コード例 #1
ファイル: test_deployer.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func waitForDeploymentEvents(t *c.C, stream chan *ct.DeploymentEvent, expected []*ct.DeploymentEvent) {
	debugf(t, "waiting for %d deployment events", len(expected))
	actual := make([]*ct.DeploymentEvent, 0, len(expected))
	for {
		select {
		case e, ok := <-stream:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("unexpected close of deployment event stream")
			actual = append(actual, e)
			if e.Status == "complete" || e.Status == "failed" {
				debugf(t, "got deployment event: %s", e.Status)
				break loop
			debugf(t, "got deployment event: %s %s", e.JobType, e.JobState)
		case <-time.After(60 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for deployment event")
	compare := func(t *c.C, i *ct.DeploymentEvent, j *ct.DeploymentEvent) {
		t.Assert(i.ReleaseID, c.Equals, j.ReleaseID)
		t.Assert(i.JobType, c.Equals, j.JobType)
		t.Assert(i.JobState, c.Equals, j.JobState)
		t.Assert(i.Status, c.Equals, j.Status)
		t.Assert(i.Error, c.Equals, j.Error)

	for i, e := range expected {
		compare(t, actual[i], e)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_host.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *HostSuite) TestAttachFinishedInteractiveJob(t *c.C) {
	cluster := s.clusterClient(t)

	// run a quick interactive job
	cmd := exec.CommandUsingCluster(cluster, exec.DockerImage(imageURIs["test-apps"]), "/bin/true")
	cmd.TTY = true
	runErr := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		runErr <- cmd.Run()
	select {
	case err := <-runErr:
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("timed out waiting for interactive job")

	h, err := cluster.Host(cmd.HostID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// Getting the logs for the job should fail, as it has none because it was
	// interactive
	attachErr := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		_, err = h.Attach(&host.AttachReq{JobID: cmd.Job.ID, Flags: host.AttachFlagLogs}, false)
		attachErr <- err
	select {
	case err := <-attachErr:
		t.Assert(err, c.NotNil)
	case <-time.After(time.Second):
		t.Error("timed out waiting for attach")
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_scheduler.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *SchedulerSuite) TestTCPApp(t *c.C) {
	app, _ := s.createApp(t)

	t.Assert(flynn(t, "/", "-a", app.Name, "scale", "echoer=1"), Succeeds)

	newRoute := flynn(t, "/", "-a", app.Name, "route", "add", "tcp", "-s", "echo-service")
	t.Assert(newRoute, Succeeds)
	t.Assert(newRoute.Output, Matches, `.+ on port \d+`)
	str := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(newRoute.Output)), " ")
	port := str[len(str)-1]

	// use Attempts to give the processes time to start
	if err := Attempts.Run(func() error {
		servAddr := routerIP + ":" + port
		conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", servAddr)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer conn.Close()
		msg := []byte("hello there!\n")
		_, err = conn.Write(msg)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		reply := make([]byte, len(msg))
		_, err = conn.Read(reply)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		t.Assert(reply, c.DeepEquals, msg)
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_host.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *HostSuite) TestResourceLimits(t *c.C) {
	cmd := exec.JobUsingCluster(
			Config:    host.ContainerConfig{Args: []string{"sh", "-c", resourceCmd}},
			Resources: testResources(),
	var out bytes.Buffer
	cmd.Stdout = &out

	runErr := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		runErr <- cmd.Run()
	select {
	case err := <-runErr:
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("timed out waiting for resource limits job")

	assertResourceLimits(t, out.String())
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_host.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *HostSuite) TestDevStdout(t *c.C) {
	cmd := exec.CommandUsingCluster(
		s.createArtifact(t, "test-apps"),
	cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(`
echo foo > /dev/stdout
echo bar > /dev/stderr
echo "SUBSHELL: $(echo baz > /dev/stdout)"
echo "SUBSHELL: $(echo qux 2>&1 > /dev/stderr)" >&2`)
	var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
	cmd.Stdout = &stdout
	cmd.Stderr = &stderr

	runErr := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		runErr <- cmd.Run()
	select {
	case err := <-runErr:
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("timed out waiting for /dev/stdout job")

	t.Assert(stdout.String(), c.Equals, "foo\nSUBSHELL: baz\n")
	t.Assert(stderr.String(), c.Equals, "bar\nSUBSHELL: qux\n")
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_deployer.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *DeployerSuite) waitForJobEvents(t *c.C, jobType string, events chan *ct.Job, expected []*ct.Job) {
	debugf(t, "waiting for %d job events", len(expected))
	actual := make([]*ct.Job, 0, len(expected))
	for {
		select {
		case e, ok := <-events:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("unexpected close of job event stream")
			// only track up and down events as we can't always
			// predict the order of pending / starting / stopping
			// events when scaling multiple jobs
			if e.State != ct.JobStateUp && e.State != ct.JobStateDown {
			actual = append(actual, e)
			if len(actual) == len(expected) {
				break loop
		case <-time.After(60 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for job events")
	for i, event := range expected {
		t.Assert(actual[i].ReleaseID, c.Equals, event.ReleaseID)
		t.Assert(actual[i].State, c.Equals, event.State)
		t.Assert(actual[i].Type, c.Equals, jobType)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_host.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *HostSuite) TestVolumeDeleteOnStop(t *c.C) {
	hosts, err := s.clusterClient(t).Hosts()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(hosts, c.Not(c.HasLen), 0)
	h := hosts[0]

	// stream job events so we can wait for cleanup events
	events := make(chan *host.Event)
	stream, err := h.StreamEvents("all", events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()
	waitCleanup := func(jobID string) {
		timeout := time.After(30 * time.Second)
		for {
			select {
			case event := <-events:
				if event.JobID == jobID && event.Event == host.JobEventCleanup {
			case <-timeout:
				t.Fatal("timed out waiting for cleanup event")

	for _, deleteOnStop := range []bool{true, false} {
		job := &host.Job{
			Config: host.ContainerConfig{
				Args:       []string{"sh", "-c", "ls -d /foo"},
				DisableLog: true,

		// provision a volume
		req := &ct.VolumeReq{Path: "/foo", DeleteOnStop: deleteOnStop}
		vol, err := utils.ProvisionVolume(req, h, job)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		defer h.DestroyVolume(vol.ID)

		// run the job
		cmd := exec.JobUsingCluster(s.clusterClient(t), s.createArtifact(t, "test-apps"), job)
		cmd.HostID = h.ID()
		out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		t.Assert(string(out), c.Equals, "/foo\n")

		// wait for a cleanup event

		// check if the volume was deleted or not
		vol, err = h.GetVolume(vol.ID)
		if deleteOnStop {
			t.Assert(hh.IsObjectNotFoundError(err), c.Equals, true)
		} else {
			t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_git_deploy.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *GitDeploySuite) TestCancel(t *c.C) {
	r := s.newGitRepo(t, "cancel-hang")
	t.Assert(r.flynn("create", "cancel-hang"), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(r.flynn("env", "set", "FOO=bar", "BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/kr/heroku-buildpack-inline"), Succeeds)

	// start watching for slugbuilder events
	watcher, err := s.controllerClient(t).WatchJobEvents("cancel-hang", "")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// start push
	cmd := exec.Command("git", "push", "flynn", "master")
	// put the command in its own process group (to emulate the way shells handle Ctrl-C)
	cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{Setpgid: true}
	cmd.Dir = r.dir
	var stdout io.Reader
	stdout, _ = cmd.StdoutPipe()
	cmd.Stderr = cmd.Stdout
	out := &bytes.Buffer{}
	stdout = io.TeeReader(stdout, out)
	err = cmd.Start()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	done := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		select {
		case <-done:
		case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("git push timed out")

	// wait for sentinel
	sc := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
	found := false
	for sc.Scan() {
		if strings.Contains(sc.Text(), "hanging...") {
			found = true
	t.Assert(found, c.Equals, true)

	// send Ctrl-C to git process group
	syscall.Kill(-cmd.Process.Pid, syscall.SIGINT)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	go io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, stdout)

	// check that slugbuilder exits immediately
	err = watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"slugbuilder": {ct.JobStateUp: 1, ct.JobStateDown: 1}}, 10*time.Second, nil)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_controller.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
// TestAppEvents checks that streaming events for an app only receives events
// for that particular app.
func (s *ControllerSuite) TestAppEvents(t *c.C) {
	client := s.controllerClient(t)
	app1, release1 := s.createApp(t)
	app2, release2 := s.createApp(t)

	// stream events for app1
	events := make(chan *ct.Job)
	stream, err := client.StreamJobEvents(app1.ID, events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()

	runJob := func(appID, releaseID string) {
		rwc, err := client.RunJobAttached(appID, &ct.NewJob{
			ReleaseID:  releaseID,
			Args:       []string{"/bin/true"},
			DisableLog: true,
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// generate events for app2 and wait for them
	watcher, err := client.WatchJobEvents(app2.ID, release2.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer watcher.Close()
	runJob(app2.ID, release2.ID)
		ct.JobEvents{"": {ct.JobStateUp: 1, ct.JobStateDown: 1}},
		func(e *ct.Job) error {
			debugf(t, "got %s job event for app2", e.State)
			return nil
	), c.IsNil)

	// generate events for app1
	runJob(app1.ID, release1.ID)

	// check the stream only gets events for app1
	for {
		select {
		case e, ok := <-events:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("unexpected close of job event stream")
			t.Assert(e.AppID, c.Equals, app1.ID)
			debugf(t, "got %s job event for app1", e.State)
			if e.State == ct.JobStateDown {
		case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for job events for app1")
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_cli.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *CLISuite) TestDockerPush(t *c.C) {
	// build image with ENV and CMD
	repo := "cli-test-push"
	s.buildDockerImage(t, repo,
		`CMD ["/bin/pingserv"]`,

	// create app
	client := s.controllerClient(t)
	app := &ct.App{Name: "cli-test-docker-push"}
	t.Assert(client.CreateApp(app), c.IsNil)

	// flynn docker push image
	t.Assert(flynn(t, "/", "-a", app.Name, "docker", "push", repo), Succeeds)

	// check app was released with correct env, meta and process type
	release, err := client.GetAppRelease(app.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(release.Env["FOO"], c.Equals, "BAR")
	t.Assert(release.Meta["docker-receive"], c.Equals, "true")
	t.Assert(release.Processes, c.HasLen, 1)
	proc, ok := release.Processes["app"]
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal(`release missing "app" process type`)
	t.Assert(proc.Args, c.DeepEquals, []string{"/bin/pingserv"})

	// check updated env vars are not overwritten
	// need to remove the tag before pushing as we are using Docker 1.9
	// which does not overwrite tags.
	// TODO: remove this when upgrading Docker > 1.9
	u, err := url.Parse(s.clusterConf(t).DockerPushURL)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	tag := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s:latest", u.Host, app.Name)
	t.Assert(run(t, exec.Command("docker", "rmi", tag)), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(flynn(t, "/", "-a", app.Name, "env", "set", "FOO=BAZ"), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(flynn(t, "/", "-a", app.Name, "docker", "push", repo), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(flynn(t, "/", "-a", app.Name, "env", "get", "FOO"), Outputs, "BAZ\n")

	// check the release can be scaled up
	t.Assert(flynn(t, "/", "-a", app.Name, "scale", "app=1"), Succeeds)

	// check the job is reachable with the app's name in discoverd
	instances, err := s.discoverdClient(t).Instances(app.Name+"-web", 10*time.Second)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	res, err := hh.RetryClient.Get("http://" + instances[0].Addr)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer res.Body.Close()
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(string(body), c.Equals, "OK")
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_host.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *HostSuite) TestAddFailingJob(t *c.C) {
	// get a host and watch events
	hosts, err := s.clusterClient(t).Hosts()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(hosts, c.Not(c.HasLen), 0)
	h := hosts[0]
	jobID := random.UUID()
	events := make(chan *host.Event)
	stream, err := h.StreamEvents(jobID, events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()

	// add a job with a non existent partition
	job := &host.Job{
		ID: jobID,
		ImageArtifact: &host.Artifact{
			Type: host.ArtifactTypeDocker,
			URI:  "http://example.com?name=foo&id=bar",
		Partition: "nonexistent",
	t.Assert(h.AddJob(job), c.IsNil)

	// check we get a create then error event
	actual := make(map[string]*host.Event, 2)
	for {
		select {
		case e, ok := <-events:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatalf("job event stream closed unexpectedly: %s", stream.Err())
			if _, ok := actual[e.Event]; ok {
				t.Fatalf("unexpected event: %v", e)
			actual[e.Event] = e
			if len(actual) >= 2 {
				break loop
		case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for job event")
	t.Assert(actual[host.JobEventCreate], c.NotNil)
	e := actual[host.JobEventError]
	t.Assert(e, c.NotNil)
	t.Assert(e.Job, c.NotNil)
	t.Assert(e.Job.Error, c.NotNil)
	t.Assert(*e.Job.Error, c.Equals, `host: invalid job partition "nonexistent"`)
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_host.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *HostSuite) TestUpdateTags(t *c.C) {
	events := make(chan *discoverd.Event)
	stream, err := s.discoverdClient(t).Service("flynn-host").Watch(events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()

	nextEvent := func() *discoverd.Event {
		select {
		case e, ok := <-events:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("unexpected close of discoverd stream")
			return e
		case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for discoverd event")
		return nil

	var client *cluster.Host
	for {
		e := nextEvent()
		if e.Kind == discoverd.EventKindUp && client == nil {
			client = cluster.NewHost(e.Instance.Meta["id"], e.Instance.Addr, nil, nil)
		if e.Kind == discoverd.EventKindCurrent {
	if client == nil {
		t.Fatal("did not initialize flynn-host client")

	t.Assert(client.UpdateTags(map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}), c.IsNil)

	var meta map[string]string
	for {
		e := nextEvent()
		if e.Kind == discoverd.EventKindUpdate && e.Instance.Meta["id"] == client.ID() {
			meta = e.Instance.Meta
	t.Assert(meta["tag:foo"], c.Equals, "bar")

	// setting to empty string should delete the tag
	t.Assert(client.UpdateTags(map[string]string{"foo": ""}), c.IsNil)

	for {
		e := nextEvent()
		if e.Kind == discoverd.EventKindUpdate && e.Instance.Meta["id"] == client.ID() {
			meta = e.Instance.Meta
	if _, ok := meta["tag:foo"]; ok {
		t.Fatal("expected tag to be deleted but is still present")
コード例 #13
func (s *DockerReceiveSuite) TestPushImage(t *c.C) {
	// build a Docker image
	repo := "docker-receive-test-push"
	s.buildDockerImage(t, repo, "RUN echo foo > /foo.txt")

	// subscribe to artifact events
	client := s.controllerClient(t)
	events := make(chan *ct.Event)
	stream, err := client.StreamEvents(ct.StreamEventsOptions{
		ObjectTypes: []ct.EventType{ct.EventTypeArtifact},
	}, events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()

	// push the Docker image to docker-receive
	u, err := url.Parse(s.clusterConf(t).DockerPushURL)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	tag := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s:latest", u.Host, repo)
	t.Assert(run(t, exec.Command("docker", "tag", "--force", repo, tag)), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(run(t, exec.Command("docker", "push", tag)), Succeeds)

	// wait for an artifact to be created
	var artifact ct.Artifact
	for {
		select {
		case event, ok := <-events:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatalf("event stream closed unexpectedly: %s", stream.Err())
			t.Assert(json.Unmarshal(event.Data, &artifact), c.IsNil)
			if artifact.Meta["docker-receive.repository"] == repo {
				break loop
		case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for artifact")

	// create a release with the Docker artifact
	app := &ct.App{}
	t.Assert(client.CreateApp(app), c.IsNil)
	release := &ct.Release{ArtifactIDs: []string{artifact.ID}}
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(client.SetAppRelease(app.ID, release.ID), c.IsNil)

	// check running a job uses the image
	t.Assert(flynn(t, "/", "-a", app.ID, "run", "cat", "/foo.txt"), SuccessfulOutputContains, "foo")
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_zz_backup.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *ZZBackupSuite) TestClusterBackups(t *c.C) {
	if args.BootConfig.BackupsDir == "" {
		t.Skip("--backups-dir not set")

	backups, err := ioutil.ReadDir(args.BootConfig.BackupsDir)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	if len(backups) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("backups dir is empty")

	for i, backup := range backups {
		s.testClusterBackup(t, i, filepath.Join(args.BootConfig.BackupsDir, backup.Name()))
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_cli.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *CLISuite) TestRun(t *c.C) {
	app := s.newCliTestApp(t)
	defer app.cleanup()

	// this shouldn't be logged
	t.Assert(app.sh("echo foo"), Outputs, "foo\n")
	// drain the events
	app.waitFor(ct.JobEvents{"": {ct.JobStateUp: 1, ct.JobStateDown: 1}})

	// this should be logged due to the --enable-log flag
	t.Assert(app.flynn("run", "--enable-log", "echo", "hello"), Outputs, "hello\n")
	app.waitFor(ct.JobEvents{"": {ct.JobStateUp: 1, ct.JobStateDown: 1}})

	detached := app.flynn("run", "-d", "echo", "world")
	t.Assert(detached, Succeeds)
	t.Assert(detached, c.Not(Outputs), "world\n")

	id := strings.TrimSpace(detached.Output)
	jobID := app.waitFor(ct.JobEvents{"": {ct.JobStateUp: 1, ct.JobStateDown: 1}})
	t.Assert(jobID, c.Equals, id)
	t.Assert(app.flynn("log", "--raw-output"), Outputs, "hello\nworld\n")

	// test stdin and stderr
	streams := app.flynnCmd("run", "sh", "-c", "cat 1>&2")
	stdin, err := streams.StdinPipe()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	go func() {
		stdin.Write([]byte("goto stderr"))
	var stderr bytes.Buffer
	var stdout bytes.Buffer
	streams.Stderr = &stderr
	streams.Stdout = &stdout
	t.Assert(streams.Run(), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(stderr.String(), c.Equals, "goto stderr")
	t.Assert(stdout.String(), c.Equals, "")

	// test exit code
	exit := app.sh("exit 42")
	t.Assert(exit, c.Not(Succeeds))
	if msg, ok := exit.Err.(*exec.ExitError); ok { // there is error code
		code := msg.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus).ExitStatus()
		t.Assert(code, c.Equals, 42)
	} else {
		t.Fatal("There was no error code!")
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_host.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *HostSuite) TestSignalJob(t *c.C) {
	cluster := s.clusterClient(t)

	// pick a host to run the job on
	hosts, err := cluster.Hosts()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	client := schedutil.PickHost(hosts)

	// start a signal-service job
	cmd := exec.JobUsingCluster(cluster, exec.DockerImage(imageURIs["test-apps"]), &host.Job{
		Config: host.ContainerConfig{
			Args:       []string{"/bin/signal"},
			DisableLog: true,
	cmd.HostID = client.ID()
	var out bytes.Buffer
	cmd.Stdout = &out
	t.Assert(cmd.Start(), c.IsNil)
	_, err = s.discoverdClient(t).Instances("signal-service", 10*time.Second)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// send the job a signal
	t.Assert(client.SignalJob(cmd.Job.ID, int(syscall.SIGTERM)), c.IsNil)

	// wait for the job to exit
	done := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		done <- cmd.Wait()
	select {
	case err := <-done:
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	case <-time.After(12 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("timed out waiting for job to stop")

	// check the output
	t.Assert(out.String(), c.Equals, "got signal: terminated")
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_cli.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *CLISuite) TestLimits(t *c.C) {
	app := s.newCliTestApp(t)
	defer app.cleanup()
	t.Assert(app.flynn("limit", "set", "resources", "memory=512MB", "max_fd=12k", "cpu=2000"), Succeeds)

	release, err := s.controller.GetAppRelease(app.name)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	proc, ok := release.Processes["resources"]
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal("missing resources process type")
	r := proc.Resources
	t.Assert(*r[resource.TypeMemory].Limit, c.Equals, int64(536870912))
	t.Assert(*r[resource.TypeCPU].Limit, c.Equals, int64(2000))
	t.Assert(*r[resource.TypeMaxFD].Limit, c.Equals, int64(12000))

	cmd := app.flynn("limit", "-t", "resources")
	t.Assert(cmd, Succeeds)
	t.Assert(cmd, OutputContains, "memory=512MB")
	t.Assert(cmd, OutputContains, "cpu=2000")
	t.Assert(cmd, OutputContains, "max_fd=12000")
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_host.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *HostSuite) TestDevSHM(t *c.C) {
	cmd := exec.CommandUsingCluster(
		"sh", "-c", "df -h /dev/shm && echo foo > /dev/shm/asdf",
	var out bytes.Buffer
	cmd.Stdout = &out
	cmd.Stderr = &out

	runErr := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		runErr <- cmd.Run()
	select {
	case err := <-runErr:
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("timed out waiting for /dev/shm job")

	t.Assert(out.String(), c.Equals, "Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on\nshm                      64.0M         0     64.0M   0% /dev/shm\n")
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_host.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *HostSuite) TestDevStdout(t *c.C) {
	cmd := exec.CommandUsingCluster(
		"sh", "-c", "echo foo > /dev/stdout; echo bar > /dev/stderr",
	var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
	cmd.Stdout = &stdout
	cmd.Stderr = &stderr

	runErr := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		runErr <- cmd.Run()
	select {
	case err := <-runErr:
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("timed out waiting for /dev/stdout job")

	t.Assert(stdout.String(), c.Equals, "foo\n")
	t.Assert(stderr.String(), c.Equals, "bar\n")
コード例 #20
ファイル: helper.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (h *Helper) addHosts(t *c.C, count int, vanilla bool, service string) []*tc.Instance {
	debugf(t, "adding %d hosts", count)

	// wait for the router-api to start on the host (rather than using
	// StreamHostEvents) as we wait for router-api when removing the
	// host (so that could fail if the router-api never starts).
	events := make(chan *discoverd.Event)
	stream, err := h.discoverdClient(t).Service(service).Watch(events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()

	// wait for the current state
	for {
		select {
		case e, ok := <-events:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("event stream closed unexpectedly")
			if e.Kind == discoverd.EventKindCurrent {
				break loop
		case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for current service state")

	hosts := make([]*tc.Instance, count)
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		host, err := testCluster.AddHost(events, vanilla)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		debugf(t, "host added: %s", host.ID)
		hosts[i] = host
	return hosts
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_z_discoverd.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *ZDiscoverdSuite) TestDeploy(t *c.C) {
	// ensure we have enough hosts in the cluster
	hosts, err := s.clusterClient(t).Hosts()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	if len(hosts) <= 1 {
		t.Skip("cannot deploy discoverd in a single node cluster")

	client := s.controllerClient(t)
	app, err := client.GetApp("discoverd")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	release, err := client.GetAppRelease(app.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	release.ID = ""
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	deployment, err := client.CreateDeployment(app.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	events := make(chan *ct.DeploymentEvent)
	stream, err := client.StreamDeployment(deployment, events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()

	for {
		select {
		case event, ok := <-events:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("unexpected close of deployment event stream")
			if event.Status == "complete" {
				debugf(t, "got deployment event: %s", event.Status)
				break loop
			if event.Status == "failed" {
				t.Fatal("the deployment failed")
			debugf(t, "got deployment event: %s %s", event.JobType, event.JobState)
		case <-time.After(time.Duration(app.DeployTimeout) * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for deployment event")
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_host.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *HostSuite) TestUpdate(t *c.C) {
	dir := t.MkDir()
	flynnHost := filepath.Join(dir, "flynn-host")
	run(t, osexec.Command("cp", args.FlynnHost, flynnHost))

	// start flynn-host
	id := random.String(8)
	var out bytes.Buffer
	cmd := osexec.Command(
		"--http-port", "11113",
		"--state", filepath.Join(dir, "host-state.bolt"),
		"--id", id,
		"--backend", "mock",
		"--vol-provider", "mock",
		"--volpath", filepath.Join(dir, "volumes"),
		"--log-dir", filepath.Join(dir, "logs"),
	cmd.Stdout = &out
	cmd.Stderr = &out
	defer func() {
		debug(t, "*** flynn-host output ***")
		debug(t, out.String())
		debug(t, "*************************")
	t.Assert(cmd.Start(), c.IsNil)
	defer cmd.Process.Kill()

	httpClient := &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{Dial: dialer.Retry.Dial}}
	client := cluster.NewHost(id, "", httpClient, nil)

	// exec a program which exits straight away
	_, err := client.Update("/bin/true")
	t.Assert(err, c.NotNil)
	status, err := client.GetStatus()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(status.ID, c.Equals, id)
	t.Assert(status.PID, c.Equals, cmd.Process.Pid)

	// exec a program which reads the control socket but then exits
	_, err = client.Update("/bin/bash", "-c", "<&4; exit")
	t.Assert(err, c.NotNil)
	status, err = client.GetStatus()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(status.ID, c.Equals, id)
	t.Assert(status.PID, c.Equals, cmd.Process.Pid)

	// exec flynn-host and check we get the status from the new daemon
	pid, err := client.Update(
		"--http-port", "11113",
		"--state", filepath.Join(dir, "host-state.bolt"),
		"--id", id,
		"--backend", "mock",
		"--vol-provider", "mock",
		"--volpath", filepath.Join(dir, "volumes"),
		"--log-dir", filepath.Join(dir, "logs"),
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer syscall.Kill(pid, syscall.SIGKILL)

	done := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		syscall.Wait4(cmd.Process.Pid, nil, 0, nil)
	select {
	case <-done:
	case <-time.After(15 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("timed out waiting for flynn-host daemon to exit")

	// client.GetStatus intermittently returns io.EOF right after the update. We
	// don't currently understand why (likely due to the way the listener is
	// passed around), so for now just retry the request.
	// TODO(lmars): figure out why and remove this loop.
	delay := 100 * time.Millisecond
	for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < 10*time.Second; time.Sleep(delay) {
		status, err = client.GetStatus()
		if e, ok := err.(*url.Error); ok && strings.Contains(e.Err.Error(), "EOF") {
			debugf(t, "got io.EOF from flynn-host, trying again in %s", delay)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(status.ID, c.Equals, id)
	t.Assert(status.PID, c.Equals, pid)
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_cli.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *CLISuite) TestSlugReleaseGarbageCollection(t *c.C) {
	client := s.controllerClient(t)

	// create app with gc.max_inactive_slug_releases=3
	maxInactiveSlugReleases := 3
	app := &ct.App{Meta: map[string]string{"gc.max_inactive_slug_releases": strconv.Itoa(maxInactiveSlugReleases)}}
	t.Assert(client.CreateApp(app), c.IsNil)

	// create an image artifact
	imageArtifact := &ct.Artifact{Type: host.ArtifactTypeDocker, URI: imageURIs["test-apps"]}
	t.Assert(client.CreateArtifact(imageArtifact), c.IsNil)

	// create 5 slug artifacts
	var slug bytes.Buffer
	gz := gzip.NewWriter(&slug)
	t.Assert(tar.NewWriter(gz).Close(), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(gz.Close(), c.IsNil)
	slugs := []string{
	slugArtifacts := make([]*ct.Artifact, len(slugs))
	for i, uri := range slugs {
		req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", uri, bytes.NewReader(slug.Bytes()))
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		t.Assert(res.StatusCode, c.Equals, http.StatusOK)
		artifact := &ct.Artifact{
			Type: host.ArtifactTypeFile,
			URI:  uri,
			Meta: map[string]string{"blobstore": "true"},
		t.Assert(client.CreateArtifact(artifact), c.IsNil)
		slugArtifacts[i] = artifact

	// create 6 releases, the second being scaled up and having the
	// same slug as the third (so prevents the slug being deleted)
	releases := make([]*ct.Release, 6)
	for i, r := range []struct {
		slug   *ct.Artifact
		active bool
		{slugArtifacts[0], false},
		{slugArtifacts[1], true},
		{slugArtifacts[1], false},
		{slugArtifacts[2], false},
		{slugArtifacts[3], false},
		{slugArtifacts[4], false},
	} {
		release := &ct.Release{
			ArtifactIDs: []string{imageArtifact.ID, r.slug.ID},
			Processes: map[string]ct.ProcessType{
				"app": {Args: []string{"/bin/pingserv"}, Ports: []ct.Port{{Proto: "tcp"}}},
		t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
		procs := map[string]int{"app": 0}
		if r.active {
			procs["app"] = 1
			AppID:     app.ID,
			ReleaseID: release.ID,
			Processes: procs,
		}), c.IsNil)
		releases[i] = release

	// scale the last release so we can deploy it
	lastRelease := releases[len(releases)-1]
	watcher, err := client.WatchJobEvents(app.ID, lastRelease.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer watcher.Close()
		AppID:     app.ID,
		ReleaseID: lastRelease.ID,
		Processes: map[string]int{"app": 1},
	}), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"app": ct.JobUpEvents(1)}, scaleTimeout, nil), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(client.SetAppRelease(app.ID, lastRelease.ID), c.IsNil)

	// subscribe to garbage collection events
	gcEvents := make(chan *ct.Event)
	stream, err := client.StreamEvents(ct.StreamEventsOptions{
		AppID:       app.ID,
		ObjectTypes: []ct.EventType{ct.EventTypeAppGarbageCollection},
	}, gcEvents)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()

	// deploy a new release with the same slug as the last release
	timeoutCh := make(chan struct{})
	time.AfterFunc(5*time.Minute, func() { close(timeoutCh) })
	newRelease := *lastRelease
	newRelease.ID = ""
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(&newRelease), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(client.DeployAppRelease(app.ID, newRelease.ID, timeoutCh), c.IsNil)

	// wait for garbage collection
	select {
	case event, ok := <-gcEvents:
		if !ok {
			t.Fatalf("event stream closed unexpectedly: %s", stream.Err())
		var e ct.AppGarbageCollectionEvent
		t.Assert(json.Unmarshal(event.Data, &e), c.IsNil)
		if e.Error != "" {
			t.Fatalf("garbage collection failed: %s", e.Error)
	case <-time.After(60 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("timed out waiting for garbage collection")

	// check we have 4 distinct slug releases (so 5 in total, only 3 are
	// inactive)
	list, err := client.AppReleaseList(app.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(list, c.HasLen, maxInactiveSlugReleases+2)
	distinctSlugs := make(map[string]struct{}, len(list))
	for _, release := range list {
		files := release.FileArtifactIDs()
		t.Assert(files, c.HasLen, 1)
		distinctSlugs[files[0]] = struct{}{}
	t.Assert(distinctSlugs, c.HasLen, maxInactiveSlugReleases+1)

	// check the first and third releases got deleted, but the rest remain
	assertDeleted := func(release *ct.Release, deleted bool) {
		_, err := client.GetRelease(release.ID)
		if deleted {
			t.Assert(err, c.Equals, controller.ErrNotFound)
		} else {
			t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	assertDeleted(releases[0], true)
	assertDeleted(releases[1], false)
	assertDeleted(releases[2], true)
	assertDeleted(releases[3], false)
	assertDeleted(releases[4], false)
	assertDeleted(releases[5], false)
	assertDeleted(&newRelease, false)

	// check the first slug got deleted, but the rest remain
	s.assertURI(t, slugs[0], http.StatusNotFound)
	for i := 1; i < len(slugs); i++ {
		s.assertURI(t, slugs[i], http.StatusOK)
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_host.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *HostSuite) TestNotifyOOM(t *c.C) {
	appID := random.UUID()

	// subscribe to init log messages from the logaggregator
	client, err := logaggc.New("")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	opts := logagg.LogOpts{
		Follow:      true,
		StreamTypes: []logagg.StreamType{logagg.StreamTypeInit},
	rc, err := client.GetLog(appID, &opts)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer rc.Close()
	msgs := make(chan *logaggc.Message)
	stream := stream.New()
	defer stream.Close()
	go func() {
		defer close(msgs)
		dec := json.NewDecoder(rc)
		for {
			var msg logaggc.Message
			if err := dec.Decode(&msg); err != nil {
				stream.Error = err
			select {
			case msgs <- &msg:
			case <-stream.StopCh:

	// run the OOM job
	cmd := exec.CommandUsingCluster(
		s.createArtifact(t, "test-apps"),
	cmd.Meta = map[string]string{"flynn-controller.app": appID}
	runErr := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		runErr <- cmd.Run()

	// wait for the OOM notification
	for {
		select {
		case err := <-runErr:
			t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		case msg, ok := <-msgs:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatalf("message stream closed unexpectedly: %s", stream.Err())
			if strings.Contains(msg.Msg, "FATAL: a container process was killed due to lack of available memory") {
		case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for OOM notification")
コード例 #25
ファイル: sirenia.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func testSireniaDeploy(client controller.Client, disc *discoverd.Client, t *c.C, d *sireniaDeploy) {
	// create app
	app := &ct.App{Name: d.name, Strategy: "sirenia"}
	t.Assert(client.CreateApp(app), c.IsNil)

	// copy release from default app
	release, err := client.GetAppRelease(d.db.appName)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	release.ID = ""
	release.Env[d.db.hostKey] = fmt.Sprintf("leader.%s.discoverd", d.name)
	release.Env[d.db.serviceKey] = d.name
	procName := release.Env["SIRENIA_PROCESS"]
	proc := release.Processes[procName]
	delete(proc.Env, "SINGLETON")
	proc.Service = d.name
	release.Processes[procName] = proc
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(client.SetAppRelease(app.ID, release.ID), c.IsNil)
	oldRelease := release.ID

	// create formation
	discEvents := make(chan *discoverd.Event)
	discService := disc.Service(d.name)
	discStream, err := discService.Watch(discEvents)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer discStream.Close()
	jobEvents := make(chan *ct.Job)
	jobStream, err := client.StreamJobEvents(d.name, jobEvents)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer jobStream.Close()
		AppID:     app.ID,
		ReleaseID: release.ID,
		Processes: map[string]int{procName: d.sireniaJobs, "web": d.webJobs},
	}), c.IsNil)

	// watch cluster state changes
	type stateChange struct {
		state *state.State
		err   error
	stateCh := make(chan stateChange)
	go func() {
		for event := range discEvents {
			if event.Kind != discoverd.EventKindServiceMeta {
			var state state.State
			if err := json.Unmarshal(event.ServiceMeta.Data, &state); err != nil {
				stateCh <- stateChange{err: err}
			primary := ""
			if state.Primary != nil {
				primary = state.Primary.Addr
			sync := ""
			if state.Sync != nil {
				sync = state.Sync.Addr
			var async []string
			for _, a := range state.Async {
				async = append(async, a.Addr)
			debugf(t, "got cluster state: index=%d primary=%s sync=%s async=%s",
				event.ServiceMeta.Index, primary, sync, strings.Join(async, ","))
			stateCh <- stateChange{state: &state}

	// wait for correct cluster state and number of web processes
	var sireniaState state.State
	var webJobs int
	ready := func() bool {
		if webJobs != d.webJobs {
			return false
		if sireniaState.Primary == nil {
			return false
		if d.sireniaJobs > 1 && sireniaState.Sync == nil {
			return false
		if d.sireniaJobs > 2 && len(sireniaState.Async) != d.sireniaJobs-2 {
			return false
		return true
	for {
		if ready() {
		select {
		case s := <-stateCh:
			t.Assert(s.err, c.IsNil)
			sireniaState = *s.state
		case e, ok := <-jobEvents:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatalf("job event stream closed: %s", jobStream.Err())
			debugf(t, "got job event: %s %s %s", e.Type, e.ID, e.State)
			if e.Type == "web" && e.State == ct.JobStateUp {
		case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for formation")

	// wait for the primary to indicate downstream replication sync
	debug(t, "waiting for primary to indicate downstream replication sync")
	sireniaClient := sc.NewClient(sireniaState.Primary.Addr)
	t.Assert(sireniaClient.WaitForReplSync(sireniaState.Sync, 1*time.Minute), c.IsNil)

	// connect to the db and run any initialisation required to later test writes
	debug(t, "initialising db")
	if d.db.initDb != nil {
		d.db.initDb(t, release, d)

	// check currently writeable
	d.db.assertWriteable(t, release, d)

	// check a deploy completes with expected cluster state changes
	release.ID = ""
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	newRelease := release.ID
	deployment, err := client.CreateDeployment(app.ID, newRelease)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	deployEvents := make(chan *ct.DeploymentEvent)
	deployStream, err := client.StreamDeployment(deployment, deployEvents)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer deployStream.Close()

	// assertNextState checks that the next state received is in the remaining states
	// that were expected, so handles the fact that some states don't happen, but the
	// states that do happen are expected and in-order.
	assertNextState := func(remaining []expectedSireniaState) int {
		var state state.State
		for {
			select {
			case s := <-stateCh:
				t.Assert(s.err, c.IsNil)
				if len(s.state.Async) < d.expectedAsyncs() {
					// we shouldn't usually receive states with less asyncs than
					// expected, but they can occur as an intermediate state between
					// two expected states (e.g. when a sync does a takeover at the
					// same time as a new async is started) so just ignore them.
					debug(t, "ignoring state with too few asyncs")
				state = *s.state
				break loop
			case <-time.After(60 * time.Second):
				t.Fatal("timed out waiting for cluster state")
		if state.Primary == nil {
			t.Fatal("no primary configured")
		logf := func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
			debugf(t, "skipping expected state: %s", fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
		for i, expected := range remaining {
			if state.Primary.Meta["FLYNN_RELEASE_ID"] != expected.Primary {
				logf("primary has incorrect release")
			if state.Sync == nil {
				if expected.Sync == "" {
					return i
				logf("state has no sync node")
			if state.Sync.Meta["FLYNN_RELEASE_ID"] != expected.Sync {
				logf("sync has incorrect release")
			if state.Async == nil {
				if expected.Async == nil {
					return i
				logf("state has no async nodes")
			if len(state.Async) != len(expected.Async) {
				logf("expected %d asyncs, got %d", len(expected.Async), len(state.Async))
			for i, release := range expected.Async {
				if state.Async[i].Meta["FLYNN_RELEASE_ID"] != release {
					logf("async[%d] has incorrect release", i)
					continue outer
			return i
		t.Fatal("unexpected state")
		return -1
	expected := d.expected(oldRelease, newRelease)
	var expectedIndex, newWebJobs int
	for {
		select {
		case e, ok := <-deployEvents:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("unexpected close of deployment event stream")
			switch e.Status {
			case "complete":
				break loop
			case "failed":
				t.Fatalf("deployment failed: %s", e.Error)
			debugf(t, "got deployment event: %s %s", e.JobType, e.JobState)
			if e.JobState != ct.JobStateUp && e.JobState != ct.JobStateDown {
			if e.JobType == procName {
				// move on if we have seen all the expected events
				if expectedIndex >= len(expected) {
				skipped := assertNextState(expected[expectedIndex:])
				expectedIndex += 1 + skipped
		case e, ok := <-jobEvents:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatalf("unexpected close of job event stream: %s", jobStream.Err())
			debugf(t, "got job event: %s %s %s", e.Type, e.ID, e.State)
			if e.Type == "web" && e.State == ct.JobStateUp && e.ReleaseID == newRelease {

	// check we have the correct number of new web jobs
	t.Assert(newWebJobs, c.Equals, d.webJobs)

	// check writeable now deploy is complete
	d.db.assertWriteable(t, release, d)
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_blobstore.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *BlobstoreSuite) testBlobstoreBackend(t *c.C, name, redirectPattern string, env ...string) {
	r := s.newGitRepo(t, "http")
	t.Assert(r.flynn("create", "blobstore-backend-test-"+name), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(r.git("push", "flynn", "master"), Succeeds)

	// set default backend to external backend without printing secrets
	cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("%s -a blobstore env set %s DEFAULT_BACKEND=%s", args.CLI, strings.Join(env, " "), name))
	cmd.Env = flynnEnv(flynnrc)
	cmd.Dir = "/"
	t.Assert(cmd.Run(), c.IsNil)

	// test that downloading blob from postgres still works
	t.Assert(r.flynn("run", "echo", "1"), Succeeds)

	// get slug artifact details
	release, err := s.controllerClient(t).GetAppRelease("blobstore-backend-test-" + name)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	artifact, err := s.controllerClient(t).GetArtifact(release.ArtifactIDs[1])
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(artifact.Type, c.Equals, ct.ArtifactTypeFlynn)

	// migrate slug to external backend
	layer := artifact.Manifest().Rootfs[0].Layers[0]
	u, err := url.Parse(artifact.LayerURL(layer))
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	migration := flynn(t, "/", "-a", "blobstore", "run", "-e", "/bin/flynn-blobstore", "migrate", "--delete", "--prefix", u.Path)
	t.Assert(migration, Succeeds)
	t.Assert(migration, OutputContains, "Moving "+u.Path)
	t.Assert(migration, OutputContains, "from postgres to "+name)

	// check that slug is now stored in external backend
	noRedirectsClient := &http.Client{
		CheckRedirect: func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error { return errors.New("no redirects") },
	res, err := noRedirectsClient.Get(u.String())
	if res == nil {
	t.Assert(res.StatusCode, c.Equals, 302)
	t.Assert(res.Header.Get("Location"), c.Matches, redirectPattern)

	// test that downloading blob from external backend works
	t.Assert(r.flynn("run", "echo", "1"), Succeeds)

	// test that deploying still works
	t.Assert(r.git("commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "foo"), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(r.git("push", "flynn", "master"), Succeeds)

	// test that build caching still works

	// test that exporting the app works
	t.Assert(r.flynn("export", "--file", "/dev/null"), Succeeds)

	// change default backend back to postgres
	t.Assert(flynn(t, "/", "-a", "blobstore", "env", "set", "DEFAULT_BACKEND=postgres"), Succeeds)

	// test that downloading blob from s3 still works
	t.Assert(r.flynn("run", "echo", "1"), Succeeds)

	// test a docker push
	repo := "s3-test"
	s.buildDockerImage(t, repo, "RUN echo foo > /foo.txt")
	u, err = url.Parse(s.clusterConf(t).DockerPushURL)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	tag := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s:latest", u.Host, repo)
	t.Assert(run(t, exec.Command("docker", "tag", "--force", repo, tag)), Succeeds)
	t.Assert(run(t, exec.Command("docker", "push", tag)), Succeeds)

	// migrate blobs back to postgres
	migration = flynn(t, "/", "-a", "blobstore", "run", "-e", "/bin/flynn-blobstore", "migrate", "--delete")
	t.Assert(migration, Succeeds)
	t.Assert(migration, OutputContains, fmt.Sprintf("from %s to postgres", name))

	// test that downloading blob from postgres still works
	t.Assert(r.flynn("run", "echo", "1"), Succeeds)

	// check that all blobs are in postgres
	t.Assert(flynn(t, "/", "-a", "blobstore", "pg", "psql", "--", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("SELECT count(*) FROM files WHERE backend = '%s' AND deleted_at IS NULL", name)), OutputContains, "0")
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_cli.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *CLISuite) TestSlugReleaseGarbageCollection(t *c.C) {
	client := s.controllerClient(t)

	// create app with gc.max_inactive_slug_releases=3
	maxInactiveSlugReleases := 3
	app := &ct.App{Meta: map[string]string{"gc.max_inactive_slug_releases": strconv.Itoa(maxInactiveSlugReleases)}}
	t.Assert(client.CreateApp(app), c.IsNil)

	// create an image artifact
	imageArtifact := s.createArtifact(t, "test-apps")

	// create 5 slug artifacts
	tmp, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "squashfs-")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer os.Remove(tmp.Name())
	defer tmp.Close()
	t.Assert(exec.Command("mksquashfs", t.MkDir(), tmp.Name(), "-noappend").Run(), c.IsNil)
	slug, err := ioutil.ReadAll(tmp)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	slugHash := sha512.Sum512(slug)
	slugs := []string{
	slugArtifacts := make([]*ct.Artifact, len(slugs))
	put := func(url string, data []byte) {
		req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", url, bytes.NewReader(data))
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		t.Assert(res.StatusCode, c.Equals, http.StatusOK)
	for i, layerURL := range slugs {
		manifest := &ct.ImageManifest{
			Type: ct.ImageManifestTypeV1,
			Rootfs: []*ct.ImageRootfs{{
				Layers: []*ct.ImageLayer{{
					ID:     strconv.Itoa(i + 1),
					Type:   ct.ImageLayerTypeSquashfs,
					Length: int64(len(slug)),
					Hashes: map[string]string{"sha512": hex.EncodeToString(slugHash[:])},
		data := manifest.RawManifest()
		url := fmt.Sprintf("http://blobstore.discoverd/image/%s.json", manifest.ID())
		put(url, data)
		put(layerURL, slug)
		artifact := &ct.Artifact{
			Type:             ct.ArtifactTypeFlynn,
			URI:              url,
			Meta:             map[string]string{"blobstore": "true"},
			RawManifest:      data,
			Hashes:           manifest.Hashes(),
			Size:             int64(len(data)),
			LayerURLTemplate: "http://blobstore.discoverd/layer/{id}.squashfs",
		t.Assert(client.CreateArtifact(artifact), c.IsNil)
		slugArtifacts[i] = artifact

	// create 6 releases, the second being scaled up and having the
	// same slug as the third (so prevents the slug being deleted)
	releases := make([]*ct.Release, 6)
	for i, r := range []struct {
		slug   *ct.Artifact
		active bool
		{slugArtifacts[0], false},
		{slugArtifacts[1], true},
		{slugArtifacts[1], false},
		{slugArtifacts[2], false},
		{slugArtifacts[3], false},
		{slugArtifacts[4], false},
	} {
		release := &ct.Release{
			ArtifactIDs: []string{imageArtifact.ID, r.slug.ID},
			Processes: map[string]ct.ProcessType{
				"app": {Args: []string{"/bin/pingserv"}, Ports: []ct.Port{{Proto: "tcp"}}},
			Meta: map[string]string{"git": "true"},
		t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
		procs := map[string]int{"app": 0}
		if r.active {
			procs["app"] = 1
			AppID:     app.ID,
			ReleaseID: release.ID,
			Processes: procs,
		}), c.IsNil)
		releases[i] = release

	// scale the last release so we can deploy it
	lastRelease := releases[len(releases)-1]
	watcher, err := client.WatchJobEvents(app.ID, lastRelease.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer watcher.Close()
		AppID:     app.ID,
		ReleaseID: lastRelease.ID,
		Processes: map[string]int{"app": 1},
	}), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"app": ct.JobUpEvents(1)}, scaleTimeout, nil), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(client.SetAppRelease(app.ID, lastRelease.ID), c.IsNil)

	// subscribe to garbage collection events
	gcEvents := make(chan *ct.Event)
	stream, err := client.StreamEvents(ct.StreamEventsOptions{
		AppID:       app.ID,
		ObjectTypes: []ct.EventType{ct.EventTypeAppGarbageCollection},
	}, gcEvents)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer stream.Close()

	// deploy a new release with the same slug as the last release
	timeoutCh := make(chan struct{})
	time.AfterFunc(5*time.Minute, func() { close(timeoutCh) })
	newRelease := *lastRelease
	newRelease.ID = ""
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(&newRelease), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(client.DeployAppRelease(app.ID, newRelease.ID, timeoutCh), c.IsNil)

	// wait for garbage collection
	select {
	case event, ok := <-gcEvents:
		if !ok {
			t.Fatalf("event stream closed unexpectedly: %s", stream.Err())
		var e ct.AppGarbageCollectionEvent
		t.Assert(json.Unmarshal(event.Data, &e), c.IsNil)
		if e.Error != "" {
			t.Fatalf("garbage collection failed: %s", e.Error)
	case <-time.After(60 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("timed out waiting for garbage collection")

	// check we have 4 distinct slug releases (so 5 in total, only 3 are
	// inactive)
	list, err := client.AppReleaseList(app.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(list, c.HasLen, maxInactiveSlugReleases+2)
	distinctSlugs := make(map[string]struct{}, len(list))
	for _, release := range list {
		t.Assert(release.ArtifactIDs, c.HasLen, 2)
		distinctSlugs[release.ArtifactIDs[1]] = struct{}{}
	t.Assert(distinctSlugs, c.HasLen, maxInactiveSlugReleases+1)

	// check the first and third releases got deleted, but the rest remain
	assertDeleted := func(release *ct.Release, deleted bool) {
		_, err := client.GetRelease(release.ID)
		if deleted {
			t.Assert(err, c.Equals, controller.ErrNotFound)
		} else {
			t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	assertDeleted(releases[0], true)
	assertDeleted(releases[1], false)
	assertDeleted(releases[2], true)
	assertDeleted(releases[3], false)
	assertDeleted(releases[4], false)
	assertDeleted(releases[5], false)
	assertDeleted(&newRelease, false)

	// check the first slug got deleted, but the rest remain
	s.assertURI(t, slugs[0], http.StatusNotFound)
	for i := 1; i < len(slugs); i++ {
		s.assertURI(t, slugs[i], http.StatusOK)
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_release.go プロジェクト: imjorge/flynn
func (s *ReleaseSuite) TestReleaseImages(t *c.C) {
	if testCluster == nil {
		t.Skip("cannot boot release cluster")

	// stream script output to t.Log
	logReader, logWriter := io.Pipe()
	defer logWriter.Close()
	go func() {
		buf := bufio.NewReader(logReader)
		for {
			line, err := buf.ReadString('\n')
			if err != nil {
			debug(t, line[0:len(line)-1])

	// boot the release cluster, release components to a blobstore and output the new images.json
	releaseCluster := s.addReleaseHosts(t)
	buildHost := releaseCluster.Instances[0]
	var imagesJSON bytes.Buffer
	var script bytes.Buffer
	slugImageID := random.UUID()
	releaseScript.Execute(&script, struct{ ControllerKey, SlugImageID string }{releaseCluster.ControllerKey, slugImageID})
	t.Assert(buildHost.Run("bash -ex", &tc.Streams{Stdin: &script, Stdout: &imagesJSON, Stderr: logWriter}), c.IsNil)
	var images map[string]*ct.Artifact
	t.Assert(json.Unmarshal(imagesJSON.Bytes(), &images), c.IsNil)

	// install Flynn from the blobstore on the vanilla host
	blobstoreAddr := buildHost.IP + ":8080"
	installHost := releaseCluster.Instances[3]
	installScript.Execute(&script, map[string]string{"Blobstore": blobstoreAddr})
	var installOutput bytes.Buffer
	out := io.MultiWriter(logWriter, &installOutput)
	t.Assert(installHost.Run("sudo bash -ex", &tc.Streams{Stdin: &script, Stdout: out, Stderr: out}), c.IsNil)

	// check the flynn-host version is correct
	var hostVersion bytes.Buffer
	t.Assert(installHost.Run("flynn-host version", &tc.Streams{Stdout: &hostVersion}), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(strings.TrimSpace(hostVersion.String()), c.Equals, "v20161108.0-test")

	// check rebuilt images were downloaded
	assertInstallOutput := func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
		expected := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
		if !strings.Contains(installOutput.String(), expected) {
			t.Fatalf(`expected install to output %q`, expected)
	for name, image := range images {
		assertInstallOutput("pulling %s image", name)
		for _, layer := range image.Manifest().Rootfs[0].Layers {
			assertInstallOutput("pulling %s layer %s", name, layer.ID)

	// installing on an instance with Flynn running should fail
	installScript.Execute(&script, map[string]string{"Blobstore": blobstoreAddr})
	err := buildHost.Run("sudo bash -ex", &tc.Streams{Stdin: &script, Stdout: out, Stderr: out})
	if err == nil || !strings.Contains(installOutput.String(), "ERROR: Flynn is already installed.") {
		t.Fatal("expected Flynn install to fail but it didn't")

	// create a controller client for the release cluster
	pin, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(releaseCluster.ControllerPin)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	client, err := controller.NewClientWithConfig(
		controller.Config{Pin: pin, Domain: releaseCluster.ControllerDomain},
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// deploy a slug based app + Redis resource
	slugApp := &ct.App{}
	t.Assert(client.CreateApp(slugApp), c.IsNil)
	gitreceive, err := client.GetAppRelease("gitreceive")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	imageArtifact, err := client.GetArtifact(gitreceive.Env["SLUGRUNNER_IMAGE_ID"])
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	slugArtifact, err := client.GetArtifact(slugImageID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	resource, err := client.ProvisionResource(&ct.ResourceReq{ProviderID: "redis", Apps: []string{slugApp.ID}})
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	release := &ct.Release{
		ArtifactIDs: []string{imageArtifact.ID, slugArtifact.ID},
		Processes:   map[string]ct.ProcessType{"web": {Args: []string{"/runner/init", "bin/http"}}},
		Meta:        map[string]string{"git": "true"},
		Env:         resource.Env,
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(client.SetAppRelease(slugApp.ID, release.ID), c.IsNil)
	watcher, err := client.WatchJobEvents(slugApp.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer watcher.Close()
		AppID:     slugApp.ID,
		ReleaseID: release.ID,
		Processes: map[string]int{"web": 1},
	}), c.IsNil)
	err = watcher.WaitFor(ct.JobEvents{"web": {ct.JobStateUp: 1}}, scaleTimeout, nil)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// run a cluster update from the blobstore
	updateHost := releaseCluster.Instances[1]
	updateScript.Execute(&script, map[string]string{"Blobstore": blobstoreAddr, "Discoverd": updateHost.IP + ":1111"})
	var updateOutput bytes.Buffer
	out = io.MultiWriter(logWriter, &updateOutput)
	t.Assert(updateHost.Run("bash -ex", &tc.Streams{Stdin: &script, Stdout: out, Stderr: out}), c.IsNil)

	// check rebuilt images were downloaded
	for name := range images {
		for _, host := range releaseCluster.Instances[0:2] {
			expected := fmt.Sprintf(`"pulling %s image" host=%s`, name, host.ID)
			if !strings.Contains(updateOutput.String(), expected) {
				t.Fatalf(`expected update to download %s on host %s`, name, host.ID)

	assertImage := func(uri, image string) {
		t.Assert(uri, c.Equals, images[image].URI)

	// check system apps were deployed correctly
	for _, app := range updater.SystemApps {
		if app.ImageOnly {
			continue // we don't deploy ImageOnly updates
		debugf(t, "checking new %s release is using image %s", app.Name, images[app.Name].URI)
		expected := fmt.Sprintf(`"finished deploy of system app" name=%s`, app.Name)
		if !strings.Contains(updateOutput.String(), expected) {
			t.Fatalf(`expected update to deploy %s`, app.Name)
		release, err := client.GetAppRelease(app.Name)
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		debugf(t, "new %s release ID: %s", app.Name, release.ID)
		artifact, err := client.GetArtifact(release.ArtifactIDs[0])
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		debugf(t, "new %s artifact: %+v", app.Name, artifact)
		assertImage(artifact.URI, app.Name)

	// check gitreceive has the correct slug env vars
	gitreceive, err = client.GetAppRelease("gitreceive")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	for _, name := range []string{"slugbuilder", "slugrunner"} {
		artifact, err := client.GetArtifact(gitreceive.Env[strings.ToUpper(name)+"_IMAGE_ID"])
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		assertImage(artifact.URI, name)

	// check slug based app was deployed correctly
	release, err = client.GetAppRelease(slugApp.Name)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	imageArtifact, err = client.GetArtifact(release.ArtifactIDs[0])
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	assertImage(imageArtifact.URI, "slugrunner")

	// check Redis app was deployed correctly
	release, err = client.GetAppRelease(resource.Env["FLYNN_REDIS"])
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	imageArtifact, err = client.GetArtifact(release.ArtifactIDs[0])
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	assertImage(imageArtifact.URI, "redis")
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_scheduler.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *SchedulerSuite) TestDeployController(t *c.C) {
	// get the current controller release
	client := s.controllerClient(t)
	app, err := client.GetApp("controller")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	release, err := client.GetAppRelease(app.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// get the current controller formation
	formation, err := client.GetFormation(app.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// create a controller deployment
	release.ID = ""
	t.Assert(client.CreateRelease(release), c.IsNil)
	deployment, err := client.CreateDeployment(app.ID, release.ID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	events := make(chan *ct.DeploymentEvent)
	eventStream, err := client.StreamDeployment(deployment, events)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer eventStream.Close()

	// wait for the deploy to complete (this doesn't wait for specific events
	// due to the fact that when the deployer deploys itself, some events will
	// not get sent)
	for {
		select {
		case e, ok := <-events:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("unexpected close of deployment event stream")
			debugf(t, "got deployment event: %s %s", e.JobType, e.JobState)
			switch e.Status {
			case "complete":
				break loop
			case "failed":
				t.Fatal("the deployment failed")
		case <-time.After(time.Duration(app.DeployTimeout) * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for the deploy to complete")

	// check the correct controller jobs are running
	hosts, err := s.clusterClient(t).Hosts()
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	t.Assert(hosts, c.Not(c.HasLen), 0)
	actual := make(map[string]map[string]int)
	for _, h := range hosts {
		jobs, err := h.ListJobs()
		t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
		for _, job := range jobs {
			if job.Status != host.StatusRunning {
			appID := job.Job.Metadata["flynn-controller.app"]
			if appID != app.ID {
			releaseID := job.Job.Metadata["flynn-controller.release"]
			if _, ok := actual[releaseID]; !ok {
				actual[releaseID] = make(map[string]int)
			typ := job.Job.Metadata["flynn-controller.type"]
	expected := map[string]map[string]int{release.ID: {
		"web":       formation.Processes["web"],
		"worker":    formation.Processes["worker"],
		"scheduler": len(hosts),
	t.Assert(actual, c.DeepEquals, expected)
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_host_update.go プロジェクト: ably-forks/flynn
func (s *HostUpdateSuite) TestUpdateLogs(t *c.C) {
	if testCluster == nil {
		t.Skip("cannot boot new hosts")

	instance := s.addHost(t, "router-api")
	defer s.removeHost(t, instance, "router-api")
	httpClient := &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{Dial: dialer.Retry.Dial}}
	client := cluster.NewHost(instance.ID, fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:1113", instance.IP), httpClient, nil)

	// start partial logger job
	cmd := exec.JobUsingHost(
			Config: host.ContainerConfig{Args: []string{"/bin/partial-logger"}},
			Metadata: map[string]string{
				"flynn-controller.app": "partial-logger",
	t.Assert(cmd.Start(), c.IsNil)
	defer cmd.Kill()

	// wait for partial line
	_, err := s.discoverdClient(t).Instances("partial-logger", 10*time.Second)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)

	// update flynn-host
	pid, err := client.Update("/usr/local/bin/flynn-host", "daemon", "--id", cmd.HostID)
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	// update the pid file so removeHost works
	t.Assert(instance.Run(fmt.Sprintf("echo -n %d | sudo tee /var/run/flynn-host.pid", pid), nil), c.IsNil)

	// stream the log from the logaggregator
	logc, err := logaggc.New("")
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	log, err := logc.GetLog("partial-logger", &logaggc.LogOpts{Follow: true})
	t.Assert(err, c.IsNil)
	defer log.Close()
	msgs := make(chan *logaggc.Message)
	go func() {
		defer close(msgs)
		dec := json.NewDecoder(log)
		for {
			var msg logaggc.Message
			if err := dec.Decode(&msg); err != nil {
				debugf(t, "error decoding message: %s", err)
			msgs <- &msg

	// finish logging
	t.Assert(client.SignalJob(cmd.Job.ID, int(syscall.SIGUSR1)), c.IsNil)

	// check we get a single log line
	for {
		select {
		case msg, ok := <-msgs:
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("error getting log")
			if msg.Stream == "stdout" {
				t.Assert(msg.Msg, c.Equals, "hello world")
		case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
			t.Fatal("timed out waiting for log")