func main() { flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() < 1 { fmt.Println("Usage: game6 num_runs hideTrace") return } else if flag.NArg() > 1 { showPingPong = false } numRuns, _ := strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0)) c0, c1 := net.Pipe() done := make(chan bool) //create router and connect it to io conn rot1 := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy) go rot1.ConnectRemote(c0, router.GobMarshaling, router.XOnOffFlowController) //hook up Pinger and Ponger newPinger(rot1, done, numRuns) //create router and connect it to io conn rot2 := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy) rot2.ConnectRemote(c1, router.GobMarshaling, router.XOnOffFlowController) //hook up Ponger newPonger(rot2, done) //wait for ping-pong to finish <-done <-done }
func test_async_router() { //create a async router by setting buffer size to UnlimitedBuffer(-1) in router.New() rout1 := router.New(router.IntID(), router.UnlimitedBuffer, router.BroadcastPolicy /* , "router1", router.ScopeLocal*/) rout2 := router.New(router.IntID(), router.UnlimitedBuffer, router.BroadcastPolicy /* , "router2", router.ScopeLocal*/) rout1.Connect(rout2) chi1 := make(chan string) chi2 := make(chan string) chi3 := make(chan string) cho := make(chan string) bound := make(chan *router.BindEvent, 1) //when attaching sending chan, add a (chan BindEvent) for notifying recver connecting rout1.AttachSendChan(router.IntID(10), cho, bound) rout1.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi1) rout2.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi2) rout2.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi3) //wait for some recvers connecting for { if (<-bound).Count == 2 { break } } //because we use async router, sending on those router attached channels //will never block. we do not need spawn goroutines in the following //go func() { cho <- "hello1" cho <- "hello2" cho <- "hello3" cho <- "from router1/src" close(cho) //}() //go func() { for v := range chi1 { fmt.Println("router1/sink1 got: ", v) } //}() //go func() { for v := range chi2 { fmt.Println("router2/sink2 got: ", v) } //}() //go func() { i := 0 for v := range chi3 { fmt.Println("router2/sink3 got: ", v) i++ if i == 2 { rout2.DetachChan(router.IntID(10), chi3) } } //}() rout1.Close() rout2.Close() }
func main() { flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() < 1 { fmt.Println("Usage: game4 num_runs hideTrace") return } else if flag.NArg() > 1 { showPingPong = false } //clean up test sock addr := "/tmp/pingpong.test" os.Remove(addr) // numRuns, _ := strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0)) done := make(chan bool) connNow := make(chan bool) //start two goroutines to setup a unix sock connection //connect two routers thru unix sock //and then hook up Pinger and Ponger to the routers go func() { //setup Pinger sock conn //wait for ponger up <-connNow //set up an io conn to ponger thru unix sock addr := "/tmp/pingpong.test" conn, _ := net.Dial("unix", addr) fmt.Println("ping conn up") //create router and connect it to io conn rot := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy /*, "pinger", router.ScopeLocal*/) rot.ConnectRemote(conn, router.JsonMarshaling) //hook up Pinger and Ponger newPinger(rot, done, numRuns) }() go func() { //setup Ponger sock conn //wait to set up an io conn thru unix sock l, _ := net.Listen("unix", addr) connNow <- true //notify pinger that ponger's ready to accept conn, _ := l.Accept() fmt.Println("pong conn up") //create router and connect it to io conn rot := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy /*, "ponger", router.ScopeLocal*/) rot.ConnectRemote(conn, router.JsonMarshaling) //hook up Ponger newPonger(rot, done) }() //wait for ping-pong to finish <-done <-done }
func test_StrId() { rout := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy) chi1 := make(chan string) chi2 := make(chan string) cho := make(chan string) done := make(chan bool) rout.AttachSendChan(router.StrID("test"), cho) rout.AttachRecvChan(router.StrID("test"), chi1) rout.AttachRecvChan(router.StrID("test"), chi2) go func() { cho <- "hello" cho <- "from StrID" close(cho) }() go func() { for v := range chi1 { fmt.Println("StrId/sink1 got: ", v) } done <- true }() go func() { for v := range chi2 { fmt.Println("StrId/sink2 got: ", v) } done <- true }() <-done <-done }
func main() { flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() < 1 { fmt.Println("Usage: game5 num_runs hideTrace") return } else if flag.NArg() > 1 { showPingPong = false } numRuns, _ := strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0)) done := make(chan bool) connNow := make(chan bool) //start two goroutines to setup a unix sock connection //connect two routers thru unix sock //and then hook up Pinger and Ponger to the routers go func() { //setup Pinger sock conn //wait for ponger up <-connNow //set up an io conn to ponger thru tcp sock conn, _ := net.Dial("tcp", "[::]:9099") fmt.Println("ping conn up") //create router and connect it to io conn rot := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy) rot.ConnectRemote(conn, router.GobMarshaling, router.XOnOffFlowController) //hook up Pinger and Ponger newPinger(rot, done, numRuns) }() go func() { //setup Ponger sock conn //wait to set up an io conn thru tcp sock l, _ := net.Listen("tcp", ":9099") connNow <- true //notify pinger that ponger's ready to accept conn, _ := l.Accept() fmt.Println("pong conn up") //create router and connect it to io conn rot := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy) rot.ConnectRemote(conn, router.GobMarshaling, router.XOnOffFlowController) //hook up Ponger newPonger(rot, done) }() //wait for ping-pong to finish <-done <-done }
func main() { flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() < 3 { fmt.Println("Usage: chatcli chatter_name srv_name srv_port") return } myName := flag.Arg(0) srvName := flag.Arg(1) srvPort := flag.Arg(2) dialaddr := srvName + ":" + srvPort conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", dialaddr) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } fmt.Println("client connect") rot := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy /*, "client", router.ScopeLocal*/) _, err = rot.ConnectRemote(conn, router.JsonMarshaling) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } chatter := newChatter(myName, rot) cont := true input := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) for cont { fmt.Println("action: 1 - Join, 2 - Leave, 3 - Send, 4 - Exit") action, _ := input.ReadString('\n') switch action[0] { case '1', '2', '3': fmt.Println("subject:") subj, _ := input.ReadString('\n') switch action[0] { case '1': chatter.Join(subj[0 : len(subj)-1]) case '2': chatter.Leave(subj[0 : len(subj)-1]) case '3': fmt.Println("message:") msg, _ := input.ReadString('\n') chatter.Send(subj[0:len(subj)-1], msg[0:len(msg)-1]) default: fmt.Println("invalid action") } case '4': cont = false default: fmt.Println("invalid action") } } fmt.Println("client exit") conn.Close() rot.Close() }
func test_notification() { rout := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy) chi1 := make(chan string) chi2 := make(chan string) chiN := make(chan *router.ChanInfoMsg) cho := make(chan string) bound := make(chan *router.BindEvent, 1) done := make(chan bool) //subscribe to recver attach events rout.AttachRecvChan(rout.SysID(router.SubId), chiN) // rout.AttachSendChan(router.StrID("test"), cho, bound) rout.AttachRecvChan(router.StrID("test"), chi1) rout.AttachRecvChan(router.StrID("test"), chi2) //wait for two recvers to connect for { if (<-bound).Count == 2 { break } } go func() { cho <- "hello1" cho <- "hello2" cho <- "hello3" cho <- "from notif" close(cho) }() go func() { for v := range chi1 { fmt.Println("notif/sink1 got: ", v) } done <- true }() go func() { for v := range chi2 { fmt.Println("notif/sink2 got: ", v) rout.DetachChan(router.StrID("test"), chi2) } done <- true }() go func() { count := 0 for m := range chiN { for _, v := range m.Info { fmt.Println("got sub notif: ", v.Id) } count++ if count >= 2 { break } } done <- true }() <-done <-done <-done rout.Close() }
func main() { flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() < 2 { fmt.Println("Usage: client ServiceName numRuns") return } svcName := flag.Arg(0) numRuns, _ := strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(1)) conn1, _ := net.Dial("unix", ServantAddr1) fmt.Println("conn to servant1 up") conn2, _ := net.Dial("unix", ServantAddr2) fmt.Println("conn to servant2 up") //create router and connect it to both active and standby servants rot := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy /* , "cli", router.ScopeLocal*/) proxy1 := router.NewProxy(rot, "proxy1", nil, nil) proxy2 := router.NewProxy(rot, "proxy2", nil, nil) proxy1.ConnectRemote(conn1, router.GobMarshaling, router.XOnOffFlowController) proxy2.ConnectRemote(conn2, router.GobMarshaling, router.XOnOffFlowController) reqChan := make(chan string) rspChan := make(chan string) bindChan := make(chan *router.BindEvent, 1) rot.AttachSendChan(router.StrID("/App/"+svcName+"/Request"), reqChan, bindChan) rot.AttachRecvChan(router.StrID("/App/"+svcName+"/Response"), rspChan) //make sure client connect to 2 servants before sending requests for { if (<-bindChan).Count > 1 { break } } cont := true for i := 0; i < numRuns && cont; i++ { req := fmt.Sprintf("request %d", i) fmt.Printf("client sent request [%s] to serivce [%s]\n", req, svcName) reqChan <- req timer := time.NewTimer(6e8) //the wait for response will time out in less than 1 sec select { case rsp, chOpen := <-rspChan: if !chOpen { fmt.Println("client response closed, exit") cont = false } else { fmt.Printf("client recv response ( %s )\n", rsp) } case <-timer.C: fmt.Printf("time out for reqest [%s]\n", req) i-- //resend it } timer.Stop() } fmt.Printf("client exit\n") conn1.Close() conn2.Close() rot.Close() }
func main() { flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() < 1 { fmt.Println("Usage: game3 num_runs hideTrace") return } else if flag.NArg() > 1 { showPingPong = false } numRuns, _ := strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0)) //alloc two routers to connect them rot1 := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy) rot2 := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy) rot1.Connect(rot2) done := make(chan bool) //hook up Pinger and Ponger newPinger(rot1, done, numRuns) newPonger(rot2, done) //wait for ping-pong to finish <-done <-done }
func test_PathId() { rout := router.New(router.PathID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy) chi1 := make(chan string) chi2 := make(chan string) chi3 := make(chan string) cho1 := make(chan string) cho2 := make(chan string) cho3 := make(chan string) done := make(chan bool) rout.AttachSendChan(router.PathID("/sport/basketball"), cho1) rout.AttachSendChan(router.PathID("/sport/baseball"), cho2) rout.AttachSendChan(router.PathID("/sport/basketball/Jordan"), cho3) rout.AttachRecvChan(router.PathID("/sport/*"), chi1) //subscribe to all sports news rout.AttachRecvChan(router.PathID("/sport/baseball"), chi2) rout.AttachRecvChan(router.PathID("/sport/basketball*"), chi3) //subscribe to all basketball news go func() { cho1 <- "want to play" cho1 <- "basketball?" close(cho1) }() go func() { cho2 <- "want to watch" cho2 <- "baseball?" close(cho2) }() go func() { cho3 <- "hello there, anybody know" cho3 <- "will Michael Jordan play again?" close(cho3) }() go func() { for v := range chi1 { fmt.Println("sport fan read: ", v) } done <- true }() go func() { for v := range chi2 { fmt.Println("baseball fan read: ", v) } done <- true }() go func() { for v := range chi3 { fmt.Println("basketball fan read: ", v) } done <- true }() <-done <-done <-done }
func NewServant(n string, role ServantRole, done chan bool) *Servant { s := new(Servant) s.Rot = router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy /* , n, router.ScopeLocal*/) s.role = role = n //start system tasks, ServiceTask will be created when clients connect NewSysMgrTask(s.Rot, n, role) NewDbTask(s.Rot, n, role) NewFaultMgrTask(s.Rot, n, role) //run Servant mainloop to wait for client connection go s.Run(done) return s }
func test_IntId() { rout := router.New(router.IntID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy) chi1 := make(chan string) chi2 := make(chan string) cho1 := make(chan string) cho2 := make(chan string) done := make(chan bool) rout.AttachSendChan(router.IntID(10), cho1) rout.AttachSendChan(router.IntID(10), cho2) rout.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi1) rout.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi2) go func() { cho1 <- "hello" cho1 <- "from IntID/src1" close(cho1) }() go func() { for v := range chi1 { fmt.Println("IntId/sink1 got: ", v) } done <- true }() go func() { for v := range chi2 { fmt.Println("IntId/sink2 got: ", v) } done <- true }() go func() { cho2 <- "hello" cho2 <- "from IntID/src2" close(cho2) }() <-done <-done }
func init() { r = router.New(router.PathID(), -1, router.BroadcastPolicy) }
func test_logger() { rout1 := router.New(router.IntID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy, "router1", router.ScopeLocal) rout2 := router.New(router.IntID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy, "router2", router.ScopeLocal) rout1.Connect(rout2) chi1 := make(chan string) chi2 := make(chan string) chi3 := make(chan string) chiN := make(chan *router.ChanInfoMsg) cho := make(chan string) done := make(chan bool) bound := make(chan *router.BindEvent, 1) //subscribe to recver attach events rout1.AttachRecvChan(rout1.SysID(router.SubId), chiN) //when attaching sending chan, add a (chan BindEvent) for notifying recver connecting rout1.AttachSendChan(router.IntID(10), cho, bound) rout1.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi1) rout2.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi2) rout2.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi3) //wait for some recvers connecting for { if (<-bound).Count == 2 { break } } go func() { cho <- "hello1" cho <- "hello2" cho <- "from router1/src" close(cho) }() go func() { for v := range chi1 { fmt.Println("router1/sink1 got: ", v) } done <- true }() go func() { for v := range chi2 { fmt.Println("router2/sink2 got: ", v) } done <- true }() go func() { i := 0 for v := range chi3 { fmt.Println("router2/sink3 got: ", v) i++ if i == 2 { rout2.DetachChan(router.IntID(10), chi3) } } done <- true }() go func() { count := 0 for m := range chiN { for _, v := range m.Info { fmt.Println("got sub notif: ", v.Id) } count++ if count >= 2 { break } } done <- true }() //waiting goroutines can exit <-done <-done <-done <-done rout1.Close() rout2.Close() }
func test_remote_conn() { listening := make(chan string) srvdone := make(chan int) clidone := make(chan int) //run server go func() { l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":0") listening <- l.Addr().String() conn, err := l.Accept() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println("server start") // rout1 := router.New(router.IntID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy /* , "router1", router.ScopeLocal*/) _, err = rout1.ConnectRemote(conn, router.JsonMarshaling) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { cho := make(chan string) chi1 := make(chan string) bound := make(chan *router.BindEvent, 1) done := make(chan bool) rout1.AttachSendChan(router.IntID(10), cho, bound) rout1.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi1) //wait for recvers connecting for { if (<-bound).Count == 2 { break } } go func() { cho <- "hello1" cho <- "hello2" cho <- "hello3" cho <- "hello4" cho <- "from router1/src" close(cho) }() go func() { for v := range chi1 { fmt.Println("router1/sink1 got: ", v) } done <- true }() <-done } <-clidone conn.Close() l.Close() srvdone <- 1 rout1.Close() }() //run client go func() { addr := <-listening // wait for server to start dialaddr := "" + addr[strings.LastIndex(addr, ":"):] conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", dialaddr) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } fmt.Println("client connect") // rout2 := router.New(router.IntID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy /* , "router2", router.ScopeLocal*/) _, err = rout2.ConnectRemote(conn, router.JsonMarshaling) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { chi2 := make(chan string) chi3 := make(chan string) done := make(chan bool) rout2.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi2) rout2.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi3) go func() { for v := range chi2 { fmt.Println("router2/sink2 got: ", v) } done <- true }() go func() { i := 0 for v := range chi3 { fmt.Println("router2/sink3 got: ", v) i++ if i == 2 { rout2.DetachChan(router.IntID(10), chi3) } } done <- true }() <-done <-done } clidone <- 1 conn.Close() rout2.Close() }() <-srvdone }
func test_flow_control() { listening := make(chan string) srvdone := make(chan int) clidone := make(chan int) //run server go func() { l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":0") listening <- l.Addr().String() conn, err := l.Accept() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println("server start") rout1 := router.New(router.IntID(), 5, router.BroadcastPolicy /* , "router1", router.ScopeLocal*/) //set FlowControl to turn on flow control on connection stream _, err = rout1.ConnectRemote(conn, router.GobMarshaling, router.WindowFlowController) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { cho := make(chan int) bound := make(chan *router.BindEvent, 1) done := make(chan bool) rout1.AttachSendChan(router.IntID(10), cho, bound) //wait for recvers connecting <-bound //start sending msgs go func() { for i := 0; i < 30; i++ { cho <- i fmt.Println("client sent: ", i) time.Sleep(1e8) } close(cho) done <- true }() <-done } <-clidone conn.Close() l.Close() srvdone <- 1 rout1.Close() }() //run client go func() { addr := <-listening // wait for server to start dialaddr := "" + addr[strings.LastIndex(addr, ":"):] conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", dialaddr) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } fmt.Println("client connect") rout2 := router.New(router.IntID(), 5, router.BroadcastPolicy /* , "router2", router.ScopeLocal*/) //turn on flow control _, err = rout2.ConnectRemote(conn, router.GobMarshaling, router.WindowFlowController) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { chi2 := make(chan int) chi3 := make(chan int) done := make(chan bool) rout2.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi2, 3) rout2.AttachRecvChan(router.IntID(10), chi3) go func() { for v := range chi2 { fmt.Println("router2/sink2 got: ", v) if v < 10 { time.Sleep(1e9) } } done <- true }() go func() { i := 0 for v := range chi3 { fmt.Println("router2/sink3 got: ", v) i++ if i == 2 { rout2.DetachChan(router.IntID(10), chi3) } } done <- true }() <-done <-done } clidone <- 1 conn.Close() rout2.Close() }() <-srvdone }
func main() { l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":0") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println(l.Addr().String()) subjMap := make(map[string]*Subject) rot := router.New(router.StrID(), 32, router.BroadcastPolicy /*, "chatsrv", router.ScopeLocal*/) //start server mainloop in a separate goroutine, and recv client conn in main goroutine go func() { //subscribe to remote publications, so learn what subjects are created pubChan := make(chan *router.ChanInfoMsg) //attach a recv chan with a "chan BindEvent" //this recv chan will not be closed when all senders detach bindChan := make(chan *router.BindEvent, 1) rot.AttachRecvChan(rot.NewSysID(router.PubId, router.ScopeRemote), pubChan, bindChan) //stopChan to notify when all people leave a subject stopChan := make(chan string, 36) for { select { case idstr := <-stopChan: delete(subjMap, idstr) case pub := <-pubChan: //process recved client publication of subjects for _, v := range pub.Info { id := v.Id.(*router.StrId) //get the real id type subj, ok := subjMap[id.Val] if ok { continue } fmt.Printf("add subject: %v\n", id.Val) //add a new subject with ScopeRemote, so that msgs are forwarded //to peers in connected routers id.ScopeVal = router.ScopeRemote id.MemberVal = router.MemberLocal subj = newSubject() subjMap[id.Val] = subj //subscribe to new subjects, forward recved msgs to other rot.AttachSendChan(id, subj.sendChan) rot.AttachRecvChan(id, subj.recvChan) //start forwarding go func(subjname string) { for val := range subj.recvChan { fmt.Printf("chatsrv forward: subject[%v], msg[%s]\n", subjname, val) subj.sendChan <- val } stopChan <- subjname fmt.Printf("chatsrv stop forwarding for : %v\n", subjname) }(id.Val) } } } }() //keep accepting client conn and connect local router to it for { conn, err := l.Accept() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println("one client connect") _, err = rot.ConnectRemote(conn, router.JsonMarshaling) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } } //in fact never reach here rot.Close() l.Close() }