コード例 #1
ファイル: binding_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func testForm(t *testing.T, withInterface bool) {
	for index, test := range formTests {
		recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
		handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { handle(test, t, index, post, errors) }
		binding := Form(BlogPost{})

		if withInterface {
			handler = func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) {
				post.Create(test, t, index)
			binding = Form(BlogPost{}, (*Modeler)(nil))

		m := martini.Classic()
		switch test.method {
		case "GET":
			m.Get(route, binding, handler)
		case "POST":
			m.Post(route, binding, handler)

		req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, nil)
		if err != nil {
		m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
コード例 #2
ファイル: binding_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func testMultipart(t *testing.T, test testCase, middleware martini.Handler, handler martini.Handler, index int) *httptest.ResponseRecorder {
	recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()

	m := martini.Classic()
	m.Post(route, middleware, handler)

	body := &bytes.Buffer{}
	writer := multipart.NewWriter(body)
	writer.WriteField("title", test.ref.Title)
	writer.WriteField("content", test.ref.Content)
	writer.WriteField("views", strconv.Itoa(test.ref.Views))
	if len(test.ref.Multiple) != 0 {
		for _, value := range test.ref.Multiple {
			writer.WriteField("multiple", strconv.Itoa(value))

	req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, body)
	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType())

	if err != nil {

	err = writer.Close()
	if err != nil {

	m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)

	return recorder
コード例 #3
ファイル: binding_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func testEmptyJson(t *testing.T) {
	for index, test := range emptyPayloadTests {
		recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
		handler := func(section BlogSection, errors Errors) { handleEmpty(test, t, index, section, errors) }
		binding := Json(BlogSection{})

		m := martini.Classic()
		switch test.method {
		case "GET":
			m.Get(route, binding, handler)
		case "POST":
			m.Post(route, binding, handler)
		case "PUT":
			m.Put(route, binding, handler)
		case "DELETE":
			m.Delete(route, binding, handler)

		req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, route, strings.NewReader(test.payload))
		if err != nil {
		m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
コード例 #4
ファイル: binding_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func testJson(t *testing.T, withInterface bool) {
	for index, test := range jsonTests {
		recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
		handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { handle(test, t, index, post, errors) }
		binding := Json(BlogPost{})

		if withInterface {
			handler = func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) {
				post.Create(test, t, index)
			binding = Bind(BlogPost{}, (*Modeler)(nil))

		m := martini.Classic()
		switch test.method {
		case "GET":
			m.Get(route, binding, handler)
		case "POST":
			m.Post(route, binding, handler)
		case "PUT":
			m.Put(route, binding, handler)
		case "DELETE":
			m.Delete(route, binding, handler)

		req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, route, strings.NewReader(test.payload))
		if err != nil {
		m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
コード例 #5
ファイル: render_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func Test_Render_NoRace(t *testing.T) {
	// This test used to fail if run with -race
	m := martini.Classic()
		Directory: "fixtures/basic",

	// routing
	m.Get("/foobar", func(r Render) {
		r.HTML(200, "hello", "world")

	done := make(chan bool)
	doreq := func() {
		res := httptest.NewRecorder()
		req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foobar", nil)

		m.ServeHTTP(res, req)

		expect(t, res.Code, 200)
		expect(t, res.Header().Get(ContentType), ContentHTML+"; charset=UTF-8")
		// ContentLength should be deferred to the ResponseWriter and not Render
		expect(t, res.Header().Get(ContentLength), "")
		expect(t, res.Body.String(), "<h1>Hello world</h1>\n")
		done <- true
	// Run two requests to check there is no race condition
	go doreq()
	go doreq()
コード例 #6
ファイル: render_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func Test_Render_Funcs(t *testing.T) {

	m := martini.Classic()
		Directory: "fixtures/custom_funcs",
		Funcs: []template.FuncMap{
				"myCustomFunc": func() string {
					return "My custom function"

	// routing
	m.Get("/foobar", func(r Render) {
		r.HTML(200, "index", "jeremy")

	res := httptest.NewRecorder()
	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foobar", nil)

	m.ServeHTTP(res, req)

	expect(t, res.Body.String(), "My custom function\n")
コード例 #7
ファイル: binding_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func TestMultipartMultipleFileForm(t *testing.T) {
	for testIdx, tc := range multifileTests {
		req := buildFormFileReq(t, &tc)
		recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
		handler := func(fup MultipleFileUpload, errors Errors) {
			// expecting everything to succeed
			if errors.Count() > 0 {
				t.Errorf("Expected no errors, got: %+v", errors)

			assertEqualField(t, "Title", testIdx, tc.title, fup.Title)
			if len(tc.documents) != len(fup.Document) {
				t.Errorf("Expected %d documents, got: %+v", len(tc.documents), fup.Document)

			for i, tcDocument := range tc.documents {
				if (fup.Document[i] == nil) != tcDocument.isNil {
					t.Errorf("Expected document.isNil: %+v, got %+v", tcDocument.isNil, fup.Document[i])

				if fup.Document[i] != nil {
					assertEqualField(t, "Filename", testIdx, tcDocument.fileName, fup.Document[i].Filename)
					uploadData := unpackFileHeaderData(fup.Document[i], t)
					assertEqualField(t, "Document Data", testIdx, tcDocument.data, uploadData)
		m := martini.Classic()
		m.Post(fileroute, MultipartForm(MultipleFileUpload{}), handler)
		m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
コード例 #8
ファイル: binding_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func TestMissingRequiredTypeForm(t *testing.T) {
	m := martini.Classic()
	m.Post("/", Bind(missingForm{}), func() {})
	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/", bytes.NewBufferString(""))
	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
	m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
	data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(recorder.Body)
	if string(data) != `{"overall":{},"fields":{"foo":"Required"}}` {
		t.Error("Incorrect repsonse for missing required form field")
コード例 #9
ファイル: binding_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func performValidationTest(data interface{}, handler func(Errors), t *testing.T) {
	recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
	m := martini.Classic()
	m.Get(route, Validate(data), handler)

	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", route, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Error("HTTP error:", err)

	m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
コード例 #10
ファイル: binding_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func TestMultipartFileForm(t *testing.T) {

	for idx, tc := range multipartformfileTests {
		req := buildFormFileReq(t, &tc)
		recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
		handler := func(fup FileUpload, errors Errors) {
			handleFile(tc, t, &fup, errors, recorder, idx)
		m := martini.Classic()
		m.Post(fileroute, MultipartForm(FileUpload{}), handler)
		m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
コード例 #11
ファイル: binding_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func TestMissingRequiredTypeJSON(t *testing.T) {
	m := martini.Classic()
	m.Post("/", Bind(missingJSON{}), func() {})
	m.Put("/", Bind(missingJSON{}), func() {})
	for _, method := range []string{"POST", "PUT"} {
		req, _ := http.NewRequest(method, "/", bytes.NewBufferString(""))
		req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
		recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
		m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
		data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(recorder.Body)
		if string(data) != `{"overall":{},"fields":{"foo":"Required"}}` {
			t.Error("Incorrect repsonse for missing required JSON field")
コード例 #12
ファイル: binding_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func testBind(t *testing.T, withInterface bool) {
	index := 0
	for test, expectStatus := range bindTests {
		m := martini.Classic()
		recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
		handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { handle(test, t, index, post, errors) }
		binding := Bind(BlogPost{})

		if withInterface {
			handler = func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) {
				post.Create(test, t, index)
			binding = Bind(BlogPost{}, (*Modeler)(nil))

		switch test.method {
		case "GET":
			m.Get(route, binding, handler)
		case "POST":
			m.Post(route, binding, handler)
		case "PUT":
			m.Put(route, binding, handler)
		case "DELETE":
			m.Delete(route, binding, handler)
		case "PATCH":
			m.Patch(route, binding, handler)

		req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, strings.NewReader(test.payload))
		req.Header.Add("Content-Type", test.contentType)

		if err != nil {
		m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)

		if recorder.Code != expectStatus {
			t.Errorf("On test case %+v, got status code %d but expected %d", test, recorder.Code, expectStatus)

コード例 #13
ファイル: render_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func Test_Render_Bad_HTML(t *testing.T) {
	m := martini.Classic()
		Directory: "fixtures/basic",

	// routing
	m.Get("/foobar", func(r Render) {
		r.HTML(200, "nope", nil)

	res := httptest.NewRecorder()
	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foobar", nil)

	m.ServeHTTP(res, req)

	expect(t, res.Code, 500)
	expect(t, res.Body.String(), "html/template: \"nope\" is undefined\n")
コード例 #14
ファイル: render_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func Test_Render_Layout(t *testing.T) {
	m := martini.Classic()
		Directory: "fixtures/basic",
		Layout:    "layout",

	// routing
	m.Get("/foobar", func(r Render) {
		r.HTML(200, "content", "jeremy")

	res := httptest.NewRecorder()
	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foobar", nil)

	m.ServeHTTP(res, req)

	expect(t, res.Body.String(), "head\n<h1>jeremy</h1>\n\nfoot\n")
コード例 #15
ファイル: render_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func Test_Render_HTML(t *testing.T) {
	m := martini.Classic()
		Directory: "fixtures/basic",

	// routing
	m.Get("/foobar", func(r Render) {
		r.HTML(200, "hello", "jeremy")

	res := httptest.NewRecorder()
	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foobar", nil)

	m.ServeHTTP(res, req)

	expect(t, res.Code, 200)
	expect(t, res.Header().Get(ContentType), ContentHTML+"; charset=UTF-8")
	expect(t, res.Body.String(), "<h1>Hello jeremy</h1>\n")
コード例 #16
ファイル: render_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func Test_Render_Charset_JSON(t *testing.T) {
	m := martini.Classic()
		Charset: "foobar",

	// routing
	m.Get("/foobar", func(r Render) {
		r.JSON(300, Greeting{"hello", "world"})

	res := httptest.NewRecorder()
	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foobar", nil)

	m.ServeHTTP(res, req)

	expect(t, res.Code, 300)
	expect(t, res.Header().Get(ContentType), ContentJSON+"; charset=foobar")
	expect(t, res.Body.String(), `{"one":"hello","two":"world"}`)
コード例 #17
ファイル: render_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func Test_Render_BinaryData(t *testing.T) {
	m := martini.Classic()
	// nothing here to configure

	// routing
	m.Get("/foobar", func(r Render) {
		r.Data(200, []byte("hello there"))

	res := httptest.NewRecorder()
	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foobar", nil)

	m.ServeHTTP(res, req)

	expect(t, res.Code, 200)
	expect(t, res.Header().Get(ContentType), ContentBinary)
	expect(t, res.Body.String(), "hello there")
コード例 #18
ファイル: render_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func Test_Render_Extensions(t *testing.T) {
	m := martini.Classic()
		Directory:  "fixtures/basic",
		Extensions: []string{".tmpl", ".html"},

	// routing
	m.Get("/foobar", func(r Render) {
		r.HTML(200, "hypertext", nil)

	res := httptest.NewRecorder()
	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foobar", nil)

	m.ServeHTTP(res, req)

	expect(t, res.Code, 200)
	expect(t, res.Header().Get(ContentType), ContentHTML+"; charset=UTF-8")
	expect(t, res.Body.String(), "Hypertext!\n")
コード例 #19
ファイル: render_test.go プロジェクト: ericcapricorn/flynn
func Test_Render_Override_Layout(t *testing.T) {
	m := martini.Classic()
		Directory: "fixtures/basic",
		Layout:    "layout",

	// routing
	m.Get("/foobar", func(r Render) {
		r.HTML(200, "content", "jeremy", HTMLOptions{
			Layout: "another_layout",

	res := httptest.NewRecorder()
	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foobar", nil)

	m.ServeHTTP(res, req)

	expect(t, res.Code, 200)
	expect(t, res.Header().Get(ContentType), ContentHTML+"; charset=UTF-8")
	expect(t, res.Body.String(), "another head\n<h1>jeremy</h1>\n\nanother foot\n")