コード例 #1
ファイル: cli.go プロジェクト: elodina/go-kafka-client-mesos
func handleStart() error {
	id := stripArgument()
	if id == "" {
		return errors.New("No task id supplied to start")

	var api string
	var timeout int64

	flag.StringVar(&api, "api", "", "API host:port for advertizing.")
	flag.Int64Var(&timeout, "timeout", 30, "Timeout in seconds to wait until the task receives Running status.")


	if err := resolveApi(api); err != nil {
		return err

	request := framework.NewApiRequest(framework.Config.Api + "/api/start")
	request.PutString("id", id)
	request.PutInt("timeout", timeout)

	response := request.Get()

	return nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: cli.go プロジェクト: elodina/go-kafka-client-mesos
func handleAddConsumer() error {
	id := stripArgument()
	if id == "" {
		return errors.New("No task id supplied to add")
	var (
		api = flag.String("api", "", "API host:port")
		cpu = flag.Float64("cpu", 0.1, "CPUs per task")
		mem = flag.Float64("mem", 128, "Mem per task")
	if err := resolveApi(*api); err != nil {
		return err

	if *executor == "" {
		return errors.New("Executor name required")

	request := framework.NewApiRequest(framework.Config.Api + "/api/add")
	request.PutString("type", framework.TaskTypeConsumer)
	request.PutString("id", id)
	request.PutFloat("cpu", *cpu)
	request.PutFloat("mem", *mem)
	request.PutString("executor", *executor)

	response := request.Get()


	return nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: cli.go プロジェクト: elodina/go-kafka-client-mesos
func handleStatus() error {
	var api string
	flag.StringVar(&api, "api", "", "Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if SM_API env is set.")

	if err := resolveApi(api); err != nil {
		return err
	response := framework.NewApiRequest(framework.Config.Api + "/api/status").Get()
	return nil
コード例 #4
ファイル: cli.go プロジェクト: elodina/go-kafka-client-mesos
func handleRemove() error {
	id := stripArgument()
	if id == "" {
		return errors.New("No task id supplied to remove")

	var api string
	flag.StringVar(&api, "api", "", "API host:port for advertizing.")

	if err := resolveApi(api); err != nil {
		return err

	request := framework.NewApiRequest(framework.Config.Api + "/api/remove")
	request.PutString("id", id)
	response := request.Get()


	return nil
コード例 #5
ファイル: cli.go プロジェクト: elodina/go-kafka-client-mesos
func handleAddMirrorMaker() error {
	id := stripArgument()
	if id == "" {
		return errors.New("No task id supplied to add")

	var api string
	var cpu float64
	var mem float64
	var constraints string

	flag.StringVar(&api, "api", "", "API host:port for advertizing.")
	flag.Float64Var(&cpu, "cpu", 0.5, "CPUs per task.")
	flag.Float64Var(&mem, "mem", 512, "Mem per task.")
	flag.StringVar(&constraints, "constraints", "", "Constraints (hostname=like:^master$,rack=like:^1.*$).")

	if err := resolveApi(api); err != nil {
		return err

	if *executor == "" {
		return errors.New("Executor name required")

	request := framework.NewApiRequest(framework.Config.Api + "/api/add")
	request.PutString("type", framework.TaskTypeMirrorMaker)
	request.PutString("id", id)
	request.PutFloat("cpu", cpu)
	request.PutFloat("mem", mem)
	request.PutString("constraints", constraints)
	request.PutString("executor", *executor)

	response := request.Get()


	return nil
コード例 #6
ファイル: cli.go プロジェクト: elodina/go-kafka-client-mesos
func handleUpdate() error {
	id := stripArgument()
	if id == "" {
		return errors.New("No task id supplied to start")

	var api string
	var cpu float64
	var mem float64
	var whitelist string
	var blacklist string
	var consumerConfig consumerConfigs
	var producerConfig string
	var numProducers int64
	var numStreams int64
	preservePartitions := new(boolFlag)
	preserveOrder := new(boolFlag)
	var prefix string
	var channelSize int64
	var constraints string
	var metricsTopic string
	var options string

	flag.StringVar(&api, "api", "", "API host:port for advertizing.")
	flag.Float64Var(&cpu, "cpu", math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64, "CPUs per task.")
	flag.Float64Var(&mem, "mem", math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64, "Mem per task.")
	flag.StringVar(&whitelist, "whitelist", "", "Regex pattern for whitelist. Providing both whitelist and blacklist is an error.")
	flag.StringVar(&blacklist, "blacklist", "", "Regex pattern for blacklist. Providing both whitelist and blacklist is an error.")
	flag.StringVar(&producerConfig, "producer.config", "", "Producer config url or file name.")
	flag.Var(&consumerConfig, "consumer.config", "Consumer config url or file name.")
	flag.Int64Var(&numProducers, "num.producers", math.MinInt64, "Number of producers.")
	flag.Int64Var(&numStreams, "num.streams", math.MinInt64, "Number of consumption streams.")
	flag.Var(preservePartitions, "preserve.partitions", "Preserve partition number. E.g. if message was read from partition 5 it'll be written to partition 5.")
	flag.Var(preserveOrder, "preserve.order", "E.g. message sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 will remain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in destination topic.")
	flag.StringVar(&prefix, "prefix", "", "Destination topic prefix.")
	flag.Int64Var(&channelSize, "queue.size", math.MinInt64, "Maximum number of messages that are buffered between the consumer and producer.")
	flag.StringVar(&constraints, "constraints", "", "Constraints (hostname=like:^master$,rack=like:^1.*$).")
	flag.StringVar(&metricsTopic, "metrics.topic", "", "Kafka topic to produce mirror maker consumer metrics to. Optional and turned off by default.")
	flag.StringVar(&options, "options", "", "Additional options")

	if err := resolveApi(api); err != nil {
		return err

	request := framework.NewApiRequest(framework.Config.Api + "/api/update")
	request.PutString("id", id)
	request.PutFloat("cpu", cpu)
	request.PutFloat("mem", mem)
	request.PutString("constraints", constraints)
	request.PutString("whitelist", whitelist)
	request.PutString("blacklist", blacklist)
	request.PutString("producer.config", producerConfig)
	request.PutStringSlice("consumer.config", consumerConfig)
	request.PutInt("num.producers", numProducers)
	request.PutInt("num.streams", numStreams)
	if preservePartitions.isSet {
		request.PutBool("preserve.partitions", preservePartitions.value)
	if preserveOrder.isSet {
		request.PutBool("preserve.order", preserveOrder.value)
	request.PutString("prefix", prefix)
	request.PutInt("queue.size", channelSize)
	request.PutString("metrics.topic", metricsTopic)
	request.PutString("options", options)

	response := request.Get()


	return nil