コード例 #1
func runServer(neoURL string, port string, cacheDuration string, env string) {

	if duration, durationErr := time.ParseDuration(cacheDuration); durationErr != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to parse cache duration string, %v", durationErr)
	} else {
		organisations.CacheControlHeader = fmt.Sprintf("max-age=%s, public", strconv.FormatFloat(duration.Seconds(), 'f', 0, 64))

	conf := neoutils.ConnectionConfig{
		BatchSize:     1024,
		Transactional: false,
		HTTPClient: &http.Client{
			Transport: &http.Transport{
				MaxIdleConnsPerHost: 100,
			Timeout: 1 * time.Minute,
		BackgroundConnect: true,
	db, err := neoutils.Connect(neoURL, &conf)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error connecting to neo4j %s", err)

	organisations.OrganisationDriver = organisations.NewCypherDriver(db, env)

	servicesRouter := mux.NewRouter()

	// Healthchecks and standards first
	servicesRouter.HandleFunc("/__health", v1a.Handler("PublicOrganisationsRead Healthchecks",
		"Checks for accessing neo4j", organisations.HealthCheck()))

	servicesRouter.HandleFunc("/__gtg", organisations.GoodToGo)

	// Then API specific ones:
	servicesRouter.HandleFunc("/organisations/{uuid}", organisations.GetOrganisation).Methods("GET")

	servicesRouter.HandleFunc("/organisations/{uuid}", organisations.MethodNotAllowedHandler)

	var monitoringRouter http.Handler = servicesRouter
	monitoringRouter = httphandlers.TransactionAwareRequestLoggingHandler(log.StandardLogger(), monitoringRouter)
	monitoringRouter = httphandlers.HTTPMetricsHandler(metrics.DefaultRegistry, monitoringRouter)

	// The following endpoints should not be monitored or logged (varnish calls one of these every second, depending on config)
	// The top one of these build info endpoints feels more correct, but the lower one matches what we have in Dropwizard,
	// so it's what apps expect currently same as ping, the content of build-info needs more definition
	//using http router here to be able to catch "/"
	http.HandleFunc(status.PingPath, status.PingHandler)
	http.HandleFunc(status.PingPathDW, status.PingHandler)
	http.HandleFunc(status.BuildInfoPath, status.BuildInfoHandler)
	http.HandleFunc(status.BuildInfoPathDW, status.BuildInfoHandler)
	http.HandleFunc("/__gtg", organisations.GoodToGo)
	http.Handle("/", monitoringRouter)

	if err := http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, nil); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Unable to start server: %v", err)

コード例 #2
func getDatabaseConnection(assert *assert.Assertions) neoutils.NeoConnection {
	url := os.Getenv("NEO4J_TEST_URL")
	if url == "" {
		url = "http://localhost:7474/db/data"

	conf := neoutils.DefaultConnectionConfig()
	conf.Transactional = false
	db, err := neoutils.Connect(url, conf)
	assert.NoError(err, "Failed to connect to Neo4j")
	return db
コード例 #3
func getSubjectsCypherDriver(t *testing.T) service {
	url := os.Getenv("NEO4J_TEST_URL")
	if url == "" {
		url = "http://localhost:7474/db/data"

	conf := neoutils.DefaultConnectionConfig()
	conf.Transactional = false
	db, err := neoutils.Connect(url, conf)
	assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed to connect to Neo4j")
	return NewCypherSubjectsService(db)
func getIndustryClassificationService(t *testing.T) service {
	assert := assert.New(t)
	url := os.Getenv("NEO4J_TEST_URL")
	if url == "" {
		url = "http://localhost:7474/db/data"

	conf := neoutils.DefaultConnectionConfig()
	conf.Transactional = false
	db, err := neoutils.Connect(url, conf)
	assert.NoError(err, "Failed to connect to Neo4j")
	return NewCypherIndustryClassifcationService(db)
コード例 #5
func getRolesCypherDriver(t *testing.T) CypherDriver {
	url := os.Getenv("NEO4J_TEST_URL")
	if url == "" {
		url = "http://localhost:7474/db/data"

	conf := neoutils.DefaultConnectionConfig()
	conf.Transactional = false
	db, err := neoutils.Connect(url, conf)
	assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed to connect to Neo4j")
	cr := NewCypherDriver(db)
	return cr
コード例 #6
func getAnnotationsService(t *testing.T, platformVersion string) service {
	assert := assert.New(t)
	url := os.Getenv("NEO4J_TEST_URL")
	if url == "" {
		url = "http://localhost:7474/db/data"

	conf := neoutils.DefaultConnectionConfig()
	conf.Transactional = false
	db, err := neoutils.Connect(url, conf)
	assert.NoError(err, "Failed to connect to Neo4j")

	return NewCypherAnnotationsService(db, platformVersion)
コード例 #7
func main() {
	app := cli.App("subjetcs-rw-neo4j", "A RESTful API for managing Subjects in neo4j")
	neoURL := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:   "neo-url",
		Value:  "http://localhost:7474/db/data",
		Desc:   "neo4j endpoint URL",
		EnvVar: "NEO_URL",
	graphiteTCPAddress := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:   "graphite-tcp-address",
		Value:  "",
		Desc:   "Graphite TCP address, e.g. graphite.ft.com:2003. Leave as default if you do NOT want to output to graphite (e.g. if running locally",
	graphitePrefix := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:   "graphite-prefix",
		Value:  "",
		Desc:   "Prefix to use. Should start with content, include the environment, and the host name. e.g. coco.pre-prod.subjects-rw-neo4j.1",
	port := app.Int(cli.IntOpt{
		Name:   "port",
		Value:  8080,
		Desc:   "Port to listen on",
		EnvVar: "PORT",
	batchSize := app.Int(cli.IntOpt{
		Name:   "batch-size",
		Value:  1024,
		Desc:   "Maximum number of statements to execute per batch",
		EnvVar: "BATCH_SIZE",
	logMetrics := app.Bool(cli.BoolOpt{
		Name:   "log-metrics",
		Value:  false,
		Desc:   "Whether to log metrics. Set to true if running locally and you want metrics output",
		EnvVar: "LOG_METRICS",

	app.Action = func() {
		conf := neoutils.DefaultConnectionConfig()
		conf.BatchSize = *batchSize
		db, err := neoutils.Connect(*neoURL, conf)

		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Could not connect to neo4j, error=[%s]\n", err)

		subjectsDriver := subjects.NewCypherSubjectsService(db)

		baseftrwapp.OutputMetricsIfRequired(*graphiteTCPAddress, *graphitePrefix, *logMetrics)

		endpoints := map[string]baseftrwapp.Service{
			"subjects": subjectsDriver,

		var checks []v1a.Check
		for _, e := range endpoints {
			checks = append(checks, makeCheck(e, db))

			v1a.Handler("ft-subjects_rw_neo4j ServiceModule", "Writes 'subjects' to Neo4j, usually as part of a bulk upload done on a schedule", checks...),
			*port, "subjects-rw-neo4j", "local")

コード例 #8
func main() {
	app := cli.App("roles-rw-neo4j", "A RESTful API for managing Membership Roles in neo4j")
	neoURL := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:   "neo-url",
		Value:  "http://localhost:7474/db/data",
		Desc:   "neo4j endpoint URL",
		EnvVar: "NEO_URL",
	graphiteTCPAddress := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:   "graphiteTCPAddress",
		Value:  "",
		Desc:   "Graphite TCP address, e.g. graphite.ft.com:2003. Leave as default if you do NOT want to output to graphite (e.g. if running locally",
	graphitePrefix := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:   "graphitePrefix",
		Value:  "",
		Desc:   "Prefix to use. Should start with content, include the environment, and the host name. e.g. coco.pre-prod.roles-rw-neo4j.1 or content.test.roles.rw.neo4j.ftaps58938-law1a-eu-t",
	port := app.Int(cli.IntOpt{
		Name:   "port",
		Value:  8080,
		Desc:   "Port to listen on",
		EnvVar: "APP_PORT",
	batchSize := app.Int(cli.IntOpt{
		Name:   "batchSize",
		Value:  1024,
		Desc:   "Maximum number of statements to execute per batch",
		EnvVar: "BATCH_SIZE",
	logMetrics := app.Bool(cli.BoolOpt{
		Name:   "logMetrics",
		Value:  false,
		Desc:   "Whether to log metrics. Set to true if running locally and you want metrics output",
		EnvVar: "LOG_METRICS",
	env := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:  "env",
		Value: "local",
		Desc:  "environment this app is running in",

	app.Action = func() {
		conf := neoutils.DefaultConnectionConfig()
		conf.BatchSize = *batchSize
		db, err := neoutils.Connect(*neoURL, conf)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Could not connect to neo4j, error=[%s]\n", err)

		rolesDriver := roles.NewCypherDriver(db)

		baseftrwapp.OutputMetricsIfRequired(*graphiteTCPAddress, *graphitePrefix, *logMetrics)

		services := map[string]baseftrwapp.Service{
			"roles": rolesDriver,

		var checks []v1a.Check
		for _, service := range services {
			checks = append(checks, makeCheck(service, db))

			Services:      services,
			HealthHandler: v1a.Handler("ft-roles_rw_neo4j ServiceModule", "Writes 'roles' to Neo4j, usually as part of a bulk upload done on a schedule", checks...),
			Port:          *port,
			ServiceName:   "roles-rw-neo4j",
			Env:           *env,
			EnableReqLog:  false,

	log.Infof("Application started with args %s", os.Args)

コード例 #9
func main() {

	app := cli.App("annotations-rw-neo4j", "A RESTful API for managing Annotations in neo4j")
	neoURL := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:   "neo-url",
		Value:  "http://localhost:7474/db/data",
		Desc:   "neo4j endpoint URL",
		EnvVar: "NEO_URL",
	graphiteTCPAddress := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:   "graphiteTCPAddress",
		Value:  "",
		Desc:   "Graphite TCP address, e.g. graphite.ft.com:2003. Leave as default if you do NOT want to output to graphite (e.g. if running locally",
	graphitePrefix := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:   "graphitePrefix",
		Value:  "",
		Desc:   "Prefix to use. Should start with content, include the environment, and the host name. e.g. coco.pre-prod.roles-rw-neo4j.1 or content.test.people.rw.neo4j.ftaps58938-law1a-eu-t",
	port := app.Int(cli.IntOpt{
		Name:   "port",
		Value:  8080,
		Desc:   "Port to listen on",
		EnvVar: "APP_PORT",
	batchSize := app.Int(cli.IntOpt{
		Name:   "batchSize",
		Value:  1024,
		Desc:   "Maximum number of statements to execute per batch",
		EnvVar: "BATCH_SIZE",
	logMetrics := app.Bool(cli.BoolOpt{
		Name:   "logMetrics",
		Value:  false,
		Desc:   "Whether to log metrics. Set to true if running locally and you want metrics output",
		EnvVar: "LOG_METRICS",
	logLevel := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:   "log-level",
		Value:  "INFO",
		Desc:   "Logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR)",
		EnvVar: "LOG_LEVEL",
	platformVersion := app.String(cli.StringOpt{
		Name:   "platformVersion",
		Value:  "",
		Desc:   "Annotation source platform. Possible values are: v1 or v2.",

	app.Action = func() {
		parsedLogLevel, err := log.ParseLevel(*logLevel)
		if err != nil {
			log.WithFields(log.Fields{"logLevel": logLevel, "err": err}).Fatal("Incorrect log level")

		log.Infof("annotations-rw-neo4j will listen on port: %d, connecting to: %s", *port, *neoURL)

		conf := neoutils.DefaultConnectionConfig()
		conf.BatchSize = *batchSize
		db, err := neoutils.Connect(*neoURL, conf)

		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Error connecting to neo4j %s", err)

		annotationsService := annotations.NewCypherAnnotationsService(db, *platformVersion)
		httpHandlers := httpHandlers{annotationsService}

		// Healthchecks and standards first
		http.HandleFunc("/__health", v1a.Handler("Annotations RW Healthchecks",
			"Checks for accessing neo4j", httpHandlers.HealthCheck()))
		http.HandleFunc(status.PingPath, status.PingHandler)
		http.HandleFunc(status.PingPathDW, status.PingHandler)
		http.HandleFunc(status.BuildInfoPath, status.BuildInfoHandler)
		http.HandleFunc(status.BuildInfoPathDW, status.BuildInfoHandler)

		gtgChecker := make([]gtg.StatusChecker, 0)
		gtgChecker = append(gtgChecker, func() gtg.Status {
			if err := httpHandlers.AnnotationsService.Check(); err != nil {
				return gtg.Status{GoodToGo: false, Message: err.Error()}

			return gtg.Status{GoodToGo: true}
		http.HandleFunc(status.GTGPath, status.NewGoodToGoHandler(gtg.FailFastParallelCheck(gtgChecker)))

		r := router(httpHandlers)
		http.Handle("/", r)
		baseftrwapp.OutputMetricsIfRequired(*graphiteTCPAddress, *graphitePrefix, *logMetrics)

		if err := http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", *port), nil); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Unable to start server: %v", err)

	log.Infof("Application started with args %s", os.Args)