// NewDaemon returns a pointer to a new Daemon struct with defaults set. func NewDaemon(cfg *config.Config) *Daemon { var dbh *db.Handle logger := logrus.New() log.SetupLogger(logger) if *debugdb { logger.Level = logrus.DebugLevel } if cfg.DB.Type == "memory" { dbh = db.NewMemoryDBHandle(logger, false) } else { dbh = db.NewDBHandle(cfg.DB.Path, logger) } cc := make(chan *feedwatcher.FeedCrawlRequest, 1) rc := make(chan *feedwatcher.FeedCrawlResponse) mc := mail.CreateAndStartMailer(cfg).OutgoingMail return &Daemon{ Config: cfg, CrawlChan: cc, RespChan: rc, MailChan: mc, DBH: dbh, Feeds: make(map[string]*feedwatcher.FeedWatcher), PollFeeds: true, Logger: logger, } }
func commonInit() (*config.Config, *db.Handle) { if *debug { logrus.SetLevel(logrus.DebugLevel) } cfg := loadConfig(*configfile) logger := logrus.New() log.SetupLogger(logger) if *debugdb { logger.Level = logrus.DebugLevel } dbh := db.NewDBHandle(cfg.DB.Path, logger) return cfg, dbh }
func main() { log.SetupLogger(logrus.StandardLogger()) commands.RegisterCommands() kingpin.MustParse(commands.App.Parse(os.Args[1:])) }