コード例 #1
// dBTestsWildcard are the database verification tests for globbed file execution
func dBTestsWildcard() {
	task, err := model.FindTask("mocktaskid")
	So(err, ShouldBeNil)
	So(len(task.TestResults), ShouldEqual, TotalResultCount)

	Convey("along with the proper logs", func() {
		// junit_1.xml
		tl := dBFindOneTestLog("pkg1.test.test_things.test_params_func:2")
		So(tl.Lines[0], ShouldContainSubstring, "FAILURE")
		So(tl.Lines[6], ShouldContainSubstring, "AssertionError")
		tl = dBFindOneTestLog("pkg1.test.test_things.SomeTests.test_skippy")
		So(tl.Lines[0], ShouldContainSubstring, "SKIPPED")

		// junit_2.xml
		tl = dBFindOneTestLog("tests.ATest.fail")
		So(tl.Lines[0], ShouldContainSubstring, "FAILURE")
		So(tl.Lines[1], ShouldContainSubstring, "AssertionFailedError")

		// junit_3.xml
		tl = dBFindOneTestLog(
		So(tl.Lines[0], ShouldContainSubstring, "SKIPPED")
		tl = dBFindOneTestLog("test.test_bson.TestBSON.test_basic_encode")
		So(tl.Lines[0], ShouldContainSubstring, "AssertionError")
コード例 #2
func TestTaskExecTimeout(t *testing.T) {
	for tlsString, tlsConfig := range tlsConfigs {
		Convey("With agent running a slow test and live API server over "+tlsString, t, func() {
			testTask, _, err := setupAPITestData(testConfig, "exec_timeout_task", "linux-64", NoPatch, t)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Failed to find test task")
			testServer, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, tlsConfig, plugin.APIPlugins, Verbose)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create apiserver: %v", err)
			testAgent, err := New(testServer.URL, testTask.Id, testTask.Secret, "", testConfig.Expansions["api_httpscert"])
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
			So(testAgent, ShouldNotBeNil)

			Convey("after the slow test runs beyond the timeout threshold", func() {
				// actually run the task.
				// this function won't return until the whole thing is done.
				time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
				Convey("the test should be marked as failed and timed out", func() {
					So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the pre-run script"), ShouldBeTrue)
					So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the post-run script!"), ShouldBeTrue)
					So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the task-timeout script!"), ShouldBeTrue)
					testTask, err = model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
					So(testTask.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskFailed)
					So(testTask.Details.TimedOut, ShouldBeTrue)
					So(testTask.Details.Description, ShouldEqual, "shell.exec")
コード例 #3
ファイル: api.go プロジェクト: himanshugpt/evergreen
func (as *APIServer) checkTask(checkSecret bool, next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		taskId := mux.Vars(r)["taskId"]
		if taskId == "" {
			as.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Errorf("missing task id"))
		task, err := model.FindTask(taskId)
		if err != nil {
			as.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
		if task == nil {
			as.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusNotFound, fmt.Errorf("task not found"))

		if checkSecret {
			secret := r.Header.Get(evergreen.TaskSecretHeader)

			// Check the secret - if it doesn't match, write error back to the client
			if secret != task.Secret {
				evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "Wrong secret sent for task %v: Expected %v but got %v", taskId, task.Secret, secret)
				http.Error(w, "wrong secret!", http.StatusConflict)

		context.Set(r, apiTaskKey, task)
		// also set the task in the context visible to plugins
		plugin.SetTask(r, task)
		next(w, r)
コード例 #4
func TestPatchPluginAPI(t *testing.T) {
	testConfig := evergreen.TestConfig()
	Convey("With a running api server and installed plugin", t, func() {
		registry := plugin.NewSimpleRegistry()
		gitPlugin := &GitPlugin{}
		err := registry.Register(gitPlugin)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't register patch plugin")
		server, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, nil, plugin.APIPlugins, false)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't set up testing server")
		taskConfig, _ := plugintest.CreateTestConfig("testdata/plugin_patch.yml", t)
		testCommand := GitApplyPatchCommand{"dir"}
		_, _, err = plugintest.SetupAPITestData("testTask", true, t)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't set up test documents")
		testTask, err := model.FindTask("testTaskId")
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't set up test patch task")

		sliceAppender := &evergreen.SliceAppender{[]*slogger.Log{}}
		logger := agent.NewTestLogger(sliceAppender)

		Convey("calls to existing tasks with patches should succeed", func() {
			httpCom := plugintest.TestAgentCommunicator(testTask.Id, testTask.Secret, server.URL)
			pluginCom := &agent.TaskJSONCommunicator{gitPlugin.Name(), httpCom}
			patch, err := testCommand.GetPatch(taskConfig, pluginCom, logger)
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
			So(patch, ShouldNotBeNil)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(db.Clear(version.Collection), t,
				"unable to clear versions collection")
		Convey("calls to non-existing tasks should fail", func() {
			v := version.Version{Id: ""}
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(v.Insert(), t, "Couldn't insert dummy version")
			httpCom := plugintest.TestAgentCommunicator("BAD_TASK_ID", "", server.URL)
			pluginCom := &agent.TaskJSONCommunicator{gitPlugin.Name(), httpCom}
			patch, err := testCommand.GetPatch(taskConfig, pluginCom, logger)
			So(err.Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "not found")
			So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
			So(patch, ShouldBeNil)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(db.Clear(version.Collection), t,
				"unable to clear versions collection")
		Convey("calls to existing tasks without patches should fail", func() {
			noPatchTask := model.Task{Id: "noPatchTask", BuildId: "a"}
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(noPatchTask.Insert(), t, "Couldn't insert patch task")
			noPatchVersion := version.Version{Id: "noPatchVersion", BuildIds: []string{"a"}}
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(noPatchVersion.Insert(), t, "Couldn't insert patch version")
			v := version.Version{Id: ""}
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(v.Insert(), t, "Couldn't insert dummy version")
			httpCom := plugintest.TestAgentCommunicator(noPatchTask.Id, "", server.URL)
			pluginCom := &agent.TaskJSONCommunicator{gitPlugin.Name(), httpCom}
			patch, err := testCommand.GetPatch(taskConfig, pluginCom, logger)
			So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
			So(err.Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "no patch found for task")
			So(patch, ShouldBeNil)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(db.Clear(version.Collection), t,
				"unable to clear versions collection")

コード例 #5
func TestTaskEndEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
	for tlsString, tlsConfig := range tlsConfigs {
		testTask, _, err := setupAPITestData(testConfig, "random", "linux-64", NoPatch, t)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't make test data: %v", err)

		Convey("With a live api server, agent, and test task over "+tlsString, t, func() {
			testServer, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, tlsConfig, plugin.APIPlugins, Verbose)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create apiserver: %v", err)
			testAgent, err := createAgent(testServer, testTask)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to create agent: %v")
			testAgent.heartbeater.Interval = 10 * time.Second

			Convey("calling end() should update task's/host's status properly "+
				"and start running the next task", func() {
				subsequentTaskId := testTask.Id + "Two"
				details := &apimodels.TaskEndDetail{Status: evergreen.TaskSucceeded}
				taskEndResp, err := testAgent.End(details)
				time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)

				taskUpdate, err := model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(taskUpdate.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskSucceeded)

				testHost, err := host.FindOne(host.ById(testTask.HostId))
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(testHost.RunningTask, ShouldEqual, subsequentTaskId)

				taskUpdate, err = model.FindTask(subsequentTaskId)
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(taskUpdate.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskDispatched)

				So(taskEndResp, ShouldNotBeNil)
				So(taskEndResp.RunNext, ShouldBeTrue)
				So(taskEndResp.TaskId, ShouldEqual, subsequentTaskId)
コード例 #6
func TestPatchTask(t *testing.T) {
	testConfig := evergreen.TestConfig()
	patchModes := []patchTestMode{InlinePatch, ExternalPatch}
	testutil.ConfigureIntegrationTest(t, testConfig, "TestPatchTask")
	for tlsString, tlsConfig := range tlsConfigs {
		for _, testSetup := range testSetups {
			Convey(testSetup.testSpec, t, func() {
				Convey("With agent running a patched 'compile'"+tlsString, func() {
					for _, mode := range patchModes {
						Convey(fmt.Sprintf("Using patch mode %v", mode.String()), func() {
							testTask, _, err := setupAPITestData(testConfig, "compile", "linux-64", mode, t)
							testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Error setting up test data: %v", err)
							testServer, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, tlsConfig, plugin.APIPlugins, Verbose)
							testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create apiserver: %v", err)
							testAgent, err := New(testServer.URL, testTask.Id, testTask.Secret, "", testConfig.Expansions["api_httpscert"])

							// actually run the task.
							// this function won't return until the whole thing is done.
							time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

							Convey("all scripts in task should have been run successfully", func() {
								So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the pre-run script"), ShouldBeTrue)
								So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the post-run script!"), ShouldBeTrue)

								So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "Cloning into") || // git 1.8
									scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "Initialized empty Git repository"), // git 1.7

								So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "i am patched!"), ShouldBeTrue)
								So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "i am a patched module"), ShouldBeTrue)

								So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "i am compiling!"), ShouldBeTrue)
								So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "i am sanity testing!"), ShouldBeTrue)

								testTask, err = model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
								testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Error finding test task: %v", err)
								So(testTask.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskSucceeded)

コード例 #7
func TestAttachResults(t *testing.T) {
	testConfig := evergreen.TestConfig()
	Convey("With attachResults plugin installed into plugin registry", t, func() {
		registry := plugin.NewSimpleRegistry()
		attachPlugin := &AttachPlugin{}
		err := registry.Register(attachPlugin)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't register plugin: %v")

		server, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, nil, plugin.APIPlugins, true)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't set up testing server")
		httpCom := plugintest.TestAgentCommunicator("mocktaskid", "mocktasksecret", server.URL)
		configFile := "testdata/plugin_attach_results.yml"
		resultsLoc := "testdata/plugin_attach_results.json"
		taskConfig, err := plugintest.CreateTestConfig(configFile, t)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to create test config: %v")
		taskConfig.WorkDir = "."
		sliceAppender := &evergreen.SliceAppender{[]*slogger.Log{}}
		logger := agent.NewTestLogger(sliceAppender)

		Convey("all commands in test project should execute successfully", func() {
			for _, task := range taskConfig.Project.Tasks {
				So(len(task.Commands), ShouldNotEqual, 0)
				for _, command := range task.Commands {
					pluginCmds, err := registry.GetCommands(command, taskConfig.Project.Functions)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't get plugin command: %v")
					So(pluginCmds, ShouldNotBeNil)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					pluginCom := &agent.TaskJSONCommunicator{pluginCmds[0].Plugin(), httpCom}
					err = pluginCmds[0].Execute(logger, pluginCom, taskConfig, make(chan bool))
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					task, err := model.FindTask(httpCom.TaskId)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't find task")
					So(task, ShouldNotBeNil)
					// ensure test results are exactly as expected
					// attempt to open the file
					reportFile, err := os.Open(resultsLoc)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't open report file: '%v'", err)
					results := &model.TestResults{}
					err = util.ReadJSONInto(reportFile, results)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't read report file: '%v'", err)
					testResults := *results
					So(task.TestResults, ShouldResemble, testResults.Results)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't clean up test temp dir")
コード例 #8
// DispatchTaskForHost assigns the task at the head of the task queue to the
// given host, dequeues the task and then marks it as dispatched for the host
func DispatchTaskForHost(taskQueue *model.TaskQueue, assignedHost *host.Host) (
	nextTask *model.Task, err error) {
	if assignedHost == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("can not assign task to a nil host")

	// only proceed if there are pending tasks left
	for !taskQueue.IsEmpty() {
		queueItem := taskQueue.NextTask()
		// pin the task to the given host and fetch the full task document from
		// the database
		nextTask, err = model.FindTask(queueItem.Id)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error finding task with id %v: %v",
				queueItem.Id, err)
		if nextTask == nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("refusing to move forward because queued "+
				"task with id %v does not exist", queueItem.Id)

		// dequeue the task from the queue
		if err = taskQueue.DequeueTask(nextTask.Id); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error pulling task with id %v from "+
				"queue for distro %v: %v", nextTask.Id,
				nextTask.DistroId, err)

		// validate that the task can be run, if not fetch the next one in
		// the queue
		if shouldSkipTask(nextTask) {
			evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.WARN, "Skipping task %v, which was "+
				"picked up to be run but is not runnable - "+
				"status (%v) activated (%v)", nextTask.Id, nextTask.Status,

		// record that the task was dispatched on the host
		err = nextTask.MarkAsDispatched(assignedHost, time.Now())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error marking task %v as dispatched "+
				"on host %v: %v", nextTask.Id, assignedHost.Id, err)

		return nextTask, nil
	return nil, nil
コード例 #9
// dBTests are the database verification tests for standard one file execution
func dBTests() {
	task, err := model.FindTask("mocktaskid")
	So(err, ShouldBeNil)
	So(len(task.TestResults), ShouldNotEqual, 0)

	Convey("along with the proper logs", func() {
		// junit_3.xml
		tl := dBFindOneTestLog(
		So(tl.Lines[0], ShouldContainSubstring, "SKIPPED")
		tl = dBFindOneTestLog("test.test_bson.TestBSON.test_basic_encode")
		So(tl.Lines[0], ShouldContainSubstring, "AssertionError")
コード例 #10
func TestTaskFailures(t *testing.T) {

	testutil.ConfigureIntegrationTest(t, testConfig, "TestTaskFailures")

	for tlsString, tlsConfig := range tlsConfigs {
		for _, testSetup := range testSetups {
			Convey(testSetup.testSpec, t, func() {
				Convey("With agent running a failing test and live API server over "+tlsString, func() {
					testTask, _, err := setupAPITestData(testConfig, "failing_task",
						"linux-64", NoPatch, t)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create test data: %v", err)
					testServer, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, tlsConfig, plugin.APIPlugins, Verbose)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create apiserver: %v", err)
					testAgent, err := createAgent(testServer, testTask)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to create agent: %v")

					// actually run the task.
					// this function won't return until the whole thing is done.
					time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

					Convey("the pre and post-run scripts should have run", func() {
						So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the pre-run script"), ShouldBeTrue)
						So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the post-run script!"), ShouldBeTrue)

						Convey("the task should have run up until its first failure", func() {
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "starting failing_task!"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "done with failing_task!"), ShouldBeFalse)

						Convey("the tasks's final status should be FAILED", func() {
							testTask, err = model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
							testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Failed to find test task")
							So(testTask.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskFailed)
							So(testTask.Details.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskFailed)
							So(testTask.Details.Description, ShouldEqual, "failing shell command")
							So(testTask.Details.TimedOut, ShouldBeFalse)
							So(testTask.Details.Type, ShouldEqual, model.SystemCommandType)
コード例 #11
func TestTaskAbortion(t *testing.T) {

	testutil.ConfigureIntegrationTest(t, testConfig, "TestTaskAbortion")
	for tlsString, tlsConfig := range tlsConfigs {
		for _, testSetup := range testSetups {
			Convey(testSetup.testSpec, t, func() {
				Convey("With agent running a slow test and live API server over "+tlsString, func() {
					testTask, _, err := setupAPITestData(testConfig, "very_slow_task", "linux-64", NoPatch, t)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Failed to find test task")
					testServer, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, tlsConfig, plugin.APIPlugins, Verbose)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create apiserver: %v", err)
					testAgent, err := createAgent(testServer, testTask)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to create agent: %v")

					Convey("when the abort signal is triggered on the task", func() {
						go func() {
							// Wait for a few seconds, then switch the task to aborted!
							time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
							err := testTask.Abort("", true)
							testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Failed to abort test task")
							fmt.Println("aborted task.")

						// actually run the task.
						// this function won't return until the whole thing is done.
						_, err := testAgent.RunTask()
						So(err, ShouldBeNil)

						time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

						Convey("the pre and post-run scripts should have run", func() {
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the pre-run script"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the post-run script!"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "Received abort signal - stopping."), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "done with very_slow_task!"), ShouldBeFalse)
							testTask, err = model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
							testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Failed to find test task")
							So(testTask.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskUndispatched)
コード例 #12
ファイル: task.go プロジェクト: markbenvenuto/evergreen
// Returns a JSON response with the status of the specified task.
// The keys of the object are the test names.
func (restapi restAPI) getTaskStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	taskId := mux.Vars(r)["task_id"]

	task, err := model.FindTask(taskId)
	if err != nil || task == nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error finding task '%v'", taskId)
		statusCode := http.StatusNotFound

		if err != nil {
			evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "%v: %v", msg, err)
			statusCode = http.StatusInternalServerError

		restapi.WriteJSON(w, statusCode, responseError{Message: msg})


	result := taskStatusContent{
		Id:     taskId,
		Name:   task.DisplayName,
		Status: task.Status,

	// Copy over the status details
	result.StatusDetails.TimedOut = task.StatusDetails.TimedOut
	result.StatusDetails.TimeoutStage = task.StatusDetails.TimeoutStage

	// Copy over the test results
	result.Tests = make(taskStatusByTest, len(task.TestResults))
	for _, _testResult := range task.TestResults {
		numSecs := _testResult.EndTime - _testResult.StartTime
		testResult := taskTestResult{
			Status:    _testResult.Status,
			TimeTaken: time.Duration(numSecs * float64(time.Second)),
			Logs:      taskTestLogURL{_testResult.URL},
		result.Tests[_testResult.TestFile] = testResult

	restapi.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, result)

コード例 #13
ファイル: host.go プロジェクト: pritten/evergreen
func (uis *UIServer) hostPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	projCtx := MustHaveProjectContext(r)

	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	id := vars["host_id"]

	h, err := host.FindOne(host.ById(id))
	if err != nil {
		uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)

	if h == nil {
		http.Error(w, "Host not found", http.StatusNotFound)

	events, err := event.Find(event.MostRecentHostEvents(id, 50))
	if err != nil {
		uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
	runningTask := &model.Task{}
	if h.RunningTask != "" {
		runningTask, err = model.FindTask(h.RunningTask)
		if err != nil {
			uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)

	flashes := PopFlashes(uis.CookieStore, r, w)
	uis.WriteHTML(w, http.StatusOK, struct {
		Flashes     []interface{}
		Events      []event.Event
		Host        *host.Host
		RunningTask *model.Task
		User        *user.DBUser
		ProjectData projectContext
	}{flashes, events, h, runningTask, GetUser(r), projCtx},
		"base", "host.html", "base_angular.html", "menu.html")
コード例 #14
ファイル: middleware.go プロジェクト: pritten/evergreen
// populateTaskBuildVersion takes a task, build, and version ID and populates a projectContext
// with as many of the task, build, and version documents as possible.
// If any of the provided IDs is blank, they will be inferred from the more selective ones.
// Returns the project ID of the data found, which may be blank if the IDs are empty.
func (pc *projectContext) populateTaskBuildVersion(taskId, buildId, versionId string) (string, error) {
	projectId := ""
	var err error
	// Fetch task if there's a task ID present; if we find one, populate build/version IDs from it
	if len(taskId) > 0 {
		pc.Task, err = model.FindTask(taskId)
		if err != nil {
			return "", err

		if pc.Task != nil {
			// override build and version ID with the ones this task belongs to
			buildId = pc.Task.BuildId
			versionId = pc.Task.Version
			projectId = pc.Task.Project

	// Fetch build if there's a build ID present; if we find one, populate version ID from it
	if len(buildId) > 0 {
		pc.Build, err = build.FindOne(build.ById(buildId))
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		if pc.Build != nil {
			versionId = pc.Build.Version
			projectId = pc.Build.Project
	if len(versionId) > 0 {
		pc.Version, err = version.FindOne(version.ById(versionId))
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		if pc.Version != nil {
			projectId = pc.Version.Identifier
	return projectId, nil

コード例 #15
ファイル: models.go プロジェクト: markbenvenuto/evergreen
func getHostsData(includeSpawnedHosts bool) (*hostsData, error) {
	data := &hostsData{}

	// get all of the hosts
	var dbHosts []host.Host
	var err error
	if includeSpawnedHosts {
		dbHosts, err = host.Find(host.IsRunning)
	} else {
		dbHosts, err = host.Find(host.ByUserWithRunningStatus(evergreen.User))

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// convert the hosts to the ui models
	uiHosts := make([]uiHost, len(dbHosts))
	for idx, dbHost := range dbHosts {
		// we only need the distro id for the hosts page
		dbHost.Distro = distro.Distro{Id: dbHost.Distro.Id}
		host := uiHost{
			Host:        dbHost,
			RunningTask: nil,

		uiHosts[idx] = host
		// get the task running on this host
		task, err := model.FindTask(dbHost.RunningTask)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if task != nil {
			uiHosts[idx].RunningTask = task
	data.Hosts = uiHosts
	return data, nil
コード例 #16
// runTest abstracts away common tests and setup between all attach xunit tests.
// It also takes as an argument a function which runs any additional tests desired.
func runTest(t *testing.T, configPath string, customTests func()) {
	testConfig := evergreen.TestConfig()
	Convey("With attachResults plugin installed into plugin registry", t, func() {
		registry := plugin.NewSimpleRegistry()
		attachPlugin := &AttachPlugin{}
		err := registry.Register(attachPlugin)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't register plugin: %v")

		server, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, nil, plugin.APIPlugins, true)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't set up testing server")
		httpCom := plugintest.TestAgentCommunicator("mocktaskid", "mocktasksecret", server.URL)
		taskConfig, err := plugintest.CreateTestConfig(configPath, t)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to create test config: %v")
		taskConfig.WorkDir = "."
		sliceAppender := &evergreen.SliceAppender{[]*slogger.Log{}}
		logger := agent.NewTestLogger(sliceAppender)

		Convey("all commands in test project should execute successfully", func() {
			for _, task := range taskConfig.Project.Tasks {
				So(len(task.Commands), ShouldNotEqual, 0)
				for _, command := range task.Commands {
					pluginCmds, err := registry.GetCommands(command, taskConfig.Project.Functions)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't get plugin command: %v")
					So(pluginCmds, ShouldNotBeNil)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					pluginCom := &agent.TaskJSONCommunicator{pluginCmds[0].Plugin(), httpCom}
					err = pluginCmds[0].Execute(logger, pluginCom, taskConfig, make(chan bool))
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					task, err := model.FindTask(httpCom.TaskId)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't find task")
					So(task, ShouldNotBeNil)
			Convey("and the tests should be present in the db", customTests)
コード例 #17
func TestTaskCallbackTimeout(t *testing.T) {
	for tlsString, tlsConfig := range tlsConfigs {
		Convey("With an agent with callback_timeout_secs=1 and a live API server over "+tlsString, t, func() {
			testTask, _, err := setupAPITestData(testConfig, "timeout_task", "linux-64", "testdata/config_test_plugin/project/evergreen-ci-render.yml", NoPatch, t)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Failed to find test task")
			testServer, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, tlsConfig, plugin.APIPlugins, Verbose)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create apiserver: %v", err)
			testAgent, err := New(testServer.URL, testTask.Id, testTask.Secret, "", testConfig.Api.HttpsCert)
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
			So(testAgent, ShouldNotBeNil)
			prependConfigToVersion(t, testTask.Version, "callback_timeout_secs: 1\n")

			Convey("after the slow test runs beyond the timeout threshold", func() {
				// actually run the task.
				// this function won't return until the whole thing is done.
				time.Sleep(7 * time.Second)
				So(testAgent.taskConfig.Project.CallbackTimeout, ShouldEqual, 1)
				Convey("the test should be marked as failed and timed out", func() {
					So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the pre-run script"), ShouldBeTrue)
					So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the post-run script!"), ShouldBeTrue)
					So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the task-timeout script!"), ShouldBeTrue)
					testTask, err = model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
					So(testTask.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskFailed)
					So(testTask.Details.TimedOut, ShouldBeTrue)
					So(testTask.Details.Description, ShouldEqual, "shell.exec")

					Convey("and the timeout task should have failed", func() {
						So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "running task-timeout commands in 1"), ShouldBeTrue)
コード例 #18
// BuildFailuresSearchHandler handles the requests of searching jira in the build
//  failures project
func (bbp *BuildBaronPlugin) buildFailuresSearch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	taskId := mux.Vars(r)["task_id"]
	task, err := model.FindTask(taskId)
	if err != nil {
		plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
	jql := taskToJQL(task)

	jiraHandler := thirdparty.NewJiraHandler(

	results, err := jiraHandler.JQLSearch(jql)
	if err != nil {
		message := fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v, %v", JIRAFailure, err, jql)
		evergreen.Logger.Errorf(slogger.ERROR, message)
		plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, message)
	plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, results)
コード例 #19
ファイル: alerts.go プロジェクト: pritten/evergreen
// loadAlertContext fetches details from the database for all documents that are associated with the
// AlertRequest. For example, it populates the task/build/version/project using the
// task/build/version/project ids in the alert request document.
func (qp *QueueProcessor) loadAlertContext(a *alert.AlertRequest) (*AlertContext, error) {
	aCtx := &AlertContext{AlertRequest: a}
	aCtx.Settings = qp.config
	taskId, projectId, buildId, versionId := a.TaskId, a.ProjectId, a.BuildId, a.VersionId
	patchId := a.PatchId
	var err error
	if len(a.HostId) > 0 {
		aCtx.Host, err = host.FindOne(host.ById(a.HostId))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	// Fetch task if there's a task ID present; if we find one, populate build/version IDs from it
	if len(taskId) > 0 {
		aCtx.Task, err = model.FindTask(taskId)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if aCtx.Task != nil && aCtx.Task.Execution != a.Execution {
			oldTaskId := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%v", taskId, a.Execution)
			aCtx.Task, err = model.FindOneOldTask(bson.M{"_id": oldTaskId}, db.NoProjection, db.NoSort)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

		if aCtx.Task != nil {
			// override build and version ID with the ones this task belongs to
			buildId = aCtx.Task.BuildId
			versionId = aCtx.Task.Version
			projectId = aCtx.Task.Project
			aCtx.FailedTests = []model.TestResult{}
			for _, test := range aCtx.Task.TestResults {
				if test.Status == "fail" {
					aCtx.FailedTests = append(aCtx.FailedTests, test)

	// Fetch build if there's a build ID present; if we find one, populate version ID from it
	if len(buildId) > 0 {
		aCtx.Build, err = build.FindOne(build.ById(buildId))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if aCtx.Build != nil {
			versionId = aCtx.Build.Version
			projectId = aCtx.Build.Project
	if len(versionId) > 0 {
		aCtx.Version, err = version.FindOne(version.ById(versionId))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if aCtx.Version != nil {
			projectId = aCtx.Version.Identifier

	if len(patchId) > 0 {
		if !patch.IsValidId(patchId) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("patch id '%v' is not an object id", patchId)
		aCtx.Patch, err = patch.FindOne(patch.ById(patch.NewId(patchId)).Project(patch.ExcludePatchDiff))
	} else if aCtx.Version != nil {
		// patch isn't in URL but the version in context has one, get it
		aCtx.Patch, err = patch.FindOne(patch.ByVersion(aCtx.Version.Id).Project(patch.ExcludePatchDiff))

	// If there's a finalized patch loaded into context but not a version, load the version
	// associated with the patch as the context's version.
	if aCtx.Version == nil && aCtx.Patch != nil && aCtx.Patch.Version != "" {
		aCtx.Version, err = version.FindOne(version.ById(aCtx.Patch.Version).WithoutFields(version.ConfigKey))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if len(projectId) > 0 {
		aCtx.ProjectRef, err = qp.findProject(projectId)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return aCtx, nil
コード例 #20
func TestPushTask(t *testing.T) {
	testConfig := evergreen.TestConfig()
	testutil.ConfigureIntegrationTest(t, testConfig, "TestPushTask")
	for tlsString, tlsConfig := range tlsConfigs {
		for _, testSetup := range testSetups {
			Convey(testSetup.testSpec, t, func() {
				Convey("With agent running a push task "+tlsString, func() {
					testTask, _, err := setupAPITestData(testConfig, evergreen.PushStage,
						"linux-64", false, t)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Error setting up test data: %v", err)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(db.ClearCollections(artifact.Collection), t, "can't clear files collection")
					testServer, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, tlsConfig, plugin.Published, Verbose)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create apiserver: %v", err)
					testAgent, err := New(testServer.URL, testTask.Id, testTask.Secret, "", testConfig.Expansions["api_httpscert"])
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Error making test agent: %v", err)

					// actually run the task.
					// this function won't return until the whole thing is done.
					time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
					newDate := testAgent.taskConfig.Expansions.Get("new_date")

					Convey("all scripts in task should have been run successfully", func() {
						So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the pre-run script!"), ShouldBeTrue)
						So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the post-run script!"), ShouldBeTrue)

						So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "push task pre-run!"), ShouldBeTrue)
						So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "push task post-run!"), ShouldBeTrue)

						Convey("s3.put attaches task file properly", func() {
							entry, err := artifact.FindOne(artifact.ByTaskId(testTask.Id))
							So(err, ShouldBeNil)
							So(len(entry.Files), ShouldEqual, 2)
							for _, element := range entry.Files {
								So(element.Name, ShouldNotEqual, "")
							So(entry.Files[0].Name, ShouldEqual, "push_file")
							link := "https://s3.amazonaws.com/build-push-testing/pushtest-stage/unittest-testTaskId-DISTRO_EXP-BUILDVAR_EXP-FILE_EXP.txt"
							So(entry.Files[0].Link, ShouldEqual, link)
						Convey("s3.copy attached task file properly", func() {
							entry, err := artifact.FindOne(artifact.ByTaskId(testTask.Id))
							So(err, ShouldBeNil)
							So(len(entry.Files), ShouldNotEqual, 0)
							So(entry.Files[0].Name, ShouldEqual, "push_file")
							So(entry.Files[1].Name, ShouldEqual, "copy_file")
							So(entry.Files[0].Link, ShouldEqual, "https://s3.amazonaws.com/build-push-testing/pushtest-stage/unittest-testTaskId-DISTRO_EXP-BUILDVAR_EXP-FILE_EXP.txt")
							So(entry.Files[1].Link, ShouldEqual,

						testTask, err = model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Error finding test task: %v", err)
						So(testTask.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskSucceeded)

						// Check the file written to s3 is what we expected
						auth := &aws.Auth{
							AccessKey: testConfig.Providers.AWS.Id,
							SecretKey: testConfig.Providers.AWS.Secret,

						// check the staging location first
						filebytes, err := getS3FileBytes(auth, "build-push-testing", "/pushtest-stage/unittest-testTaskId-DISTRO_EXP-BUILDVAR_EXP-FILE_EXP.txt")
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Failed to get file from s3: %v", err)
						So(string(filebytes), ShouldEqual, newDate+"\n")

						// now check remote location (after copy)
						filebytes, err = getS3FileBytes(auth, "build-push-testing", "/pushtest/unittest-DISTRO_EXP-BUILDVAR_EXP-FILE_EXP-latest.txt")

						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Failed to get remote file from s3: %v", err)
						So(string(filebytes), ShouldEqual, newDate+"\n")
コード例 #21
ファイル: task.go プロジェクト: pritten/evergreen
// avoids type-checking json params for the below function
func (uis *UIServer) taskModify(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	projCtx := MustHaveProjectContext(r)

	if projCtx.Task == nil {
		http.Error(w, "Not Found", http.StatusNotFound)

	reqBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	defer r.Body.Close()

	putParams := struct {
		Action   string `json:"action"`
		Priority string `json:"priority"`

		// for the set_active option
		Active bool `json:"active"`

	err = json.Unmarshal(reqBody, &putParams)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)

	authUser := GetUser(r)
	authName := authUser.DisplayName()

	// determine what action needs to be taken
	switch putParams.Action {
	case "restart":
		if err := projCtx.Task.TryReset(authName, evergreen.UIPackage, projCtx.Project, nil); err != nil {
			http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Error restarting task %v: %v", projCtx.Task.Id, err), http.StatusInternalServerError)

		// Reload the task from db, send it back
		projCtx.Task, err = model.FindTask(projCtx.Task.Id)
		if err != nil {
			uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
		uis.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, projCtx.Task)
	case "abort":
		if err := projCtx.Task.Abort(authName, true); err != nil {
			http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Error aborting task %v: %v", projCtx.Task.Id, err), http.StatusInternalServerError)

		// Reload the task from db, send it back
		projCtx.Task, err = model.FindTask(projCtx.Task.Id)

		if err != nil {
			uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
		uis.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, projCtx.Task)
	case "set_active":
		active := putParams.Active
		if err := model.SetTaskActivated(projCtx.Task.Id, authName, active); err != nil {
			http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Error activating task %v: %v", projCtx.Task.Id, err),

		// Reload the task from db, send it back
		projCtx.Task, err = model.FindTask(projCtx.Task.Id)
		if err != nil {
			uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
		uis.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, projCtx.Task)
	case "set_priority":
		priority, err := strconv.ParseInt(putParams.Priority, 10, 64)
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, "Bad priority value, must be int", http.StatusBadRequest)
		if err = projCtx.Task.SetPriority(priority); err != nil {
			http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Error setting task priority %v: %v", projCtx.Task.Id, err), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		// Reload the task from db, send it back
		projCtx.Task, err = model.FindTask(projCtx.Task.Id)
		if err != nil {
			uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
		uis.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, projCtx.Task)
		uis.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Unrecognized action: "+putParams.Action)
コード例 #22
func TestGotestPluginOnPassingTests(t *testing.T) {
	SkipConvey("With gotest plugin installed into plugin registry", t, func() {
		testConfig := evergreen.TestConfig()
		testutil.ConfigureIntegrationTest(t, testConfig, "TestGotestPluginOnPassingTests")
		registry := plugin.NewSimpleRegistry()
		testPlugin := &GotestPlugin{}
		err := registry.Register(testPlugin)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't register plugin %v")

		server, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(evergreen.TestConfig(), nil, plugin.APIPlugins, true)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't set up testing server")
		httpCom := plugintest.TestAgentCommunicator("testTaskId", "testTaskSecret", server.URL)

		sliceAppender := &evergreen.SliceAppender{[]*slogger.Log{}}
		logger := agent.NewTestLogger(sliceAppender)

		Convey("all commands in test project should execute successfully", func() {
			curWD, err := os.Getwd()
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't get working directory: %v")
			taskConfig, err := plugintest.CreateTestConfig("testdata/good.yml", t)
			// manually override working directory to the main repo, since this
			// is much easier than copying over the required testing dependencies
			// to a temporary directory
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't set up test config %v")
			taskConfig.WorkDir = curWD
			task, _, err := plugintest.SetupAPITestData("testTask", false, t)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't set up test documents")

			for _, task := range taskConfig.Project.Tasks {
				So(len(task.Commands), ShouldNotEqual, 0)
				for _, command := range task.Commands {
					pluginCmds, err := registry.GetCommands(command, taskConfig.Project.Functions)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't get plugin command: %v")
					So(pluginCmds, ShouldNotBeNil)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					pluginCom := &agent.TaskJSONCommunicator{pluginCmds[0].Plugin(), httpCom}
					err = pluginCmds[0].Execute(logger, pluginCom, taskConfig, make(chan bool))

					So(err, ShouldBeNil)

			Convey("and the tests in the task should be updated", func() {
				updatedTask, err := model.FindTask(task.Id)
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(updatedTask, ShouldNotBeNil)
				So(len(updatedTask.TestResults), ShouldEqual, 2)
				So(updatedTask.TestResults[0].Status, ShouldEqual, "pass")
				So(updatedTask.TestResults[1].Status, ShouldEqual, "pass")
				So(updatedTask.TestResults[0].TestFile, ShouldEqual, "TestPass01")
				So(updatedTask.TestResults[1].TestFile, ShouldEqual, "TestPass02")
				So(updatedTask.TestResults[0].StartTime, ShouldBeLessThan,
				So(updatedTask.TestResults[1].StartTime, ShouldBeLessThan,

				Convey("with relevant logs present in the DB as well", func() {
					log, err := model.FindOneTestLog("0_goodpkg", "testTaskId", 0)
					So(log, ShouldNotBeNil)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					So(log.Lines[0], ShouldContainSubstring, "TestPass01")

コード例 #23
ファイル: task.go プロジェクト: amidvidy/evergreen
// Returns a JSON response with the marshalled output of the task
// specified in the request.
func (restapi restAPI) getTaskInfo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	taskId := mux.Vars(r)["task_id"]

	srcTask, err := model.FindTask(taskId)
	if err != nil || srcTask == nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error finding task '%v'", taskId)
		statusCode := http.StatusNotFound

		if err != nil {
			evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "%v: %v", msg, err)
			statusCode = http.StatusInternalServerError

		restapi.WriteJSON(w, statusCode, responseError{Message: msg})


	destTask := &task{}
	destTask.Id = srcTask.Id
	destTask.CreateTime = srcTask.CreateTime
	destTask.ScheduledTime = srcTask.ScheduledTime
	destTask.DispatchTime = srcTask.DispatchTime
	destTask.StartTime = srcTask.StartTime
	destTask.FinishTime = srcTask.FinishTime
	destTask.PushTime = srcTask.PushTime
	destTask.Version = srcTask.Version
	destTask.Project = srcTask.Project
	destTask.Revision = srcTask.Revision
	destTask.Priority = srcTask.Priority
	destTask.LastHeartbeat = srcTask.LastHeartbeat
	destTask.Activated = srcTask.Activated
	destTask.BuildId = srcTask.BuildId
	destTask.DistroId = srcTask.DistroId
	destTask.BuildVariant = srcTask.BuildVariant
	destTask.DependsOn = srcTask.DependsOn
	destTask.DisplayName = srcTask.DisplayName
	destTask.HostId = srcTask.HostId
	destTask.Restarts = srcTask.Restarts
	destTask.Execution = srcTask.Execution
	destTask.Archived = srcTask.Archived
	destTask.RevisionOrderNumber = srcTask.RevisionOrderNumber
	destTask.Requester = srcTask.Requester
	destTask.Status = srcTask.Status
	destTask.Aborted = srcTask.Aborted
	destTask.TimeTaken = srcTask.TimeTaken
	destTask.ExpectedDuration = srcTask.ExpectedDuration
	destTask.MinQueuePos = srcTask.MinQueuePos

	// Copy over the status details
	destTask.StatusDetails.TimedOut = srcTask.Details.TimedOut
	destTask.StatusDetails.TimeoutStage = srcTask.Details.Description

	// Copy over the test results
	destTask.TestResults = make(taskTestResultsByName, len(srcTask.TestResults))
	for _, _testResult := range srcTask.TestResults {
		numSecs := _testResult.EndTime - _testResult.StartTime
		testResult := taskTestResult{
			Status:    _testResult.Status,
			TimeTaken: time.Duration(numSecs * float64(time.Second)),
			Logs:      taskTestLogURL{_testResult.URL},
		destTask.TestResults[_testResult.TestFile] = testResult

	// Copy over artifacts and binaries
	entries, err := artifact.FindAll(artifact.ByTaskId(taskId))
	if err != nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error finding task '%v'", taskId)
		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "%v: %v", msg, err)
		restapi.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, responseError{Message: msg})

	for _, entry := range entries {
		for _, _file := range entry.Files {
			file := taskFile{
				Name: _file.Name,
				URL:  _file.Link,
			destTask.Files = append(destTask.Files, file)

	restapi.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, destTask)

コード例 #24
func TestTaskSuccess(t *testing.T) {
	testutil.ConfigureIntegrationTest(t, testConfig, "TestTaskSuccess")

	for tlsString, tlsConfig := range tlsConfigs {
		for _, testSetup := range testSetups {
			for _, variant := range buildVariantsToTest {
				Convey(testSetup.testSpec, t, func() {
					Convey("With agent running 'compile' step and live API server over "+
						tlsString+" with variant "+variant, func() {
						testTask, _, err := setupAPITestData(testConfig, "compile", variant, NoPatch, t)
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create test task: %v", err)
						testServer, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, tlsConfig, plugin.APIPlugins, Verbose)
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create apiserver: %v", err)
						testAgent, err := createAgent(testServer, testTask)
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to create agent: %v")

						// actually run the task.
						// this function won't return until the whole thing is done.
						Convey("expansions should be fetched", func() {
							So(testAgent.taskConfig.Expansions.Get("aws_key"), ShouldEqual, testConfig.Providers.AWS.Id)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "fetch_expansion_value"), ShouldBeTrue)
						time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

						Convey("all scripts in task should have been run successfully", func() {
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "Executing script: echo \"predefined command!\""), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the pre-run script"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the post-run script!"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "predefined command!"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "this should not end up in the logs"), ShouldBeFalse)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "Command timeout set to 21m40s"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "Command timeout set to 43m20s"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "Cloning into") || // git 1.8
								scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "Initialized empty Git repository"), // git 1.7
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "i am compiling!"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "i am sanity testing!"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "Skipping command 'git.apply_patch' on variant"), ShouldBeTrue)

							// Check that functions with args are working correctly
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "arg1 is FOO"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "arg2 is BAR"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "arg3 is Expanded: qux"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "arg4 is Default: default_value"), ShouldBeTrue)

							// Check that multi-command functions are working correctly
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "step 1 of multi-command func"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "step 2 of multi-command func"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "step 3 of multi-command func"), ShouldBeTrue)

							// Check that logging output is only flushing on a newline
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "this should be on the same line...as this."), ShouldBeTrue)

							testTask, err = model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
							testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't find test task: %v", err)
							So(testTask.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskSucceeded)

							// use function display name as description when none is specified in command
							So(testTask.Details.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskSucceeded)
							So(testTask.Details.Description, ShouldEqual, `'shell.exec' in "silent shell test"`)
							So(testTask.Details.TimedOut, ShouldBeFalse)
							So(testTask.Details.Type, ShouldEqual, model.SystemCommandType)

						Convey("manifest should be created", func() {
							m, err := manifest.FindOne(manifest.ById(testTask.Version))
							So(testTask.Version, ShouldEqual, "testVersionId")
							So(err, ShouldBeNil)
							So(m, ShouldNotBeNil)
							So(m.ProjectName, ShouldEqual, testTask.Project)
							So(m.Id, ShouldEqual, testTask.Version)
							So(m.Modules, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
							So(m.Modules["recursive"], ShouldNotBeNil)
							So(m.Modules["recursive"].URL, ShouldNotEqual, "")

					Convey("With agent running a regular test and live API server over "+
						tlsString+" on variant "+variant, func() {
						testTask, _, err := setupAPITestData(testConfig, "normal_task", variant, NoPatch, t)
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create test data: %v", err)
						testServer, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, tlsConfig, plugin.APIPlugins, Verbose)
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create apiserver: %v", err)
						testAgent, err := createAgent(testServer, testTask)
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to create agent: %v")

						// actually run the task.
						// this function won't return until the whole thing is done.
						time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

						Convey("all scripts in task should have been run successfully", func() {
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the pre-run script"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "executing the post-run script!"), ShouldBeTrue)

							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "starting normal_task!"), ShouldBeTrue)
							So(scanLogsForTask(testTask.Id, "done with normal_task!"), ShouldBeTrue)

							testTask, err = model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
							testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't find test task: %v", err)
							So(testTask.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskSucceeded)

							expectedResults := []model.TestResult{
									Status:    "success",
									TestFile:  "t1",
									URL:       "url",
									ExitCode:  0,
									StartTime: 0,
									EndTime:   10,
							So(testTask.TestResults, ShouldResemble, expectedResults)
コード例 #25
func TestBasicEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
	for tlsString, tlsConfig := range tlsConfigs {
		testTask, _, err := setupAPITestData(testConfig, "task", "linux-64", NoPatch, t)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't make test data: %v", err)

		Convey("With a live api server, agent, and test task over "+tlsString, t, func() {
			testServer, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, tlsConfig, plugin.APIPlugins, Verbose)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create apiserver: %v", err)
			testAgent, err := createAgent(testServer, testTask)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to create agent: %v")

			Convey("sending logs should store the log messages properly", func() {
				msg1 := "task logger initialized!"
				msg2 := "system logger initialized!"
				msg3 := "exec logger initialized!"
				testAgent.logger.LogTask(slogger.INFO, msg1)
				testAgent.logger.LogSystem(slogger.INFO, msg2)
				testAgent.logger.LogExecution(slogger.INFO, msg3)
				time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

				// This returns logs in order of NEWEST first.
				logMessages, err := model.FindMostRecentLogMessages(testTask.Id, 0, 10, []string{}, []string{})
				testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to get log msgs")

				So(logMessages[2].Message, ShouldEndWith, msg1)
				So(logMessages[1].Message, ShouldEndWith, msg2)
				So(logMessages[0].Message, ShouldEndWith, msg3)
				Convey("Task endpoints should work between agent and server", func() {
					Convey("calling GetTask should get retrieve same task back", func() {
						testTaskFromApi, err := testAgent.GetTask()
						So(err, ShouldBeNil)

						// ShouldResemble doesn't seem to work here, possibly because of
						// omitempty? anyways, just assert equality of the important fields
						So(testTaskFromApi.Id, ShouldEqual, testTask.Id)
						So(testTaskFromApi.Status, ShouldEqual, testTask.Status)
						So(testTaskFromApi.HostId, ShouldEqual, testTask.HostId)

					Convey("calling start should flip the task's status to started", func() {
						err := testAgent.Start("1")
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't start task: %v", err)
						testTask, err := model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't refresh task from db: %v", err)
						So(testTask.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskStarted)
						testHost, err := host.FindOne(host.ByRunningTaskId(testTask.Id))
						So(err, ShouldBeNil)
						So(testHost.Id, ShouldEqual, "testHost")
						So(testHost.RunningTask, ShouldEqual, testTask.Id)

					Convey("calling end() should update task status properly", func() {
						commandType := model.SystemCommandType
						description := "random"
						details := &apimodels.TaskEndDetail{
							Description: description,
							Type:        commandType,
							TimedOut:    true,
							Status:      evergreen.TaskSucceeded,
						time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
						taskUpdate, err := model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
						So(err, ShouldBeNil)
						So(taskUpdate.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskSucceeded)
						So(taskUpdate.Details.Description, ShouldEqual, description)
						So(taskUpdate.Details.Type, ShouldEqual, commandType)
						So(taskUpdate.Details.TimedOut, ShouldEqual, true)

					Convey("no checkins should trigger timeout signal", func() {
						testAgent.idleTimeoutWatcher.SetDuration(2 * time.Second)
						// sleep long enough for the timeout watcher to time out
						time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
						timeoutSignal, ok := <-testAgent.signalHandler.idleTimeoutChan
						So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
						So(timeoutSignal, ShouldEqual, IdleTimeout)

コード例 #26
ファイル: task.go プロジェクト: markbenvenuto/evergreen
// Returns a JSON response with the marshalled output of the task
// specified in the request.
func (restapi restAPI) getTaskInfo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	taskId := mux.Vars(r)["task_id"]

	srcTask, err := model.FindTask(taskId)
	if err != nil || srcTask == nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error finding task '%v'", taskId)
		statusCode := http.StatusNotFound

		if err != nil {
			evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "%v: %v", msg, err)
			statusCode = http.StatusInternalServerError

		restapi.WriteJSON(w, statusCode, responseError{Message: msg})


	destTask := &task{}
	// Copy the contents from the database into our local task type
	err = angier.TransferByFieldNames(srcTask, destTask)
	if err != nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error finding task '%v'", taskId)
		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "%v: %v", msg, err)
		restapi.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, responseError{Message: msg})


	// Copy over the status details
	destTask.StatusDetails.TimedOut = srcTask.StatusDetails.TimedOut
	destTask.StatusDetails.TimeoutStage = srcTask.StatusDetails.TimeoutStage

	// Copy over the test results
	destTask.TestResults = make(taskTestResultsByName, len(srcTask.TestResults))
	for _, _testResult := range srcTask.TestResults {
		numSecs := _testResult.EndTime - _testResult.StartTime
		testResult := taskTestResult{
			Status:    _testResult.Status,
			TimeTaken: time.Duration(numSecs * float64(time.Second)),
			Logs:      taskTestLogURL{_testResult.URL},
		destTask.TestResults[_testResult.TestFile] = testResult

	// Copy over artifacts and binaries
	entries, err := artifact.FindAll(artifact.ByTaskId(taskId))
	if err != nil {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error finding task '%v'", taskId)
		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "%v: %v", msg, err)
		restapi.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, responseError{Message: msg})

	for _, entry := range entries {
		for _, _file := range entry.Files {
			file := taskFile{
				Name: _file.Name,
				URL:  _file.Link,
			destTask.Files = append(destTask.Files, file)

	restapi.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, destTask)

コード例 #27
ファイル: tasks_test.go プロジェクト: himanshugpt/evergreen
func TestCleanupTask(t *testing.T) {

	testConfig := evergreen.TestConfig()


	Convey("When cleaning up a task", t, func() {

		// reset the db
			t, "error clearing tasks collection")
			t, "error clearing hosts collection")

		Convey("an error should be thrown if the passed-in projects slice"+
			" does not contain the task's project", func() {

			wrapper := doomedTaskWrapper{
				task: model.Task{
					Project: "proj",
			projects := map[string]model.Project{}
			err := cleanUpTask(wrapper, projects)
			So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
			So(err.Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "could not find project")


		Convey("an error should be thrown if the task's host is marked with"+
			" the wrong running task id", func() {

			wrapper := doomedTaskWrapper{
				task: model.Task{
					Id:      "t1",
					HostId:  "h1",
					Project: "proj",
			projects := map[string]model.Project{
				"proj": model.Project{
					Identifier: "proj",
			host := &host.Host{
				Id:          "h1",
				RunningTask: "nott1",
			So(host.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)

			err := cleanUpTask(wrapper, projects)
			So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
			So(err.Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "but the host thinks it"+
				" is running task")


		Convey("if the task's heartbeat timed out", func() {

			// reset the db
				t, "error clearing tasks collection")
				t, "error clearing hosts collection")
				t, "error clearing builds collection")
				t, "error clearing old tasks collection")
				t, "error clearing versions collection")

			Convey("the task should be reset", func() {

				task := &model.Task{
					Id:       "t1",
					Status:   "started",
					HostId:   "h1",
					BuildId:  "b1",
					Project:  "proj",
					Restarts: 1,
				testutil.HandleTestingErr(task.Insert(), t, "error inserting task")

				wrapper := doomedTaskWrapper{
					reason: HeartbeatTimeout,
					task:   *task,

				projects := map[string]model.Project{
					"proj": model.Project{
						Identifier: "proj",
						Stepback:   false,

				host := &host.Host{
					Id:          "h1",
					RunningTask: "t1",
				So(host.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)

				build := &build.Build{
					Id:      "b1",
					Tasks:   []build.TaskCache{{Id: "t1"}},
					Version: "v1",
				So(build.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)

				v := &version.Version{
					Id: "v1",
				So(v.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)

				// cleaning up the task should work
				So(cleanUpTask(wrapper, projects), ShouldBeNil)

				// refresh the task - it should be reset
				task, err := model.FindTask("t1")
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(task.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskUndispatched)
				So(task.Restarts, ShouldEqual, 2)


			Convey("the running task field on the task's host should be"+
				" reset", func() {

				task := &model.Task{
					Id:       "t1",
					Status:   "started",
					HostId:   "h1",
					BuildId:  "b1",
					Project:  "proj",
					Restarts: 1,
				testutil.HandleTestingErr(task.Insert(), t, "error inserting task")

				wrapper := doomedTaskWrapper{
					reason: HeartbeatTimeout,
					task:   *task,

				projects := map[string]model.Project{
					"proj": model.Project{
						Identifier: "proj",
						Stepback:   false,

				h := &host.Host{
					Id:          "h1",
					RunningTask: "t1",
				So(h.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)

				build := &build.Build{
					Id:      "b1",
					Tasks:   []build.TaskCache{{Id: "t1"}},
					Version: "v1",
				So(build.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)

				v := &version.Version{Id: "v1"}
				So(v.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)

				// cleaning up the task should work
				So(cleanUpTask(wrapper, projects), ShouldBeNil)

				// refresh the host, make sure its running task field has
				// been reset
				h, err := host.FindOne(host.ById("h1"))
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(h.RunningTask, ShouldEqual, "")




コード例 #28
ファイル: json.go プロジェクト: sr527/json
func (hwp *JSONPlugin) GetUIHandler() http.Handler {
	r := mux.NewRouter()
	r.HandleFunc("/version", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, "1")
	r.HandleFunc("/task/{task_id}/{name}/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		var jsonForTask TaskJSON
		err := db.FindOneQ(collection, db.Query(bson.M{"task_id": mux.Vars(r)["task_id"], "name": mux.Vars(r)["name"]}), &jsonForTask)
		if err != nil {
			if err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
				http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
			http.Error(w, "{}", http.StatusNotFound)
		plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, jsonForTask)

	r.HandleFunc("/task/{task_id}/{name}/tags", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		t, err := model.FindTask(mux.Vars(r)["task_id"])
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		tags := []struct {
			Tag string `bson:"_id" json:"tag"`
		err = db.Aggregate(collection, []bson.M{
			{"$match": bson.M{"project_id": t.Project, "tag": bson.M{"$exists": true, "$ne": ""}}},
			{"$project": bson.M{"tag": 1}}, bson.M{"$group": bson.M{"_id": "$tag"}},
		}, &tags)
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, tags)
	r.HandleFunc("/task/{task_id}/{name}/tag", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		t, err := model.FindTask(mux.Vars(r)["task_id"])
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		if t == nil {
			http.Error(w, "{}", http.StatusNotFound)
		if r.Method == "DELETE" {
			if _, err = db.UpdateAll(collection,
				bson.M{"version_id": t.Version, "name": mux.Vars(r)["name"]},
				bson.M{"$unset": bson.M{"tag": 1}}); err != nil {
				http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
			plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, "")
		inTag := struct {
			Tag string `json:"tag"`
		err = util.ReadJSONInto(r.Body, &inTag)
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		if len(inTag.Tag) == 0 {
			http.Error(w, "tag must not be blank", http.StatusBadRequest)

		_, err = db.UpdateAll(collection,
			bson.M{"version_id": t.Version, "name": mux.Vars(r)["name"]},
			bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"tag": inTag.Tag}})

		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, "")
	r.HandleFunc("/tag/{project_id}/{tag}/{variant}/{task_name}/{name}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		var jsonForTask TaskJSON
		err := db.FindOneQ(collection,
			db.Query(bson.M{"project_id": mux.Vars(r)["project_id"],
				"tag":       mux.Vars(r)["tag"],
				"variant":   mux.Vars(r)["variant"],
				"task_name": mux.Vars(r)["task_name"],
				"name":      mux.Vars(r)["name"],
			}), &jsonForTask)
		if err != nil {
			if err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
				http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
			http.Error(w, "{}", http.StatusNotFound)
		plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, jsonForTask)
	r.HandleFunc("/commit/{project_id}/{revision}/{variant}/{task_name}/{name}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		var jsonForTask TaskJSON
		err := db.FindOneQ(collection,
			db.Query(bson.M{"project_id": mux.Vars(r)["project_id"],
				"revision":  bson.RegEx{"^" + regexp.QuoteMeta(mux.Vars(r)["revision"]), "i"},
				"variant":   mux.Vars(r)["variant"],
				"task_name": mux.Vars(r)["task_name"],
				"name":      mux.Vars(r)["name"],
				"is_patch":  false,
			}), &jsonForTask)
		if err != nil {
			if err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
				http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
			http.Error(w, "{}", http.StatusNotFound)
		plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, jsonForTask)
	r.HandleFunc("/history/{task_id}/{name}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		t, err := model.FindTask(mux.Vars(r)["task_id"])
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		if t == nil {
			http.Error(w, "{}", http.StatusNotFound)

		before := []TaskJSON{}
		jsonQuery := db.Query(bson.M{
			"project_id": t.Project,
			"variant":    t.BuildVariant,
			"order":      bson.M{"$lte": t.RevisionOrderNumber},
			"task_name":  t.DisplayName,
			"is_patch":   false,
			"name":       mux.Vars(r)["name"]})
		jsonQuery = jsonQuery.Sort([]string{"-order"}).Limit(100)
		err = db.FindAllQ(collection, jsonQuery, &before)
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		//reverse order of "before" because we had to sort it backwards to apply the limit correctly:
		for i, j := 0, len(before)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
			before[i], before[j] = before[j], before[i]

		after := []TaskJSON{}
		jsonAfterQuery := db.Query(bson.M{
			"project_id": t.Project,
			"variant":    t.BuildVariant,
			"order":      bson.M{"$gt": t.RevisionOrderNumber},
			"task_name":  t.DisplayName,
			"is_patch":   false,
			"name":       mux.Vars(r)["name"]}).Sort([]string{"order"}).Limit(100)
		err = db.FindAllQ(collection, jsonAfterQuery, &after)
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

		//concatenate before + after
		before = append(before, after...)
		plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, before)
	return r