func (me *Attribute) makePkg(bag *PkgBag) { var safeName, typeName, tmp, key, defVal, impName string var defName = "Default" me.elemBase.beforeMakePkg(bag) if len(me.Form) == 0 { me.Form = bag.Schema.AttributeFormDefault } me.hasElemsSimpleType.makePkg(bag) if len(me.Ref) > 0 { key = bag.resolveQnameRef(me.Ref.String(), "", &impName) tmp = ustr.PrefixWithSep(impName, ".", idPrefix+"HasAttr_"+bag.safeName(me.Ref.String()[(strings.Index(me.Ref.String(), ":")+1):])) if bag.attRefImps[me], bag.attsKeys[me] = impName, key; len(bag.attsCache[key]) == 0 { bag.attsCache[key] = tmp } } else { safeName = bag.safeName(me.Name.String()) if typeName = me.Type.String(); (len(typeName) == 0) && (len(me.SimpleTypes) > 0) { typeName = me.SimpleTypes[0].Name.String() } else { if len(typeName) == 0 { typeName = bag.xsdStringTypeRef() } typeName = bag.resolveQnameRef(typeName, "T", &impName) } if defVal = me.Default; len(defVal) == 0 { defName, defVal = "Fixed", me.Fixed } if me.Parent() == bag.Schema { key = safeName } else { key = safeName + "_" + bag.safeName(typeName) + "_" + bag.safeName(defVal) } if len(bag.attsCache[key]) == 0 { tmp = idPrefix + "HasAttr_" + key bag.attsKeys[me] = key bag.attsCache[key] = tmp var td = bag.addType(me, tmp, "", me.Annotation) td.addField(me, safeName, typeName, ustr.Ifs(len(bag.Schema.TargetNamespace) > 0, bag.Schema.TargetNamespace.String()+" ", "")+me.Name.String()+",attr", me.Annotation) if isPt := bag.isParseType(typeName); len(defVal) > 0 { doc := sfmt("Returns the %v value for %v -- "+ustr.Ifs(isPt, "%v", "%#v"), strings.ToLower(defName), safeName, defVal) if isPt { if PkgGen.ForceParseForDefaults { td.addMethod(nil, tmp, safeName+defName, typeName, sfmt("var x = new(%v); x.Set(%#v); return *x", typeName, defVal), doc) } else { td.addMethod(nil, tmp, safeName+defName, typeName, sfmt("return %v(%v)", typeName, defVal), doc) } } else { td.addMethod(nil, tmp, safeName+defName, typeName, sfmt("return %v(%#v)", typeName, defVal), doc) } } } else { bag.attsKeys[me] = key } } me.elemBase.afterMakePkg(bag) }
func (me *Schema) globalComplexType(bag *PkgBag, name string) (ct *ComplexType) { var imp string for _, ct = range me.ComplexTypes { if bag.resolveQnameRef(ustr.PrefixWithSep(me.XMLNamespacePrefix, ":", ct.Name.String()), "T", &imp) == name { return } } for _, ss := range me.XMLIncludedSchemas { if ct = ss.globalComplexType(bag, name); ct != nil { return } } ct = nil return }
func (me *Schema) globalElement(bag *PkgBag, name string) (el *Element) { var imp string if len(name) > 0 { var rname = bag.resolveQnameRef(name, "", &imp) for _, el = range me.Elements { if bag.resolveQnameRef(ustr.PrefixWithSep(me.XMLNamespacePrefix, ":", el.Name.String()), "", &imp) == rname { return } } for _, ss := range me.XMLIncludedSchemas { if el = ss.globalElement(bag, name); el != nil { return } } } el = nil return }
func (me *Schema) globalComplexType(bag *PkgBag, name string, loadedSchemas map[string]bool) (ct *ComplexType) { var imp string for _, ct = range me.ComplexTypes { if bag.resolveQnameRef(ustr.PrefixWithSep(me.XMLNamespacePrefix, ":", ct.Name.String()), "T", &imp) == name { return } } loadedSchemas[me.loadUri] = true for _, ss := range me.XMLIncludedSchemas { if v, ok := loadedSchemas[ss.loadUri]; ok && v { //fmt.Printf("Ignoring processed schema: %s\n", ss.loadUri) continue } if ct = ss.globalComplexType(bag, name, loadedSchemas); ct != nil { return } } ct = nil return }
func (me *PkgBag) resolveQnameRef(ref, pref string, noUsageRec *string) string { var ns = me.Schema.XMLNamespaces[""] var impName = "" if len(ref) == 0 { return "" } if pos := strings.Index(ref, ":"); pos > 0 { impName, ns = ref[:pos], me.Schema.XMLNamespaces[ref[:pos]] ref = ref[(pos + 1):] } if ns == xsdNamespaceUri { impName, pref = me.impName, "" } if ns == me.Schema.TargetNamespace.String() { impName = "" } if noUsageRec == nil { /*me.impsUsed[impName] = true*/ } else { *noUsageRec = impName } return ustr.PrefixWithSep(impName, ".", me.safeName(ustr.PrependIf(ref, pref))) }
func (me *PkgBag) xsdStringTypeRef() string { return ustr.PrefixWithSep(me.Schema.XSDNamespacePrefix, ":", "string") }
func (me *Element) makePkg(bag *PkgBag) { var ( safeName, typeName, valueType, tmp, key, defVal, impName string subEl *Element ) asterisk, defName, doc := "", "Default", "" me.elemBase.beforeMakePkg(bag) if len(me.Form) == 0 { me.Form = bag.Schema.ElementFormDefault } me.hasElemsSimpleType.makePkg(bag) me.hasElemComplexType.makePkg(bag) if len(me.Ref) > 0 { key = bag.resolveQnameRef(me.Ref.String(), "", &impName) for pref, cache := range map[string]map[string]string{"HasElem_": bag.elemsCacheOnce, "HasElems_": bag.elemsCacheMult} { tmp = ustr.PrefixWithSep(impName, ".", idPrefix+pref+bag.safeName(me.Ref.String()[(strings.Index(me.Ref.String(), ":")+1):])) if bag.elemRefImps[me], bag.elemKeys[me] = impName, key; len(cache[key]) == 0 { cache[key] = tmp } } } else { safeName = bag.safeName(me.Name.String()) if typeName = me.Type.String(); (len(typeName) == 0) && ((me.ComplexType != nil) || (len(me.SimpleTypes) > 0)) { if me.ComplexType != nil { asterisk, typeName = "*", me.ComplexType.Name.String() } else { typeName = me.SimpleTypes[0].Name.String() } } else { if len(typeName) == 0 { typeName = bag.xsdStringTypeRef() } if typeName = bag.resolveQnameRef(typeName, "T", &impName); bag.Schema.RootSchema().globalComplexType(bag, typeName) != nil { asterisk = "*" } } if defVal = me.Default; len(defVal) == 0 { defName, defVal = "Fixed", me.Fixed } if me.Parent() == bag.Schema { key = safeName } else { key = bag.Stacks.FullName() + "_" + safeName + "_" + bag.safeName(typeName) + "_" + bag.safeName(defVal) } if valueType = bag.simpleContentValueTypes[typeName]; len(valueType) == 0 { valueType = typeName } isPt := bag.isParseType(valueType) if _, isChoice := me.Parent().(*Choice); isChoice && isPt { asterisk = "*" } for pref, cache := range map[string]map[string]string{"HasElem_": bag.elemsCacheOnce, "HasElems_": bag.elemsCacheMult} { if tmp = idPrefix + pref + key; !bag.elemsWritten[tmp] { bag.elemsWritten[tmp], bag.elemKeys[me] = true, key cache[key] = tmp var td = bag.addType(me, tmp, "", me.Annotation) td.addField(me, ustr.Ifs(pref == "HasElems_", pluralize(safeName), safeName), ustr.Ifs(pref == "HasElems_", "[]"+asterisk+typeName, asterisk+typeName), ustr.Ifs(len(bag.Schema.TargetNamespace) > 0, bag.Schema.TargetNamespace.String()+" ", "")+me.Name.String(), me.Annotation) if me.parent == bag.Schema { for _, subEl = range bag.Schema.RootSchema().globalSubstitutionElems(me) { td.addEmbed(subEl, idPrefix+pref+bag.safeName(subEl.Name.String()), subEl.Annotation) } } if len(defVal) > 0 { doc = sfmt("Returns the %v value for %v -- "+ustr.Ifs(isPt, "%v", "%#v"), strings.ToLower(defName), safeName, defVal) if isPt { if PkgGen.ForceParseForDefaults { td.addMethod(nil, tmp, safeName+defName, valueType, sfmt("var x = new(%v); x.Set(%#v); return *x", valueType, defVal), doc) } else { td.addMethod(nil, tmp, safeName+defName, valueType, sfmt("return %v(%v)", valueType, defVal), doc) } } else { td.addMethod(nil, tmp, safeName+defName, valueType, sfmt("return %v(%#v)", valueType, defVal), doc) } } } } } me.elemBase.afterMakePkg(bag) }
func (me *ComplexType) makePkg(bag *PkgBag) { var att *Attribute var attGroup *AttributeGroup var ctBaseType, ctValueType, typeSafeName string var allAtts = map[*Attribute]bool{} var allAttGroups = map[*AttributeGroup]bool{} var allElems = map[*Element]bool{} var allElemGroups = map[*Group]bool{} var elsDone, grsDone = map[string]bool{}, map[string]bool{} var allChoices, tmpChoices = []*Choice{}, []*Choice{me.Choice} var allSeqs, tmpSeqs = []*Sequence{}, []*Sequence{me.Sequence} var el *Element var elGr *Group var mixed = false me.elemBase.beforeMakePkg(bag) me.hasElemsAttribute.makePkg(bag) me.hasElemsAnyAttribute.makePkg(bag) me.hasElemsAttributeGroup.makePkg(bag) me.hasElemAll.makePkg(bag) me.hasElemChoice.makePkg(bag) me.hasElemGroup.makePkg(bag) me.hasElemSequence.makePkg(bag) me.hasElemComplexContent.makePkg(bag) me.hasElemSimpleContent.makePkg(bag) if len(me.Name) == 0 { me.Name = bag.AnonName(me.longSafeName(bag)) } typeSafeName = bag.safeName(ustr.PrependIf(me.Name.String(), "T")) var td = bag.addType(me, typeSafeName, "", me.Annotation) for _, att = range me.Attributes { allAtts[att] = true } for _, attGroup = range me.AttributeGroups { allAttGroups[attGroup] = true } allChoices, allSeqs = Flattened(tmpChoices, tmpSeqs) if me.All != nil { for _, el = range me.All.Elements { allElems[el] = true } } if me.Group != nil { allElemGroups[me.Group] = true } if mixed = me.Mixed; me.ComplexContent != nil { mixed = mixed || me.ComplexContent.Mixed td.addAnnotations(me.ComplexContent.Annotation) if me.ComplexContent.ExtensionComplexContent != nil { td.addAnnotations(me.ComplexContent.ExtensionComplexContent.Annotation) if me.ComplexContent.ExtensionComplexContent.All != nil { for _, el = range me.ComplexContent.ExtensionComplexContent.All.Elements { allElems[el] = true } } for _, elGr = range me.ComplexContent.ExtensionComplexContent.Groups { allElemGroups[elGr] = true } tmpChoices, tmpSeqs = Flattened(me.ComplexContent.ExtensionComplexContent.Choices, me.ComplexContent.ExtensionComplexContent.Sequences) allChoices, allSeqs = append(allChoices, tmpChoices...), append(allSeqs, tmpSeqs...) for _, att = range me.ComplexContent.ExtensionComplexContent.Attributes { allAtts[att] = true } for _, attGroup = range me.ComplexContent.ExtensionComplexContent.AttributeGroups { allAttGroups[attGroup] = true } if len(me.ComplexContent.ExtensionComplexContent.Base) > 0 { ctBaseType = me.ComplexContent.ExtensionComplexContent.Base.String() } } if me.ComplexContent.RestrictionComplexContent != nil { td.addAnnotations(me.ComplexContent.RestrictionComplexContent.Annotation) if me.ComplexContent.RestrictionComplexContent.All != nil { for _, el = range me.ComplexContent.RestrictionComplexContent.All.Elements { allElems[el] = true } } tmpChoices, tmpSeqs = Flattened(me.ComplexContent.RestrictionComplexContent.Choices, me.ComplexContent.RestrictionComplexContent.Sequences) allChoices, allSeqs = append(allChoices, tmpChoices...), append(allSeqs, tmpSeqs...) for _, att = range me.ComplexContent.RestrictionComplexContent.Attributes { allAtts[att] = true } for _, attGroup = range me.ComplexContent.RestrictionComplexContent.AttributeGroups { allAttGroups[attGroup] = true } if len(me.ComplexContent.RestrictionComplexContent.Base) > 0 { ctBaseType = me.ComplexContent.RestrictionComplexContent.Base.String() } } } if me.SimpleContent != nil { td.addAnnotations(me.SimpleContent.Annotation) if me.SimpleContent.ExtensionSimpleContent != nil { if len(me.SimpleContent.ExtensionSimpleContent.Base) > 0 { ctBaseType = me.SimpleContent.ExtensionSimpleContent.Base.String() } td.addAnnotations(me.SimpleContent.ExtensionSimpleContent.Annotation) for _, att = range me.SimpleContent.ExtensionSimpleContent.Attributes { allAtts[att] = true } for _, attGroup = range me.SimpleContent.ExtensionSimpleContent.AttributeGroups { allAttGroups[attGroup] = true } if (len(ctValueType) == 0) && (len(me.SimpleContent.ExtensionSimpleContent.Base) > 0) { ctValueType = me.SimpleContent.ExtensionSimpleContent.Base.String() } } if me.SimpleContent.RestrictionSimpleContent != nil { if len(me.SimpleContent.RestrictionSimpleContent.Base) > 0 { ctBaseType = me.SimpleContent.RestrictionSimpleContent.Base.String() } td.addAnnotations(me.SimpleContent.RestrictionSimpleContent.Annotation) for _, att = range me.SimpleContent.RestrictionSimpleContent.Attributes { allAtts[att] = true } for _, attGroup = range me.SimpleContent.RestrictionSimpleContent.AttributeGroups { allAttGroups[attGroup] = true } if (len(ctValueType) == 0) && (len(me.SimpleContent.RestrictionSimpleContent.Base) > 0) { ctValueType = me.SimpleContent.RestrictionSimpleContent.Base.String() } if (len(ctValueType) == 0) && (len(me.SimpleContent.RestrictionSimpleContent.SimpleTypes) > 0) { ctValueType = me.SimpleContent.RestrictionSimpleContent.SimpleTypes[0].Name.String() } for _, enum := range me.SimpleContent.RestrictionSimpleContent.Enumerations { println("ENUMTODO!?! Whoever sees this message, please post an issue at with a link to the XSD..." + enum.selfName().String()) } } } if ctBaseType = bag.resolveQnameRef(ctBaseType, "T", nil); len(ctBaseType) > 0 { td.addEmbed(nil, bag.safeName(ctBaseType)) } else if ctValueType = bag.resolveQnameRef(ctValueType, "T", nil); len(ctValueType) > 0 { bag.simpleContentValueTypes[typeSafeName] = ctValueType td.addField(nil, idPrefix+"Value", ctValueType, ",chardata") chain := sfmt("me.%vValue", idPrefix) td.addMethod(nil, "*"+typeSafeName, sfmt("To%v", bag.safeName(ctValueType)), ctValueType, sfmt("return %v", chain), sfmt("Simply returns the value of its %vValue field.", idPrefix)) ttn := ctValueType for ttd := bag.declTypes[ctValueType]; ttd != nil; ttd = bag.declTypes[ttn] { if ttd != nil { bag.declConvs[ttd.Name] = true } if ttn = ttd.Type; len(ttn) > 0 { chain += sfmt(".To%v()", bag.safeName(ttn)) td.addMethod(nil, "*"+typeSafeName, sfmt("To%v", bag.safeName(ttn)), ttn, sfmt("return %v", chain), sfmt("Returns the value of its %vValue field as a %v (which %v is just aliasing).", idPrefix, ttn, ctValueType)) } else { break } } if (!strings.HasPrefix(ctValueType, "xsdt.")) && (bag.declTypes[ctValueType] == nil) { println("NOTFOUND: " + ctValueType) } } else if mixed { td.addEmbed(nil, idPrefix+"HasCdata") } for elGr, _ = range allElemGroups { subMakeElemGroup(bag, td, elGr, grsDone, anns(nil, me.ComplexContent)...) } for el, _ = range allElems { subMakeElem(bag, td, el, elsDone, 1, anns(me.All, nil)...) } for _, ch := range allChoices { for _, el = range ch.Elements { subMakeElem(bag, td, el, elsDone, ch.hasAttrMaxOccurs.Value(), ch.Annotation) } for _, elGr = range ch.Groups { subMakeElemGroup(bag, td, elGr, grsDone, ch.Annotation) } } for _, seq := range allSeqs { for _, el = range seq.Elements { subMakeElem(bag, td, el, elsDone, seq.hasAttrMaxOccurs.Value(), seq.Annotation) } for _, elGr = range seq.Groups { subMakeElemGroup(bag, td, elGr, grsDone, seq.Annotation) } } for attGroup, _ = range allAttGroups { td.addEmbed(attGroup, ustr.PrefixWithSep(bag.attGroupRefImps[attGroup], ".", bag.attGroups[attGroup][(strings.Index(bag.attGroups[attGroup], ".")+1):]), attGroup.Annotation) } for att, _ = range allAtts { if key := bag.attsKeys[att]; len(key) > 0 { td.addEmbed(att, ustr.PrefixWithSep(bag.attRefImps[att], ".", bag.attsCache[key][(strings.Index(bag.attsCache[key], ".")+1):]), att.Annotation) } } me.elemBase.afterMakePkg(bag) }