The install flags -- shared with overwrite and remove -- are as follows: -a, --all install all utilities -d, --dir install utilities in specific dir (default %s ($GOBIN)) -o, --overwrite overwrite current GNU coreutils (if they exist) -p, --prefix=S prefix command with S, e.g., if -p=go-, then the command file would be named go-wc, go-cat, etc. --files-from=F install files from F (newline delimited) --files-from0=F install files from F (null-delimited) `, } var ( all = flag.BoolP("all", "a", false, "") overwrite = flag.BoolP("overwrite", "o", false, "") prefix = flag.StringP("prefix", "p", "", "") dir = flag.StringP("dir", "d", "", "") complicated = *overwrite || *prefix != "" || *dir != "" ) func installUtils(names []string) { if gobin == "" && *dir == "" { fmt.Println("go-coreutils: Cannot have empty $GOBIN and empty --dir") os.Exit(1) } if len(names) < 1 { fmt.Println("go-coreutils: Must list utilities to install or use --all option")
The install flags -- shared with overwrite and remove -- are as follows: -a, --all install all utilities -d, --dir install utilities in specific dir (default %s ($GOBIN)) -o, --overwrite overwrite current GNU coreutils (if they exist) -p, --prefix=S prefix command with S, e.g., if -p=go-, then the command file would be named go-wc, go-cat, etc. --files-from=F install files from F (newline delimited) --files-from0=F install files from F (null-delimited) `, } var ( overwrite = flag.BoolP("overwrite", "o", false, "") prefix = flag.StringP("prefix", "p", "", "") dir = flag.StringP("dir", "d", "", "") ) func installUtils(names []string) { if gobin == "" && *dir == "" { fmt.Println("Cannot have empty $GOBIN and empty --dir") os.Exit(1) } for _, name := range names { if _, ok := utilities[name]; ok { run(name, "go", "generate") run(name, "go", "install") }