コード例 #1
ファイル: state_store.go プロジェクト: carriercomm/nomad
// nestedUpsertEvaluation is used to nest an evaluation upsert within a transaction
func (s *StateStore) nestedUpsertEval(txn *memdb.Txn, index uint64, eval *structs.Evaluation) error {
	// Lookup the evaluation
	existing, err := txn.First("evals", "id", eval.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("eval lookup failed: %v", err)

	// Update the indexes
	if existing != nil {
		eval.CreateIndex = existing.(*structs.Evaluation).CreateIndex
		eval.ModifyIndex = index
	} else {
		eval.CreateIndex = index
		eval.ModifyIndex = index

	// Insert the eval
	if err := txn.Insert("evals", eval); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("eval insert failed: %v", err)
	if err := txn.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"evals", index}); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("index update failed: %v", err)
	return nil
コード例 #2
ファイル: core_sched.go プロジェクト: carriercomm/nomad
// gcEval returns whether the eval should be garbage collected given a raft
// threshold index. The eval disqualifies for garbage collection if it or its
// allocs are not older than the threshold. If the eval should be garbage
// collected, the associated alloc ids that should also be removed are also
// returned
func (c *CoreScheduler) gcEval(eval *structs.Evaluation, thresholdIndex uint64) (
	bool, []string, error) {
	// Ignore non-terminal and new evaluations
	if !eval.TerminalStatus() || eval.ModifyIndex > thresholdIndex {
		return false, nil, nil

	// Get the allocations by eval
	allocs, err := c.snap.AllocsByEval(eval.ID)
	if err != nil {
		c.srv.logger.Printf("[ERR] sched.core: failed to get allocs for eval %s: %v",
			eval.ID, err)
		return false, nil, err

	// Scan the allocations to ensure they are terminal and old
	for _, alloc := range allocs {
		if !alloc.TerminalStatus() || alloc.ModifyIndex > thresholdIndex {
			return false, nil, nil

	allocIds := make([]string, len(allocs))
	for i, alloc := range allocs {
		allocIds[i] = alloc.ID

	// Evaluation is eligible for garbage collection
	return true, allocIds, nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: state_store.go プロジェクト: achanda/nomad
// nestedUpsertEvaluation is used to nest an evaluation upsert within a transaction
func (s *StateStore) nestedUpsertEval(txn *memdb.Txn, index uint64, eval *structs.Evaluation) error {
	// Lookup the evaluation
	existing, err := txn.First("evals", "id", eval.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("eval lookup failed: %v", err)

	// Update the indexes
	if existing != nil {
		eval.CreateIndex = existing.(*structs.Evaluation).CreateIndex
		eval.ModifyIndex = index
	} else {
		eval.CreateIndex = index
		eval.ModifyIndex = index

	// Update the job summary
	summaryRaw, err := txn.First("job_summary", "id", eval.JobID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("job summary lookup failed: %v", err)
	if summaryRaw != nil {
		js := summaryRaw.(structs.JobSummary)
		var hasSummaryChanged bool
		for tg, num := range eval.QueuedAllocations {
			if summary, ok := js.Summary[tg]; ok {
				if summary.Queued != num {
					summary.Queued = num
					js.Summary[tg] = summary
					hasSummaryChanged = true
			} else {
				s.logger.Printf("[ERR] state_store: unable to update queued for job %q and task group %q", eval.JobID, tg)

		// Insert the job summary
		if hasSummaryChanged {
			js.ModifyIndex = index
			if err := txn.Insert("job_summary", js); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("job summary insert failed: %v", err)
			if err := txn.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"job_summary", index}); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("index update failed: %v", err)

	// Insert the eval
	if err := txn.Insert("evals", eval); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("eval insert failed: %v", err)
	if err := txn.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"evals", index}); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("index update failed: %v", err)
	return nil
コード例 #4
ファイル: util.go プロジェクト: riddopic/nomad
// setStatus is used to update the status of the evaluation
func setStatus(logger *log.Logger, planner Planner, eval, nextEval *structs.Evaluation, status, desc string) error {
	logger.Printf("[DEBUG] sched: %#v: setting status to %s", eval, status)
	newEval := eval.Copy()
	newEval.Status = status
	newEval.StatusDescription = desc
	if nextEval != nil {
		newEval.NextEval = nextEval.ID
	return planner.UpdateEval(newEval)
コード例 #5
ファイル: core_sched.go プロジェクト: PagerDuty/nomad
// gcEval returns whether the eval should be garbage collected given a raft
// threshold index. The eval disqualifies for garbage collection if it or its
// allocs are not older than the threshold. If the eval should be garbage
// collected, the associated alloc ids that should also be removed are also
// returned
func (c *CoreScheduler) gcEval(eval *structs.Evaluation, thresholdIndex uint64, allowBatch bool) (
	bool, []string, error) {
	// Ignore non-terminal and new evaluations
	if !eval.TerminalStatus() || eval.ModifyIndex > thresholdIndex {
		return false, nil, nil

	// If the eval is from a running "batch" job we don't want to garbage
	// collect its allocations. If there is a long running batch job and its
	// terminal allocations get GC'd the scheduler would re-run the
	// allocations.
	if eval.Type == structs.JobTypeBatch {
		if !allowBatch {
			return false, nil, nil

		// Check if the job is running
		job, err := c.snap.JobByID(eval.JobID)
		if err != nil {
			return false, nil, err

		// We don't want to gc anything related to a job which is not dead
		if job != nil && job.Status != structs.JobStatusDead {
			return false, nil, nil

	// Get the allocations by eval
	allocs, err := c.snap.AllocsByEval(eval.ID)
	if err != nil {
		c.srv.logger.Printf("[ERR] sched.core: failed to get allocs for eval %s: %v",
			eval.ID, err)
		return false, nil, err

	// Scan the allocations to ensure they are terminal and old
	gcEval := true
	var gcAllocIDs []string
	for _, alloc := range allocs {
		if !alloc.TerminalStatus() || alloc.ModifyIndex > thresholdIndex {
			// Can't GC the evaluation since not all of the allocations are
			// terminal
			gcEval = false
		} else {
			// The allocation is eligible to be GC'd
			gcAllocIDs = append(gcAllocIDs, alloc.ID)

	return gcEval, gcAllocIDs, nil
コード例 #6
ファイル: worker.go プロジェクト: zanella/nomad
// CreateEval is used to create a new evaluation. This allows
// the worker to act as the planner for the scheduler.
func (w *Worker) CreateEval(eval *structs.Evaluation) error {
	// Check for a shutdown before plan submission
	if w.srv.IsShutdown() {
		return fmt.Errorf("shutdown while planning")
	defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"nomad", "worker", "create_eval"}, time.Now())

	// Store the snapshot index in the eval
	eval.SnapshotIndex = w.snapshotIndex

	// Setup the request
	req := structs.EvalUpdateRequest{
		Evals:     []*structs.Evaluation{eval},
		EvalToken: w.evalToken,
		WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{
			Region: w.srv.config.Region,
	var resp structs.GenericResponse

	// Make the RPC call
	if err := w.srv.RPC("Eval.Create", &req, &resp); err != nil {
		w.logger.Printf("[ERR] worker: failed to create evaluation %#v: %v",
			eval, err)
		if w.shouldResubmit(err) && !w.backoffErr(backoffBaselineSlow, backoffLimitSlow) {
			goto SUBMIT
		return err
	} else {
		w.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] worker: created evaluation %#v", eval)
	return nil
コード例 #7
ファイル: util.go プロジェクト: hooklift/nomad
// setStatus is used to update the status of the evaluation
func setStatus(logger *log.Logger, planner Planner,
	eval, nextEval, spawnedBlocked *structs.Evaluation,
	tgMetrics map[string]*structs.AllocMetric, status, desc string) error {

	logger.Printf("[DEBUG] sched: %#v: setting status to %s", eval, status)
	newEval := eval.Copy()
	newEval.Status = status
	newEval.StatusDescription = desc
	newEval.FailedTGAllocs = tgMetrics
	if nextEval != nil {
		newEval.NextEval = nextEval.ID
	if spawnedBlocked != nil {
		newEval.BlockedEval = spawnedBlocked.ID
	return planner.UpdateEval(newEval)
コード例 #8
ファイル: worker.go プロジェクト: zanella/nomad
// ReblockEval is used to reinsert a blocked evaluation into the blocked eval
// tracker. This allows the worker to act as the planner for the scheduler.
func (w *Worker) ReblockEval(eval *structs.Evaluation) error {
	// Check for a shutdown before plan submission
	if w.srv.IsShutdown() {
		return fmt.Errorf("shutdown while planning")
	defer metrics.MeasureSince([]string{"nomad", "worker", "reblock_eval"}, time.Now())

	// Update the evaluation if the queued jobs is not same as what is
	// recorded in the job summary
	summary, err := w.srv.fsm.state.JobSummaryByID(eval.JobID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't retreive job summary: %v", err)
	if summary != nil {
		var hasChanged bool
		for tg, summary := range summary.Summary {
			if queued, ok := eval.QueuedAllocations[tg]; ok {
				if queued != summary.Queued {
					hasChanged = true
		if hasChanged {
			if err := w.UpdateEval(eval); err != nil {
				return err

	// Store the snapshot index in the eval
	eval.SnapshotIndex = w.snapshotIndex

	// Setup the request
	req := structs.EvalUpdateRequest{
		Evals:     []*structs.Evaluation{eval},
		EvalToken: w.evalToken,
		WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{
			Region: w.srv.config.Region,
	var resp structs.GenericResponse

	// Make the RPC call
	if err := w.srv.RPC("Eval.Reblock", &req, &resp); err != nil {
		w.logger.Printf("[ERR] worker: failed to reblock evaluation %#v: %v",
			eval, err)
		if w.shouldResubmit(err) && !w.backoffErr(backoffBaselineSlow, backoffLimitSlow) {
			goto SUBMIT
		return err
	} else {
		w.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] worker: reblocked evaluation %#v", eval)
	return nil
コード例 #9
ファイル: core_sched.go プロジェクト: ranjib/nomad
// evalGC is used to garbage collect old evaluations
func (c *CoreScheduler) evalGC(eval *structs.Evaluation) error {
	// Iterate over the evaluations
	iter, err := c.snap.Evals()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Compute the old threshold limit for GC using the FSM
	// time table.  This is a rough mapping of a time to the
	// Raft index it belongs to.
	tt := c.srv.fsm.TimeTable()
	cutoff := time.Now().UTC().Add(-1 * c.srv.config.EvalGCThreshold)
	oldThreshold := tt.NearestIndex(cutoff)
	c.srv.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] sched.core: eval GC: scanning before index %d (%v)",
		oldThreshold, c.srv.config.EvalGCThreshold)

	// Collect the allocations and evaluations to GC
	var gcAlloc, gcEval []string

	for {
		raw := iter.Next()
		if raw == nil {
		eval := raw.(*structs.Evaluation)

		// Ignore non-terminal and new evaluations
		if !eval.TerminalStatus() || eval.ModifyIndex > oldThreshold {

		// Get the allocations by eval
		allocs, err := c.snap.AllocsByEval(eval.ID)
		if err != nil {
			c.srv.logger.Printf("[ERR] sched.core: failed to get allocs for eval %s: %v",
				eval.ID, err)

		// Scan the allocations to ensure they are terminal and old
		for _, alloc := range allocs {
			if !alloc.TerminalStatus() || alloc.ModifyIndex > oldThreshold {
				continue OUTER

		// Evaluation is eligible for garbage collection
		gcEval = append(gcEval, eval.ID)
		for _, alloc := range allocs {
			gcAlloc = append(gcAlloc, alloc.ID)

	// Fast-path the nothing case
	if len(gcEval) == 0 && len(gcAlloc) == 0 {
		return nil
	c.srv.logger.Printf("[DEBUG] sched.core: eval GC: %d evaluations, %d allocs eligible",
		len(gcEval), len(gcAlloc))

	// Call to the leader to issue the reap
	req := structs.EvalDeleteRequest{
		Evals:  gcEval,
		Allocs: gcAlloc,
		WriteRequest: structs.WriteRequest{
			Region: c.srv.config.Region,
	var resp structs.GenericResponse
	if err := c.srv.RPC("Eval.Reap", &req, &resp); err != nil {
		c.srv.logger.Printf("[ERR] sched.core: eval reap failed: %v", err)
		return err
	return nil