func setDappType(dapp *definitions.Contracts, name, command, typ string) error { var t string logger.Debugf("Setting Dapp Type. Task =>\t%s\n", command) logger.Debugf("\tType =>\t\t%s\n", typ) logger.Debugf("\tChainName =>\t\t%s\n", name) if typ != "" { t = typ } else { switch command { case "test": t = dapp.TestType case "deploy": t = dapp.DeployType } } switch t { case "embark": dapp.DappType = definitions.EmbarkDapp() case "pyepm": dapp.DappType = definitions.PyEpmDapp() case "sunit": dapp.DappType = definitions.SUnitDapp() case "manual": dapp.DappType = definitions.GulpDapp() default: return fmt.Errorf("Unregistered DappType.\nUnfortunately our marmots cannot deal with that.\nPlease ensure that the dapp type is set in the package.json.") } logger.Debugf("\tDapp Type =>\t\t%s\n", dapp.DappType.Name) return nil }
func DefineDappActionService(do *definitions.Do, dapp *definitions.Contracts) error { var cmd string switch do.Name { case "test": cmd = dapp.DappType.TestCmd case "deploy": cmd = dapp.DappType.DeployCmd default: return fmt.Errorf("I do not know how to perform that task (%s)\nPlease check what you can do with contracts by typing [eris contracts].\n", do.Name) } // if manual, set task if dapp.DappType.Name == "manual" { switch do.Name { case "test": cmd = dapp.TestTask case "deploy": cmd = dapp.DeployTask } } // task flag override if do.Task != "" { dapp.DappType = definitions.GulpDapp() cmd = do.Task } if cmd == "nil" { return fmt.Errorf("I cannot perform that task against that dapp type.\n") } // dapp-specific tests if dapp.DappType.Name == "pyepm" { if do.ConfigFile == "" { return fmt.Errorf("The pyepm dapp type requires a --yaml flag for the package definition you would like to deploy.\n") } else { cmd = do.ConfigFile } } // build service that will run do.Service.Name = dapp.Name + "_tmp_" + do.Name do.Service.Image = dapp.DappType.BaseImage do.Service.AutoData = true do.Service.EntryPoint = dapp.DappType.EntryPoint do.Service.Command = cmd if do.NewName != "" { do.Service.WorkDir = do.NewName // do.NewName is actually where the workdir inside the container goes } do.Service.User = "******" srv := definitions.BlankServiceDefinition() srv.Service = do.Service srv.Operations = do.Operations loaders.ServiceFinalizeLoad(srv) do.Service = srv.Service do.Operations = srv.Operations do.Operations.Remove = true linkDappToChain(do, dapp) // make data container and import do.Path to do.NewName (if exists) doData := definitions.NowDo() doData.Name = do.Service.Name doData.Operations = do.Operations if do.NewName != "" { doData.Path = do.NewName } loca := path.Join(common.DataContainersPath, doData.Name) logger.Debugf("Creating Dapp Data Cont =>\t%s:%s\n", do.Path, loca) common.Copy(do.Path, loca) data.ImportData(doData) do.Operations.DataContainerName = util.DataContainersName(doData.Name, doData.Operations.ContainerNumber) logger.Debugf("DApp Action Built.\n") return nil }