func Rss(ctx *GoInk.Context) { baseUrl := model.GetSetting("site_url") article, _ := model.GetPublishArticleList(1, 20) author := model.GetUsersByRole("ADMIN")[0] articleMap := make([]map[string]string, len(article)) for i, a := range article { m := make(map[string]string) m["Title"] = a.Title m["Link"] = strings.Replace(baseUrl+a.Link(), baseUrl+"/", baseUrl, -1) m["Author"] = author.Nick str := utils.Markdown2Html(a.Content()) str = strings.Replace(str, `src="/`, `src="`+strings.TrimSuffix(baseUrl, "/")+"/", -1) str = strings.Replace(str, `href="/`, `href="`+strings.TrimSuffix(baseUrl, "/")+"/", -1) m["Desc"] = str m["Created"] = time.Unix(a.CreateTime, 0).Format(time.RFC822) articleMap[i] = m } ctx.ContentType("application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8") bytes, e := ctx.App().View().Render("rss.xml", map[string]interface{}{ "Title": model.GetSetting("site_title"), "Link": baseUrl, "Desc": model.GetSetting("site_description"), "Created": time.Unix(utils.Now(), 0).Format(time.RFC822), "Articles": articleMap, }) if e != nil { panic(e) } ctx.Body = bytes }
// CreateComment creates a comment and links it to the cid content. func CreateComment(cid int, c *Comment) { commentMaxId += Storage.TimeInc(4) c.Id = commentMaxId c.CreateTime = utils.Now() c.Status = "check" c.Cid = cid // escape content c.Content = strings.Replace(utils.Html2str(template.HTMLEscapeString(c.Content)), "\n", "<br/>", -1) // if empty url, use # instead. if c.Url == "" { c.Url = "#" } // if admin comment, must be approved. if c.IsAdmin { c.Status = "approved" } else { // if common comment, get reader status for checking status. r := c.GetReader() if r != nil { if r.Active { c.Status = "approved" } } else { CreateReader(c) } } // update comment memory data comments[c.Id] = c commentsIndex = append([]int{c.Id}, commentsIndex...) // append to content content := GetContentById(cid) content.Comments = append(content.Comments, c) go SyncContent(content) }
func Feed(context *GoInk.Context) { baseUrl := model.GetSetting("site_url") article, _ := model.GetArticleList(1, 20) feed := new(feeds.Feed) feed.Title = model.GetSetting("site_title") feed.Link = &feeds.Link{Href: baseUrl} feed.Description = model.GetSetting("site_description") author := model.GetUsersByRole("ADMIN")[0] feed.Author = &feeds.Author{author.Nick, author.Email} feed.Items = make([]*feeds.Item, 0) var create int64 if len(article) > 0 { create = article[0].EditTime } else { create = utils.Now() } feed.Created = time.Unix(create, 0) for _, a := range article { item := new(feeds.Item) item.Title = a.Title item.Link = &feeds.Link{Href: path.Join(baseUrl, a.Link())} item.Author = feed.Author item.Created = time.Unix(a.CreateTime, 0) item.Description = utils.Html2str(a.Summary()) feed.Items = append(feed.Items, item) } str, e := feed.ToRss() if e != nil { panic(e) } context.ContentType("application/rss+xml;charset=UTF-8") context.Body = []byte(str) }
// SaveContent saves changed content. // It will re-generate related indexes. func SaveContent(c *Content) { c.EditTime = utils.Now() // clean rendered cache text c.textRendered = "" generatePublishArticleIndex() go SyncContent(c) }
func CreateComment(cid int, c *Comment) { commentMaxId += Storage.TimeInc(4) c.Id = commentMaxId c.CreateTime = utils.Now() c.Status = "check" c.Cid = cid if c.Url == "" { c.Url = "#" } if c.IsAdmin { c.Status = "approved" } else { r := c.GetReader() if r != nil { if r.Active { c.Status = "approved" } } else { CreateReader(c) } } // update comment memory data comments[c.Id] = c commentsIndex = append([]int{c.Id}, commentsIndex...) // append to content content := GetContentById(cid) content.Comments = append(content.Comments, c) go SyncContent(content) }
func RecycleMessages() { for i, m := range messages { if m.CreateTime+3600*24*3 < utils.Now() { messages = messages[:i] return } } }
func CreateFile(f *File) *File { fileMaxId += Storage.TimeInc(3) f.Id = fileMaxId f.UploadTime = utils.Now() f.IsUsed = true f.Hits = 0 files = append([]*File{f}, files...) go SyncFiles() return f }
// create new token from user and context. func CreateToken(u *User, context *GoInk.Context, expire int64) *Token { t := new(Token) t.UserId = u.Id t.CreateTime = utils.Now() t.ExpireTime = t.CreateTime + expire t.Value = utils.Sha1(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%d-%d", context.Ip, context.UserAgent, t.CreateTime, t.UserId)) tokens[t.Value] = t go SyncTokens() return t }
// create new user. func CreateUser(u *User) error { if GetUserByName(u.Email) != nil { return errors.New("email-repeat") } userMaxId += Storage.TimeInc(5) u.Id = userMaxId u.CreateTime = utils.Now() u.LastLoginTime = u.CreateTime users = append(users, u) go SyncUsers() return nil }
func CreateMessage(tp string, data interface{}) *Message { m := new(Message) m.Type = tp m.Data = messageGenerator[tp](data) if m.Data == "" { println("message generator returns empty") return nil } m.CreateTime = utils.Now() m.IsRead = false messageMaxId += Storage.TimeInc(3) m.Id = messageMaxId messages = append([]*Message{m}, messages...) SyncMessages() return m }
// create new content. func CreateContent(c *Content, t string) (*Content, error) { c2 := GetContentBySlug(c.Slug) if c2 != nil { return nil, errors.New("slug-repeat") } contentMaxId += Storage.TimeInc(3) c.Id = contentMaxId c.CreateTime = utils.Now() c.EditTime = c.CreateTime c.UpdateTime = c.CreateTime c.Comments = make([]*Comment, 0) c.Type = t c.Hits = 1 contents[c.Id] = c contentsIndex[c.Type] = append([]int{c.Id}, contentsIndex[c.Type]...) go SyncContent(c) return c, nil }
func SiteMap(ctx *GoInk.Context) { baseUrl := model.GetSetting("site_url") println(baseUrl) article, _ := model.GetPublishArticleList(1, 50) navigators := model.GetNavigators() now := time.Unix(utils.Now(), 0).Format(time.RFC3339) articleMap := make([]map[string]string, len(article)) for i, a := range article { m := make(map[string]string) m["Link"] = strings.Replace(baseUrl+a.Link(), baseUrl+"/", baseUrl, -1) m["Created"] = time.Unix(a.CreateTime, 0).Format(time.RFC3339) articleMap[i] = m } navMap := make([]map[string]string, 0) for _, n := range navigators { m := make(map[string]string) if n.Link == "/" { continue } if strings.HasPrefix(n.Link, "/") { m["Link"] = strings.Replace(baseUrl+n.Link, baseUrl+"/", baseUrl, -1) } else { m["Link"] = n.Link } m["Created"] = now navMap = append(navMap, m) } ctx.ContentType("text/xml") bytes, e := ctx.App().View().Render("sitemap.xml", map[string]interface{}{ "Title": model.GetSetting("site_title"), "Link": baseUrl, "Created": now, "Articles": articleMap, "Navigators": navMap, }) if e != nil { panic(e) } ctx.Body = bytes }
func DoInstall() { // origin from decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, bytes.NewBufferString(zipBytes)) b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(decoder) ioutil.WriteFile(tmpZipFile, b, os.ModePerm) z, e := zip.Open(tmpZipFile) if e != nil { panic(e) os.Exit(1) } z.ExtractTo("") defer func() { z.Close() decoder = nil os.Remove(tmpZipFile) }() ioutil.WriteFile(installLockFile, []byte(fmt.Sprint(utils.Now())), os.ModePerm) println("install success") }
// check token is valid or expired. func (t *Token) IsValid() bool { if GetUserById(t.UserId) == nil { return false } return t.ExpireTime > utils.Now() }
func CreateFilePath(dir string, f *File) string { os.MkdirAll(dir, os.ModePerm) name := utils.DateInt64(utils.Now(), "YYYYMMDDHHmmss") name += strconv.Itoa(Storage.TimeInc(10)) + path.Ext(f.Name) return path.Join(dir, name) }
// LogErrors logs error bytes to tmp/log directory. func LogError(bytes []byte) { dir := App.Config().String("app.log_dir") file := path.Join(dir, utils.DateInt64(utils.Now(), "MMDDHHmmss.log")) ioutil.WriteFile(file, bytes, os.ModePerm) }
func writeDefaultData() { // write user u := new(User) u.Id = Storage.TimeInc(10) u.Name = "admin" u.Password = utils.Sha1("adminxxxxx") u.Nick = "管理员" u.Email = "*****@*****.**" u.Url = "" u.CreateTime = utils.Now() u.Bio = "这是站点的管理员,你可以添加一些个人介绍,支持换行不支持markdown" u.LastLoginTime = u.CreateTime u.Role = "ADMIN" Storage.Set("users", []*User{u}) // write token Storage.Set("tokens", map[string]*Token{}) // write contents a := new(Content) a.Id = Storage.TimeInc(9) a.Title = "欢迎使用 Fxh.Go" a.Slug = "welcome-fxh-go" a.Text = "如果您看到这篇文章,表示您的 blog 已经安装成功." a.Tags = []string{"Fxh.Go"} a.CreateTime = utils.Now() a.EditTime = a.CreateTime a.UpdateTime = a.CreateTime a.IsComment = true a.IsLinked = false a.AuthorId = u.Id a.Type = "article" a.Status = "publish" a.Format = "markdown" a.Template = "blog.html" a.Hits = 1 // write comments co := new(Comment) co.Author = u.Nick co.Email = u.Email co.Url = u.Url co.Content = "欢迎加入使用 Fxh.Go" co.Avatar = utils.Gravatar(co.Email, "50") co.Pid = 0 co.Ip = "" co.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.57 Safari/537.17" co.IsAdmin = true co.Id = Storage.TimeInc(7) co.CreateTime = utils.Now() co.Status = "approved" co.Cid = a.Id a.Comments = []*Comment{co} Storage.Set("content/article-"+strconv.Itoa(a.Id), a) // write pages p := new(Content) p.Id = a.Id + Storage.TimeInc(6) p.Title = "关于" p.Slug = "about-me" p.Text = "本页面由 Fxh.Go 创建, 这只是个测试页面." p.Tags = []string{} p.CreateTime = utils.Now() p.EditTime = p.CreateTime p.UpdateTime = p.UpdateTime p.IsComment = true p.IsLinked = true p.AuthorId = u.Id p.Type = "page" p.Status = "publish" p.Format = "markdown" p.Comments = make([]*Comment, 0) p.Template = "page.html" p.Hits = 1 Storage.Set("content/page-"+strconv.Itoa(p.Id), p) p2 := new(Content) p2.Id = p.Id + Storage.TimeInc(6) p2.Title = "好友" p2.Slug = "friends" p2.Text = "本页面由 Fxh.Go 创建, 这只是个测试页面." p2.Tags = []string{} p2.CreateTime = utils.Now() p2.EditTime = p2.CreateTime p2.UpdateTime = p2.UpdateTime p2.IsComment = true p2.IsLinked = true p2.AuthorId = u.Id p2.Type = "page" p2.Status = "publish" p2.Format = "markdown" p2.Comments = make([]*Comment, 0) p2.Template = "page.html" p2.Hits = 1 Storage.Set("content/page-"+strconv.Itoa(p2.Id), p2) // write new reader Storage.Set("readers", map[string]*Reader{}) // write version v := new(version) v.Name = "Fxh.Go" v.BuildTime = utils.Now() v.Version = 20140116 Storage.Set("version", v) // write settings s := map[string]string{ "site_title": "Fxh.Go", "site_sub_title": "Go开发的简单博客", "site_keywords": "Fxh.Go,Golang,Blog", "site_description": "Go语言开发的简单博客程序", "site_url": "http://localhost/", "article_size": "4", "c_footer_weibo": "#", "c_footer_github": "#", "c_footer_email": "#", "c_home_avatar": "/static/img/site.png", } Storage.Set("settings", s) // write files Storage.Set("files", []*File{}) }
func (jss *jsonStorage) TimeInc(d int) int { return int(utils.Now())%d + 1 }
func DoInstall() { ExtractBundleBytes() ioutil.WriteFile(installLockFile, []byte(fmt.Sprint(utils.Now())), os.ModePerm) println("install success") }
// save changed content. func SaveContent(c *Content) { c.EditTime = utils.Now() go SyncContent(c) }