コード例 #1
ファイル: server.go プロジェクト: karalabe/etherapis
	maxAcceptConns = 50

	// Maximum number of concurrently dialing outbound connections.
	maxActiveDialTasks = 16

	// Maximum time allowed for reading a complete message.
	// This is effectively the amount of time a connection can be idle.
	frameReadTimeout = 30 * time.Second

	// Maximum amount of time allowed for writing a complete message.
	frameWriteTimeout = 20 * time.Second

var errServerStopped = errors.New("server stopped")

var srvjslog = logger.NewJsonLogger()

// Server manages all peer connections.
// The fields of Server are used as configuration parameters.
// You should set them before starting the Server. Fields may not be
// modified while the server is running.
type Server struct {
	// This field must be set to a valid secp256k1 private key.
	PrivateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey

	// MaxPeers is the maximum number of peers that can be
	// connected. It must be greater than zero.
	MaxPeers int

	// MaxPendingPeers is the maximum number of peers that can be pending in the
コード例 #2
ファイル: worker.go プロジェクト: Codzart/go-ethereum

var jsonlogger = logger.NewJsonLogger()

const (
	resultQueueSize  = 10
	miningLogAtDepth = 5

// Agent can register themself with the worker
type Agent interface {
	Work() chan<- *Work
	SetReturnCh(chan<- *Result)
	GetHashRate() int64