コード例 #1
ファイル: test_controller.go プロジェクト: suifing/flynn
func (s *ControllerSuite) TestRouteEvents(t *c.C) {
	app := "app-route-events-" + random.String(8)
	client := s.controllerClient(t)

	// create and push app
	r := s.newGitRepo(t, "http")
	t.Assert(r.flynn("create", app), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(r.flynn("key", "add", r.ssh.Pub), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(r.git("push", "flynn", "master"), Succeeds)

	// wait for it to start
	service := app + "-web"
	_, err := s.discoverdClient(t).Instances(service, 10*time.Second)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// stream events
	events := make(chan *ct.Event)
	stream, err := client.StreamEvents(controller.StreamEventsOptions{
		AppID:       app,
		ObjectTypes: []ct.EventType{ct.EventTypeRoute, ct.EventTypeRouteDeletion},
		Past:        true,
	}, events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()

	assertEventType := func(typ ct.EventType) {
		select {
		case event, ok := <-events:
			t.Assert(ok, c.Equals, true)
			t.Assert(event.ObjectType, c.Equals, typ, c.Commentf("event: %#v", event))
		case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
			t.Assert(true, c.Equals, false, c.Commentf("timed out waiting for %s event", string(typ)))

	// default app route

	// create some routes
	routes := []string{"baz.example.com"}
	for _, route := range routes {
		t.Assert(r.flynn("route", "add", "http", route), Succeeds)
	routeList, err := client.RouteList(app)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	numRoutes := len(routes) + 1 // includes default app route
	t.Assert(routeList, c.HasLen, numRoutes)

	// delete app
	cmd := r.flynn("delete", "--yes")
	t.Assert(cmd, Succeeds)

	// check route deletion event
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_controller.go プロジェクト: devick/flynn
func (s *ControllerSuite) TestAppDeleteCleanup(t *c.C) {
	app := "app-delete-cleanup-" + random.String(8)
	client := s.controllerClient(t)

	// create and push app
	r := s.newGitRepo(t, "http")
	t.Assert(r.flynn("create", app), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(r.git("push", "flynn", "master"), Succeeds)

	// wait for it to start
	service := app + "-web"
	_, err := s.discoverdClient(t).Instances(service, 10*time.Second)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	t.Assert(r.flynn("scale", "another-web=1"), Succeeds)
	_, err = s.discoverdClient(t).Instances(app+"-another-web", 10*time.Second)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// create some routes
	routes := []string{"foo.example.com", "bar.example.com", "another.example.com"}
	for _, route := range routes {
		if route == "another.example.com" {
			t.Assert(r.flynn("route", "add", "http", "-s", app+"-another-web", route), Succeeds)
		} else {
			t.Assert(r.flynn("route", "add", "http", route), Succeeds)
	routeList, err := client.RouteList(app)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	numRoutes := len(routes) + 1 // includes default app route
	t.Assert(routeList, c.HasLen, numRoutes)

	assertRouteStatus := func(route string, status int) {
		req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://"+routerIP, nil)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		req.Host = route
		res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		t.Assert(res.StatusCode, c.Equals, status)
	for _, route := range routes {
		assertRouteStatus(route, 200)

	// provision resources
	t.Assert(r.flynn("resource", "add", "postgres"), Succeeds)
	resources, err := client.AppResourceList(app)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	numResources := 1
	t.Assert(resources, c.HasLen, numResources)

	// delete app
	cmd := r.flynn("delete", "--yes")
	t.Assert(cmd, Succeeds)

	// check route cleanup
	t.Assert(cmd, OutputContains, fmt.Sprintf("removed %d routes", numRoutes))
	for _, route := range routes {
		assertRouteStatus(route, 404)

	// check resource cleanup
	t.Assert(cmd, OutputContains, fmt.Sprintf("deprovisioned %d resources", numResources))

	// check creating and pushing same app name succeeds
	t.Assert(os.RemoveAll(r.dir), c.IsNil)
	r = s.newGitRepo(t, "http")
	t.Assert(r.flynn("create", app), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(r.git("push", "flynn", "master"), Succeeds)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_cli.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *CLISuite) TestRoute(t *c.C) {
	client := s.controllerClient(t)
	app := s.newCliTestApp(t)
	defer app.cleanup()

	// The router API does not currently give us a "read your own writes"
	// guarantee, so we must retry a few times if we don't get the expected
	// result.
	assertRouteContains := func(str string, contained bool) {
		var res *CmdResult
			Total: 10 * time.Second,
			Delay: 500 * time.Millisecond,
		}.Run(func() error {
			res = app.flynn("route")
			if contained == strings.Contains(res.Output, str) {
				return nil
			return errors.New("unexpected output")
		if contained {
			t.Assert(res, SuccessfulOutputContains, str)
		} else {
			t.Assert(res, c.Not(SuccessfulOutputContains), str)

	// flynn route add http
	route := random.String(32) + ".dev"
	newRoute := app.flynn("route", "add", "http", route)
	t.Assert(newRoute, Succeeds)
	routeID := strings.TrimSpace(newRoute.Output)
	assertRouteContains(routeID, true)

	// ensure sticky and leader flags default to not set
	routes, err := client.RouteList(app.name)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	var found bool
	for _, r := range routes {
		if fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", r.Type, r.ID) != routeID {
		t.Assert(r.Sticky, c.Equals, false)
		t.Assert(r.Leader, c.Equals, false)
		found = true
	t.Assert(found, c.Equals, true, c.Commentf("didn't find route"))

	// flynn route add http --sticky --leader
	route = random.String(32) + ".dev"
	newRoute = app.flynn("route", "add", "http", "--sticky", route, "--leader")
	t.Assert(newRoute, Succeeds)
	routeID = strings.TrimSpace(newRoute.Output)
	assertRouteContains(routeID, true)

	// duplicate http route
	dupRoute := app.flynn("route", "add", "http", "--sticky", route)
	t.Assert(dupRoute, c.Not(Succeeds))
	t.Assert(dupRoute.Output, c.Equals, "conflict: Duplicate route\n")

	// ensure sticky and leader flags are set
	routes, err = client.RouteList(app.name)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	for _, r := range routes {
		if fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", r.Type, r.ID) != routeID {
		t.Assert(r.Sticky, c.Equals, true)
		t.Assert(r.Leader, c.Equals, true)
		found = true
	t.Assert(found, c.Equals, true, c.Commentf("didn't find route"))

	// flynn route update --no-sticky
	newRoute = app.flynn("route", "update", routeID, "--no-sticky")
	t.Assert(newRoute, Succeeds)
	r, err := client.GetRoute(app.id, routeID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(r.Sticky, c.Equals, false)

	// flynn route update --no-leader
	newRoute = app.flynn("route", "update", routeID, "--no-leader")
	t.Assert(newRoute, Succeeds)
	r, err = client.GetRoute(app.id, routeID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(r.Leader, c.Equals, false)

	// flynn route update --service
	newRoute = app.flynn("route", "update", routeID, "--service", "foo")
	t.Assert(newRoute, Succeeds)
	r, err = client.GetRoute(app.id, routeID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(r.Service, c.Equals, "foo")
	t.Assert(r.Sticky, c.Equals, false)

	// flynn route update --sticky
	newRoute = app.flynn("route", "update", routeID, "--sticky")
	t.Assert(newRoute, Succeeds)
	r, err = client.GetRoute(app.id, routeID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(r.Sticky, c.Equals, true)
	t.Assert(r.Service, c.Equals, "foo")

	// flynn route update --leader
	newRoute = app.flynn("route", "update", routeID, "--leader")
	t.Assert(newRoute, Succeeds)
	r, err = client.GetRoute(app.id, routeID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(r.Leader, c.Equals, true)
	t.Assert(r.Service, c.Equals, "foo")

	// flynn route add domain path
	pathRoute := app.flynn("route", "add", "http", route+"/path/")
	t.Assert(pathRoute, Succeeds)
	pathRouteID := strings.TrimSpace(pathRoute.Output)
	assertRouteContains(pathRouteID, true)

	// flynn route add domain path duplicate
	dupRoute = app.flynn("route", "add", "http", route+"/path/")
	t.Assert(dupRoute, c.Not(Succeeds))
	t.Assert(dupRoute.Output, c.Equals, "conflict: Duplicate route\n")

	// flynn route add domain path without trailing should correct to trailing
	noTrailingRoute := app.flynn("route", "add", "http", route+"/path2")
	t.Assert(noTrailingRoute, Succeeds)
	noTrailingRouteID := strings.TrimSpace(noTrailingRoute.Output)
	assertRouteContains(noTrailingRouteID, true)
	// flynn route should show the corrected trailing path
	assertRouteContains("/path2/", true)

	// flynn route remove should fail because of dependent route
	delFail := app.flynn("route", "remove", routeID)
	t.Assert(delFail, c.Not(Succeeds))

	// But removing the dependent route and then the default route should work
	t.Assert(app.flynn("route", "remove", pathRouteID), Succeeds)
	assertRouteContains(pathRouteID, false)
	t.Assert(app.flynn("route", "remove", noTrailingRouteID), Succeeds)
	assertRouteContains(noTrailingRouteID, false)
	t.Assert(app.flynn("route", "remove", routeID), Succeeds)
	assertRouteContains(routeID, false)

	// flynn route add tcp
	tcpRoute := app.flynn("route", "add", "tcp")
	t.Assert(tcpRoute, Succeeds)
	routeID = strings.Split(tcpRoute.Output, " ")[0]
	assertRouteContains(routeID, true)

	// flynn route add tcp --port
	portRoute := app.flynn("route", "add", "tcp", "--port", "9999")
	t.Assert(portRoute, Succeeds)
	routeID = strings.Split(portRoute.Output, " ")[0]
	port := strings.Split(portRoute.Output, " ")[4]
	t.Assert(port, c.Equals, "9999\n")
	assertRouteContains(routeID, true)

	// flynn route update --service
	portRoute = app.flynn("route", "update", routeID, "--service", "foo")
	t.Assert(portRoute, Succeeds)
	r, err = client.GetRoute(app.id, routeID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(r.Service, c.Equals, "foo")

	// flynn route remove
	t.Assert(app.flynn("route", "remove", routeID), Succeeds)
	assertRouteContains(routeID, false)

	writeTemp := func(data, prefix string) (string, error) {
		f, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), fmt.Sprintf("flynn-test-%s", prefix))
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		_, err = f.WriteString(data)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		stat, err := f.Stat()
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		return filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), stat.Name()), nil

	// flynn route add http with tls cert
	cert, err := tlscert.Generate([]string{"example.com"})
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	certPath, err := writeTemp(cert.Cert, "tls-cert")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	keyPath, err := writeTemp(cert.PrivateKey, "tls-key")
	certRoute := app.flynn("route", "add", "http", "--tls-cert", certPath, "--tls-key", keyPath, "example.com")
	t.Assert(certRoute, Succeeds)
	routeID = strings.TrimSpace(certRoute.Output)
	r, err = client.GetRoute(app.id, routeID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(r.Domain, c.Equals, "example.com")
	t.Assert(r.Certificate, c.NotNil)
	t.Assert(r.Certificate.Cert, c.Equals, strings.Trim(cert.Cert, "\n"))
	t.Assert(r.Certificate.Key, c.Equals, strings.Trim(cert.PrivateKey, "\n"))

	// flynn route update tls cert
	cert, err = tlscert.Generate([]string{"example.com"})
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	certPath, err = writeTemp(cert.Cert, "tls-cert")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	keyPath, err = writeTemp(cert.PrivateKey, "tls-key")
	certRoute = app.flynn("route", "update", routeID, "--tls-cert", certPath, "--tls-key", keyPath)
	t.Assert(certRoute, Succeeds)
	r, err = client.GetRoute(app.id, routeID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(r.Domain, c.Equals, "example.com")
	t.Assert(r.Certificate, c.NotNil)
	t.Assert(r.Certificate.Cert, c.Equals, strings.Trim(cert.Cert, "\n"))
	t.Assert(r.Certificate.Key, c.Equals, strings.Trim(cert.PrivateKey, "\n"))

	// flynn route remove
	t.Assert(app.flynn("route", "remove", routeID), Succeeds)
	assertRouteContains(routeID, false)
コード例 #4
ファイル: bootstrap.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func runBootstrapBackup(manifest []byte, backupFile string, ch chan *bootstrap.StepInfo, cfg bootstrap.Config) error {
	defer close(ch)
	f, err := os.Open(backupFile)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error opening backup file: %s", err)
	defer f.Close()
	tr := tar.NewReader(f)

	getFile := func(name string) (io.Reader, error) {
		rewound := false
		var res io.Reader
		for {
			header, err := tr.Next()
			if err == io.EOF && !rewound {
				if _, err := f.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("error seeking in backup file: %s", err)
				rewound = true
				tr = tar.NewReader(f)
			} else if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("error finding %s in backup file: %s", name, err)
			if path.Base(header.Name) != name {
			if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".gz") {
				res, err = gzip.NewReader(tr)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("error opening %s from backup file: %s", name, err)
			} else {
				res = tr
		return res, nil

	var data struct {
		Discoverd, Flannel, Postgres, MariaDB, MongoDB, Controller *ct.ExpandedFormation

	jsonData, err := getFile("flynn.json")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if jsonData == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("did not file flynn.json in backup file")
	if err := json.NewDecoder(jsonData).Decode(&data); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error decoding backup data: %s", err)

	db, err := getFile("postgres.sql.gz")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if db == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("did not find postgres.sql.gz in backup file")

	// add buffer to the end of the SQL import containing commands that rewrite data in the controller db
	sqlBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	db = io.MultiReader(db, sqlBuf)
	sqlBuf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\\connect %s\n", data.Controller.Release.Env["PGDATABASE"]))
CREATE FUNCTION pg_temp.json_object_update_key(
  "json"          jsonb,
  "key_to_set"    TEXT,
  "value_to_set"  TEXT
  RETURNS jsonb
AS $function$
     SELECT ('{' || string_agg(to_json("key") || ':' || "value", ',') || '}')::jsonb
       FROM (SELECT *
               FROM json_each("json"::json)
              WHERE "key" <> "key_to_set"
              UNION ALL
             SELECT "key_to_set", to_json("value_to_set")) AS "fields"

	type manifestStep struct {
		ID        string
		Artifacts []*ct.Artifact
		Artifact  *ct.Artifact
		Release   struct {
			Env       map[string]string
			Processes map[string]ct.ProcessType
	var manifestSteps []*manifestStep
	if err := json.Unmarshal(manifest, &manifestSteps); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error decoding manifest json: %s", err)

	manifestStepMap := make(map[string]bootstrap.Step, len(manifestSteps))
	steps, err := bootstrap.UnmarshalManifest(manifest, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error decoding manifest json: %s", err)
	for _, step := range steps {
		manifestStepMap[step.StepMeta.ID] = step

	artifacts := make(map[string]*ct.Artifact)
	updateProcArgs := func(f *ct.ExpandedFormation, step *manifestStep) {
		for typ, proc := range step.Release.Processes {
			p := f.Release.Processes[typ]
			p.Args = proc.Args
			f.Release.Processes[typ] = p
	updateVolumes := func(f *ct.ExpandedFormation, step *manifestStep) {
		for typ, proc := range step.Release.Processes {
			p := f.Release.Processes[typ]
			p.Volumes = proc.Volumes
			f.Release.Processes[typ] = p
	for _, step := range manifestSteps {
		switch step.ID {
		case "discoverd":
			updateVolumes(data.Discoverd, step)
		case "postgres":
			updateProcArgs(data.Postgres, step)
			updateVolumes(data.Postgres, step)
		case "controller":
			updateProcArgs(data.Controller, step)
		case "mariadb":
			if data.MariaDB != nil {
				updateProcArgs(data.MariaDB, step)
				updateVolumes(data.MariaDB, step)
		case "mongodb":
			if data.MongoDB != nil {
				updateProcArgs(data.MongoDB, step)
				updateVolumes(data.MongoDB, step)
		if step.Artifact != nil {
			artifacts[step.ID] = step.Artifact
		} else if len(step.Artifacts) > 0 {
			artifacts[step.ID] = step.Artifacts[0]

	data.Discoverd.Artifacts = []*ct.Artifact{artifacts["discoverd"]}
	data.Discoverd.Release.Env["DISCOVERD_PEERS"] = "{{ range $ip := .SortedHostIPs }}{{ $ip }}:1111,{{ end }}"
	data.Postgres.Artifacts = []*ct.Artifact{artifacts["postgres"]}
	data.Flannel.Artifacts = []*ct.Artifact{artifacts["flannel"]}
	data.Controller.Artifacts = []*ct.Artifact{artifacts["controller"]}
	if data.MariaDB != nil {
		data.MariaDB.Artifacts = []*ct.Artifact{artifacts["mariadb"]}
	if data.MongoDB != nil {
		data.MongoDB.Artifacts = []*ct.Artifact{artifacts["mongodb"]}

	telemetryClusterID := random.UUID()
UPDATE releases SET env = jsonb_set(env, '{TELEMETRY_CLUSTER_ID}', '%q')
WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'controller');
`, telemetryClusterID))
	data.Controller.Release.Env["TELEMETRY_CLUSTER_ID"] = telemetryClusterID

	if data.Controller.Release.Env["TELEMETRY_BOOTSTRAP_ID"] == "" {
UPDATE releases SET env = jsonb_set(env, '{TELEMETRY_BOOTSTRAP_ID}', '%q')
WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'controller');
`, telemetryClusterID))
		data.Controller.Release.Env["TELEMETRY_BOOTSTRAP_ID"] = telemetryClusterID

	step := func(id, name string, action bootstrap.Action) bootstrap.Step {
		if ra, ok := action.(*bootstrap.RunAppAction); ok {
			ra.ID = id
		return bootstrap.Step{
			StepMeta: bootstrap.StepMeta{ID: id, Action: name},
			Action:   action,

	// ensure flannel has NETWORK set if required
	if network := os.Getenv("FLANNEL_NETWORK"); network != "" {
		data.Flannel.Release.Env["NETWORK"] = network
UPDATE releases SET env = pg_temp.json_object_update_key(env, 'NETWORK', '%s')
WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'flannel');
		`, network))

	// ensure controller / gitreceive have tmp volumes
UPDATE releases SET processes = jsonb_set(processes, '{web,volumes}', '[{"path": "/tmp", "delete_on_stop": true}]')
WHERE release_id IN (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'controller');
UPDATE releases SET processes = jsonb_set(processes, '{app,volumes}', '[{"path": "/tmp", "delete_on_stop": true}]')
WHERE release_id IN (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'gitreceive');

	// update the SINGLETON environment variable for database appliances
	// (which includes updating legacy appliances which had SINGLETON set
	// on the database type rather than the release)
	singleton := strconv.FormatBool(cfg.Singleton)
	data.Postgres.Release.Env["SINGLETON"] = singleton
UPDATE releases SET env = jsonb_set(env, '{SINGLETON}', '%q')
WHERE release_id IN (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name IN ('postgres', 'mariadb', 'mongodb'));
`, singleton))

	if data.MariaDB != nil {
		data.MariaDB.Release.Env["SINGLETON"] = singleton
		delete(data.MariaDB.Release.Processes["mariadb"].Env, "SINGLETON")
UPDATE releases SET processes = jsonb_set(processes, '{mariadb,env}', (processes #> '{mariadb,env}')::jsonb - 'SINGLETON')
WHERE release_id IN (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'mariadb');

	if data.MongoDB != nil {
		data.MongoDB.Release.Env["SINGLETON"] = singleton
		delete(data.MongoDB.Release.Processes["mongodb"].Env, "SINGLETON")
UPDATE releases SET processes = jsonb_set(processes, '{mongodb,env}', (processes #> '{mongodb,env}')::jsonb - 'SINGLETON')
WHERE release_id IN (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'mongodb');

	// modify app scale based on whether we are booting
	// a singleton or HA cluster
	var scale map[string]map[string]int
	if cfg.Singleton {
		scale = map[string]map[string]int{
			"postgres":       {"postgres": 1, "web": 1},
			"mariadb":        {"web": 1},
			"mongodb":        {"web": 1},
			"controller":     {"web": 1, "worker": 1},
			"redis":          {"web": 1},
			"blobstore":      {"web": 1},
			"gitreceive":     {"app": 1},
			"docker-receive": {"app": 1},
			"logaggregator":  {"app": 1},
			"dashboard":      {"web": 1},
			"status":         {"web": 1},
		data.Postgres.Processes["postgres"] = 1
		data.Postgres.Processes["web"] = 1
		if data.MariaDB != nil {
			data.MariaDB.Processes["mariadb"] = 1
			data.MariaDB.Processes["web"] = 1
		if data.MongoDB != nil {
			data.MongoDB.Processes["mongodb"] = 1
			data.MongoDB.Processes["web"] = 1
	} else {
		scale = map[string]map[string]int{
			"postgres":       {"postgres": 3, "web": 2},
			"mariadb":        {"web": 2},
			"mongodb":        {"web": 2},
			"controller":     {"web": 2, "worker": 2},
			"redis":          {"web": 2},
			"blobstore":      {"web": 2},
			"gitreceive":     {"app": 2},
			"docker-receive": {"app": 2},
			"logaggregator":  {"app": 2},
			"dashboard":      {"web": 2},
			"status":         {"web": 2},
		data.Postgres.Processes["postgres"] = 3
		data.Postgres.Processes["web"] = 2
		if data.MariaDB != nil {
			data.MariaDB.Processes["mariadb"] = 3
			data.MariaDB.Processes["web"] = 2
		if data.MongoDB != nil {
			data.MongoDB.Processes["mongodb"] = 3
			data.MongoDB.Processes["web"] = 2
	for app, procs := range scale {
		for typ, count := range procs {
UPDATE formations SET processes = jsonb_set(processes, '{%s}', '%d')
WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = '%s');
`, typ, count, app))

	// start discoverd/flannel/postgres
	systemSteps := bootstrap.Manifest{
		step("discoverd", "run-app", &bootstrap.RunAppAction{
			ExpandedFormation: data.Discoverd,
		step("flannel", "run-app", &bootstrap.RunAppAction{
			ExpandedFormation: data.Flannel,
		step("wait-hosts", "wait-hosts", &bootstrap.WaitHostsAction{}),
		step("postgres", "run-app", &bootstrap.RunAppAction{
			ExpandedFormation: data.Postgres,
		step("postgres-wait", "sirenia-wait", &bootstrap.SireniaWaitAction{
			Service: "postgres",

	state, err := systemSteps.Run(ch, cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// set DISCOVERD_PEERS in release
UPDATE releases SET env = pg_temp.json_object_update_key(env, 'DISCOVERD_PEERS', '%s')
WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'discoverd');
`, state.StepData["discoverd"].(*bootstrap.RunAppState).Release.Env["DISCOVERD_PEERS"]))

	// make sure STATUS_KEY has the correct value in the dashboard release
UPDATE releases SET env = jsonb_set(env, '{STATUS_KEY}', (
	SELECT env->'AUTH_KEY' FROM releases
	WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'status')
WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'dashboard');

	// load data into postgres
	cmd := exec.JobUsingHost(state.Hosts[0], artifacts["postgres"], nil)
	cmd.Args = []string{"psql"}
	cmd.Env = map[string]string{
		"PGHOST":     "leader.postgres.discoverd",
		"PGUSER":     "******",
		"PGDATABASE": "postgres",
		"PGPASSWORD": data.Postgres.Release.Env["PGPASSWORD"],
	cmd.Stdin = db
	meta := bootstrap.StepMeta{ID: "restore", Action: "restore-postgres"}
	ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{StepMeta: meta, State: "start", Timestamp: time.Now().UTC()}
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "" {
	if err != nil {
		ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{
			StepMeta:  meta,
			State:     "error",
			Error:     fmt.Sprintf("error running psql restore: %s - %q", err, string(out)),
			Err:       err,
			Timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
		return err
	ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{StepMeta: meta, State: "done", Timestamp: time.Now().UTC()}

	// start controller API
	data.Controller.Processes = map[string]int{"web": 1}
	_, err = bootstrap.Manifest{
		step("controller", "run-app", &bootstrap.RunAppAction{
			ExpandedFormation: data.Controller,
	}.RunWithState(ch, state)

	// wait for controller to come up
	meta = bootstrap.StepMeta{ID: "wait-controller", Action: "wait-controller"}
	ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{StepMeta: meta, State: "start", Timestamp: time.Now().UTC()}
	controllerInstances, err := discoverd.GetInstances("controller", 30*time.Second)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error getting controller instance: %s", err)
	controllerKey := data.Controller.Release.Env["AUTH_KEY"]
	client, err := controller.NewClient("http://"+controllerInstances[0].Addr, controllerKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// start mariadb and load data if it was present in the backup.
	mysqldb, err := getFile("mysql.sql.gz")
	if err == nil && data.MariaDB != nil {
		_, err = bootstrap.Manifest{
			step("mariadb", "run-app", &bootstrap.RunAppAction{
				ExpandedFormation: data.MariaDB,
			step("mariadb-wait", "sirenia-wait", &bootstrap.SireniaWaitAction{
				Service: "mariadb",
		}.RunWithState(ch, state)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// ensure the formation is correct in the database
		if err := client.PutFormation(data.MariaDB.Formation()); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error updating mariadb formation: %s", err)

		cmd = exec.JobUsingHost(state.Hosts[0], artifacts["mariadb"], nil)
		cmd.Args = []string{"mysql", "-u", "flynn", "-h", "leader.mariadb.discoverd"}
		cmd.Env = map[string]string{
			"MYSQL_PWD": data.MariaDB.Release.Env["MYSQL_PWD"],
		cmd.Stdin = mysqldb
		meta = bootstrap.StepMeta{ID: "restore", Action: "restore-mariadb"}
		ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{StepMeta: meta, State: "start", Timestamp: time.Now().UTC()}
		out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
		if os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "" {
		if err != nil {
			ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{
				StepMeta:  meta,
				State:     "error",
				Error:     fmt.Sprintf("error running mysql restore: %s - %q", err, string(out)),
				Err:       err,
				Timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
			return err
		ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{StepMeta: meta, State: "done", Timestamp: time.Now().UTC()}

	// start mongodb and load data if it was present in the backup.
	mongodb, err := getFile("mongodb.archive.gz")
	if err == nil && data.MongoDB != nil {
		_, err = bootstrap.Manifest{
			step("mongodb", "run-app", &bootstrap.RunAppAction{
				ExpandedFormation: data.MongoDB,
			step("mongodb-wait", "sirenia-wait", &bootstrap.SireniaWaitAction{
				Service: "mongodb",
		}.RunWithState(ch, state)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// ensure the formation is correct in the database
		if err := client.PutFormation(data.MongoDB.Formation()); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error updating mongodb formation: %s", err)

		cmd = exec.JobUsingHost(state.Hosts[0], artifacts["mongodb"], nil)
		cmd.Args = []string{"mongorestore", "-h", "leader.mongodb.discoverd", "-u", "flynn", "-p", data.MongoDB.Release.Env["MONGO_PWD"], "--archive"}
		cmd.Stdin = mongodb
		meta = bootstrap.StepMeta{ID: "restore", Action: "restore-mongodb"}
		ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{StepMeta: meta, State: "start", Timestamp: time.Now().UTC()}
		out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
		if os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "" {
		if err != nil {
			ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{
				StepMeta:  meta,
				State:     "error",
				Error:     fmt.Sprintf("error running mongodb restore: %s - %q", err, string(out)),
				Err:       err,
				Timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
			return err
		ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{StepMeta: meta, State: "done", Timestamp: time.Now().UTC()}

	// get blobstore config
	blobstoreRelease, err := client.GetAppRelease("blobstore")
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error getting blobstore release: %s", err)
	blobstoreFormation, err := client.GetExpandedFormation("blobstore", blobstoreRelease.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error getting blobstore expanded formation: %s", err)
	ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{StepMeta: meta, State: "done", Timestamp: time.Now().UTC()}

	// start the blobstore
	blobstoreFormation.Artifacts = []*ct.Artifact{artifacts["blobstore"]}
	_, err = bootstrap.Manifest{
		step("blobstore", "run-app", &bootstrap.RunAppAction{
			ExpandedFormation: blobstoreFormation,
		step("blobstore-wait", "wait", &bootstrap.WaitAction{
			URL:    "http://blobstore.discoverd",
			Status: 200,
	}.RunWithState(ch, state)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// now that the controller and blobstore are up and controller
	// migrations have run (so we know artifacts have a manifest column),
	// migrate all artifacts to Flynn images
	jsonb := func(v interface{}) []byte {
		data, _ := json.Marshal(v)
		return data
	for _, step := range manifestSteps {
		artifact, ok := artifacts[step.ID]
		if !ok {

		// update current artifact in database for service
UPDATE artifacts SET uri = '%s', type = 'flynn', manifest = '%s', hashes = '%s', size = %d, layer_url_template = '%s', meta = '%s' WHERE artifact_id = (
  SELECT artifact_id FROM release_artifacts WHERE release_id = (
    SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = '%s'
);`, artifact.URI, jsonb(&artifact.RawManifest), jsonb(artifact.Hashes), artifact.Size, artifact.LayerURLTemplate, jsonb(artifact.Meta), step.ID))

	// create the slugbuilder artifact if gitreceive still references it by
	// URI (in which case there is no slugbuilder artifact in the database)
	slugBuilder := artifacts["slugbuilder-image"]
DO $$
    IF (SELECT env->>'SLUGBUILDER_IMAGE_ID' FROM releases WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'gitreceive')) IS NULL THEN
      INSERT INTO artifacts (artifact_id, type, uri, manifest, hashes, size, layer_url_template, meta) VALUES ('%s', 'flynn', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s');
    END IF;
$$;`, random.UUID(), slugBuilder.URI, jsonb(&slugBuilder.RawManifest), jsonb(slugBuilder.Hashes), slugBuilder.Size, slugBuilder.LayerURLTemplate, jsonb(slugBuilder.Meta)))

	// create the slugrunner artifact if it doesn't exist (which can be the
	// case if no apps were deployed with git push in older clusters where
	// it was created lazily)
	slugRunner := artifacts["slugrunner-image"]
DO $$
    IF (SELECT env->>'SLUGRUNNER_IMAGE_ID' FROM releases WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'gitreceive')) IS NULL THEN
      IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM artifacts WHERE uri = (SELECT env->>'SLUGRUNNER_IMAGE_URI' FROM releases WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'gitreceive'))) THEN
        INSERT INTO artifacts (artifact_id, type, uri, manifest, hashes, size, layer_url_template, meta) VALUES ('%s', 'flynn', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s');
      END IF;
    END IF;
$$;`, random.UUID(), slugRunner.URI, jsonb(&slugRunner.RawManifest), jsonb(slugRunner.Hashes), slugRunner.Size, slugRunner.LayerURLTemplate, jsonb(slugRunner.Meta)))

	// update slug artifacts currently being referenced by gitreceive
	// (which will also update all current user releases to use the
	// latest slugrunner)
	for _, name := range []string{"slugbuilder", "slugrunner"} {
		artifact := artifacts[name+"-image"]
UPDATE artifacts SET uri = '%[1]s', type = 'flynn', manifest = '%[2]s', hashes = '%[3]s', size = %[4]d, layer_url_template = '%[5]s', meta = '%[6]s'
WHERE artifact_id = (SELECT (env->>'%[7]s_IMAGE_ID')::uuid FROM releases WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'gitreceive'))
OR uri = (SELECT env->>'%[7]s_IMAGE_URI' FROM releases WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'gitreceive'));`,
			artifact.URI, jsonb(&artifact.RawManifest), jsonb(artifact.Hashes), artifact.Size, artifact.LayerURLTemplate, jsonb(artifact.Meta), strings.ToUpper(name)))

	// update the URI of redis artifacts currently being referenced by
	// the redis app (which will also update all current redis resources
	// to use the latest redis image)
	redisImage := artifacts["redis-image"]
UPDATE artifacts SET uri = '%s', type = 'flynn', manifest = '%s', hashes = '%s', size = %d, layer_url_template = '%s', meta = '%s'
WHERE artifact_id = (SELECT (env->>'REDIS_IMAGE_ID')::uuid FROM releases WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'redis'))
OR uri = (SELECT env->>'REDIS_IMAGE_URI' FROM releases WHERE release_id = (SELECT release_id FROM apps WHERE name = 'redis'));`,
		redisImage.URI, jsonb(&redisImage.RawManifest), jsonb(redisImage.Hashes), redisImage.Size, redisImage.LayerURLTemplate, jsonb(redisImage.Meta)))

	// ensure the image ID environment variables are set for legacy apps
	// which use image URI variables
	for _, name := range []string{"redis", "slugbuilder", "slugrunner"} {
UPDATE releases SET env = jsonb_set(env, '{%[1]s_IMAGE_ID}', ('"' || (SELECT artifact_id::text FROM artifacts WHERE uri = '%[2]s') || '"')::jsonb, true)
WHERE env->>'%[1]s_IMAGE_URI' IS NOT NULL;`,
			strings.ToUpper(name), artifacts[name+"-image"].URI))

	// run the above artifact migration SQL against the controller database
	cmd = exec.JobUsingHost(state.Hosts[0], artifacts["postgres"], nil)
	cmd.Args = []string{"psql", "--echo-queries"}
	cmd.Env = map[string]string{
		"PGHOST":     "leader.postgres.discoverd",
		"PGUSER":     data.Controller.Release.Env["PGUSER"],
		"PGDATABASE": data.Controller.Release.Env["PGDATABASE"],
		"PGPASSWORD": data.Controller.Release.Env["PGPASSWORD"],
	cmd.Stdin = sqlBuf
	meta = bootstrap.StepMeta{ID: "migrate-artifacts", Action: "migrate-artifacts"}
	ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{StepMeta: meta, State: "start", Timestamp: time.Now().UTC()}
	out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "" {
	if err != nil {
		ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{
			StepMeta:  meta,
			State:     "error",
			Error:     fmt.Sprintf("error migrating artifacts: %s - %q", err, string(out)),
			Err:       err,
			Timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
		return err

	// determine if there are any slugs or docker images which need to be
	// converted to Flynn images
	migrateSlugs := false
	migrateDocker := false
	artifactList, err := client.ArtifactList()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error listing artifacts: %s", err)
	for _, artifact := range artifactList {
		if artifact.Type == ct.DeprecatedArtifactTypeFile {
			migrateSlugs = true
		if artifact.Type == ct.DeprecatedArtifactTypeDocker && artifact.Meta["docker-receive.repository"] != "" {
			migrateDocker = true
		if migrateSlugs && migrateDocker {

	runMigrator := func(cmd *exec.Cmd) error {
		out, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		done := make(chan struct{})
		go func() {
			defer close(done)
			s := bufio.NewScanner(out)
			for s.Scan() {
				ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{
					StepMeta:  meta,
					State:     "info",
					StepData:  s.Text(),
					Timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
		err = cmd.Run()
		select {
		case <-done:
		case <-time.After(time.Second):
		return err

	if migrateSlugs {
		cmd = exec.JobUsingHost(state.Hosts[0], artifacts["slugbuilder-image"], nil)
		cmd.Args = []string{"/bin/slug-migrator"}
		cmd.Env = map[string]string{
			"CONTROLLER_KEY": data.Controller.Release.Env["AUTH_KEY"],
			"FLYNN_POSTGRES": data.Controller.Release.Env["FLYNN_POSTGRES"],
			"PGHOST":         "leader.postgres.discoverd",
			"PGUSER":         data.Controller.Release.Env["PGUSER"],
			"PGDATABASE":     data.Controller.Release.Env["PGDATABASE"],
			"PGPASSWORD":     data.Controller.Release.Env["PGPASSWORD"],
		if err := runMigrator(cmd); err != nil {
			ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{
				StepMeta:  meta,
				State:     "error",
				Error:     fmt.Sprintf("error migrating slugs: %s", err),
				Err:       err,
				Timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
			return err

	if migrateDocker {
		// start docker-receive
		dockerRelease, err := client.GetAppRelease("docker-receive")
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error getting docker-receive release: %s", err)
		dockerFormation, err := client.GetExpandedFormation("docker-receive", dockerRelease.ID)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error getting docker-receive expanded formation: %s", err)
		dockerFormation.Artifacts = []*ct.Artifact{artifacts["docker-receive"]}
		_, err = bootstrap.Manifest{
			step("docker-receive", "run-app", &bootstrap.RunAppAction{
				ExpandedFormation: dockerFormation,
			step("docker-receive-wait", "wait", &bootstrap.WaitAction{
				URL:    "http://docker-receive.discoverd/v2/",
				Status: 401,
		}.RunWithState(ch, state)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// run the docker image migrator
		cmd = exec.JobUsingHost(state.Hosts[0], artifacts["docker-receive"], nil)
		cmd.Args = []string{"/bin/docker-migrator"}
		cmd.Env = map[string]string{
			"CONTROLLER_KEY": data.Controller.Release.Env["AUTH_KEY"],
			"FLYNN_POSTGRES": data.Controller.Release.Env["FLYNN_POSTGRES"],
			"PGHOST":         "leader.postgres.discoverd",
			"PGUSER":         data.Controller.Release.Env["PGUSER"],
			"PGDATABASE":     data.Controller.Release.Env["PGDATABASE"],
			"PGPASSWORD":     data.Controller.Release.Env["PGPASSWORD"],
		cmd.Volumes = []*ct.VolumeReq{{Path: "/tmp", DeleteOnStop: true}}
		if err := runMigrator(cmd); err != nil {
			ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{
				StepMeta:  meta,
				State:     "error",
				Error:     fmt.Sprintf("error migrating Docker images: %s", err),
				Err:       err,
				Timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
			return err
	ch <- &bootstrap.StepInfo{StepMeta: meta, State: "done", Timestamp: time.Now().UTC()}

	// start scheduler and enable cluster monitor
	data.Controller.Processes = map[string]int{"scheduler": 1}
	// only start one scheduler instance
	schedulerProcess := data.Controller.Release.Processes["scheduler"]
	schedulerProcess.Omni = false
	data.Controller.Release.Processes["scheduler"] = schedulerProcess
	_, err = bootstrap.Manifest{
		step("controller-scheduler", "run-app", &bootstrap.RunAppAction{
			ExpandedFormation: data.Controller,
		step("status", "status-check", &bootstrap.StatusCheckAction{
			URL:     "http://status-web.discoverd",
			Timeout: 600,
		step("cluster-monitor", "cluster-monitor", &bootstrap.ClusterMonitorAction{
			Enabled: true,
	}.RunWithState(ch, state)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// mariadb and mongodb steps require the controller key
	state.StepData["controller-key"] = &bootstrap.RandomData{controllerKey}

	// deploy mariadb if it wasn't restored from the backup
	if data.MariaDB == nil {
		steps := bootstrap.Manifest{
		if _, err := steps.RunWithState(ch, state); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error deploying mariadb: %s", err)

	// deploy mongodb if it wasn't restored from the backup
	if data.MongoDB == nil {
		steps := bootstrap.Manifest{
		if _, err := steps.RunWithState(ch, state); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error deploying mongodb: %s", err)

	// deploy docker-receive if it wasn't in the backup
	if _, err := client.GetApp("docker-receive"); err == controller.ErrNotFound {
		routes, err := client.RouteList("controller")
		if len(routes) == 0 {
			err = errors.New("no routes found")
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error listing controller routes: %s", err)
		for _, r := range routes {
			if r.Domain == fmt.Sprintf("controller.%s", data.Controller.Release.Env["DEFAULT_ROUTE_DOMAIN"]) {
				state.StepData["controller-cert"] = &tlscert.Cert{
					Cert:       r.Certificate.Cert,
					PrivateKey: r.Certificate.Key,
		steps := bootstrap.Manifest{
		if _, err := steps.RunWithState(ch, state); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error deploying docker-receive: %s", err)

	return nil