コード例 #1
func main() {
	getopt.HelpColumn = 35
	getopt.DisplayWidth = 120

	if *bOptVer {

	if *bOptHelp {

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Load System Configuration
	// --------------------------------------------------

	var syscfg config.ServerConfigType

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Setup Logging File
	// --------------------------------------------------
	// TODO
	// Need to make the directory if it does not already exist
	// To do this, we need to split the filename from the directory, we will want to only
	// take the last bit in case there is multiple directories /etc/foo/bar/stuff.log

	// Only enable logging to a file if it is turned on in the configuration file
	if syscfg.Logging.Enabled == true {
		logFile, err := os.OpenFile(syscfg.Logging.LogFileFullPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("error opening file: %v", err)
		defer logFile.Close()


	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Setup Directory Path Handlers
	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Make sure there is a directory path defined in the configuration file
	// for each service we want to listen on.

	log.Println("Starting FreeTAXII Server")
	serviceCounter := 0

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Setup Server Object for a listeners
	// --------------------------------------------------

	var taxiiServerObject taxiiserver.ServerType
	taxiiServerObject.SysConfig = &syscfg

	// TODO need to add the ability to signal this process and change the flag
	// from false to true so that it will be reloaded.
	taxiiServerObject.ReloadServices = true
	if syscfg.Logging.LogLevel >= 3 {
		log.Println("DEBUG-3: Setting reload services to true")

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Setup Discovery Server
	// --------------------------------------------------

	if syscfg.Services.Discovery != "" {
		log.Println("Starting TAXII Discovery services at:", syscfg.Services.Discovery)
		http.HandleFunc(syscfg.Services.Discovery, taxiiServerObject.DiscoveryServerHandler)

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Setup Collection Server
	// --------------------------------------------------

	if syscfg.Services.Collection != "" {
		log.Println("Starting TAXII Collection services at:", syscfg.Services.Collection)
		http.HandleFunc(syscfg.Services.Collection, taxiiServerObject.CollectionServerHandler)

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Setup Poll Server
	// --------------------------------------------------

	if syscfg.Services.Poll != "" {
		log.Println("Starting TAXII Poll services at:", syscfg.Services.Poll)
		http.HandleFunc(syscfg.Services.Poll, taxiiServerObject.PollServerHandler)

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Setup Admin Server
	// --------------------------------------------------

	if syscfg.Services.Admin != "" {
		log.Println("Starting TAXII Admin services at:", syscfg.Services.Admin)
		http.HandleFunc(syscfg.Services.Admin, taxiiServerObject.AdminServerHandler)
		//serviceCounter++  Do not count this service in the list

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Fail if no services are running
	// --------------------------------------------------

	if serviceCounter == 0 {
		log.Fatalln("No TAXII services defined")

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Listen for Incoming Connections
	// --------------------------------------------------

	// TODO - Need to verify the list address is a valid IPv4 address and port
	// combination.
	if syscfg.System.Listen != "" {
		http.ListenAndServe(syscfg.System.Listen, nil)
	} else {
		log.Fatalln("The listen directive is missing from the configuration file")

コード例 #2
func main() {
	getopt.HelpColumn = 35
	getopt.DisplayWidth = 120

	if *bOptVer {

	if *bOptHelp {

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Load Configuration File
	// --------------------------------------------------

	var syscfg config.ServerConfigType

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Setup Logging File
	// --------------------------------------------------
	// TODO
	// Need to make the directory if it does not already exist
	// To do this, we need to split the filename from the directory, we will want to only
	// take the last bit in case there is multiple directories /etc/foo/bar/stuff.log

	// Only enable logging to a file if it is turned on in the configuration file
	if syscfg.Logging.Enabled == true {
		logFile, err := os.OpenFile(syscfg.Logging.LogFileFullPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("error opening file: %v", err)
		defer logFile.Close()


	log.Println("Starting FreeTAXII Management")

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Open connection to database
	// --------------------------------------------------
	filename := syscfg.System.DbFileFullPath
	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", filename)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Unable to open file %s due to error %v", filename, err)
	defer db.Close()

	if DebugLevel >= 3 {
		log.Println("DEBUG-3: Using the following database file", filename)

	// --------------------------------------------------
	// Check for what to do
	// --------------------------------------------------
	if *bOptListCollection {
	if *bOptAddCollection {
	if *bOptDelCollection {
