コード例 #1
ファイル: server.go プロジェクト: hooklift/nomad
// setupSerf is used to setup and initialize a Serf
func (s *Server) setupSerf(conf *serf.Config, ch chan serf.Event, path string) (*serf.Serf, error) {
	conf.NodeName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", s.config.NodeName, s.config.Region)
	conf.Tags["role"] = "nomad"
	conf.Tags["region"] = s.config.Region
	conf.Tags["dc"] = s.config.Datacenter
	conf.Tags["vsn"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", structs.ApiMajorVersion)
	conf.Tags["mvn"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", structs.ApiMinorVersion)
	conf.Tags["build"] = s.config.Build
	conf.Tags["port"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.rpcAdvertise.(*net.TCPAddr).Port)
	if s.config.Bootstrap || (s.config.DevMode && !s.config.DevDisableBootstrap) {
		conf.Tags["bootstrap"] = "1"
	if s.config.BootstrapExpect != 0 {
		conf.Tags["expect"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.config.BootstrapExpect)
	conf.MemberlistConfig.LogOutput = s.config.LogOutput
	conf.LogOutput = s.config.LogOutput
	conf.EventCh = ch
	if !s.config.DevMode {
		conf.SnapshotPath = filepath.Join(s.config.DataDir, path)
		if err := ensurePath(conf.SnapshotPath, false); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	conf.ProtocolVersion = protocolVersionMap[s.config.ProtocolVersion]
	conf.RejoinAfterLeave = true
	conf.Merge = &serfMergeDelegate{}

	// Until Nomad supports this fully, we disable automatic resolution.
	// When enabled, the Serf gossip may just turn off if we are the minority
	// node which is rather unexpected.
	conf.EnableNameConflictResolution = false
	return serf.Create(conf)
コード例 #2
ファイル: agent.go プロジェクト: jwilder/serf
// Start creates a new agent, potentially returning an error
func Create(agentConf *Config, conf *serf.Config, logOutput io.Writer) (*Agent, error) {
	// Ensure we have a log sink
	if logOutput == nil {
		logOutput = os.Stderr

	// Setup the underlying loggers
	conf.MemberlistConfig.LogOutput = logOutput
	conf.LogOutput = logOutput

	// Create a channel to listen for events from Serf
	eventCh := make(chan serf.Event, 64)
	conf.EventCh = eventCh

	// Setup the agent
	agent := &Agent{
		conf:          conf,
		agentConf:     agentConf,
		eventCh:       eventCh,
		eventHandlers: make(map[EventHandler]struct{}),
		logger:        log.New(logOutput, "", log.LstdFlags),
		shutdownCh:    make(chan struct{}),

	// Restore agent tags from a tags file
	if agentConf.TagsFile != "" {
		if err := agent.loadTagsFile(agentConf.TagsFile); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return agent, nil
コード例 #3
ファイル: server.go プロジェクト: rbg/consul
// setupSerf is used to setup and initialize a Serf
func (s *Server) setupSerf(conf *serf.Config, ch chan serf.Event, path string, wan bool) (*serf.Serf, error) {
	addr := s.rpcListener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
	if wan {
		conf.NodeName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", s.config.NodeName, s.config.Datacenter)
	} else {
		conf.NodeName = s.config.NodeName
	conf.Tags["role"] = "consul"
	conf.Tags["dc"] = s.config.Datacenter
	conf.Tags["vsn"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.config.ProtocolVersion)
	conf.Tags["vsn_min"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", ProtocolVersionMin)
	conf.Tags["vsn_max"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", ProtocolVersionMax)
	conf.Tags["build"] = s.config.Build
	conf.Tags["port"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", addr.Port)
	if s.config.Bootstrap {
		conf.Tags["bootstrap"] = "1"
	conf.MemberlistConfig.LogOutput = s.config.LogOutput
	conf.LogOutput = s.config.LogOutput
	conf.EventCh = ch
	conf.SnapshotPath = filepath.Join(s.config.DataDir, path)
	conf.ProtocolVersion = protocolVersionMap[s.config.ProtocolVersion]
	conf.RejoinAfterLeave = s.config.RejoinAfterLeave

	// Until Consul supports this fully, we disable automatic resolution.
	// When enabled, the Serf gossip may just turn off if we are the minority
	// node which is rather unexpected.
	conf.EnableNameConflictResolution = false
	if err := ensurePath(conf.SnapshotPath, false); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return serf.Create(conf)
コード例 #4
ファイル: onecache.go プロジェクト: ibmendoza/onecache
// initSerf initializes serf and advertizes this nodes RPC port to other nodes.
func (n *Node) initSerf(config *serf.Config) error {
	config.NodeName = n.name
	config.EventCh = n.eventCh

	// Advertize the RPC port
	tags := map[string]string{
		externalRpcTag: strconv.Itoa(n.port),

	config.Tags = tags

	// Start serf for discovery
	s, err := serf.Create(config)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	n.serf = s
	return nil
コード例 #5
ファイル: util_test.go プロジェクト: luizbafilho/fusis
func testAgentWithConfig(t *testing.T, agentConfig *agent.Config,
	serfConfig *serf.Config) *agent.Agent {

	serfConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindAddr = testutil.GetBindAddr().String()
	serfConfig.MemberlistConfig.ProbeInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
	serfConfig.MemberlistConfig.ProbeTimeout = 25 * time.Millisecond
	serfConfig.MemberlistConfig.SuspicionMult = 1
	serfConfig.NodeName = serfConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindAddr
	serfConfig.Tags = map[string]string{"role": "test", "tag1": "foo", "tag2": "bar"}

	agent, err := agent.Create(agentConfig, serfConfig, nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)

	if err := agent.Start(); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)

	return agent
コード例 #6
ファイル: client.go プロジェクト: jplock/consul
// setupSerf is used to setup and initialize a Serf
func (c *Client) setupSerf(conf *serf.Config, ch chan serf.Event, path string) (*serf.Serf, error) {
	conf.NodeName = c.config.NodeName
	conf.Tags["role"] = "node"
	conf.Tags["dc"] = c.config.Datacenter
	conf.Tags["vsn"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", c.config.ProtocolVersion)
	conf.Tags["vsn_min"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", ProtocolVersionMin)
	conf.Tags["vsn_max"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", ProtocolVersionMax)
	conf.Tags["build"] = c.config.Build
	conf.MemberlistConfig.LogOutput = c.config.LogOutput
	conf.LogOutput = c.config.LogOutput
	conf.EventCh = ch
	conf.SnapshotPath = filepath.Join(c.config.DataDir, path)
	conf.ProtocolVersion = protocolVersionMap[c.config.ProtocolVersion]
	conf.RejoinAfterLeave = c.config.RejoinAfterLeave
	conf.Merge = &lanMergeDelegate{dc: c.config.Datacenter}
	conf.DisableCoordinates = c.config.DisableCoordinates
	if err := ensurePath(conf.SnapshotPath, false); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return serf.Create(conf)
コード例 #7
func testAgentWithConfig(agentConfig *Config, serfConfig *serf.Config,
	logOutput io.Writer) *Agent {

	if logOutput == nil {
		logOutput = os.Stderr
	serfConfig.MemberlistConfig.ProbeInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
	serfConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindAddr = testutil.GetBindAddr().String()
	serfConfig.NodeName = serfConfig.MemberlistConfig.BindAddr

	agent, err := Create(agentConfig, serfConfig, logOutput)
	if err != nil {
	return agent
コード例 #8
ファイル: server.go プロジェクト: rayleyva/consul
// setupSerf is used to setup and initialize a Serf
func (s *Server) setupSerf(conf *serf.Config, ch chan serf.Event, path string) (*serf.Serf, error) {
	addr := s.rpcListener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
	conf.NodeName = s.config.NodeName
	conf.Tags["role"] = "consul"
	conf.Tags["dc"] = s.config.Datacenter
	conf.Tags["vsn"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.config.ProtocolVersion)
	conf.Tags["vsn_min"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", ProtocolVersionMin)
	conf.Tags["vsn_max"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", ProtocolVersionMax)
	conf.Tags["port"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", addr.Port)
	if s.config.Bootstrap {
		conf.Tags["bootstrap"] = "1"
	conf.MemberlistConfig.LogOutput = s.config.LogOutput
	conf.LogOutput = s.config.LogOutput
	conf.EventCh = ch
	conf.SnapshotPath = filepath.Join(s.config.DataDir, path)
	conf.ProtocolVersion = protocolVersionMap[s.config.ProtocolVersion]
	if err := ensurePath(conf.SnapshotPath, false); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return serf.Create(conf)