コード例 #1
func createWorkItemLink(ctx *workItemLinkContext, funcs createWorkItemLinkFuncs, payload *app.CreateWorkItemLinkPayload) error {
	// Convert payload from app to model representation
	model := link.WorkItemLink{}
	in := app.WorkItemLinkSingle{
		Data: payload.Data,
	err := link.ConvertLinkToModel(in, &model)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
		return funcs.BadRequest(jerrors)
	link, err := ctx.Application.WorkItemLinks().Create(ctx.Context, model.SourceID, model.TargetID, model.LinkTypeID)
	if err != nil {
		cause := errs.Cause(err)
		switch cause.(type) {
		case errors.NotFoundError:
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(err.Error()))
			return funcs.BadRequest(jerrors)
		case errors.BadParameterError:
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(err.Error()))
			return funcs.BadRequest(jerrors)
			jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
			return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)
	if err := enrichLinkSingle(ctx, link); err != nil {
		jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
		return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)

	ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", app.WorkItemLinkHref(link.Data.ID))
	return funcs.Created(link)
コード例 #2
ファイル: workitemtype.go プロジェクト: Ritsyy/almighty-core
// List runs the list action
func (c *WorkitemtypeController) List(ctx *app.ListWorkitemtypeContext) error {
	start, limit, err := parseLimit(ctx.Page)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse paging: %s", err.Error())))
		return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		result, err := appl.WorkItemTypes().List(ctx.Context, start, &limit)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("Error listing work item types: %s", err.Error())))
			return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
		return ctx.OK(result)
コード例 #3
ファイル: trackerquery.go プロジェクト: Ritsyy/almighty-core
// Update runs the update action.
func (c *TrackerqueryController) Update(ctx *app.UpdateTrackerqueryContext) error {
	result := application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {

		toSave := app.TrackerQuery{
			ID:        ctx.ID,
			Query:     ctx.Payload.Query,
			Schedule:  ctx.Payload.Schedule,
			TrackerID: ctx.Payload.TrackerID,
		tq, err := appl.TrackerQueries().Save(ctx.Context, toSave)

		if err != nil {
			cause := errs.Cause(err)
			switch cause.(type) {
			case remoteworkitem.BadParameterError, remoteworkitem.ConversionError:
				jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(err.Error()))
				return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
				jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal(err.Error()))
				return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)
		return ctx.OK(tq)
	return result
コード例 #4
ファイル: user.go プロジェクト: Ritsyy/almighty-core
// Show returns the authorized user based on the provided Token
func (c *UserController) Show(ctx *app.ShowUserContext) error {
	id, err := c.tokenManager.Locate(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(err.Error()))
		return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		identity, err := appl.Identities().Load(ctx, id)
		if err != nil || identity == nil {
			log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
				"identityID": id,
			}, "auth token containers id %s of unknown Identity", id)
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrUnauthorized(fmt.Sprintf("Auth token contains id %s of unknown Identity\n", id)))
			return ctx.Unauthorized(jerrors)

		var user *account.User
		userID := identity.UserID
		if userID.Valid {
			user, err = appl.Users().Load(ctx.Context, userID.UUID)
			if err != nil {
				return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Can't load user with id %s", userID.UUID)))

		return ctx.OK(ConvertUser(ctx.RequestData, identity, user))
コード例 #5
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *WorkItemRelationshipsLinksController) Create(ctx *app.CreateWorkItemRelationshipsLinksContext) error {
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		// Check that current work item does indeed exist
		if _, err := appl.WorkItems().Load(ctx.Context, ctx.ID); err != nil {
			jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
			return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)
		// Check that the source ID of the link is the same as the current work
		// item ID.
		src, _ := getSrcTgt(ctx.Payload.Data)
		if src != nil && *src != ctx.ID {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("data.relationships.source.data.id is \"%s\" but must be \"%s\"", ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source.Data.ID, ctx.ID)))
			return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
		// If no source is specified we pre-fill the source field of the payload
		// with the current work item ID from the URL. This is for convenience.
		if src == nil {
			if ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships == nil {
				ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships = &app.WorkItemLinkRelationships{}
			if ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source == nil {
				ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source = &app.RelationWorkItem{}
			if ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source.Data == nil {
				ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source.Data = &app.RelationWorkItemData{}
			ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source.Data.ID = ctx.ID
			ctx.Payload.Data.Relationships.Source.Data.Type = link.EndpointWorkItems
		return createWorkItemLink(newWorkItemLinkContext(ctx.Context, appl, c.db, ctx.RequestData, ctx.ResponseData, app.WorkItemLinkHref), ctx, ctx.Payload)
コード例 #6
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *WorkItemLinkTypeController) Create(ctx *app.CreateWorkItemLinkTypeContext) error {
	// WorkItemLinkTypeController_Create: start_implement
	// Convert payload from app to model representation
	model := link.WorkItemLinkType{}
	in := app.WorkItemLinkTypeSingle{
		Data: ctx.Payload.Data,
	err := link.ConvertLinkTypeToModel(in, &model)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(err.Error()))
		return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		linkType, err := appl.WorkItemLinkTypes().Create(ctx.Context, model.Name, model.Description, model.SourceTypeName, model.TargetTypeName, model.ForwardName, model.ReverseName, model.Topology, model.LinkCategoryID)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
			return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)
		// Enrich
		linkCtx := newWorkItemLinkContext(ctx.Context, appl, c.db, ctx.RequestData, ctx.ResponseData, app.WorkItemLinkTypeHref)
		err = enrichLinkTypeSingle(linkCtx, linkType)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal("Failed to enrich link type: %s", err.Error()))
			return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", app.WorkItemLinkTypeHref(linkType.Data.ID))
		return ctx.Created(linkType)
	// WorkItemLinkTypeController_Create: end_implement
コード例 #7
ファイル: search.go プロジェクト: Ritsyy/almighty-core
// Spaces runs the space search action.
func (c *SearchController) Spaces(ctx *app.SpacesSearchContext) error {
	q := ctx.Q
	if q == "" {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Errorf("Empty search query not allowed")))
	} else if q == "*" {
		q = "" // Allow empty query if * specified

	var result []*space.Space
	var count int
	var err error

	offset, limit := computePagingLimts(ctx.PageOffset, ctx.PageLimit)

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		var resultCount uint64
		result, resultCount, err = appl.Spaces().Search(ctx, &q, &offset, &limit)
		count = int(resultCount)
		if err != nil {
			cause := errs.Cause(err)
			switch cause.(type) {
			case errors.BadParameterError:
				return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("Error listing spaces: %s", err.Error())))
				log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
					"query":  q,
					"offset": offset,
					"limit":  limit,
					"err":    err,
				}, "unable to list spaces")
				return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrInternal(err.Error()))

		response := app.SearchSpaceList{
			Links: &app.PagingLinks{},
			Meta:  &app.SpaceListMeta{TotalCount: count},
			Data:  ConvertSpaces(ctx.RequestData, result),
		setPagingLinks(response.Links, buildAbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData), len(result), offset, limit, count, "q="+q)

		return ctx.OK(&response)
コード例 #8
ファイル: tracker.go プロジェクト: Ritsyy/almighty-core
// List runs the list action.
func (c *TrackerController) List(ctx *app.ListTrackerContext) error {
	exp, err := query.Parse(ctx.Filter)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse filter: %s", err.Error())))
		return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
	start, limit, err := parseLimit(ctx.Page)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse paging: %s", err.Error())))
		return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		result, err := appl.Trackers().List(ctx.Context, exp, start, &limit)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Error listing trackers: %s", err.Error())))
			return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)
		return ctx.OK(result)

コード例 #9
ファイル: search.go プロジェクト: Ritsyy/almighty-core
// Show runs the show action.
func (c *SearchController) Show(ctx *app.ShowSearchContext) error {
	var offset int
	var limit int

	offset, limit = computePagingLimts(ctx.PageOffset, ctx.PageLimit)

	// ToDo : Keep URL registeration central somehow.
	hostString := ctx.RequestData.Host
	if hostString == "" {
		hostString = configuration.GetHTTPAddress()
	urlRegexString := fmt.Sprintf("(?P<domain>%s)(?P<path>/work-item/list/detail/)(?P<id>\\d*)", hostString)
	search.RegisterAsKnownURL(search.HostRegistrationKeyForListWI, urlRegexString)
	urlRegexString = fmt.Sprintf("(?P<domain>%s)(?P<path>/work-item/board/detail/)(?P<id>\\d*)", hostString)
	search.RegisterAsKnownURL(search.HostRegistrationKeyForBoardWI, urlRegexString)

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		//return transaction.Do(c.ts, func() error {
		result, c, err := appl.SearchItems().SearchFullText(ctx.Context, ctx.Q, &offset, &limit)
		count := int(c)
		if err != nil {
			cause := errs.Cause(err)
			switch cause.(type) {
			case errors.BadParameterError:
				jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("Error listing work items: %s", err.Error())))
				return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
				log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
					"err": err,
				}, "unable to list the work items")
				jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal(err.Error()))
				return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)

		response := app.SearchWorkItemList{
			Links: &app.PagingLinks{},
			Meta:  &app.WorkItemListResponseMeta{TotalCount: count},
			Data:  ConvertWorkItems(ctx.RequestData, result),

		setPagingLinks(response.Links, buildAbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData), len(result), offset, limit, count, "q="+ctx.Q)
		return ctx.OK(&response)
コード例 #10
ファイル: trackerquery.go プロジェクト: Ritsyy/almighty-core
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *TrackerqueryController) Create(ctx *app.CreateTrackerqueryContext) error {
	result := application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		tq, err := appl.TrackerQueries().Create(ctx.Context, ctx.Payload.Query, ctx.Payload.Schedule, ctx.Payload.TrackerID)
		if err != nil {
			cause := errs.Cause(err)
			switch cause.(type) {
			case remoteworkitem.BadParameterError, remoteworkitem.ConversionError:
				jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrBadRequest(err.Error()))
				return ctx.BadRequest(jerrors)
				jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrInternal(err.Error()))
				return ctx.InternalServerError(jerrors)
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", app.TrackerqueryHref(tq.ID))
		return ctx.Created(tq)
	return result