin(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Verbose() {
		logp.LogInit(logp.LOG_DEBUG, "", false, true, []string{"http",
	http := HttpModForTests()

	data1 := []byte("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")

	data2 := []byte("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" +
		"Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 22:31:45 GMT\r\n" +
		"Expires: -1\r\n" +
		"Cache-Control: private, max-age=0\r\n" +
		"Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" +
		"Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n" +
		"Server: gws\r\n" +
		"X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block\r\n" +
		"X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN\r\n" +
		"\r\n" +

	tcptuple := testTcpTuple()
	req := protos.Packet{Payload: data1}
	resp := protos.Packet{Payload: data2}

	private := protos.ProtocolData(new(httpPrivateData))

	private = http.Parse(&req, tcptuple, 0, private)
	private = http.ReceivedFin(tcptuple, 0, private)

	private = http.Parse(&resp, tcptuple, 1, private)

	logp.Debug("http", "Now sending gap..")

	private, drop := http.GapInStream(tcptuple, 1, 10, private)
	assert.Equal(t, false, drop)

	private = http.ReceivedFin(tcptuple, 1, private)

	trans := expectTransaction(t, http)
	assert.NotNil(t, trans)
	assert.Equal(t, trans["notes"], []string{"Packet loss while capturing the response"})
コード例 #6
ファイル: mongodb_test.go プロジェクト: avldya/packetbeat
// Test simple request / response.
func TestSimpleFindLimit1(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Verbose() {
		logp.LogInit(logp.LOG_DEBUG, "", false, true, []string{"mongodb", "mongodbdetailed"})

	mongodb := MongodbModForTests()

	// request and response from tests/pcaps/mongo_one_row.pcap
	req_data, err := hex.DecodeString(
		"320000000a000000ffffffffd4070000" +
			"00000000746573742e72667374617572" +
			"616e7473000000000001000000050000" +
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	resp_data, err := hex.DecodeString(
		"020200004a0000000a00000001000000" +
			"08000000000000000000000000000000" +
			"01000000de010000075f696400558beb" +
			"b45f075665d2ae862703616464726573" +
			"730069000000026275696c64696e6700" +
			"05000000313030370004636f6f726400" +
			"1b000000013000e6762ff7c97652c001" +
			"3100d5b14ae9996c4440000273747265" +
			"657400100000004d6f72726973205061" +
			"726b2041766500027a6970636f646500" +
			"060000003130343632000002626f726f" +
			"756768000600000042726f6e78000263" +
			"756973696e65000700000042616b6572" +
			"79000467726164657300eb0000000330" +
			"002b00000009646174650000703d8544" +
			"01000002677261646500020000004100" +
			"1073636f72650002000000000331002b" +
			"0000000964617465000044510a410100" +
			"00026772616465000200000041001073" +
			"636f72650006000000000332002b0000" +
			"00096461746500009cda693c01000002" +
			"6772616465000200000041001073636f" +
			"7265000a000000000333002b00000009" +
			"646174650000ccb8cd33010000026772" +
			"616465000200000041001073636f7265" +
			"0009000000000334002b000000096461" +
			"7465000014109d2e0100000267726164" +
			"65000200000042001073636f7265000e" +
			"0000000000026e616d6500160000004d" +
			"6f72726973205061726b2042616b6520" +
			"53686f70000272657374617572616e74" +
			"5f696400090000003330303735343435" +
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	tcptuple := testTcpTuple()
	req := protos.Packet{Payload: req_data}
	resp := protos.Packet{Payload: resp_data}

	private := protos.ProtocolData(new(mongodbPrivateData))

	private = mongodb.Parse(&req, tcptuple, 0, private)
	private = mongodb.Parse(&resp, tcptuple, 1, private)
	trans := expectTransaction(t, mongodb)

	assert.Equal(t, "OK", trans["status"])
	assert.Equal(t, "find", trans["method"])
	assert.Equal(t, "mongodb", trans["type"])

	logp.Debug("mongodb", "Trans: %v", trans)