コード例 #1
ファイル: node_test.go プロジェクト: sdcoffey/Olympus
func (suite *GraphTestSuite) TestSave(t *C) {
	mTime := time.Now()
	ni := graph.NodeInfo{
		Name:     "child",
		ParentId: graph.RootNodeId,
		Mode:     os.FileMode(0755),
		MTime:    mTime,
		Type:     "application/json",

	node, err := suite.ng.NewNodeWithNodeInfo(ni)
	t.Check(err, IsNil)

	assertProperty := func(expected string, actual cayley.Iterator) {
		t.Check(cayley.RawNext(actual), Equals, true)
		t.Check(suite.ng.NameOf(actual.Result()), Equals, expected)

	it := cayley.StartPath(suite.ng, node.Id).Out("isNamed").BuildIterator()
	assertProperty("child", it)

	it = cayley.StartPath(suite.ng, node.Id).Out("hasMTime").BuildIterator()
	assertProperty(mTime.Format(time.RFC3339Nano), it)

	it = cayley.StartPath(suite.ng, node.Id).Out("hasMode").BuildIterator()
	assertProperty(fmt.Sprint(0755), it)

	it = cayley.StartPath(suite.ng, node.Id).Out("hasType").BuildIterator()
	assertProperty("application/json", it)
コード例 #2
ファイル: layer.go プロジェクト: kinvolk/clair
// toLayers converts a path leading to one or multiple layers to Layer structs,
// selecting the specified fields
func toLayers(path *path.Path, selectedFields []string) ([]*Layer, error) {
	var layers []*Layer

	saveFields(path, selectedFields, []string{FieldLayerSuccessors, FieldLayerPackages, FieldLayerInstalledPackages, FieldLayerRemovedPackages})
	it, _ := path.BuildIterator().Optimize()
	defer it.Close()
	for cayley.RawNext(it) {
		tags := make(map[string]graph.Value)

		layer := Layer{Node: store.NameOf(it.Result())}
		for _, selectedField := range selectedFields {
			switch selectedField {
			case FieldLayerID:
				layer.ID = store.NameOf(tags[FieldLayerID])
			case FieldLayerParent:
				layer.ParentNode = store.NameOf(tags[FieldLayerParent])
			case FieldLayerSuccessors:
				var err error
				layer.SuccessorsNodes, err = toValues(cayley.StartPath(store, layer.Node).In(FieldLayerParent))
				if err != nil {
					log.Errorf("could not get successors of layer %s: %s.", layer.Node, err.Error())
					return nil, err
			case FieldLayerOS:
				layer.OS = store.NameOf(tags[FieldLayerOS])
			case FieldLayerPackages:
				var err error
				it, _ := cayley.StartPath(store, layer.Node).OutWithTags([]string{"predicate"}, FieldLayerInstalledPackages, FieldLayerRemovedPackages).BuildIterator().Optimize()
				defer it.Close()
				for cayley.RawNext(it) {
					tags := make(map[string]graph.Value)

					predicate := store.NameOf(tags["predicate"])
					if predicate == FieldLayerInstalledPackages {
						layer.InstalledPackagesNodes = append(layer.InstalledPackagesNodes, store.NameOf(it.Result()))
					} else if predicate == FieldLayerRemovedPackages {
						layer.RemovedPackagesNodes = append(layer.RemovedPackagesNodes, store.NameOf(it.Result()))
				if it.Err() != nil {
					log.Errorf("could not get installed/removed packages of layer %s: %s.", layer.Node, it.Err())
					return nil, err
			case FieldLayerEngineVersion:
				layer.EngineVersion, _ = strconv.Atoi(store.NameOf(tags[FieldLayerEngineVersion]))
				panic("unknown selectedField")
		layers = append(layers, &layer)
	if it.Err() != nil {
		log.Errorf("failed query in toLayers: %s", it.Err())
		return []*Layer{}, ErrBackendException

	return layers, nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: nodegraph.go プロジェクト: sdcoffey/Olympus
func (ng *NodeGraph) NodeWithName(parentId, name string) *Node {
	namePath := cayley.StartPath(ng, name).In(nameLink)
	parentpath := cayley.StartPath(ng, parentId).In(parentLink)

	it := namePath.And(parentpath).BuildIterator()
	if cayley.RawNext(it) {
		return ng.NodeWithId(ng.NameOf(it.Result()))

	return nil
コード例 #4
ファイル: layer.go プロジェクト: kinvolk/clair
// FindAllLayersByAddedPackageNodes finds and returns all layers that add the
// given packages (by their nodes), selecting the specified fields
func FindAllLayersByAddedPackageNodes(nodes []string, selectedFields []string) ([]*Layer, error) {
	layers, err := toLayers(cayley.StartPath(store, nodes...).In(FieldLayerInstalledPackages), selectedFields)
	if err != nil {
		return []*Layer{}, err
	return layers, nil
コード例 #5
ファイル: lock.go プロジェクト: dwdm/clair
// Unlock unlocks a lock specified by its name if I own it
func Unlock(name, owner string) {
	unlocked := 0
	it, _ := cayley.StartPath(store, name).Has(fieldLockLocked, fieldLockLockedValue).Has(fieldLockLockedBy, owner).Save(fieldLockLockedUntil, fieldLockLockedUntil).BuildIterator().Optimize()
	defer it.Close()
	for cayley.RawNext(it) {
		tags := make(map[string]graph.Value)

		t := cayley.NewTransaction()
		t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Triple(name, fieldLockLocked, fieldLockLockedValue))
		t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Triple(name, fieldLockLockedUntil, store.NameOf(tags[fieldLockLockedUntil])))
		t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Triple(name, fieldLockLockedBy, owner))
		err := store.ApplyTransaction(t)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("failed transaction (Unlock): %s", err)

	if it.Err() != nil {
		log.Errorf("failed query in Unlock: %s", it.Err())
	if unlocked > 1 {
		// We should never see this, it would mean that our database doesn't ensure quad uniqueness
		// and that the entire lock system is jeopardized.
		log.Errorf("found inconsistency in Unlock: matched %d times a locked named: %s", unlocked, name)
コード例 #6
ファイル: vulnerability.go プロジェクト: ruo91/clair
// FindAllVulnerabilitiesByFixedIn finds and returns all vulnerabilities that are fixed in the given packages (speficied by their nodes), selecting the specified fields
func FindAllVulnerabilitiesByFixedIn(nodes []string, selectedFields []string) ([]*Vulnerability, error) {
	if len(nodes) == 0 {
		log.Warning("Could not FindAllVulnerabilitiesByFixedIn with an empty nodes array.")
		return []*Vulnerability{}, nil
	return toVulnerabilities(cayley.StartPath(store, nodes...).In(FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn), selectedFields)
コード例 #7
func main() {

	store, err := cayley.NewGraph("bolt", dbPath, nil)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error in creating database", err)

	path := cayley.StartPath(store, "Article").
		Save("has_image", "image").
		Save("has_title", "title").
		Save("has_description", "description")

	it := path.BuildIterator()
	it, _ = it.Optimize()

	for graph.Next(it) {
		tags := make(map[string]graph.Value)

コード例 #8
ファイル: package.go プロジェクト: neujie/clair
// FindAllPackagesByNodes finds and returns all packages given by their nodes, selecting the specified fields
func FindAllPackagesByNodes(nodes []string, selectedFields []string) ([]*Package, error) {
	if len(nodes) == 0 {
		return []*Package{}, nil

	return toPackages(cayley.StartPath(store, nodes...).Has(FieldIs, FieldPackageIsValue), selectedFields)
コード例 #9
* Searches for articles in the database
* @param tags string[] The tags entered by the user.Currently only entity search has been implemented.
Algorithm in Readme
func SearchForArticles(tags []string, store *cayley.Handle) PairList {
	links := make(map[string]int)

	for _, tag := range tags {

		entities := extractArticleData.GetEntityInfo(tag, "")

		if len(entities) == 0 {

		entitityInfo := entities[0] // Get the First Entity //TODO:- Change to Best Label Match

		for _, category := range entitityInfo.Categories {

			path := cayley.StartPath(store, category).

			it := path.BuildIterator()
			it, _ = it.Optimize()

			for cayley.RawNext(it) {
				link := store.NameOf(it.Result())
				links[link] += 10
	return sortMapByValue(links)
コード例 #10
ファイル: LocalSignaller.go プロジェクト: enzian/msf-tools
func (s *localSignallingLayer) AddServiceHost(service string, version string, uri string) (common.ServiceHost, error) {
	var h, err = s.base.AddServiceHost(service, version, uri)
	if err == nil {
		var svcDef, finderr = s.base.GetServiceDefinition(service)
		if finderr == nil {
			// find all affected api versions
			var startingNodeID = utils.CreateServiceVersionKey(service, version)
			var path = cayley.StartPath(s.graph, startingNodeID).Out(utils.InApiRel)
			it := path.BuildIterator()
			for cayley.RawNext(it) {
				var apiNodeID = s.graph.NameOf(it.Result())
				var apiVersion = strings.TrimPrefix(apiNodeID, utils.CreateAPIVersionKey(""))
				var event = common.Event{}
				event.ActionCode = "ADD_ServiceHost"
				event.Data = map[string]string{
					"version": apiVersion,
					"prefix":  svcDef.Prefix,
					"uri":     uri}
				s.signalOutput <- event

	return h, err
コード例 #11
ファイル: lock.go プロジェクト: dwdm/clair
// pruneLocks removes every expired locks from the database
func pruneLocks() {
	now := time.Now()

	// Delete every expired locks
	it, _ := cayley.StartPath(store, "locked").In("locked").Save(fieldLockLockedUntil, fieldLockLockedUntil).Save(fieldLockLockedBy, fieldLockLockedBy).BuildIterator().Optimize()
	defer it.Close()
	for cayley.RawNext(it) {
		tags := make(map[string]graph.Value)

		n := store.NameOf(it.Result())
		t := store.NameOf(tags[fieldLockLockedUntil])
		o := store.NameOf(tags[fieldLockLockedBy])
		tt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(t, 10, 64)

		if now.Unix() > tt {
			log.Debugf("lock %s owned by %s has expired.", n, o)

			tr := cayley.NewTransaction()
			tr.RemoveQuad(cayley.Triple(n, fieldLockLocked, fieldLockLockedValue))
			tr.RemoveQuad(cayley.Triple(n, fieldLockLockedUntil, t))
			tr.RemoveQuad(cayley.Triple(n, fieldLockLockedBy, o))
			err := store.ApplyTransaction(tr)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("failed transaction (pruneLocks): %s", err)
			log.Debugf("lock %s has been successfully pruned.", n)
	if it.Err() != nil {
		log.Errorf("failed query in Unlock: %s", it.Err())
コード例 #12
ファイル: lock.go プロジェクト: ruo91/clair
// pruneLocks removes every expired locks from the database
func pruneLocks() {
	now := time.Now()

	// Delete every expired locks
	tr := cayley.NewTransaction()
	it, _ := cayley.StartPath(store, "locked").In("locked").Save("locked_until", "locked_until").Save("locked_by", "locked_by").BuildIterator().Optimize()
	defer it.Close()
	for cayley.RawNext(it) {
		tags := make(map[string]graph.Value)

		n := store.NameOf(it.Result())
		t := store.NameOf(tags["locked_until"])
		o := store.NameOf(tags["locked_by"])
		tt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(t, 10, 64)

		if now.Unix() > tt {
			log.Debugf("Lock %s owned by %s has expired.", n, o)
			tr.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(n, "locked", "locked", ""))
			tr.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(n, "locked_until", t, ""))
			tr.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(n, "locked_by", o, ""))
コード例 #13
ファイル: lock.go プロジェクト: ruo91/clair
// Lock tries to set a temporary lock in the database.
// If a lock already exists with the given name/owner, then the lock is renewed
// Lock does not block, instead, it returns true and its expiration time
// is the lock has been successfully acquired or false otherwise
func Lock(name string, duration time.Duration, owner string) (bool, time.Time) {

	until := time.Now().Add(duration)
	untilString := strconv.FormatInt(until.Unix(), 10)

	// Try to get the expiration time of a lock with the same name/owner
	currentExpiration, err := toValue(cayley.StartPath(store, name).Has("locked_by", owner).Out("locked_until"))
	if err == nil && currentExpiration != "" {
		// Renew our lock
		if currentExpiration == untilString {
			return true, until

		t := cayley.NewTransaction()
		t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(name, "locked_until", currentExpiration, ""))
		t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(name, "locked_until", untilString, ""))
		// It is not necessary to verify if the lock is ours again in the transaction
		// because if someone took it, the lock's current expiration probably changed and the transaction will fail
		return store.ApplyTransaction(t) == nil, until

	t := cayley.NewTransaction()
	t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(name, "locked", "locked", "")) // Necessary to make the transaction fails if the lock already exists (and has not been pruned)
	t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(name, "locked_until", untilString, ""))
	t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(name, "locked_by", owner, ""))

	success := store.ApplyTransaction(t) == nil

	return success, until
コード例 #14
ファイル: package.go プロジェクト: kinvolk/clair
// FindAllPackagesByNodes finds and returns all packages given by their nodes, selecting the specified fields
func FindAllPackagesByNodes(nodes []string, selectedFields []string) ([]*Package, error) {
	if len(nodes) == 0 {
		log.Warning("could not FindAllPackagesByNodes with an empty nodes array.")
		return []*Package{}, nil

	return toPackages(cayley.StartPath(store, nodes...).Has(FieldIs, FieldPackageIsValue), selectedFields)
コード例 #15
ファイル: node.go プロジェクト: sdcoffey/Olympus
func (nd *Node) graphValue(key string) (value string) {
	it := cayley.StartPath(nd.graph, nd.Id).Out(key).BuildIterator()
	if cayley.RawNext(it) {
		value = nd.graph.NameOf(it.Result())

コード例 #16
func (s *SocketServer) NotifyStop(t int64) {
	stopAt := strconv.FormatInt(t, 10)
	p := cayley.StartPath(s.storage, stopAt).In("free at")
	it := p.BuildIterator()
	for cayley.RawNext(it) {
		s.BroadcastTo(RoomName, "stop", s.storage.NameOf(it.Result()))
コード例 #17
func (s *SocketServer) NotifyEnable(t int64) {
	stopedAt := strconv.FormatInt(t-models.Wait5Minutes, 10)
	p := cayley.StartPath(s.storage, stopedAt).In("free at")
	it := p.BuildIterator()
	for cayley.RawNext(it) {
		//TODO send to only one user
		s.BroadcastTo(RoomName, "enable", s.storage.NameOf(it.Result()))
コード例 #18
ファイル: acl.go プロジェクト: pombredanne/cayley-acl-test
func (a *ACL) GetProfilePerm(sourceprofileid, targetprofile string) []string {
	p := cayley.StartPath(a.profilestore, sourceprofileid).Out(targetprofile)
	it := p.BuildIterator()
	r := []string{}
	for cayley.RawNext(it) {
		r = append(r, a.profilestore.NameOf(it.Result()))
	return r
コード例 #19
ファイル: database_test.go プロジェクト: dwdm/clair
func TestToValue(t *testing.T) {
	Open(&config.DatabaseConfig{Type: "memstore"})
	defer Close()

	// toValue()
	v, err := toValue(cayley.StartPath(store, "tests").Out("are"))
	assert.Nil(t, err, "toValue should work even if the requested path leads to nothing")
	assert.Equal(t, "", v, "toValue should return an empty string if the requested path leads to nothing")

	store.AddQuad(cayley.Triple("tests", "are", "awesome"))
	v, err = toValue(cayley.StartPath(store, "tests").Out("are"))
	assert.Nil(t, err, "toValue should have worked")
	assert.Equal(t, "awesome", v, "toValue did not return the expected value")

	store.AddQuad(cayley.Triple("tests", "are", "running"))
	v, err = toValue(cayley.StartPath(store, "tests").Out("are"))
	assert.NotNil(t, err, "toValue should return an error and an empty string if the path leads to multiple values")
	assert.Equal(t, "", v, "toValue should return an error and an empty string if the path leads to multiple values")

	// toValues()
	vs, err := toValues(cayley.StartPath(store, "CoreOS").Out(fieldIs))
	assert.Nil(t, err, "toValues should work even if the requested path leads to nothing")
	assert.Len(t, vs, 0, "toValue should return an empty array if the requested path leads to nothing")
	words := []string{"powerful", "lightweight"}
	for i, word := range words {
		store.AddQuad(cayley.Triple("CoreOS", fieldIs, word))
		v, err := toValues(cayley.StartPath(store, "CoreOS").Out(fieldIs))
		assert.Nil(t, err, "toValues should have worked")
		assert.Len(t, v, i+1, "toValues did not return the right amount of values")
		for _, e := range words[:i+1] {
			assert.Contains(t, v, e, "toValues did not return the values we expected")

	// toValue(s)() and empty values
	store.AddQuad(cayley.Triple("bob", "likes", ""))
	v, err = toValue(cayley.StartPath(store, "bob").Out("likes"))
	assert.Nil(t, err, "toValue should work even if the requested path leads to nothing")
	assert.Equal(t, "", v, "toValue should return an empty string if the requested path leads to nothing")

	store.AddQuad(cayley.Triple("bob", "likes", "running"))
	v, err = toValue(cayley.StartPath(store, "bob").Out("likes"))
	assert.NotNil(t, err, "toValue should return an error and an empty string if the path leads to multiple values")
	assert.Equal(t, "", v, "toValue should return an error and an empty string if the path leads to multiple values")

	store.AddQuad(cayley.Triple("bob", "likes", "swimming"))
	va, err := toValues(cayley.StartPath(store, "bob").Out("likes"))
	assert.Nil(t, err, "toValues should have worked")
	if assert.Len(t, va, 3, "toValues should have returned 2 values") {
		assert.Contains(t, va, "running")
		assert.Contains(t, va, "swimming")
		assert.Contains(t, va, "")
コード例 #20
func (s *Storage) GetUsersFreeAt(t int64) []*User {
	freeAt := strconv.FormatInt(t, 10)

	users := []*User{}
	p := cayley.StartPath(s, freeAt).In("free at")
	it := p.BuildIterator()
	for cayley.RawNext(it) {
		users = append(users, NewUser(s.NameOf(it.Result())))

	return users
コード例 #21
ファイル: node.go プロジェクト: sdcoffey/Olympus
func (nd *Node) BlockWithOffset(offset int64) string {
	if nd.IsDir() {
		return ""

	it := cayley.StartPath(nd.graph, nd.Id).Out(fmt.Sprint("offset-", offset)).BuildIterator()
	if cayley.RawNext(it) {
		return nd.graph.NameOf(it.Result())
	} else {
		return ""
コード例 #22
func (s *Storage) SaveUser(u *User) {
	s.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(u.Name, "is", "user", ""))

	p := cayley.StartPath(u.getStorage(), u.Name).Out("free at")

	iterationTime := u.IterationTime()
	it := p.BuildIterator()
	for cayley.RawNext(it) {
		s.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(u.Name, "free at", s.NameOf(it.Result()), ""))

	s.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(u.Name, "free at", strconv.FormatInt(iterationTime, 10), ""))
コード例 #23
ファイル: User.go プロジェクト: gophergala2016/Pomodoro_Crew
func (u *User) IterationTime() int64 {
	if u.iterationTime == 0 {
		p := cayley.StartPath(u.getStorage(), u.Name).Out("free at")

		it := p.BuildIterator()
		if cayley.RawNext(it) {
			u.iterationTime, _ = strconv.ParseInt(u.getStorage().NameOf(it.Result()), 10, 64)
		} else {
			u.iterationTime = time.Now().Unix() - Wait5Minutes

	return u.iterationTime
コード例 #24
ファイル: node_test.go プロジェクト: sdcoffey/Olympus
func (suite *GraphTestSuite) TestWriteData_removesExistingFingerprintForOffset(t *C) {
	child, _ := makeNode("child", suite.ng.RootNode.Id, time.Now(), suite.ng)
	dat := testutils.RandDat(1024)

	t.Check(child.WriteData(dat, 0), IsNil)

	dat = testutils.RandDat(1024)
	fingerprint := graph.Hash(dat)
	t.Check(child.WriteData(dat, 0), IsNil)

	it := cayley.StartPath(suite.ng, child.Id).Out("offset-0").BuildIterator()
	t.Check(cayley.RawNext(it), Equals, true)
	t.Check(suite.ng.NameOf(it.Result()), Equals, fingerprint)
コード例 #25
ファイル: notification.go プロジェクト: ruo91/clair
// CountNotificationsToSend returns the number of pending notifications
// Note that it also count the locked notifications.
func CountNotificationsToSend() (int, error) {
	c := 0

	it, _ := cayley.StartPath(store, "notification").In(FieldIs).Has("isSent", strconv.FormatBool(false)).BuildIterator().Optimize()
	defer it.Close()
	for cayley.RawNext(it) {
		c = c + 1
	if it.Err() != nil {
		log.Errorf("failed query in CountNotificationsToSend: %s", it.Err())
		return 0, ErrBackendException

	return c, nil
コード例 #26
func (p *mgoPersistenceProvider) loadVersionsByAPI(apiVersion string, graph *cayley.Handle, session *mgo.Session, target common.IServiceRegistry) error {
	var startingNodeID = utils.CreateAPIVersionKey(apiVersion)
	var path = cayley.StartPath(graph, startingNodeID).Out(utils.ContainsVersionRel)
	it := path.BuildIterator()
	for cayley.RawNext(it) {
		var version serviceVersion
		err := session.DB("test").C("serviceVersions").Find(bson.M{"_id": graph.NameOf(it.Result())}).One(&version)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		target.LinkServiceToAPI(version.Service, version.Version, apiVersion)

	return nil
コード例 #27
ファイル: vulnerability.go プロジェクト: dwdm/clair
// FindAllVulnerabilitiesByFixedIn finds and returns all vulnerabilities that are fixed in the given packages (speficied by their nodes), selecting the specified fields
func FindAllVulnerabilitiesByFixedIn(nodes []string, selectedFields []string) ([]*Vulnerability, error) {
	if len(nodes) == 0 {
		log.Warning("Could not FindAllVulnerabilitiesByFixedIn with an empty nodes array.")
		return []*Vulnerability{}, nil

	// Construct path, potentially saving FieldVulnerabilityCausedByPackage
	path := cayley.StartPath(store, nodes...)
	if utils.Contains(FieldVulnerabilityCausedByPackage, selectedFields) {
		path = path.Save(FieldPackageName, FieldVulnerabilityCausedByPackage)
	path = path.In(FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn)

	return toVulnerabilities(path, selectedFields)
コード例 #28
ファイル: layer.go プロジェクト: kinvolk/clair
// FindOneLayerByNode finds and returns a single package by its node, selecting the specified fields
func FindOneLayerByNode(node string, selectedFields []string) (*Layer, error) {
	l, err := toLayers(cayley.StartPath(store, node).Has(FieldIs, FieldLayerIsValue), selectedFields)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if len(l) == 1 {
		return l[0], nil
	if len(l) > 1 {
		log.Errorf("found multiple layers with identical node [Node: %s]", node)
		return nil, ErrInconsistent

	return nil, cerrors.ErrNotFound
コード例 #29
ファイル: vulnerability.go プロジェクト: dwdm/clair
// FindOneVulnerability finds and returns a single vulnerability having the given ID selecting the specified fields
func FindOneVulnerability(id string, selectedFields []string) (*Vulnerability, error) {
	t := &Vulnerability{ID: id}
	v, err := toVulnerabilities(cayley.StartPath(store, t.GetNode()).Has(fieldIs, fieldVulnerabilityIsValue), selectedFields)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if len(v) == 1 {
		return v[0], nil
	if len(v) > 1 {
		log.Errorf("found multiple vulnerabilities with identical ID [ID: %s]", id)
		return nil, ErrInconsistent
	return nil, cerrors.ErrNotFound
コード例 #30
ファイル: package.go プロジェクト: neujie/clair
// FindOnePackage finds and returns a single package having the given OS, name and version, selecting the specified fields
func FindOnePackage(OS, name string, version types.Version, selectedFields []string) (*Package, error) {
	packageParameter := Package{OS: OS, Name: name, Version: version}
	p, err := toPackages(cayley.StartPath(store, packageParameter.GetNode()).Has(FieldIs, FieldPackageIsValue), selectedFields)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if len(p) == 1 {
		return p[0], nil
	if len(p) > 1 {
		log.Errorf("found multiple packages with identical data [OS: %s, Name: %s, Version: %s]", OS, name, version)
		return nil, ErrInconsistent
	return nil, cerrors.ErrNotFound