コード例 #1
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: dark-lab/Democracy
func GenerateData(configurationFile string) {
	if configurationFile == "" {
		panic("I can't work without a configuration file")

	log.Info("Loading config")
	conf, err := config.LoadConfig(configurationFile)
	if err != nil {
	//api := GetTwitter(&conf)
	db := nutz.NewStorage(configurationFile+".db", 0600, nil)
	mygraph := Graph{Nodes: []Node{}, Links: []Link{}}
	innercount := 0
	nodecount := 0
	group := 0
	for _, account := range conf.TwitterAccounts {
		tweets := db.Get(account, "tweets")
		from := db.Get(account, "from")
		retweets := db.Get(account, "retweets")
		unique_mentions := db.Get(account, "unique_mentions")
		total_mentions := db.Get(account, "total_mentions")
		followers := db.Get(account, "followers")
		following := db.Get(account, "following")
		followers_followed := db.Get(account, "followers_followed")
		mentions_to_followed := db.Get(account, "mentions_to_followed")

		log.Info("Account: " + account)
		log.Info("from: " + string(from.Data))

		log.Info("Tweets: " + string(tweets.Data))

		log.Info("retweets: " + string(retweets.Data))
		log.Info("unique_mentions: " + string(unique_mentions.Data))

		log.Info("total_mentions: " + string(total_mentions.Data))
		log.Info("followers: " + string(followers.Data))
		log.Info("following: " + string(following.Data))
		log.Info("followers_followed: " + string(followers_followed.Data))
		log.Info("mentions_to_followed: " + string(mentions_to_followed.Data))
		myUniqueMentions := db.GetAll(account, "map_unique_mentions").DataList
		nUniqueMentions, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(unique_mentions.Data))
		nMentions_to_followed, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(mentions_to_followed.Data))
		nTweets, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(tweets.Data))
		nReTweets, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(retweets.Data))

		om := OutsideMentions(nUniqueMentions, nMentions_to_followed)
		apt := AnswerPeopleTax(nUniqueMentions, nMentions_to_followed, nTweets, nReTweets)
		if math.IsNaN(float64(om)) {
			om = float32(0.01)
		if math.IsNaN(float64(apt)) {
			apt = float32(0.01)

		//  fmt.Println("\tDemocracy tax: " + FloatToString(di))
		fmt.Println("\tOutside of circle mentions: " + FloatToString(om))
		fmt.Println("\t of answering to external people: " + FloatToString(apt))
		mygraph.Nodes = append(mygraph.Nodes, Node{Name: account, Group: group, Thickness: om, Size: apt})

		for k, v := range myUniqueMentions {

			//id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(k, 10, 64)
			//User, _ := api.GetUsersShowById(id, nil)

			//log.Info("[" + User.ScreenName + "]:" + string(v))
			// now you can put User.ScreeName in the name of the node

			weight, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(v))
			mygraph.Nodes = append(mygraph.Nodes, Node{Name: string(k), Group: group, Thickness: 0.01, Size: 0.01})

			mygraph.Links = append(mygraph.Links, Link{Source: innercount, Target: nodecount, Value: weight})
		nodecount = innercount
	fileJson, _ := json.MarshalIndent(mygraph, "", "  ")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(configurationFile+".output", fileJson, 0644)
	if err != nil {
		log.Info("WriteFileJson ERROR: " + err.Error())

コード例 #2
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: dark-lab/CitizenTopicNetwork
func GenerateData(configurationFile string) {
	if configurationFile == "" {
		panic("I can't work without a configuration file")

	log.Info("Loading config")
	conf, err := config.LoadConfig(configurationFile)
	if err != nil {
	//api := GetTwitter(&conf)
	fmt.Println(">> Exporting gathered data")
	mygraph := Graph{Nodes: []Node{}, Links: []Link{}, Mode: "static", Defaultedgetype: "undirected"}

	for _, account := range conf.TwitterAccounts {
		fmt.Println(">> Generating graph for " + account)
		mygraph = Graph{Nodes: []Node{}, Links: []Link{}, Mode: "static", Defaultedgetype: "undirected"}
		db := nutz.NewStorage(account+".db", 0600, nil)

		nodecount := 0

		myNetwork := db.GetAll(account, MATCHING_HASHTAGS).DataList
		myMatrix := make(map[string][]int)                  // this is the Matrix Hashtags/ Users ID
		myNetworkMatrix := make(map[string]map[string]int8) //so we can extract later data easily
		myMapNetwork := make(map[int]string)                //this will be used to resolve User ID of the graph <-> Twitter id
		var myCSV [][]string
		HashtagsMap := db.GetAll(account, GENERATED_HASHTAGS)
		var Hashtags []string
		Hashtags = append(Hashtags, "UserID") //First column reserved to userid

		for h, _ := range HashtagsMap.DataList {
			Hashtags = append(Hashtags, string(h))
		myCSV = append(myCSV, Hashtags)

		for k, _ := range myNetwork {
			//		ki64, _ := strconv.ParseInt(string(k), 10, 64)
			ki64 := string(k)
			//Column name is ki64
			myUserNetwork := db.GetAll(account, MATCHING_HASHTAGS, k).DataList
			var userOccurrence []string
			userOccurrence = append(userOccurrence, string(k)) //this is the userid
			for _, h := range Hashtags {
				if occurence, ok := myUserNetwork[h]; ok {
					userOccurrence = append(userOccurrence, string(occurence))
				} else {
					userOccurrence = append(userOccurrence, strconv.Itoa(0))
			myCSV = append(myCSV, userOccurrence)

			myNetworkMatrix[ki64] = make(map[string]int8)
			//fmt.Println("User ID is: " + string(k))
			if len(myUserNetwork) > conf.HashtagCutOff { //Cutting off people that just tweeted 1 hashtag

				htagsatisfied := false //cutoff var
				for h, o := range myUserNetwork {
					occur, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(o))
					//fmt.Println("Hastag: " + string(h) + " saw  " + string(o) + " times")
					if occur > conf.HashtagOccurrenceCutOff { // Cutting off people that just tweeted the hashtag once
						myMatrix[string(h)] = append(myMatrix[string(h)], nodecount) // Generating adjacient map
						htagsatisfied = true                                         //cutoff var, setting true to enable node counting
					occurrences, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(o))
					myNetworkMatrix[ki64][string(h)] = int8(occurrences) // convert the db to a map

				if htagsatisfied { //Cutting off also nodes who satisfied the cuttoff above
					myMapNetwork[nodecount] = ki64 //mapping Graph user id with Tweet user id

					mygraph.Nodes = append(mygraph.Nodes, Node{Id: nodecount, Name: string(k), Group: 1})

		fmt.Println(">> Preparing graph for " + account)
		linkscount := 0
		for hashtag, users := range myMatrix {
			for _, userid := range users {
				for _, userid2 := range users {
					if userid2 != userid {
						if int(myNetworkMatrix[myMapNetwork[userid]][hashtag]) > conf.HashtagOccurrenceCutOff {

							mygraph.Links = append(mygraph.Links, Link{Id: linkscount, Source: userid, Target: userid2, Value: float32(myNetworkMatrix[myMapNetwork[userid]][hashtag])})

		fmt.Println(">> Writing matrix to csv")
		utils.WriteCSV(myCSV, account+".csv")
		fmt.Println(">> Writing graph to json file")

		// nUniqueMentions, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(unique_mentions.Data))
		// nMentions_to_followed, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(mentions_to_followed.Data))
		// nTweets, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(tweets.Data))
		// nReTweets, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(retweets.Data))

		//mygraph.Nodes = append(mygraph.Nodes, Node{Name: account, Group: group})

		// for k, v := range myUniqueMentions {

		// 	weight, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(v))
		// 	mygraph.Nodes = append(mygraph.Nodes, Node{Name: string(k), Group: group, Thickness: 0.01, Size: 0.01})

		// 	mygraph.Links = append(mygraph.Links, Link{Source: innercount, Target: nodecount, Value: weight})
		// 	innercount++
		// }

		fileJson, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&mygraph)
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(account+".output", fileJson, 0644)
		if err != nil {
			log.Info("WriteFileJson ERROR: " + err.Error())
		out, err := xml.Marshal(mygraph)
		out = append([]byte(`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><gexf xmlns="http://www.gexf.net/1.2draft" version="1.2"> <meta lastmodifieddate="2009-03-20"> <creator>dark-lab</creator><description>Gephi file</description> </meta>`), out...)
		out = append(out, []byte(`</gexf>`)...)

		err = ioutil.WriteFile(account+".output.gexf", out, 0644)
		if err != nil {
			log.Info("WriteFileJson ERROR: " + err.Error())

コード例 #3
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: dark-lab/Democracy
func GatherData(configurationFile string) {
	if configurationFile == "" {
		panic("I can't work without a configuration file")

	log.Info("Loading config")
	conf, err := config.LoadConfig(configurationFile)
	if err != nil {

	myTweets := make(map[string]timelinesTweets)
	api := GetTwitter(&conf)

	db := nutz.NewStorage(configurationFile+".db", 0600, nil)

	retweetRegex, _ := regexp.Compile(`^RT`) // detecting retweets

	for _, account := range conf.TwitterAccounts {
		log.Info("-== Timeline for Account: %#v ==-\n", account)

		myTweets[account] = GetTimelines(api, account, conf.FetchFrom)

		log.Info("-== END TIMELINE for %#v ==-\n", account)


	log.Info("Analyzing && collecting data")

	for i := range myTweets {
		var retweets int
		var mymentions int
		var mentions struct {
			Name        string
			Indices     []int
			Screen_name string
			Id          int64
			Id_str      string
		var myUniqueMentions map[int64]int
		myUniqueMentions = make(map[int64]int)
		fmt.Println("-== Account: " + i + " ==-")
		fmt.Println("\tTweets: " + strconv.Itoa(len(myTweets[i])))

		for _, t := range myTweets[i] {
			// detecting retweets
			if retweetRegex.MatchString(t.Text) == true {
			} else {
				//detecting mentions outside retweets
				for _, mentions = range t.Entities.User_mentions {

					if t.InReplyToUserID != 0 { //we are interested only in replies

		if conf.FetchFollow == true {
			log.Info("-== GetFollowers for Account: %#v ==-\n", i)
			Followers := GetFollowers(api, i)
			log.Info("-== GetFollowing for Account: %#v ==-\n", i)
			Following := GetFollowing(api, i)
			log.Info("-== End getting Following/Followers for Account: %#v ==-\n", i)
			var Corrispective []int64
			var MentionsWithCorrispective []int64
			for _, i := range Following {
				if _, ok := myUniqueMentions[i]; ok {
					MentionsWithCorrispective = append(MentionsWithCorrispective, i)
				if utils.IntInSlice(i, Followers) == true {
					Corrispective = append(Corrispective, i)

			fmt.Println("\tFollowers: " + strconv.Itoa(len(Followers)))
			fmt.Println("\tFollowing: " + strconv.Itoa(len(Following)))
			fmt.Println("\tFollowers && Following: " + strconv.Itoa(len(Corrispective)))
			fmt.Println("\tBetween mentions, those are whom the user is following: " + strconv.Itoa(len(MentionsWithCorrispective)))

			//di := DemocracyIndex(len(myUniqueMentions), len(MentionsWithCorrispective), len(myTweets[i]), retweets)
			om := OutsideMentions(len(myUniqueMentions), len(MentionsWithCorrispective))
			apt := AnswerPeopleTax(len(myUniqueMentions), len(MentionsWithCorrispective), len(myTweets[i]), retweets)

			//	fmt.Println("\tDemocracy tax: " + FloatToString(di))
			fmt.Println("\tOutside of circle mentions: " + FloatToString(om))
			fmt.Println("\t of answering to external people: " + FloatToString(apt))

			db.Create(i, "followers", []byte(strconv.Itoa(len(Followers))))
			db.Create(i, "following", []byte(strconv.Itoa(len(Following))))
			db.Create(i, "followers_followed", []byte(strconv.Itoa(len(Corrispective))))
			db.Create(i, "mentions_to_followed", []byte(strconv.Itoa(len(MentionsWithCorrispective))))


		fmt.Println("\tof wich, there are " + strconv.Itoa(retweets) + " retweets")
		fmt.Println("\tof wich, there are " + strconv.Itoa(len(myUniqueMentions)) + " unique mentions (not in retweets)")
		fmt.Println("\tof wich, there are " + strconv.Itoa(mymentions) + " total mentions (not in retweets)")

		db.Create(i, "from", []byte(conf.Date))
		db.Create(i, "tweets", []byte(strconv.Itoa(len(myTweets[i]))))
		db.Create(i, "retweets", []byte(strconv.Itoa(retweets)))
		db.Create(i, "unique_mentions", []byte(strconv.Itoa(len(myUniqueMentions))))
		db.Create(i, "total_mentions", []byte(strconv.Itoa(mymentions)))

		for k, v := range myUniqueMentions {
			db.Create(i, strconv.FormatInt(k, 10), []byte(strconv.Itoa(v)), "map_unique_mentions")

		// Visualize example:
		// Circle size is defined by it's radius (r) : .attr("r", 5)
		// TOOlTIP: http://bl.ocks.org/Caged/6476579
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: dark-lab/CitizenTopicNetwork
func GatherDataFromAccount(crawler *TwitterCrawler, account string, timeLine timelinesTweets) {
	retweetRegex, _ := regexp.Compile(`^RT`) // detecting retweets
	log.Info(">> Depth look on " + account)

	retweets := 0
	db := nutz.NewStorage(account+".db", 0600, nil)
	fmt.Println("-== Account: " + account + " ==-")
	fmt.Println("\tTweets: " + strconv.Itoa(len(timeLine)))
	var SocialNetwork map[string]struct{}
	SocialNetwork = make(map[string]struct{})
	for _, t := range timeLine {
		// detecting hashtags
		for _, tag := range t.Entities.Hashtags {

			if tag.Text != "" {
				fmt.Println("\tFound hashtag: " + tag.Text)
				SocialNetwork[tag.Text] = struct{}{}
		if retweetRegex.MatchString(t.Text) == true {

	fmt.Println("\tRetweets " + strconv.Itoa(retweets) + " retweets")
	fmt.Println("\t" + strconv.Itoa(len(SocialNetwork)) + " hashtags")

	var memory_network map[string]map[string]int
	memory_network = make(map[string]map[string]int)

	//Cycling on hashtags
	for k, _ := range SocialNetwork {

		db.Create(account, k, []byte(""), GENERATED_HASHTAGS)
		db.Create(account, "retweets", []byte(strconv.Itoa(retweets)))

		fmt.Println("\t Searching hashtag: " + k)
		var MyTweetsNetwork searchTweets

		// not searching right before we found an hashtag
		// storing them to be UNIQUE, then in another phase searching deep further
		if crawler.configuration.Number != 0 {
			MyTweetsNetwork = crawler.SearchN("#"+k, crawler.configuration.Number, crawler.configuration.Slices)
		} else {
			MyTweetsNetwork = crawler.Search("#" + k)
		for _, tweet := range MyTweetsNetwork {
			if _, exists := memory_network[tweet.User.IdStr]; exists {
			} else {
				memory_network[tweet.User.ScreenName] = make(map[string]int)


	for user, tags := range memory_network {
		for tag, occurrence := range tags {
			db.Create(account, tag, []byte(
				strconv.Itoa(occurrence)), MATCHING_HASHTAGS, user)
