コード例 #1
ファイル: compile_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/bambam
func TestCapnpWillCompileOurOutput(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("Given a parsable golang source file with a simple struct", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then when we generate capnp code, it should compile", func() {

			in1 := `
type in1 struct {
	Str string
	N   int
    D   float64

			s1, err := ExtractFromString(in1)
			if err != nil {

			//expect1 := `struct In1 { str @0: Text; n @1: Int64; d @2: Float64; } `
			//cv.So(string(s1), cv.ShouldEqual, expect1)

			// no news on compile is good news
			_, err, x := CapnpCompileFragment(s1)
			cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil)

コード例 #2
ファイル: replicajob_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/goq
func TestReplicaJob(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("If we start a job with a replication factor of 2", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then the first job to finish should notify and cancel the other workers on that job", func() {
コード例 #3
ファイル: cfgenv_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/goq
func TestEnvCannotContainKey(t *testing.T) {
	cv.Convey("To avoid transmitting the clusterid, the Env sent to the shepard/worker cannot contain COG_ variables or the clusterid", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("The 8 GOQ env var should all be subtracted by GetNonGOQEnv(), as well as any variable that has the specified cid in it", func() {

			// *** universal test cfg setup
			skipbye := false
			cfg := NewTestConfig()
			defer cfg.ByeTestConfig(&skipbye)
			// *** end universal test setup

			e := make(map[string]string)

			e["UNTOUCHED"] = "sane"
			randomCid := RandomClusterId()
			e["SHALLNOTPASS"] = randomCid

			env2 := MapToEnv(e)

			cv.So(len(env2), cv.ShouldEqual, 11) // the 8 from cfg + UNTOUCHED and SHALLNOTPASS
			res := GetNonGOQEnv(env2, randomCid)

			cv.So(len(res), cv.ShouldEqual, 1)
			cv.So(res[0], cv.ShouldEqual, "UNTOUCHED=sane")
コード例 #4
ファイル: fetch_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/goq
func TestSubmitShutdownToLocalJobServ(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("with a local jobserv, we should be able to submit a shutdown job to the server", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("and then server go routine should shut itself down cleanly", func() {

			// *** universal test cfg setup
			skipbye := false
			cfg := NewTestConfig()
			defer cfg.ByeTestConfig(&skipbye)
			// *** end universal test setup

			cfg.JservIP = ""
			jobserv, err := NewJobServ(cfg)
			if err != nil {
			defer CleanupOutdir(cfg)

			sub, err := NewLocalSubmitter(jobserv)
			if err != nil {

			// we should get past the receive on Done when jobserv closes down:
			cv.So(true, cv.ShouldEqual, true)

コード例 #5
ファイル: struct_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func TestTextAndTextListContaintingStruct(t *testing.T) {

	zjobBytes := CapnpEncode(`(cmd = "abc", args = ["xyz"])`, "Zjob")

	cv.Convey("Given a simple struct message Zjob containing a string (cmd='abc') and a list of string (args=['xyz'])", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then the go-capnproto serialization should match the capnp c++ serialization", func() {

			seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil)
			zjob := air.NewRootZjob(seg)
			tl := seg.NewTextList(1)
			tl.Set(0, "xyz")

			buf := bytes.Buffer{}

			act := buf.Bytes()
			fmt.Printf("          actual:\n")
			ShowBytes(act, 10)

			ShowBytes(zjobBytes, 10)

			cv.So(act, cv.ShouldResemble, zjobBytes)
コード例 #6
ファイル: singleslice_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/bambam
func Test004SingleSlice(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("Given a parsable golang source file with type Vector struct { M []int }", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then we should generate translation utility methods for List(Int64) <-> []int in the capnp output", func() {

			ex0 := `
type Vector struct {
  M []int
			cv.So(ExtractString2String(ex0), ShouldContainModuloWhiteSpace, `

func Int64ListToSliceInt(p capn.Int64List) []int {
	v := make([]int, p.Len())
	for i := range v {
		v[i] = int(p.At(i))
	return v

			cv.So(ExtractString2String(ex0), ShouldContainModuloWhiteSpace, `
func SliceIntToInt64List(seg *capn.Segment, m []int) capn.Int64List {
	lst := seg.NewInt64List(len(m))
	for i := range m {
		lst.Set(i, int64(m[i]))
	return lst

コード例 #7
ファイル: boollist_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func TestBitList(t *testing.T) {
	seg, _ := zboolvec_value_FilledSegment(5, 3)
	text := CapnpDecodeSegment(seg, "", "aircraftlib/aircraft.capnp", "Z")

	expectedText := `(boolvec = [true, false, true])`

	cv.Convey("Given a go-capnproto created List(Bool) Z::boolvec with bool values [true, false, true]", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("When we decode it with capnp", func() {
			cv.Convey(fmt.Sprintf("Then we should get the expected text '%s'", expectedText), func() {
				cv.So(text, cv.ShouldEqual, expectedText)
			cv.Convey("And our data should contain Z_BOOLVEC with contents true, false, true", func() {
				z := air.ReadRootZ(seg)
				cv.So(z.Which(), cv.ShouldEqual, air.Z_BOOLVEC)

				var bitlist = z.Boolvec()
				cv.So(bitlist.Len(), cv.ShouldEqual, 3)
				cv.So(bitlist.At(0), cv.ShouldEqual, true)
				cv.So(bitlist.At(1), cv.ShouldEqual, false)
				cv.So(bitlist.At(2), cv.ShouldEqual, true)

コード例 #8
ファイル: rw3_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/bambam
func Test017WriteRead_StructPointerWithinStruct(t *testing.T) {

	tdir := NewTempDir()
	// comment the defer out to debug any rw test failures.
	defer tdir.Cleanup()

	err := exec.Command("cp", "rw3.go.txt", tdir.DirPath+"/rw3.go").Run()
	if err != nil {

	MainArgs([]string{os.Args[0], "-o", tdir.DirPath, "rw3.go.txt"})

	cv.Convey("Given bambam generated go bindings: with a struct pointer within a struct", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then we should be able to write to disk, and read back the same structure", func() {
			cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil)


			err = exec.Command("capnpc", "-ogo", "schema.capnp").Run()
			cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil)

			err = exec.Command("go", "build").Run()
			cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil)

			// run it
			err = exec.Command("./" + tdir.DirPath).Run()
			cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil)

コード例 #9
ファイル: stream_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func TestDecodeOnKnownWellPackedData(t *testing.T) {

	// length 17
	byteSliceIn := []byte{0x10, 0x5, 0x50, 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, 0x25, 0x0, 0x0, 0x11, 0x1, 0xc, 0xf, 0xd4, 0x7, 0xc, 0x7}
	fmt.Printf("len of byteSliceIn is %d\n", len(byteSliceIn))
	// annotated: byteSliceIn := []byte{tag:0x10, 0x5, tag:0x50, 0x2, 0x1, tag:0x1, 0x25, tag:0x0, 0x0, tag:0x11, 0x1, 0xc, tag:0xf, 0xd4, 0x7, 0xc, 0x7}

	// length 48
	expectedOut := []byte{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x25, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xd4, 0x7, 0xc, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}

	r := bytes.NewReader(byteSliceIn)
	actual, err := ioutil.ReadAll(capn.NewDecompressor(r))
	if err != nil {

	cv.Convey("Given a known-to-be-correctly packed 17-byte long sequence for a ZdateVector holding a single Zdate", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("When we use go-capnproto NewDecompressor", func() {
			cv.Convey("Then we should get the same unpacked bytes as capnp provides", func() {
				cv.So(len(actual), cv.ShouldResemble, len(expectedOut))
				cv.So(actual, cv.ShouldResemble, expectedOut)

コード例 #10
ファイル: create_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func TestCreationOfZData(t *testing.T) {
	const n = 20
	seg, _ := zdataFilledSegment(n)
	text := CapnpDecodeSegment(seg, "", "aircraftlib/aircraft.capnp", "Z")

	expectedText := `(zdata = (data = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\a\b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13"))`

	cv.Convey("Given a go-capnproto created Zdata DATA element with n=20", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("When we decode it with capnp", func() {
			cv.Convey(fmt.Sprintf("Then we should get the expected text '%s'", expectedText), func() {
				cv.So(text, cv.ShouldEqual, expectedText)
			cv.Convey("And our data should contain Z_ZDATA with contents 0,1,2,...,n", func() {
				z := air.ReadRootZ(seg)
				cv.So(z.Which(), cv.ShouldEqual, air.Z_ZDATA)

				var data []byte = z.Zdata().Data()
				cv.So(len(data), cv.ShouldEqual, n)
				for i := range data {
					cv.So(data[i], cv.ShouldEqual, i)


コード例 #11
ファイル: web_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/goq
func TestWebGoesUpAndDown(t *testing.T) {

	// *** universal test cfg setup
	skipbye := false
	cfg := NewTestConfig() // bumps cfg.TestportBump so cfg.GetWebPort() is different in test.
	defer cfg.ByeTestConfig(&skipbye)
	// *** end universal test setup

	s := NewWebServer()
	cv.Convey("NewWebServer() should bring up a debug web-server", t, func() {
		cv.So(PortIsBound(s.Addr), cv.ShouldEqual, true)
		by, err := FetchUrl("http://" + s.Addr + "/debug/pprof")
		cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil)
		//fmt.Printf("by:'%s'\n", string(by))
		cv.So(strings.HasPrefix(string(by), `<html>
<br>`), cv.ShouldEqual, true)


	cv.Convey("WebServer::Stop() should bring down the debug web-server", t, func() {
		cv.So(PortIsBound(s.Addr), cv.ShouldEqual, false)
コード例 #12
ファイル: diff_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/bambam
func TestDiffB(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("Given two different (possibly long, differing in whitespace) strings a and b", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then DiffB(a, b) should return the output of diff -b to consisely summarize their differences", func() {

			a := `
type   s1    struct {
  MyInts    []int
			b := `
type s1 struct {
  MyInts []int
			cv.So(string(Diffb(a, b)), cv.ShouldEqual, `6d5
< 5

コード例 #13
ファイル: nested_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func Test002ListListStructList(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("Given type RWTest struct { NestMatrix [][]Nester1; } in go, where Nester1 is a struct, and a mirror/parallel capnp struct air.RWTestCapn { nestMatrix @0: List(List(Nester1Capn)); } defined in the aircraftlib schema", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("When we Save() RWTest to capn and then Load() it back, the data should match, so that we have working List(List(Struct)) serialization and deserializatoin in go-capnproto", func() {

			// full RWTest
			rw := RWTest{
				NestMatrix: [][]Nester1{[]Nester1{Nester1{Strs: []string{"z", "w"}}, Nester1{Strs: []string{"q", "r"}}}, []Nester1{Nester1{Strs: []string{"zebra", "wally"}}, Nester1{Strs: []string{"qubert", "rocks"}}}},

			var o bytes.Buffer

			seg, n, err := capn.ReadFromMemoryZeroCopy(o.Bytes())
			cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil)
			cv.So(n, cv.ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)

			text := CapnpDecodeSegment(seg, "", "aircraftlib/aircraft.capnp", "RWTestCapn")

			if false {
				fmt.Printf("text = '%s'\n", text)

			rw2 := &RWTest{}

			//fmt.Printf("rw = '%#v'\n", rw)
			//fmt.Printf("rw2 = '%#v'\n", rw2)

			same := reflect.DeepEqual(&rw, rw2)
			cv.So(same, cv.ShouldEqual, true)
コード例 #14
ファイル: nested_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
// start with smaller Struct(List)
func Test001StructList(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("Given type Nester1 struct { Strs []string } in go, where Nester1 is a struct, and a mirror/parallel capnp struct air.Nester1Capn { strs @0: List(Text); } defined in the aircraftlib schema", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("When we Save() Nester to capn and then Load() it back, the data should match, so that we have working Struct(List) serialization and deserializatoin in go-capnproto", func() {

			// Does Nester1 alone serialization and deser okay?
			rw := Nester1{Strs: []string{"xenophilia", "watchowski"}}

			var o bytes.Buffer

			seg, n, err := capn.ReadFromMemoryZeroCopy(o.Bytes())
			cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil)
			cv.So(n, cv.ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)

			text := CapnpDecodeSegment(seg, "", "aircraftlib/aircraft.capnp", "Nester1Capn")
			if false {
				fmt.Printf("text = '%s'\n", text)
			rw2 := &Nester1{}

			//fmt.Printf("rw = '%#v'\n", rw)
			//fmt.Printf("rw2 = '%#v'\n", rw2)

			same := reflect.DeepEqual(&rw, rw2)
			cv.So(same, cv.ShouldEqual, true)
コード例 #15
ファイル: struct_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func TestTextContaintingStruct(t *testing.T) {

	zjobBytes := CapnpEncode(`(cmd = "abc")`, "Zjob")

	cv.Convey("Given a simple struct message Zjob containing a string 'abc' and a list of string (empty)", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then the go-capnproto serialization should match the capnp c++ serialization", func() {

			seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil)
			zjob := air.NewRootZjob(seg)

			buf := bytes.Buffer{}

			act := buf.Bytes()
			fmt.Printf("          actual:\n")
			ShowBytes(act, 10)

			fmt.Printf("\n\n          expected:\n")
			ShowBytes(zjobBytes, 10)

			cv.So(act, cv.ShouldResemble, zjobBytes)
コード例 #16
ファイル: boollist_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func TestWriteBitListTwo64BitWords(t *testing.T) {

	seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil)
	z := air.NewRootZ(seg)
	list := seg.NewBitList(66)
	list.Set(64, true)
	list.Set(65, true)


	buf := bytes.Buffer{}

	cv.Convey("Given a go-capnproto created List(Bool) Z::boolvec with bool values [true (+ 64 more times)]", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("Decoding it with c++ capnp should yield the expected text", func() {
			cv.So(CapnpDecodeSegment(seg, "", "aircraftlib/aircraft.capnp", "Z"), cv.ShouldEqual, `(boolvec = [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true])`)

	cv.Convey("And we should be able to read back what we wrote", t, func() {
		z := air.ReadRootZ(seg)
		cv.So(z.Which(), cv.ShouldEqual, air.Z_BOOLVEC)

		var bitlist = z.Boolvec()
		cv.So(bitlist.Len(), cv.ShouldEqual, 66)

		for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
			cv.So(bitlist.At(i), cv.ShouldEqual, false)
		cv.So(bitlist.At(64), cv.ShouldEqual, true)
		cv.So(bitlist.At(65), cv.ShouldEqual, true)
コード例 #17
ファイル: portreq_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/goq
func TestWorkerSubmitPortAllocation(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("qzub submit and workers should allocate their own port numbers to avoid conflicts", t, func() {
		cv.Convey(" so that we can run lots of workers and submits on the same machine if need be", func() {

コード例 #18
ファイル: marshal_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/bambam
func TestUnMarshal(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("Given go structs", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then the generated Unmarshal() code should copy from the capnp into the go structs", func() {

コード例 #19
ファイル: struct_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func TestObjectWithListOfTextBetweenSegments(t *testing.T) {

	exp := CapnpEncode(`(counter = (size = 9, wordlist = ["hello","bye"]))`, "Bag")

	cv.Convey("Given an Counter in one segment and a Bag with text in another", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("we should be able to copy from one segment to the other with SetCounter() on a Bag", func() {

			seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil)
			scratch := capn.NewBuffer(nil)

			// in seg
			segbag := air.NewRootBag(seg)

			// in scratch
			xc := air.NewRootCounter(scratch)
			tl := scratch.NewTextList(2)
			tl.Set(0, "hello")
			tl.Set(1, "bye")

			xbuf := bytes.Buffer{}

			x := xbuf.Bytes()
			save(x, "myscratch")
			fmt.Printf("scratch segment (%p):\n", scratch)
			ShowBytes(x, 10)
			fmt.Printf("scratch segment (%p) with Counter decoded by capnp: '%s'\n", scratch, string(CapnpDecode(x, "Counter")))

			prebuf := bytes.Buffer{}
			fmt.Printf("Bag only segment seg (%p), pre-transfer:\n", seg)
			ShowBytes(prebuf.Bytes(), 10)

			// now for the actual test:
			// copy from scratch to seg

			buf := bytes.Buffer{}

			act := buf.Bytes()
			save(act, "myact")
			save(exp, "myexp")

			ShowBytes(exp, 10)
			fmt.Printf("exp decoded by capnp: '%s'\n", string(CapnpDecode(exp, "Bag")))

			fmt.Printf("          actual:\n")
			ShowBytes(act, 10)
			fmt.Printf("act decoded by capnp: '%s'\n", string(CapnpDecode(act, "Bag")))

			cv.So(act, cv.ShouldResemble, exp)
コード例 #20
ファイル: version_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func TestDataVersioningZeroPointersToMore(t *testing.T) {

	expEmpty := CapnpEncode("(mylist = [(),()])", "HoldsVerEmptyList")

	cv.Convey("Given a struct with 0 ptr fields, and a newer version of the struct with 1-2 pointer fields", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then serializing the empty list and reading it back into 1 or 2 pointer fields should default initialize the pointer fields", func() {

			seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil)
			scratch := capn.NewBuffer(nil)

			emptyholder := air.NewRootHoldsVerEmptyList(seg)
			elist := air.NewVerEmptyList(scratch, 2)

			actEmpty := ShowSeg("          after NewRootHoldsVerEmptyList(seg) and SetMylist(elist), segment seg is:", seg)
			actEmptyCap := string(CapnpDecode(actEmpty, "HoldsVerEmptyList"))
			expEmptyCap := string(CapnpDecode(expEmpty, "HoldsVerEmptyList"))
			cv.So(actEmptyCap, cv.ShouldResemble, expEmptyCap)

			fmt.Printf("\n actEmpty is \n")
			ShowBytes(actEmpty, 10)
			fmt.Printf("actEmpty decoded by capnp: '%s'\n", string(CapnpDecode(actEmpty, "HoldsVerEmptyList")))
			cv.So(actEmpty, cv.ShouldResemble, expEmpty)

			// seg is set, now read into bigger list
			buf := bytes.Buffer{}
			segbytes := buf.Bytes()

			reseg, _, err := capn.ReadFromMemoryZeroCopy(segbytes)
			if err != nil {
			ShowSeg("      after re-reading segbytes, segment reseg is:", reseg)
			fmt.Printf("segbytes decoded by capnp as HoldsVerOneDataList: '%s'\n", string(CapnpDecode(segbytes, "HoldsVerOneDataList")))

			reHolder := air.ReadRootHoldsVerTwoTwoList(reseg)
			list22 := reHolder.Mylist()
			len22 := list22.Len()
			cv.So(len22, cv.ShouldEqual, 2)
			for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
				ele := list22.At(i)
				val := ele.Val()
				cv.So(val, cv.ShouldEqual, 0)
				duo := ele.Duo()
				cv.So(duo, cv.ShouldEqual, 0)
				ptr1 := ele.Ptr1()
				ptr2 := ele.Ptr2()
				fmt.Printf("ptr1 = %#v\n", ptr1)
				cv.So(ptr1.Segment, cv.ShouldEqual, nil)
				fmt.Printf("ptr2 = %#v\n", ptr2)
				cv.So(ptr2.Segment, cv.ShouldEqual, nil)

コード例 #21
ファイル: shep_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/goq
func TestSheparding(t *testing.T) {

	// *** universal test cfg setup
	skipbye := false
	cfg := NewTestConfig()
	defer cfg.ByeTestConfig(&skipbye)
	// *** end universal test setup

	w := HelperNewWorkerDontStart(cfg)

	// Only pass t into top-level Convey calls
	cv.Convey("goq should be able to shepard a shell process", t, func() {

		cv.Convey("then stdout/stderr should be returned, without crashing the shepard ", func() {

			j := NewJob()
			j.Cmd = "./bin/badboy.sh"
			j.Workeraddr = w.Addr
			j.Serveraddr = w.ServerAddr
			j = <-w.ShepSaysJobDone

			fmt.Printf("\n\n j.Out = %#v\n", j.Out)
			cv.So(len(j.Out), cv.ShouldEqual, 2)
			cv.So(j.Out[0], cv.ShouldEqual, "some stderr")
			cv.So(j.Out[1], cv.ShouldEqual, "some stdout")

		cv.Convey("then segfaulting process should be handled ", func() {

			j := NewJob()
			j.Cmd = "./bin/faulter"
			j = <-w.ShepSaysJobDone

			cv.So(len(j.Out), cv.ShouldEqual, 2)
			expected := "Shepard finds non-nil err on trying to Wait() on cmd './bin/faulter' in dir ''"
			cv.So(j.Out[1][:len(expected)], cv.ShouldEqual, expected)

		cv.Convey("then executable file not found errors should be handled ", func() {
			j := NewJob()
			j.Cmd = "./does-not-exist"
			j = <-w.ShepSaysJobDone

			cv.So(len(j.Out), cv.ShouldEqual, 2)
			//cv.So(j.Out[0], cv.ShouldEqual, "")
			expectedSuffix := `Shepard finds non-nil err on trying to Wait() on cmd './does-not-exist' in dir ''`
			cv.So(strings.HasPrefix(j.Out[1], expectedSuffix), cv.ShouldEqual, true)

コード例 #22
ファイル: marshal_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/bambam
func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("Given go struct Extra", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then the generated ExtraCapntoGo() code should copy content from an ExtraCapn to an Extra struct.", func() {
			cv.Convey("and should handle int fields", func() {
				ex0 := `
type Extra struct {
  A int
  B int
				toGoCode := ExtractCapnToGoCode(ex0, "Extra")
				cv.So(toGoCode, ShouldMatchModuloWhiteSpace, `
func ExtraCapnToGo(src ExtraCapn, dest *Extra) *Extra { 
  if dest == nil { 
     dest = &Extra{} 
  dest.A = int(src.A())
  dest.B = int(src.B())
  return dest } 

				toCapnCode := ExtractGoToCapnCode(ex0, "Extra")
				cv.So(toCapnCode, ShouldMatchModuloWhiteSpace, `
func ExtraGoToCapn(seg *capn.Segment, src *Extra) ExtraCapn { 
  dest := AutoNewExtraCapn(seg)
  return dest } 

			cv.Convey("and should handle uint fields", func() {
				ex0 := `
type Extra struct {
  A uint64
				toGoCode := ExtractCapnToGoCode(ex0, "Extra")
				cv.So(toGoCode, ShouldMatchModuloWhiteSpace, `
func ExtraCapnToGo(src ExtraCapn, dest *Extra) *Extra {
  if dest == nil {
     dest = &Extra{}
  dest.A = src.A()
  return dest }

				toCapnCode := ExtractGoToCapnCode(ex0, "Extra")
				cv.So(toCapnCode, ShouldMatchModuloWhiteSpace, `
func ExtraGoToCapn(seg *capn.Segment, src *Extra) ExtraCapn {
  dest := AutoNewExtraCapn(seg)
  return dest }
コード例 #23
ファイル: annot_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/bambam
func TestLowercaseGoFieldsIgnoredByDefault(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("Given the traditional golang std lib behvaior of not serializing lowercase fields,", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then by default we should ignore lower case fields in writing the capnproto schema.", func() {
			ex0 := "type S struct { a string; B string \n}"
			cv.So(ExtractString2String(ex0), ShouldStartWithModuloWhiteSpace, `struct SCapn { b @0: Text; } `)

コード例 #24
ファイル: struct_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func TestDefaultStructField(t *testing.T) {
	cv.Convey("Given a new root StackingRoot", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then the aWithDefault field should have a default", func() {
			seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil)
			root := air.NewRootStackingRoot(seg)

			cv.So(root.AWithDefault().Num(), cv.ShouldEqual, 42)
コード例 #25
ファイル: fetch_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/goq
func TestSubmitRemote(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("remotely, over nanomsg, goq should be able to submit job to the server", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("and then server should get back the expected output from the job run", func() {

			// allow all child processes to communicate

			// *** universal test cfg setup
			skipbye := false
			cfg := NewTestConfig()
			defer cfg.ByeTestConfig(&skipbye)
			// *** end universal test setup

			// ensure any previous test has released our port before proceeding.

			cfg.DebugMode = true
			childpid, err := NewExternalJobServ(cfg)
			if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("[pid %d] spawned a new external JobServ with pid %d\n", os.Getpid(), childpid)

			j := NewJob()
			j.Cmd = "bin/good.sh"

			sub, err := NewSubmitter(GenAddress(), cfg, false)
			if err != nil {

			worker, err := NewWorker(GenAddress(), cfg, nil)
			if err != nil {
			jobout, err := worker.DoOneJob()
			if err != nil {

			// *important* cleanup, and wait for cleanup to finish, so the next test can run.
			// has no Fromaddr, so crashes: SendShutdown(cfg.JservAddr, cfg)

			WaitForShutdownWithTimeout(childpid, cfg)

			cv.So(len(jobout.Out), cv.ShouldEqual, 2)
			cv.So(jobout.Out[0], cv.ShouldEqual, "I'm starting some work")
			cv.So(jobout.Out[1], cv.ShouldEqual, "I'm done with my work")

コード例 #26
ファイル: struct_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func TestZserverWithAccessors(t *testing.T) {

	exp := CapnpEncode(`(waitingjobs = [(cmd = "abc"), (cmd = "xyz")])`, "Zserver")

	cv.Convey("Given an Zserver with a custom list", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then all the accessors should work as expected", func() {

			seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil)
			scratch := capn.NewBuffer(nil)

			server := air.NewRootZserver(seg)

			joblist := air.NewZjobList(seg, 2)

			// .Set(int, item)
			zjob := air.NewZjob(scratch)
			joblist.Set(0, zjob)

			zjob = air.NewZjob(scratch)
			joblist.Set(1, zjob)

			// .At(int)
			cv.So(joblist.At(0).Cmd(), cv.ShouldEqual, "abc")
			cv.So(joblist.At(1).Cmd(), cv.ShouldEqual, "xyz")

			// .Len()
			cv.So(joblist.Len(), cv.ShouldEqual, 2)

			// .ToArray()
			cv.So(len(joblist.ToArray()), cv.ShouldEqual, 2)
			cv.So(joblist.ToArray()[0].Cmd(), cv.ShouldEqual, "abc")
			cv.So(joblist.ToArray()[1].Cmd(), cv.ShouldEqual, "xyz")


			buf := bytes.Buffer{}

			act := buf.Bytes()
			fmt.Printf("          actual:\n")
			ShowBytes(act, 10)
			fmt.Printf("act decoded by capnp: '%s'\n", string(CapnpDecode(act, "Zserver")))
			save(act, "myact")

			ShowBytes(exp, 10)
			fmt.Printf("exp decoded by capnp: '%s'\n", string(CapnpDecode(exp, "Zserver")))
			save(exp, "myexp")

			cv.So(act, cv.ShouldResemble, exp)
コード例 #27
ファイル: fetch_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/goq
func TestSubmitShutdownToRemoteJobServ(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("remotely, over nanomsg, goq should be able to submit a shutdown job to the server", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("and then server process should shut itself down cleanly", func() {

			// *** universal test cfg setup
			skipbye := false
			cfg := NewTestConfig()
			defer cfg.ByeTestConfig(&skipbye)
			// *** end universal test setup

			jobservPid, err := NewExternalJobServ(cfg)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("\n Problem starting external job server! Is goq on your path? It must be. Do 'go install' first, then re-run this test.")
			fmt.Printf("\n[pid %d] spawned a new external JobServ with pid %d\n", os.Getpid(), jobservPid)

			// wait until process shows up in /proc
			t0 := time.Now()
			waited := 0
			for {
				pt := *ProcessTable()
				_, jsAlive := pt[jobservPid]
				if jsAlive {
				time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
				VPrintf("cfg.SendTimeoutMsec = %v\n", cfg.SendTimeoutMsec)
				if time.Since(t0) > time.Millisecond*time.Duration(cfg.SendTimeoutMsec)*3 {
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("jobserv with expected pid %d did not show up in /proc after 3 recv timeouts", jobservPid))
			fmt.Printf("\njobserv with expected pid %d was *found* in /proc after %d waits of 50msec\n", jobservPid, waited)

			// then kill it

			fmt.Printf("\nsent shutdown request\n")

			// verify kill
			// non-deterministic, but try to give them time to be gone.
			WaitForShutdownWithTimeout(jobservPid, cfg)

			pt := *ProcessTable()
			_, jsAlive := pt[jobservPid]
			if jsAlive == false {
				fmt.Printf("jobserv at pid %d appears to have been shutdown by our comand.\n", jobservPid)
			cv.So(jsAlive, cv.ShouldEqual, false)
コード例 #28
ファイル: annot_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/bambam
func TestTagAnnotationWorks(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("Given a golang struct with an invalid capnp field name 'Union', but with a field tag: `capname:\"MyNewFieldName\"`", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then we should use the capname MyNewFieldName for the field, and not stop the run.", func() {
			ex0 := "type S struct { Union string `capname:\"MyNewFieldName\"` \n}"
			cv.So(ExtractString2String(ex0), ShouldStartWithModuloWhiteSpace, `struct SCapn { MyNewFieldName  @0:   Text; } `)
			ex1 := "type S struct { Union string `capname: \t \t \"MyNewFieldName\"` \n}"
			cv.So(ExtractString2String(ex1), ShouldStartWithModuloWhiteSpace, `struct SCapn { MyNewFieldName  @0:   Text; } `)

コード例 #29
ファイル: annot_test.go プロジェクト: robmurtha/bambam
func TestTagCapidWorks(t *testing.T) {

	cv.Convey("Given the desire to preserve the field numbering in the generated Capnproto schema,", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("when we add the tag: capid:\"1\", then the field should be numbered @1.", func() {
			cv.Convey("and if there are fewer than 2 (numbered 0, 1) fields then we error out.", func() {
				ex0 := "type S struct { A string `capid:\"1\"`; B string \n}"
				cv.So(ExtractString2String(ex0), ShouldStartWithModuloWhiteSpace, `struct SCapn { b  @0:   Text; a  @1:   Text; } `)

コード例 #30
ファイル: struct_test.go プロジェクト: hodduc/go-capnproto
func TestEnumFromString(t *testing.T) {
	cv.Convey("Given an enum tag string matching a constant", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("FromString should return the corresponding matching constant value", func() {
			cv.So(air.AirportFromString("jfk"), cv.ShouldEqual, air.AIRPORT_JFK)
	cv.Convey("Given an enum tag string that does not match a constant", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("FromString should return 0", func() {
			cv.So(air.AirportFromString("notEverMatching"), cv.ShouldEqual, 0)