コード例 #1
ファイル: block.go プロジェクト: fredli74/hashbox
func ZlibCompress(src bytearray.ByteArray) (dst bytearray.ByteArray) {
	src.ReadSeek(0, bytearray.SEEK_SET)
	zw := zpool.GetWriter(&dst)
	CopyOrPanic(zw, &src)
	return dst
コード例 #2
ファイル: block.go プロジェクト: fredli74/hashbox
func ZlibUncompress(src bytearray.ByteArray) (dst bytearray.ByteArray) {
	src.ReadSeek(0, bytearray.SEEK_SET)
	zr, err := zlib.NewReader(&src)
	if err != nil {
	defer zr.Close()
	CopyOrPanic(&dst, zr)
	return dst
コード例 #3
ファイル: server_test.go プロジェクト: fredli74/hashbox
func TestClientServerHashboxBlocks(t *testing.T) {
	var err error

	conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "")
	if err != nil {

	conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(10 * time.Minute))
	client := core.NewClient(conn, "test account", core.DeepHmac(20000, append([]byte("test account"), []byte("*ACCESS*KEY*PAD*")...), core.Hash([]byte("password"))))
	defer client.Close(true)

		var data bytearray.ByteArray
		blockID := client.StoreData(core.BlockDataTypeRaw, data, nil)
		block := client.ReadBlock(blockID)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(blockID, block.BlockID) {
			t.Error("Received block has wrong ID")

		rdata, _ := block.Data.ReadSlice()
		if !bytes.Equal(rdata, []byte("HELLO!")) {
			t.Error("Block contains wrong data, expected \"HELLO!\" received \"" + string(rdata) + "\"")

		var data bytearray.ByteArray
		data.Write([]byte("Bet it all on black?"))
		blockID := client.StoreData(core.BlockDataTypeRaw, data, nil)
		block := client.ReadBlock(blockID)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(blockID, block.BlockID) {
			t.Error("Received block has wrong ID")
		rdata, _ := block.Data.ReadSlice()
		if !bytes.Equal(rdata, []byte("Bet it all on black?")) {
			t.Error("Block contains wrong data, expected \"Bet it all on black?\" received \"" + string(rdata) + "\"")
コード例 #4
ファイル: store.go プロジェクト: fredli74/hashbox
func (session *BackupSession) storeFile(path string, entry *FileEntry) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		// Panic error handling
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			// we need this because some obscure files on OSX does open but then generates "bad file descriptor" on read
			if e, ok := r.(*os.PathError); ok && e.Err == syscall.EBADF {
				err = e.Err
			} else {
				panic(r) // Any other error is not normal and should panic

	var links []core.Byte128

	chain := FileChainBlock{}

	var file *os.File
	if file, err = os.Open(path); err != nil {
		return err
	defer file.Close()

	var maxSum rollsum.Rollsum

	var fileData bytearray.ByteArray
	defer fileData.Release()

	for offset := int64(0); offset < int64(entry.FileSize); {
		Debug("storeFile(%s) offset %d", path, offset)


		var left int64 = int64(entry.FileSize) - offset
		var maxBlockSize int = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE
		if left < int64(maxBlockSize) {
			maxBlockSize = int(left)

		var blockData bytearray.ByteArray

		// Fill the fileData buffer
		core.CopyNOrPanic(&fileData, file, maxBlockSize-fileData.Len())
		fileData.ReadSeek(0, os.SEEK_CUR) // TODO: figure out why this line is here because I do not remember

		var splitPosition int = fileData.Len()
		if fileData.Len() > MIN_BLOCK_SIZE*2 { // Candidate for rolling sum split
			rollIn, rollOut := fileData, fileData // Shallow copy the file data
			rollInBase, rollOutBase := 0, 0
			rollInPos, rollOutPos := 0, 0
			rollInSlice, _ := rollIn.ReadSlice()
			rollOutSlice, _ := rollOut.ReadSlice()

			partSum := maxSum
			var maxd = uint32(0)
			for rollInPos < fileData.Len() {
				if rollInPos-rollInBase >= len(rollInSlice) { // Next slice please
					rollInBase, _ = rollIn.ReadSeek(len(rollInSlice), os.SEEK_CUR)
					rollInSlice, _ = rollIn.ReadSlice()
				if rollOutPos-rollOutBase >= len(rollOutSlice) { // Next slice please
					rollOutBase, _ = rollOut.ReadSeek(len(rollOutSlice), os.SEEK_CUR)
					rollOutSlice, _ = rollOut.ReadSlice()

				if rollInPos >= MIN_BLOCK_SIZE {

				if rollInPos >= MIN_BLOCK_SIZE {
					d := partSum.Digest()
					if d >= maxd {
						maxd = d
						splitPosition = rollInPos
						maxSum = partSum // Keep the sum so we can continue from here

		// Split an swap
		right := fileData.Split(splitPosition)
		blockData = fileData
		fileData = right

		offset += int64(blockData.Len())
		session.ReadData += int64(blockData.Len())

		// TODO: add encryption and custom compression here
		var datakey core.Byte128

		id := session.Client.StoreData(core.BlockDataTypeZlib, blockData, nil)
		links = append(links, id)
		chain.ChainBlocks = append(chain.ChainBlocks, id)
		chain.DecryptKeys = append(chain.DecryptKeys, datakey)

	if len(chain.ChainBlocks) > 1 {
		id := session.Client.StoreData(core.BlockDataTypeZlib, SerializeToByteArray(chain), links)
		entry.ContentType = ContentTypeFileChain
		entry.ContentBlockID = id

	} else {
		entry.ContentType = ContentTypeFileData
		entry.ContentBlockID = chain.ChainBlocks[0]
		entry.DecryptKey = chain.DecryptKeys[0]

	return nil
コード例 #5
ファイル: server.go プロジェクト: fredli74/hashbox
func run() int {
	bytearray.EnableAutoGC(60, 74)

	go func() {
		log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(":6060", nil))

	//defer profile.Start(&profile.Config{CPUProfile: false, MemProfile: true, ProfilePath: ".", NoShutdownHook: true}).Stop()

	/*defer func() {
		// Panic error handling
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			return 1

	var err error

	exeRoot, _ := osext.ExecutableFolder()

	var serverPort int64 = int64(DEFAULT_SERVER_IP_PORT)
	datDirectory = filepath.Join(exeRoot, "data")
	idxDirectory = filepath.Join(exeRoot, "index")

	cmd.Title = fmt.Sprintf("Hashbox Server %s", Version)
	cmd.IntOption("port", "", "<port>", "Server listening port", &serverPort, cmd.Standard)
	cmd.StringOption("data", "", "<path>", "Full path to dat files", &datDirectory, cmd.Standard)
	cmd.StringOption("index", "", "<path>", "Full path to idx and meta files", &idxDirectory, cmd.Standard)
	var loglvl int64 = int64(core.LogInfo)
	cmd.IntOption("loglevel", "", "<level>", "Set log level (0=errors, 1=warnings, 2=info, 3=debug, 4=trace", &loglvl, cmd.Hidden).OnChange(func() {
		core.LogLevel = int(loglvl)

	// Please note that datPath has not been set until we have parsed arguments, that is ok because neither of the handlers
	// start opening files on their own
	// TODO: remove datPath global and send them into handlers on creation instead
	accountHandler = NewAccountHandler()
	defer accountHandler.Close()
	storageHandler = NewStorageHandler()
	defer storageHandler.Close()

	cmd.Command("", "", func() { // Default
		serverAddr := net.TCPAddr{nil, int(serverPort), ""}

		if lock, err := lockfile.Lock(filepath.Join(datDirectory, "hashbox.lck")); err != nil {
		} else {
			defer lock.Unlock()

		var listener *net.TCPListener
		if listener, err = net.ListenTCP("tcp", &serverAddr); err != nil {
			panic(errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error listening: %v", err.Error())))
		core.Log(core.LogInfo, "%s is listening on %s", cmd.Title, listener.Addr().String())

		done = make(chan bool)
		defer close(done)

		signalchan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		defer close(signalchan)
		signal.Notify(signalchan, os.Interrupt)
		signal.Notify(signalchan, os.Kill)
		go func() {
			for s := range signalchan {
				core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Received OS signal: %v", s)
				// done <- true

		go connectionListener(listener)

		go func() {
			var lastStats string
			for { // ever
				time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
				s := core.MemoryStats()
				if s != lastStats {
					lastStats = s

		// blocking channel read
		select {
		case <-done:
		case <-accountHandler.signal:
		case <-storageHandler.signal:

		core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Hashbox Server terminating")

	// TODO: This is a temporary hack to allow creation of hashback users on the server side
	// It should be an interface to an adminsitrative tool instead
	cmd.Command("adduser", "<username> <password>", func() {
		if lock, err := lockfile.Lock(filepath.Join(datDirectory, "hashbox.lck")); err != nil {
		} else {
			defer lock.Unlock()

		if len(cmd.Args) < 4 {
			panic(errors.New("Missing argument to adduser command"))

		if (!accountHandler.SetInfo(AccountInfo{AccountName: core.String(cmd.Args[2]), AccessKey: core.GenerateAccessKey(cmd.Args[2], cmd.Args[3])})) {
			panic(errors.New("Error creating account"))
		accountNameH := core.Hash([]byte(cmd.Args[2]))
		dataEncryptionKey := core.GenerateDataEncryptionKey()
		core.Log(core.LogDebug, "DataEncryptionKey is: %x", dataEncryptionKey)
		core.EncryptDataInPlace(dataEncryptionKey[:], core.GenerateBackupKey(cmd.Args[2], cmd.Args[3]))

		var blockData bytearray.ByteArray
		block := core.NewHashboxBlock(core.BlockDataTypeRaw, blockData, nil)
		if !storageHandler.writeBlock(block) {
			panic(errors.New("Error writing key block"))
		err := accountHandler.AddDatasetState(accountNameH, core.String("\x07HASHBACK_DEK"), core.DatasetState{BlockID: block.BlockID})

		core.Log(core.LogInfo, "User added")

	var doRepair bool
	var doRebuild bool
	var skipData, skipMeta, skipIndex bool
	cmd.BoolOption("repair", "check-storage", "Repair non-fatal errors", &doRepair, cmd.Standard)
	cmd.BoolOption("rebuild", "check-storage", "Rebuild index and meta files from data", &doRebuild, cmd.Standard)
	cmd.BoolOption("skipdata", "check-storage", "Skip checking data files", &skipData, cmd.Standard)
	cmd.BoolOption("skipmeta", "check-storage", "Skip checking meta files", &skipMeta, cmd.Standard)
	cmd.BoolOption("skipindex", "check-storage", "Skip checking index files", &skipIndex, cmd.Standard)
	cmd.Command("check-storage", "", func() {
		if doRebuild {
			if len(cmd.Args) > 2 {
				panic("Start and end file arguments are not valid in combination with rebuild")
			doRepair = true

		startfile := int32(0)
		endfile := int32(-1)
		if len(cmd.Args) > 2 {
			i, err := strconv.ParseInt(cmd.Args[2], 0, 32)
			if err != nil {
			startfile = int32(i)
			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Starting from file #%d (%04x)", startfile, startfile)
		if len(cmd.Args) > 3 {
			i, err := strconv.ParseInt(cmd.Args[3], 0, 32)
			if err != nil {
			endfile = int32(i)
			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Stopping after file #%d (%04x)", endfile, endfile)

		if doRepair {
			if lock, err := lockfile.Lock(filepath.Join(datDirectory, "hashbox.lck")); err != nil {
			} else {
				defer lock.Unlock()

		start := time.Now()

		if doRebuild {
			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Removing index files")
			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Removing meta files")

		core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Checking all storage files")
		repaired, critical := storageHandler.CheckFiles(doRepair)
		if !skipData && (doRepair || critical == 0) {
			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Checking data files")
			r, c := storageHandler.CheckData(doRepair, startfile, endfile)
			repaired += r
			critical += c
		if !skipMeta && (doRepair || critical == 0) {
			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Checking meta files")

		if !skipIndex && (doRepair || critical == 0) {
			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Checking index files")

		if doRepair || critical == 0 {
			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Checking dataset transactions")
			rootlist := accountHandler.RebuildAccountFiles()

			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Checking block chain integrity")
			verified := make(map[core.Byte128]bool) // Keep track of verified blocks
			for i, r := range rootlist {
				tag := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%x", r.AccountName, r.DatasetName, r.StateID[:])
				core.Log(core.LogDebug, "CheckChain on %s", tag)
				c := storageHandler.CheckChain(r.BlockID, tag, verified)
				if c > 0 {
					accountHandler.InvalidateDatasetState(r.AccountNameH, r.DatasetName, r.StateID)
				critical += c

				p := int(i * 100 / len(rootlist))
				fmt.Printf("%d%%\r", p)

		if critical > 0 {
			core.Log(core.LogError, "Detected %d critical errors, DO NOT start the server unless everything is repaired", critical)
		if repaired > 0 {
			core.Log(core.LogWarning, "Performed %d repairs, please run again to verify repairs", repaired)
		if critical == 0 && repaired == 0 {
			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "All checks completed successfully in %.1f minutes", time.Since(start).Minutes())

	var doCompact bool
	var deadSkip int64 = 5
	var skipSweep bool
	var doForce bool
	cmd.BoolOption("compact", "gc", "Compact data files to free space", &doCompact, cmd.Standard)
	cmd.BoolOption("skipsweep", "gc", "Skip sweeping indexes", &skipSweep, cmd.Standard)
	cmd.BoolOption("force", "gc", "Ignore broken datasets and force a garbage collect", &doForce, cmd.Standard)
	cmd.IntOption("threshold", "gc", "<percentage>", "Compact minimum dead space threshold", &deadSkip, cmd.Standard)
	cmd.Command("gc", "", func() {
		if lock, err := lockfile.Lock(filepath.Join(datDirectory, "hashbox.lck")); err != nil {
		} else {
			defer lock.Unlock()

		start := time.Now()
		if !skipSweep {
			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Marking index entries")
			var roots []core.Byte128
			for _, r := range accountHandler.CollectAllRootBlocks(doForce) {
				roots = append(roots, r.BlockID)
			storageHandler.MarkIndexes(roots, true)
			core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Mark and sweep duration %.1f minutes", time.Since(start).Minutes())
		if doCompact {
			storageHandler.CompactAll(storageFileTypeMeta, int(deadSkip))
			storageHandler.CompactAll(storageFileTypeData, int(deadSkip))
		core.Log(core.LogInfo, "Garbage collection completed in %.1f minutes", time.Since(start).Minutes())

	err = cmd.Parse()


	return 0
コード例 #6
ファイル: block.go プロジェクト: fredli74/hashbox
func NewHashboxBlock(dataType byte, data bytearray.ByteArray, links []Byte128) *HashboxBlock {
	block := HashboxBlock{Links: links, DataType: dataType, Data: data, Compressed: false, CompressedSize: -1, UncompressedSize: data.Len()}
	block.BlockID = block.HashData()
	return &block