//PrintForInfluxDB prints the data in influxdb lineformat func (p PerformanceData) PrintForInfluxDB(version string) string { if helper.VersionOrdinal(version) >= helper.VersionOrdinal("0.9") { tableName := fmt.Sprintf(`metrics,host=%s`, helper.SanitizeInfluxInput(p.hostname)) if p.service == "" { tableName += fmt.Sprintf(`,service=%s`, helper.SanitizeInfluxInput(config.GetConfig().Influx.HostcheckAlias)) } else { tableName += fmt.Sprintf(`,service=%s`, helper.SanitizeInfluxInput(p.service)) } tableName += fmt.Sprintf(`,command=%s,performanceLabel=%s`, helper.SanitizeInfluxInput(p.command), helper.SanitizeInfluxInput(p.performanceLabel), ) if len(p.tags) > 0 { tableName += fmt.Sprintf(`,%s`, helper.PrintMapAsString(helper.SanitizeMap(p.tags), ",", "=")) } if p.unit != "" { tableName += fmt.Sprintf(`,unit=%s`, p.unit) } tableName += fmt.Sprintf(` %s`, helper.PrintMapAsString(helper.SanitizeMap(p.fields), ",", "=")) tableName += fmt.Sprintf(" %s\n", p.time) return tableName } return "" }
//PrintForInfluxDB prints the data in influxdb lineformat func (p Printable) PrintForInfluxDB(version string) string { if helper.VersionOrdinal(version) >= helper.VersionOrdinal("0.9") { line := p.Table if len(p.tags) > 0 { line += fmt.Sprintf(`,%s`, helper.PrintMapAsString(p.tags, ",", "=")) } line += " " if len(p.fields) > 0 { line += fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, helper.PrintMapAsString(p.fields, ",", "=")) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", line, p.Timestamp) } return "" }
func (p *PerformanceData) String() string { if p.awsinstanceid == "" { p.awsinstanceid = "empty" } tableName := fmt.Sprintf(`%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s`, p.service, p.fieldseperator, `command=`, p.command, p.fieldseperator, `awsinstanceid=`, p.awsinstanceid, p.fieldseperator, `awsservice=`, p.awsservice, p.fieldseperator, `awsserviceid=`, p.awsserviceid, p.fieldseperator, `awsstage=`, p.awsstage, p.fieldseperator, `host=`, p.hostname) if p.unit != "" { p.tags["unit"] = p.unit } p.tags["metric"] = p.performanceLabel if len(p.tags) > 0 { tableName += fmt.Sprintf(`,%s`, helper.PrintMapAsString(p.tags, ",", "=")) } if len(p.mvals) > 0 { tableName += fmt.Sprintf(` %s`, helper.PrintMapAsString(p.mvals, ",", "=")) } tableName += fmt.Sprintf(` %s`, p.time) return tableName }
func (p *PerformanceData) String() string { tableName := fmt.Sprintf(`%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s`, p.hostname, p.fieldseperator, p.service, p.fieldseperator, p.command, p.fieldseperator, p.performanceLabel, p.fieldseperator, p.performanceType) if p.unit != "" { tableName += fmt.Sprintf(`,unit=%s`, p.unit) } if len(p.tags) > 0 { tableName += fmt.Sprintf(`,%s`, helper.PrintMapAsString(p.tags, ",", "=")) } tableName += fmt.Sprintf(` value=%s %s`, p.value, p.time) return tableName }